354 resultados para dust fluxes


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Vertical fluxes of phytoplankton (VF_phyto) and particulate organic carbon (VF_POC) in the White Sea were determined using seven long-term (292 to 296 days) sediment traps moored at five stations at depths 67 to 255 m. Annual VF_phyto and VF_POC ranged from 0.55 to 24.64 g C/m**2 and from 3.7 to 93.9 g C/m**2, respectively. The highest VF_phyto was observed in the Basin region located close to the Gorlo along the Tersk coast. Algal biomass accounted for 15-43% of VF_pOC. Diatoms comprised the most important group accounting for 83-100% in sinking biomass. Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii dominated in VF_phyto at all trap stations except for one in the Basin close to the Onega Bay, where Ditylum brightwellii was the most abundant.


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Arctic permafrost may be adversely affected by climate change in a number of ways, so that establishing a world-wide monitoring program seems imperative. This thesis evaluates possibilities for permafrost monitoring at the example of a permafrost site on Svalbard, Norway. An energy balance model for permafrost temperatures is developed that evaluates the different components of the surface energy budget in analogy to climate models. The surface energy budget, consisting of radiation components, sensible and latent heat fluxes as well as the ground heat flux, is measured over the course of one year, which has not been accomplished for arctic land areas so far. A considerable small-scale heterogeneity of the summer surface temperature is observed in long-term measurements with a thermal imaging system, which can be reproduced in the energy balance model. The model can also simulate the impact of different snow depths on the soil temperature, that has been documented in field measurements. Furthermore, time series of terrestrial surface temperature measurements are compared to satellite-borne measurements, for which a significant cold-bias is observed during winter. Finally, different possibilities for a world-wide monitoring scheme are assessed. Energy budget models can incorporate different satellite data sets as training data sets for parameter estimation, so that they may constitute an alternative to purely satellite-based schemes.


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The global aerosol/climate model ECHAM5-HAM is used in order to investigate the dust cycle for four interglacial and one glacial climate conditions. The 20-year time-slices are the pre-industrial control (CTRL), mid-Holocene (6000 years BP), last glacial inception (115000 years BP), Eemian (126000 years BP) and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (21000 years BP) time intervals. The study is focused on the Antarctic region. The model is able to reproduce the magnitude order of dust deposition globally for the pre-industial and LGM climates. Correlation coefficient of the natural logarithm of the observed and modeled values is 0.78 for the CTRL and 0.81 for the LGM. For the pre-industrial simulation the model overestimates observed values in Antarctica by a factor of about 2-3 due to overestimation of the Australian dust source and too high wet deposition in the Antarctica interior. In the LGM, the model underestimates dust deposition in eastern Antarctica by a factor of about 4-5 due to underestimation of the South American dust source. More records are needed to validate dust deposition for the past interglacial time-slices. The modeled results show that dust deposition in Antarctica in the past interglacial time-slices is higher than in the CTRL simulation. The largest increase of dust deposition in Antarctica is simulated for the LGM, showing about 10-fold increase compared to CTRL.


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The sedimentation system of the bottom contour current over the continental slope of the Bear Island in the Norwegian Sea is considered. The nepheloid layer that provides high horizontal flux of sedimentary material represents the main source of matter for bottom sediments. Vertical particulate matter flux is largely formed in the nepheloid layer; flux from higher layers of the water column is insignificant. Horizontal and vertical fluxes of sedimentary matter show positive correlation. Matter flux from bottom sediment into the nepheloid layer and residence time of particles in the latter are estimated.


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