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Geomorphic process units have been derived in order to allow quantification via GIS techniques at a catchment scale. Mass movement rates based on existing field measurements are employed in the budget calculations. In the Kärkevagge catchment, Northern Sweden, 80% of the area can be identified either as a source area for sediments or as a zone where sediments are deposited. The overall budget for the slopes beneath the rockwalls in the Kärkevagge is approximately 680 t/a whilst about 150 t a-1 are transported into the fluvial system.


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The capillary-pressure characteristics of 22 samples of lithified post-Paleozoic Indian-Ocean carbonates were compared to published data from older carbonate rocks (lower Paleozoic Hunton Group of Texas and Oklahoma). The Indian-Ocean samples are considerably more porous than are the Paleozoic samples, yet all of the Indian-Ocean samples fit readily into a descriptive petrofacies scheme previously established for the Hunton Group. The Indian-Ocean samples may be assigned to four petrophysical facies (petrofacies) based on the shapes of their capillary-pressure curves, their pore-throat-size distributions, their estimated recovery efficiency values (for nonwetting fluids), and the visual characteristics of their pore systems, as observed with a scanning-electron microscope. Petrofacies assignments for the Indian-Ocean samples are as follows. Petrofacies I includes six samples collected from the coarse basal portions of event deposits (primarily turbidites). These samples have large throats, leptokurtic throat-size distributions, low- to moderate recovery efficiency values, concave cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies II includes two sedimentologically dissimilar samples that have medium-size throats, platykurtic throat-size distributions, moderate- to-high recovery efficiency values, gently sloping cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies III includes two polymictic sandstones and a skeletal packstone that have small throats, polymodal throat-size distributions, moderate recovery efficiency values, gently sloping cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies IV includes 11 samples, mostly recrystallized neritic carbonates, that have small throats, leptokurtic throat-size distributions, high recovery efficiency values, convex cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and low porosity values. Comparison of petrofacies assignment to core-, thin-section-, and smear-slide data, and to inferred depositional setting, suggests that pore systems in most samples from Holes 765C and 766A result from primary depositional features, whereas pore systems in samples from Hole 761C and one sample from Hole 765C have been strongly influenced by diagenetic processes. For Hole 761C, prediction of petrophysical parameters should be most successful if based on diagenetic facies patterns. By contrast, the distribution of favorable reservoir facies and of permeability barriers in less highly altered rocks collected from Holes 765C and 766A is related to depositional patterns. Recovery efficiency is inversely related to both porosity and median throat size for the present data set. This relationship is similar to that observed for carbonates of the lower Paleozoic Hunton Group and the Ordovician Ellenburger dolomite, but opposite of that observed for some other ancient carbonates. The coarse deposits of the massive basal units of turbidites are petrophysically distinct and form a coherent petrophysical group (Petrofacies I) with substantial reservoir potential. Two samples assigned to Petrofacies I have extremely large throats (median throat size at least 4 ?m, and at least six times that of any other sample) and therefore high permeability values. These two samples come from thin, coarse turbidites that lack or have poorly developed fine divisions and are interpreted to have been deposited on channeled suprafan lobes in a proximal mid-fan setting. The restriction of extremely high permeability values to a single depositional facies suggests that careful facies mapping of deep-sea fans in a deliberate search for such coarse turbidites could dramatically enhance the success of exploration for aquifers or hydrocarbon reservoirs. Such reservoirs should have substantial vertical heterogeneity. They should have high lateral permeability values but low vertical permeability values, and reservoir sections should include numerous thin units having widely differing petrophysical characteristics.


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Bulk dissolution rates for sediment from ODP Site 984A in the North Atlantic are determined using the 234U/238U activity ratios of pore water, bulk sediment, and leachates. Site 984A is one of only several sites where closely spaced pore water samples were obtained from the upper 60 meters of the core; the sedimentation rate is high (11-15 cm/ka), hence the sediments in the upper 60 meters are less than 500 ka old. The sediment is clayey silt and composed mostly of detritus derived from Iceland with a significant component of biogenic carbonate (up to 30%). The pore water 234U/238U activity ratios are higher than seawater values, in the range of 1.2 to 1.6, while the bulk sediment 234U/238U activity ratios are close to 1.0. The 234U/238U of the pore water reflects a balance between the mineral dissolution rate and the supply rate of excess 234U to the pore fluid by a-recoil injection of 234Th. The fraction of 238U decays that result in a-recoil injection of 234U to pore fluid is estimated to be 0.10 to 0.20 based on the 234U/238U of insoluble residue fractions. The calculated bulk dissolution rates, in units of g/g/yr are in the range of 0.0000004 to 0.000002 1/yr. There is significant down-hole variability in pore water 234U/238U activity ratios (and hence dissolution rates) on a scale of ca. 10 m. The inferred bulk dissolution rate constants are 100 to 1000 times slower than laboratory-determined rates, 100 times faster than rates inferred for older sediments based on Sr isotopes, and similar to weathering rates determined for terrestrial soils of similar age. The results of this study suggest that U isotopes can be used to measure in situ dissolution rates in fine-grained clastic materials. The rate estimates for sediments from ODP Site 984 confirm the strong dependence of reactivity on the age of the solid material: the bulk dissolution rate (R_d) of soils and deep-sea sediments can be approximately described by the expression R_d ~ 0.1 1/age for ages spanning 1000 to 500,000,000 yr. The age of the material, which encompasses the grain size, surface area, and other chemical factors that contribute to the rate of dissolution, appears to be a much stronger determinant of dissolution rate than any single physical or chemical property of the system.


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We document the first-known Mesoproterozoic ophiolite from the southwestern part of the Amazon craton, corresponding to the Trincheira Complex of Calymmian age, and propose a tectonic model that explains many previously enigmatic features of the Precambrian history of this key craton, and discuss its role in the reconstruction of the Columbia supercontinent. The complex comprises extrusive rocks (fine-grained amphibolites derived from massive and pillowed basalts), mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks, chert, banded iron formation (BIFs), pelites, psammitic and a smaller proportion of calc-silicate rocks. This sequence was deformed, metasomatized and metamorphosed during the development of the Alto Guaporé Belt, a Mesoproterozoic accretionary orogen. The rocks were deformed by a single tectonic event, which included isoclinal folding and metamorphism of the granulite-amphibolite facies. Layered magmatic structures were preserved in areas of low strain, including amygdaloidal and cumulate structures. Metamorphism was pervasive and reached temperatures of 780-853°C in mafic granulites and 680-720°C in amphibolites under an overall pressure of 6.8 kbar. The geochemical composition of the extrusive and intrusive rocks indicates that all noncumulus mafic-ultramafic rocks are tholeiitic basalts. The mafic-ultramafic rocks display moderately to strongly fractionation of light rare earth elements (LREE), near-flat heavy rare earth elements (HREE) patterns and moderate to strong negative high field strength elements (HFSE) anomalies (especially Nb), a geochemical signature typical of subduction zones. The lowest units of mafic granulites and porphyroblastic amphibolites in the Trincheira ophiolite are similar to the modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), although they locally display small Ta, Ti and Nb negative anomalies, indicating a small subduction influence. This behavior changes to an island arc tholeiites (IAT) signature in the upper units of fine-grained amphibolites and amphibole rich-amphibolites, characterized by progressive depletion in the incompatible elements and more pronounced negative Ta and Nb anomalies, as well as common Ti and Zr negative anomalies. Tectono-magmatic variation diagrams and chondrite-normalized REE and primitive mantle normalized patterns suggest a back-arc to intra-oceanic island arc tectonic regime for the eruption of these rocks. Therefore, the Trincheira ophiolite appears to have originated in an intraoceanic supra-subduction setting composed of an arc-back-arc system. Accordingly, the Trincheira Complex is a record of oceanic crust relics obducted during the collision of the Amazon craton and the Paraguá block during the Middle Mesoproterozoic. Thus, the recognition of the Trincheira ophiolite and suture significantly changes views on the evolution of the southern margin of the Amazon craton, and how it can influence the global tectonics and the reconstruction of the continents.


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The distinctly cyclic sediments recovered during ODP Leg 154 played an important role in constructing the astronomical time scale and associated astro(bio)chronology for the Miocene, and in deciphering ocean-climate history. The accuracy of the timescale critically depends on the reliability of the shipboard splice used for the tuning and on the tuning itself. New high-resolution colour- and magnetic susceptibility core scanning data supplemented with limited XRF-data allow improvement of the stratigraphy. The revised composite record results in an improved astronomical age model for ODP Site 926 between 5 and 14.4 Ma. The new age model is confirmed by results of complex amplitude demodulation of the precession and obliquity related cycle patterns. Different values for tidal dissipation are applied to improve the fit between the sedimentary cycle patterns and the astronomical solution. Due to the improved stratigraphy and tuning, supported by the results of amplitude demodulation, the revised time scale yields more reliable age estimates for planktic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil events. The results of this study highlight the importance of stratigraphy for timescale construction.


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Oceanic sediments deposited at high rate close to continents are dominated by terrigenous material. Aside from dilution by biogenic components, their chemical compositions reflect those of nearby continental masses. This study focuses on oceanic sediments coming from the juvenile Canadian Cordillera and highlights systematic differences between detritus deriving from juvenile crust and detritus from old and mature crust. We report major and trace element concentrations for 68 sediments from the northernmost part of the Cascade forearc, drilled at ODP Sites 888 and 1027. The calculated weighted averages for each site can then be used in the future to quantify the contribution of subducted sediments to Cascades volcanism. The two sites have similar compositions but Site 888, located closer to the continent, has higher sandy turbidite contents and displays higher bulk SiO2/Al2O3 with lower bulk Nb/Zr, attributed to the presence of zircons in the coarse sands. Comparison with published data for other oceanic sedimentary piles demonstrates the existence of systematic differences between modern sediments deriving from juvenile terranes (juvenile sediments) and modern sediments derived from mature continental areas (cratonic sediments). The most striking systematic difference is for Th/Nb, Th/U, Nb/U and Th/Rb ratios: juvenile sediments have much lower ratios than cratonic sediments. The small enrichment of Th over Nb in cratonic sediments may be explained by intracrustal magmatic and metamorphic differentiation processes. In contrast, their elevated Th/U and Nb/U ratios (average values of 6.87 and 7.95, respectively) in comparison to juvenile sediments (Th/U ~ 3.09, Nb/U ~ 5.15) suggest extensive U and Rb losses on old cratons. Uranium and Rb losses are attributed to long-term leaching by rain and river water during exposure of the continental crust at the surface. Over geological times, the weathering effects create a slow but systematic increase of Th/U with exposure time.


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Oxide-free olivine gabbro and gabbro, and oxide olivine gabbro and gabbro make up the bulk of the gabbroic suite recovered from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 179 Hole 1105A, which lies 1.2 km away from Hole 735B on the eastern transverse ridge of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, Southwest Indian Ridge. The rocks recovered during Leg 179 show striking similarities to rocks recovered from the uppermost 500 m of Hole 735B during ODP Leg 118. The rocks of the Atlantis platform were likely unroofed as part of the footwall block of a large detachment fault on the inside corner of the intersection of the Southwest Indian Ridge and the Atlantis II Transform at ~11.5 Ma. We analyzed the lithologic, geochemical, and structural stratigraphy of the section. Downhole lithologic variation allowed division of the core into 141 lithologic intervals and 4 main units subdivided on the basis of predominance of oxide gabbroic vs. oxide-free gabbroic rocks. Detailed analyses of whole-rock chemistry, mineral chemistry, microstructure, and modes of 147 samples are presented and clearly show that the gabbroic rocks are of cumulate origin. These studies also indicate that geochemistry results correlate well with downhole magnetic susceptibility and Formation MicroScanner (FMS) resistivity measurements and images. FMS images show rocks with a well-layered structure and significant numbers of mappable layer contacts or compositional contrasts. Downhole cryptic mineral and whole-rock chemical variations depict both "normal" and inverse fine-scale variations on a scale of 10 m to <2 m with significant compositional variation over a short distance within the 143-m section sampled. A Mg# shift in whole-rock or Fo contents of olivine of as much as 20-30 units over a few meters of section is not atypical of the extreme variation in downhole plots. The products of the earliest stages of basaltic differentiation are not represented by any cumulates, as the maximum Fo content was Fo78. Similarly, the extent of fractionation represented by the gabbroic rocks and scarce granophyres in the section is much greater than that represented in the Atlantis II basalts. The abundance of oxide gabbros is similar to that in Hole 735B, Unit IV, which is tentatively correlated as a similar unit or facies with the oxide gabbroic units of Hole 1105A. Oxide phases are generally present in the most fractionated gabbroic rocks and lacking in more primitive gabbroic rocks, and there is a definite progression of oxide abundance as, for example, the Mg# of clinopyroxene falls below 73-75. Coprecipitation of oxide at such early Mg#s cannot be modeled by perfect fractional crystallization. In situ boundary layer fractionation may offer a more plausible explanation for the complex juxtaposition of oxide- and nonoxide-bearing more primitive gabbroic rocks. The geochemical signal may, in part, be disrupted by the presence of mylonitic shear zones, which strike east-west and dip both to the south and north, but predominantly to the south away from the northern rift valley where they formed. Downhole deformation textures indicate increasing average strain and crystal-plastic deformation in units that contain oxides. Oxide-rich zones may represent zones of rheologic weakness in the cumulate section along which mylonitic and foliated gabbroic shear zones nucleate in the solid state at high temperature, or the oxide may be a symptom of former melt-rich zones and hypersolidus flow, as predicted during study of Hole 735B.


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At Site 535, the four lithologic units of Cretaceous age are controlled by two types of sedimentologic facies: (1) the massive light-colored limestones or marly limestones in which the total organic carbon (TOC) content is low and the organic matter more or less oxidized and (2) laminated dark facies in which the TOC content is higher and associated with a well-preserved organic matter of Type II origin. Very little typical Type III organic matter occurs in the whole series from late Berriasian to Aptian and Cenomanian. Fluctuations from oxidizing to reducing environments of deposition are proposed to account for the variations in properties of the Type II organic matter between the different facies. Dark laminated layers are good but immature potential source rocks: petroleum potential is often higher than 2 kg HC/t of rock.


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The Lena River Delta, which is the largest delta in the Arctic, extends over an area of 32 000 km**2 and likely holds more than half of the entire soil organic carbon (SOC) mass stored in the seven major deltas in the northern permafrost regions. The geomorphic units of the Lena River Delta which were formed by true deltaic sedimentation processes are a Holocene river terrace and the active floodplains. Their mean SOC stocks for the upper 1 m of soils were estimated at 29 kg/m**2 ± 10 kg/m**2 and at 14 kg/m**2 ± 7 kg/m**2, respectively. For the depth of 1 m, the total SOC pool of the Holocene river terrace was estimated at 121 Tg ± 43 Tg, and the SOC pool of the active floodplains was estimated at 120 Tg ± 66 Tg. The mass of SOC stored within the observed seasonally thawed active layer was estimated at about 127 Tg assuming an average maximum active layer depth of 50 cm. The SOC mass which is stored in the perennially frozen ground at the increment 50-100 cm soil depth, which is currently excluded from intense biogeochemical exchange with the atmosphere, was estimated at 113 Tg. The mean nitrogen (N) stocks for the upper 1 m of soils were estimated at 1.2 kg/m**2 ± 0.4 kg/m**2 for the Holocene river terrace and at 0.9 kg/m**2 ± 0.4 kg/m**2 for the active floodplain levels, respectively. For the depth of 1 m, the total N pool of the river terrace was estimated at 4.8 Tg ± 1.5 Tg, and the total N pool of the floodplains was estimated at 7.7 Tg ± 3.6 Tg. Considering the projections for deepening of the seasonally thawed active layer up to 120 cm in the Lena River Delta region within the 21st century, these large carbon and nitrogen stocks could become increasingly available for decomposition and mineralization processes.


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During ODP Leg 107, the basement of the Tyrrhenian Sea was drilled at Site 650, located in the Marsili basin, and at Sites 651 and 655, both located in the Vavilov basin. In addition, a lava flow was drilled at Site 654 on the Sardinia rifted margin. Mineral and whole rock major and trace element chemistry, including rare earth element (REE) and Sr and Nd isotopic ratios, were determined in samples of these rocks. Site 654 lava was sampled within uppermost Pliocene postrift sediments. This lava is a basaltic andesite of intraplate affinity, and is analogous to some Plio-Pleistocene tholeiitic lavas from Sardinia. Site 650 basalts, drilled beneath 1.7-1.9-Ma-old basal sediment, are strongly altered and vesicular suggesting a rapid subsidence of the Marsili basin. Based on incompatible trace elements, these basalts show calc-alkaline affinity like some products of the Marsili Seamount and the Eolian arc. The basement of the two sites drilled within Vavilov basin shows contrasting petrologies. Site 655, located along the Gortani ridge in the western part of the basin, drilled a 116-m-thick sequence of basalt flows beneath 3.4-3.6-Ma-old basal sediments. These basalts are chemically relatively homogeneous and show affinity to transitional MORB. Four units consisting of slightly differentiated basaltic lavas, have been identified. Site 655 basalts are geochemically similar to the high Ti lavas from DSDP Leg 42, Site 373 (Vavilov Basin). The basement at Site 651, overlain by 40 m of metalliferous dolostone covered by fossiliferous sediments with an age of 2 Ma, consists of two basalt units separated by a dolerite-albitite intrusive body; serpentinized harzburgites were drilled for 30 m at the base of the hole. The two basalt units of Site 651 are distinct petrochemically, though both show incompatible elements affinity with high-K calc-alkaline/calc-alkaline magmas from Eolian arc. The cpx chemistry and high K/Na ratio of the lower unit lavas suggest a weak alkaline tendency of potassic lineage. Leg 107 basement rock data, together with data from DSDP Site 373 and from dredged samples, indicate that the deepest basins of the central Tyrrhenian Sea are underlain by a complex back-arc basin crust produced by magmas with incompatible element affinities to transitional MORB (Site 655 and DSDP Site 373), and to calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline converging plate margin basalts (Sites 650 and 651). This petrogenetic complexity is in accordance with the back-arc setting of the Vavilov and Marsili basins. Other back-arc basin basalts, particularly those from ensialic basins such as the Bransfield Strait (Antarctica), show a comparable petrogenetic complexity (cf., Sounders and Tarney, 1984).