180 resultados para Downflow beds


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This paper explores the paleoseismic record potentially preserved in the upper 40 m of hydraulic piston cores collected in 1996 at two sites in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, during ocean drilling program (ODP) Leg 169S. The ODP cores are missing 1-2 m of water-rich sediment directly underlying the seafloor, but this sediment is preserved in shorter piston cores collected in 1989 and 1991. The upper part of the ODP cores consists of rhythmically laminated (varved) marine mud with intercalated massive beds, interpreted to be debris flow deposits. Some of the debris flow deposits are linked to past earthquakes, including the 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake (M7.2), a great (M8-9) plate-boundary earthquake at the Cascadia subduction zone in January 1700, and a large crustal or plate-boundary earthquake about 1000 yr ago. Earthquakes may also be responsible for debris flows in about AD 1600, 1500, 1250, 1150, 850, 450, 350, 180, and BC 200, 220, 500, 900, and 1050. If so, the average recurrence interval for moderate to large earthquakes, which trigger debris flows in Saanich Inlet, is about 150 yr. This recurrence interval is broadly consistent with the frequency of moderate to large earthquakes in the region during the historical period. Debris flows, however, can also be triggered by non-seismic processes, making it difficult to assemble a complete earthquake record from the Saanich Inlet cores. We propose that extensive debris flow deposits, emplaced by single large failures or many smaller coincident failures, probably have a seismic origin.


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The Logatchev hydrothermal vent field (14°45'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge) is located in a ridge segment characterized by mantle-derived ultramafic outcrops. Compared to basalt-hosted vents, Logatchev high temperature fluids are relatively low in sulfide indicating that the diffuse, low temperature fluids of this vent field may not contain sufficient sulfide concentrations to support a chemosymbiotic invertebrate community. However, the high abundances of bathymodiolin mussels with bacterial symbionts related to free-living sulfur oxidizing bacteria suggested that bioavailable sulfide is present at Logatchev. To clarify if diffuse fluids above mussel beds of Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis provide the reductants and oxidants needed by their symbionts for aerobic sulfide oxidation, in situ microsensor measurements of dissolved hydrogen sulfide and oxygen were combined with simultaneous temperature measurements. High temporal fluctuations of all three parameters were measured above the mussel beds. H2S and O2 co-existed with mean concentrations between 9-31 µM (H2S) and 216-228 µM (O2). Temperature maxima (<= 7.4°C) were generally concurrent with H2S maxima (<= 156 µM) and O2 minima (>= 142 µM). Long-term measurements for 250 days using temperature as a proxy for oxygen and sulfide concentrations indicated that the mussels were neither oxygen- nor sulfide-limited. Our in situ measurements at Logatchev indicate that sulfide may also be bioavailable in diffuse fluids from other ultramafic-hosted vents along slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges.


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The stratigraphic distribution, assemblage content, paleoecology and age of foraminifera recovered in fourteen of sixteen samples from the 5.63 m thick CRP-2 (Lithostratigraphic Unit 2.2) are discussed. LSU 2.2 comprises four discrete lithologic beds. The upward sequence is informally referred to as the lower sand bed, diamicton bed, middle sand bed, and upper sand bed and it is surmised that these four units are closely related in time. The lower sand bed (~1.5m), which overlies lower Miocene sediments and from which it is separated by the Ross Sea Unconformity, contains traces of recycled Miocene diatoms but is otherwise barren of biogenic material. The diamicton bed (~2.42 m) contains 21 species of benthic foraminifera, with assemblages consistently dominated by Cassidulinoides porrectus, Ammoelphidiella antarctica, Rosalina cf. globularis, Cibicides refulgens, and Ehrenbergina glabra. The overlying middle sand bed (~1.9 m) contains 13 species. with C. porrectus and E. glabra dominant and A. antarctica less common than in the underlying diamicton bed. The upper sand bed (~0.46 m) contains four species and very few tests. The diamicton bed and middle sand bed assemblages are considered to be near in situ thanatocoenoses; and sediments interpreted as marine in origin but influenced by hyposaline waters and nearby ice. Planktic taxa are absent, perhaps indicating the presence of tidewater glaciers, sea ice and/or hyposaline surface waters. The small assemblage in the upper sand bed is more problematic and may be recycled. On the basis of foraminifera in the diamicton and middle sand beds. LSU 2.2 is assigned to the Pliocene. The overlying diamicton in LSU 2.1 contains abundant Quaternary foraminifera.


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Albian turbidites and intercalated shales were cored from ~1145 to 1700 meters below seafloor at Site 1276 in the Newfoundland Basin. Strata at this level dip ~2.5° seaward (toward an azimuth of ~130°) based on seismic profiles. In contrast, beds dip an average of ~10° in the cores. This higher apparent dip is the sum of the ~2.5° seaward dip and a measured hole deviation of 7.43°, which must be essentially in the same seaward direction. Using the maximum dip direction in the cores as a reference direction, paleocurrents were measured from 11 current-ripple foresets and 11 vector means of grain fabric in planar-laminated sandstones. Five of the planar-laminated sandstone samples have a grain imbrication 8°, permitting specification of a unique flow direction rather than just the line-of-motion of the current. Both ripples and grain fabric point to unconfined flow toward the north-northeast. There is considerable spread in the data so that some paleoflow indicators point toward the northwest, whereas others point southeast. Nevertheless, the overall pattern of paleoflow suggests a source for the turbidity currents on the southeastern Grand Banks, likely from the long-emergent Avalon Uplift in that area. On average, turbidity currents apparently flowed axially in the young Albian rift, toward the north. This is opposite to what might be expected for a northward-propagating rift and a young ocean opening in a zipperlike fashion from south to north.


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The western Lau Basin, between the Central and Eastern Lau Spreading Centers and the Lau Ridge, contains several small, elongate, fault-bounded, partially sediment-filled sub-basins. Sites 834 and 835 were drilled in the oldest part of the Lau Basin in two of these small extensional basins close to the Lau Ridge, formed on late Miocene to early Pliocene oceanic crust. Both sites show a similar sediment sequence that consists of clayey nannofossil oozes and mixed sediments interbedded with epiclastic vitric sands and silts. The vitric sands and silts are largely restricted to the deeper part of the sediment column (early Pliocene-late Pliocene), and the upper part of the sediment column at both sites consists of a distinctive sequence of brown clayey nannofossil ooze, stained by iron and manganese oxyhydroxides (late Pliocene-Holocene). However, the clayey nannofossil ooze sequence at Site 835 is anomalously thick and contains several medium- to very thick beds of matrix-supported, mud-clast conglomerate (interpreted as muddy debris-flow deposits), together with large amounts of redeposited clayey nannofossil ooze and coherent rafted blocks of older hemipelagic material. Redeposited clayey nannofossil oozes can be distinguished from hemipelagic nannofossil oozes using several sedimentological criteria. These include variation in color hue and chroma, presence or absence of bioturbation, presence or absence of scattered foraminifers, grain-size characteristics, variability in calcium carbonate content, presence or absence of pumice clasts, and micropaleontology. Clayey nannofossil ooze turbidites and hemipelagites are also geochemically distinct, with the turbidites being commonly enriched in Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cr, and P. The sediment sequence at Site 835 is dominated by allochthonous sediments, either muddy debris-flow deposits, coherent rafted blocks, or thick clayey nannofossil ooze turbidites. Since 2.9 Ma, only 25% of the 133 m of sediments deposited represents hemipelagic deposition, with an average sedimentation rate of 1.5 cm/k.y.. Allochthonous sediments were the main sediment type deposited during the Brunhes geomagnetic Epoch and make up 80% of the thickness of sediment deposited during this period. Short intervals of mainly hemipelagic deposition occurred from 0.4 to 0.9 Ma, 1.0 to 1.4 Ma, and 1.7 to 2.1 Ma. However, allochthonous sediments were again the dominant sediment type deposited between 2.1 and 2.5 Ma, with a large slide complex emplaced around 2.5 Ma. We conclude that the adjacent high ground, surrounding the basin in which Site 835 was drilled, was affected by marked instability throughout the late Pliocene and Pleistocene. In contrast, sedimentation at Site 834 during this period has been dominated by hemipelagic deposition, with redeposited sediments making up slightly less than 17% of the total thickness of sediment deposited since 2.3 Ma. However, there was a marked increase in frequency and magnitude of redeposited sediments at around 0.2 Ma at Site 834, which broadly corresponds to the onset of a major episode of turbidite and debris-flow emplacement beginning about 0.4 Ma at Site 835. This episode of instability at both sites may be the effect of the approach and passing of the Central Lau propagator at the latitude of Sites 834 and 835 at about 0.5 Ma.


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In the green Oligocene clay of Krizanovice (former Krzyzanowicz) the author found numerous black nodules. In the 3-4 centimeter thick black crust of a particular specimen the concentration in MnO2 is evaluated at 46.6% MnO2. The determination was done using the Volhard's method (precipitation of Fe by ZnO and titration with KMnO4). Only the dissoleved part in HCL was analysed. The non soluble residue was essentially a silica precipitate in the form of many gray flakes. The specific gravity of the crust was evaluated at 3.8. In the internal yellow core the amount of manganese is about 2.39% MnO2. Due to the light color it is judged to probably be in the form of Mn2O3.


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Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), in the North Island, New Zealand, is arguably the most active Quaternary rhyolitic system in the world. Numerous and widespread rhyolitic tephra layers, sourced from the TVZ, form valuable chronostratigraphic markers in onshore and offshore sedimentary sequences. In deep-sea cores from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 181 Sites 1125, 1124, 1123 and 1122, located east of New Zealand, ca 100 tephra beds are recognised post-dating the Plio-Pleistocene boundary at 1.81 Ma. These tephras have been dated by a combination of magnetostratigraphy, orbitally tuned stable-isotope data and isothermal plateau fission track ages. The widespread occurrence of ash offshore to the east of New Zealand is favoured by the small size of New Zealand, the explosivity of the mainly plinian and ignimbritic eruptions and the prevailing westerly wind field. Although some tephras can be directly attributed to known TVZ eruptions, there are many more tephras represented within ODP-cores that have yet to be recognised in near-source on-land sequences. This is due to proximal source area erosion and/or deep burial as well as the adverse effect of vapour phase alteration and devitrification within near-source welded ignimbrites. Despite these difficulties, a number of key deep-sea tephras can be reliably correlated to equivalent-aged tephra exposed in uplifted marine back-arc successions of Wanganui Basin where an excellent chronology has been developed based on magnetostratigraphy, orbitally calibrated sedimentary cycles and isothermal plateau fission track ages on tephra. Significant Pleistocene tephra markers include: the Kawakawa, Omataroa, Rangitawa/Onepuhi, Kaukatea, Kidnappers-B, Potaka, Unit D/Ahuroa, Ongatiti, Rewa, Sub-Rewa, Pakihikura, Ototoka and Table Flat Tephras. Six other tephra layers are correlated between ODP-core sites but have yet to be recognised within onshore records. The identification of Pleistocene TVZ-sourced tephras within the ODP record, and their correlation to Wanganui Basin and other onshore sites is a significant advance as it provides: (1) an even more detailed history of the TVZ than can be currently achieved from the near-source record, (2) a high-resolution tephrochronologic framework for future onshore-offshore paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and (3) well-dated tephra beds correlated from the offshore ODP sites with astronomically tuned timescales provide an opportunity to critically evaluate the chronostratigraphic framework for onshore Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary sequences (e.g. Wanganui Basin, cf. Naish et al. (1998, doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(97)00075-9).


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Reworked shallow-water larger and deep-water calcareous benthic foraminifers were recovered from foraminiferal packstones and nannofossil chalks in Hole 802A. The autochthonous zeolitic pelagic claystone is characterized by late Campanian abyssal agglutinated foraminifers that allow correlation with the North Atlantic and the adjacent Pigafetta Basin. Assemblages of DendrophryalRhizammina in graded beds within the zeolitic claystone indicate reworking through entrainment in the flocculent E layer of turbidites, rather than recolonization following a biosiliceous event. Background sedimentation of the claystone took place below the carbonate compensation depth. The nannofossil chalk contains reworked lower bathyal to abyssal calcareous foraminifers of late Paleocene to early Miocene age. The topmost bed of the nannofossil chalk unit commences with an algal foraminiferal packstone containing Lepidocyclina sumatrensis, Heterostegina borneensis, Amphistegina hauerina, Asterigerina marshallana, and A. tentoria, which indicate that the source area was a shallow-water reef and allow the bed to be dated as early Miocene. The absence of obviously younger planktonic microfossils in the graded bed indicates that the resedimentation event was generally contemporaneous with original deposition and took place during an early Miocene global sea-level highstand. An early Miocene shallow-water assemblage is also seen in the graded beds at the base of a volcaniclastic turbidite sequence overlying the nannofossil chalks. Resedimentation of this unit was associated with volcanic activity some distance away.


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During Leg 134, the influence of ridge collision and subduction on the structural evolution of island arcs was investigated by drilling at a series of sites in the collision zone between the d'Entrecasteaux Zone (DEZ) and the central New Hebrides Island Arc. The DEZ is an arcuate Eocene-Oligocene submarine volcanic chain that extends from the northern New Caledonia Ridge to the New Hebrides Trench. High magnetic susceptibilities and intensities of magnetic remanence were measured in volcanic silts, sands, siltstones, and sandstones from collision zone sites. This chapter presents the preliminary results of studies of magnetic mineralogy, magnetic properties, and magnetic fabric of sediments and rocks from Sites 827 through 830 in the collision zone. The dominant carrier of remanence in the highly magnetic sediments and sedimentary rocks in the DEZ is low-titanium titanomagnetite of variable particle size. Changes in rock magnetic properties reflect variations in the abundance and size of titanomagnetite particles, which result from differences in volcanogenic contribution and the presence or absence of graded beds. Although the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility results are difficult to interpret in terms of regional stresses because the cores were azimuthally unoriented, the shapes of the susceptibility ellipsoids provide information about deformation style. The magnetic fabric of most samples is oblate, dominated by foliation, as is the structural fabric. The variability of degree of anisotropy (P) and a factor that measures the shape of the ellipsoid (q) reflect the patchy nature of deformation, at a micrometer scale, that is elucidated by scanning electron microscope analysis. The nature of this patchiness implies that deformation in the shear zones is accomplished primarily by motion along bedding planes, whereas the material within the beds themselves remains relatively undeformed.


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Clay minerals recovered from the Galapagos hydrothermal mounds (Holes 506C, 507D, and 509B) are mainly iron-rich nontronite-like minerals enriched in potassium. Nontronites from Hole 509B show a distinct tendency to become micaceous toward the lower beds of clay sediments. Mn-crusts consist mainly of todorokite or a mixture of todorokite and nontronite. Minerals of clay and Mnrich sediments in the mounds originated from hydrothermal solutions of uncertain origin. Pelagic oozes from hydrothermal mounds and from areas between mounds (Hole 506D) consist mainly of calcite. In the carbonate beds on or near the hydrothermal mounds an admixture of smectite is often found.


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The flow of ice streams, which account for most discharge from large ice sheets, is controlled by processes operating at their bed. Data from modern ice stream beds are difficult to obtain, but where ice advanced onto continental shelves during glacial periods extensive areas of the former bed can be imaged using modern swath sonar tools. We present new multibeam swath bathymetry data analyzed alongside sparse pre-existing data from the Amundsen Sea Embayment. The compilation is the most extensive, continuous area of multibeam data coverage yet obtained on the inner continental shelf of Antarctica. The data reveal streamlined subglacial bedforms that define a zone of paleo-ice stream convergence but, in contrast to previous models, do not show a simple down-flow progression of bedform types along paleo-ice stream troughs. We interpret high spatial variability of bedforms as indicating a complex mechanical and hydrodynamic regime at the former ice stream beds, consistent with observations from some modern ice streams. We conclude that care must be taken when using bedforms to infer paleo-ice stream velocities.


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The textural and compositional characteristics of the 400 m sequence of Pleistocene wackestones and packstones intersected at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 820 reflect deposition controlled by fluctuations in sea-level, and by variations in the rate of sediment supply. The development of an effective reefal barrier adjacent to Site 820, between 760 k.y. and 1.01 Ma, resulted in a marked reduction in sediment accumulation rates on the central Great Barrier Reef outermost shelf and upper slope. This marked change corresponds with the transition from sigmoidal prograding seismic geometry in the lower 254 m of the sequence, to aggradational geometry in the top 146 m. The reduction in the rate of sediment accumulation that followed development of the reefal barrier also caused a fundamental change in the way in which fluctuations in sea-level controlled sediment deposition. In the lower, progradational portion of the sequence, sea-level cyclicity is represented by superimposed coarsening-upward cycles. Although moderately calcareous throughout (mostly 35%-75% CaCO3), the depositional system acted in a similar manner to siliciclastic shelf depositional systems. Relative sea-level rises resulted in deposition of more condensed, less calcareous, fine, muddy wackestones at the base of each cycle. Sea-level highstands resulted in increased sedimentation rates and greater influx of coarse bioclastic material. Continued high rates of sedimentation of both coarse bioclastic material and mixed carbonate and terrigenous mud marked falling and low sea-levels. This lower part of the sequence therefore is dominated by coarse packstones, with only thin wackestone intervals representing transgressions. In contrast, sea-level fluctuations following formation of an effective reefal barrier produced a markedly different sedimentary record. The more slowly deposited aggradational sequence is characterized by discrete thin interbeds of relatively coarse packstone within a predominantly fine wackestone sequence. These thin packstone beds resulted from relatively low sedimentation rates during falling and low sea-levels, with much higher rates of muddy sediment accumulation during rising and high sea-levels. The transition from progradational to aggradational sequence geometry therefore corresponds to a transition from a "siliciclastic-type" to a "carbonate-type" depositional system.


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The world's largest fossil oyster reef, formed by the giant oyster Crassostrea gryphoides and located in Stetten (north of Vienna, Austria) is studied by Harzhauser et al., 2015, 2016; Djuricic et al., 2016. Digital documentation of the unique geological site is provided by terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) at the millimeter scale. Obtaining meaningful results is not merely a matter of data acquisition with a suitable device; it requires proper planning, data management, and postprocessing. Terrestrial laser scanning technology has a high potential for providing precise 3D mapping that serves as the basis for automatic object detection in different scenarios; however, it faces challenges in the presence of large amounts of data and the irregular geometry of an oyster reef. We provide a detailed description of the techniques and strategy used for data collection and processing in Djuricic et al., 2016. The use of laser scanning provided the ability to measure surface points of 46,840 (estimated) shells. They are up to 60-cm-long oyster specimens, and their surfaces are modeled with a high accuracy of 1 mm. In addition to laser scanning measurements, more than 300 photographs were captured, and an orthophoto mosaic was generated with a ground sampling distance (GSD) of 0.5 mm. This high-resolution 3D information and the photographic texture serve as the basis for ongoing and future geological and paleontological analyses. Moreover, they provide unprecedented documentation for conservation issues at a unique natural heritage site.