524 resultados para Salvinia minima
Dataset containing macrobenthos data for samples collected during April 2008 in the North-West Black Sea (between 44°46' - 43°45' N latitude and 30° 11' - 29°35' E longitude). Macrobenthos sampling was done in 4 stations using a 0.14 m**2 Van Veen grab. Washing of the sample through two sieves - 1 mm and 0.25 mm mesh size; the material retained by the two sieves was examined at the binocular microscope; all animals were extracted, using fine tweezers and the species or group of species were identified and counted (in order to determine the density of populations); the larger organisms were measured and weighed (structure and biomass); for smaller organisms, the average wet weights inscribed in standard tables were used to calculate the biomass. Taxonomic identification was done at the GeoEcoMar by A. Teaca and T. Begun using the relevant taxonomic literature (Key-book for the identification of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov Fauna, 1968 -1972, Kiev - in Russian, V 1-4; BACESCU, M.C., MÜLLER, G. I., GOMOIU, M.-T., 1971 and BACESCU, M.C., MÜLLER, G. I., GOMOIU, M.-T., 1971-Benthic ecological research to Black Sea. Comparative quantitative and qualitative analyse of pontic benthic fauna. Marine Ecology, 4, 1-357 (in Romanian).
The TEX86 paleotemperature proxy is based on archaeal glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) lipids preserved in marine sediments, yet both the influence of different physiological factors on the structural distribution of GDGTs, and the mechanism(s) by which GDGTs are exported to marine sediments remain unclear. In particular, TEX86 temperatures derived directly from suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the water column can diverge strongly from corresponding in situ temperatures. Here we investigated the abundance and structural distribution of GDGTs in the South-west and Equatorial Atlantic Ocean by examining SPM collected from four surface 1000 m depth profiles spanning 48 degrees of latitude. The depth distribution of GDGTs was consistent with our current understanding of marine archaeal ecology, and specifically of ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota. Maximum GDGT concentrations occurred at the base of the primary NO2- maximum. Core GDGTs dominated the structural distribution in surface waters, while intact polar GDGTs - thought to potentially indicate live cells - were more abundant at all depths below the maximum NO2- concentration. When integrated through the upper 1000 m of the water column, > 98% of GDGTs were present in waters at and below the depth of the primary NO2- maximum. TEX86-calculated temperatures showed local minima at the depth of the NO2- maximum, while the ratio of GDGT 2:GDGT 3 [2/3] increased with depth throughout the upper water column. These results were used to model the depth of origin for GDGTs exported to sediments. By comparing our SPM data to published TEX86 values and [2/3] ratios from sediments near our study sites, we conclude that most GDGTs are exported from the depth of maximum GDGT concentrations, near the subsurface NO2- maximum (~80-250 m). This indicates that local ammonia oxidation dynamics are important regional controls on the GDGT ratios preserved in sediments. Predicting the extent to which subsurface variations in archaeal activity may influence the sedimentary TEX86 record will require a better understanding of how site-specific productivity and particle dynamics in the upper water column influence the depth of origin for exported organic matter.