321 resultados para River sediments.


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Data are presented on content and composition of hydrocarbons (HC) (aliphatic AHC and polyaromatic PAH) in filtered particulate matter and in the surface layer of bottom sediments from the northern shelf of the Caspian Sea and related to data on their contents in the Volga River estuary. Because of transformation and precipitation of anthropogenic and natural compounds, HC composition in particulate matter and bottom sediments undergoes transformations caused by mixing of fresh and saline waters (in bottom sediments, within concentration ranges 70.4-4557.9 µg/g for AHC and 3.8-4800 ng/g for PAH). It was found that the greatest concentrating of HC proceeds in the region of the avalanche sedimentation, and their contents are independent of grain-size types of bottom sediments. Anthropogenic HC (oil and pyrogenous) do not get over the marginal filter of the Volga River and do not pass to the open part of the sea.


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Results of a lithological study of bottom sediments in the Syrian region of the Mediterranean Sea during Cruise 27 of R/V Vityaz (1993) are reported. Suspended sediment discharge of the Nile River are of the greatest importance for terrigenous sedimentation in the SE part of the Mediterranean Sea, especially in deep-sea areas. Suspended load entering from the Syrian catchment area plays an important role in formation of recent shelf and slope deposits. Supply of aerosols from Syrian and Arabian deserts was distinguished by the patchiness of surface distribution of quartz. During Late Quaternary accumulation of terrigenous material supplied from both the Syrian and the Nile drainage areas was irregular. Sedimentation was remarkably enhanced during sapropel formation 7000-9000 years BP.


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The Astoria submarine fan, located off the coast of Washington and Oregon, has grown throughout the Pleistocene from continental input delivered by the Columbia River drainage system. Enormous floods from the sudden release of glacial lake water occurred periodically during the Pleistocene, carrying vast amounts of sediment to the Pacific Ocean. DSDP site 174, located on the southern distal edge of the Astoria Fan, is composed of 879 m of terrigenous sediments. The section is divided into two major units separated by a distinct seismic discontinuity: an upper, turbidite fan unit (Unit I), and an underlying finer-grained unit (Unit II). Both units have overlapping ranges of Nd and Hf isotope compositions, with the majority of samples having e-Nd values of -7.1 to -15.2 and eHf values -6.2 to -20.0; the most notable exception is the uppermost sample in the section, which is identical to modern Columbia River sediment. Nd depleted mantle model ages for the site range from 2.0 to 1.2 Ga and are consistent with derivation from cratonic Proterozoic source regions, rather than Cenozoic and Mesozoic terranes proximal to the Washington-Oregon coast. The Astoria Fan sediments have significantly less radiogenic Nd (and Hf) isotopic compositions than present day Columbia River sediment (e-Nd=-3 to -4; [Goldstein, S.J., Jacobsen, S.B., 1987. Nd and Sr isotopic systematics of river water suspended material: implications for crustal evolution. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 87, 249-265; doi:10.1016/0012-821X(88)90013-1]), and suggest that outburst flooding, tapping Proterozoic source regions, was the dominant sediment transport mechanism in the genesis and construction of the Astoria Fan. Pb isotopes form a highly linear 207Pb/204Pb - 206Pb/204Pb array, and indicate the sediments are a binary mixture of two disparate sources with isotopic compositions similar to Proterozoic Belt Supergroup metasediments and Columbia River Basalts. The combined major, trace and isotopic data argue that outburst flooding was responsible for depositing the majority (top 630 m) of the sediment in the Astoria Fan.


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The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to record vegetation change on the continent. Generally, a good latitudinal correspondence exists between the distribution patterns of pollen in the marine surface sediments and the occurrence of the source plants on the adjacent continent. To investigate land-sea interactions during deglaciation, we compare proxies for continental (pollen assemblages) and marine conditions (alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures) of two high-resolution, radiocarbon-dated sedimentary records from the tropical southeast Atlantic. The southern site is located West of the Cunene River mouth; the northern site is located West of the Angolan Huambe Mountains. It is inferred that the vegetation in Angola developed from Afroalpine and open savannah during the last Glacial maximum (LGM) via Afromontane Podocarpus forest during Heinrich Event 1 (H1), to an early increase of lowland forest after 14.5 ka. The vegetation record indicates dry and cold conditions during the LGM, cool and wet conditions during H1 and a gradual rise in temperature starting well before the Younger Dryas (YD) period. Terrestrial and oceanic climate developments seem largely running parallel, in contrast to the situation ca. 5° further South, where marine and terrestrial developments diverge during the YD. The cool and wet conditions in tropical West Africa, South of the equator, during H1 suggest that low-latitude insolation variation is more important than the slowdown of the thermohaline circulation for the climate in tropical Africa.


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Palynological analyses were performed on 53 surface sediment samples from the North Pacific Ocean, including the Bering and Okhotsk Seas (37-64°N, 144°E-148°W), in order to document the relationships between the dinocyst distribution and sea-surface conditions (temperatures, salinities, primary productivity and sea-ice cover). Samples are characterized by concentrations ranging from 18 to 143816 cysts/cm**3 and the occurrence of 32 species. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was carried out to determine the relationship between environmental variables and the distribution of dinocyst taxa. The first and second axes represent, respectively, 47% and 17.8% of the canonical variance. Axis 1 is positively correlated with all parameters except to the sea-ice and primary productivity in August, which are on the negative side. Results indicate that the composition of dinocyst assemblages is mostly controlled by temperature and that all environmental variables are correlated together. The CCA distinguishes 3 groups of dinocysts: the heterotrophic taxa, the genera Impagidinium and Spiniferites as well as the cyst of Pentapharsodinium dalei and Operculodinium centrocarpum. Five assemblage zones can be distinguished: 1) the Okhotsk Sea zone, which is associated to temperate and eutrophic conditions, seasonal upwellings and Amur River discharges. It is characterized by the dominance of O. centrocarpum, Brigantedinium spp. and Islandinium minutum; 2) the Western Subarctic Gyre zone with subpolar and mesotrophic conditions due to the Kamchatka Current and Alaska Stream inflows. Assemblages are dominated by Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Pyxidinopsis reticulata and Brigantedinium spp.; 3) the Bering Sea zone, depicting a subpolar environment, influenced by seasonal upwellings and inputs from the Anadyr and Yukon Rivers. It is characterized by the dominance of I. minutum and Brigantedinium spp.; 4) the Alaska Gyre zone with temperate conditions and nutrient-enriched surface waters, which is dominated by N. labyrinthus and Brigantedinium spp. and 5) the Kuroshio Extension-North Pacific-Subarctic Current zone characterized by a subtropical and oligotrophic environment, which is dominated by O. centrocarpum, N. labyrinthus and warm taxa of the genus Impagidinium. Transfer functions were tested using the modern analog technique (MAT) on the North Pacific Ocean (= 359 sites) and the entire Northern Hemisphere databases ( = 1419 sites). Results confirm that the updated Northern Hemisphere database is suitable for further paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and the best results are obtained for temperatures with an accuracy of +/-1.7 °C.


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A 450 year spring-summer flood layer time series at seasonal resolution has been established from the varved sediment record of Lake Ammersee (southern Germany), applying a novel methodological approach. The main results are (1) the attainment of a precise chronology by microscopic varve counting, (2) the identification of detrital layers representing flood-triggered fluxes of catchment material into the lake, and (3) the recognition of the seasonality of these flood layers from their microstratigraphic position within a varve. Tracing flood layers in a proximal and a distal core and correlating them by application of the precise chronology provided information on the depositional processes. Comparing the seasonal flood layer record with daily runoff data of the inflowing River Ammer for the period from 1926 to 1999 allowed the definition of an approximate threshold in flood magnitude above which the formation of flood layers becomes very likely. Moreover, it was possible for the first time to estimate the "completeness" of the flood layer time series and to recognize that mainly floods in spring and summer, representing the main flood seasons in this region, are well preserved in the sediment archive. Their frequency distribution over the entire 450 year time series is not stationary but reveals maxima for colder periods of the Little Ice Age when solar activity was reduced. The observed spring-summer flood layer frequency further shows trends similar to those of the occurrence of flood-prone weather regimes since A.D. 1881, probably suggesting a causal link between solar variability and changes in midlatitude atmospheric circulation patterns.


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Correlation of new multichannel seismic profiles across the upper Indus Fan and Murray Ridge with a dated industrial well on the Pakistan shelf demonstrates that ~40% of the Indus Fan predates the middle Miocene, and ~35% predates uplift of the Murray Ridge (early Miocene, ~22 Ma). The Arabian Sea, in addition to the Makran accretionary complex, was therefore an important repository of sediment from the Indus River system during the Paleogene. Channel and levee complexes are most pronounced after the early Miocene, coincident with an increase in sedimentation rates. Middle Eocene sandstones from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 224 on the Owen Ridge yield K-feldspars whose Pb isotopic composition, measured by in situ ion microprobe methods, indicates an origin in, or north of, the Indus suture zone. This observation requires that India-Asia collision had occurred by this time and that an Indus River system, feeding material from the suture zone into the basin, was active soon after collision. Pleistocene provenance was similar to that during the Eocene, albeit with greater contribution from the Karakoram. A mass balance of the erosional record on land with deposition in the fan and associated basins suggests that only ~40% of the Neogene sediment in the fan is derived from the Indian plate.


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We report new 187Os/186Os data and Re and Os concentrations in metalliferous sediments from the Pacific to construct a composite Os isotope seawater evolution curve over the past 80 m.y. Analyses of four samples of upper Cretaceous age yield 187Os/186Os values of between 3 and 6.5 and 187Re/186Os values below 55. Mass balance calculations indicate that the pronounced minimum of about 2 in the Os isotope ratio of seawater at the K-T boundary probably reflects the enormous input of cosmogenic material into the oceans by the K-T impactor(s). Following a rapid recovery to 187Os/186Os of 3.5 at 63 Ma, data for the early and middle part of the Cenozoic show an increase in 187Os/186Os to about 6 at 15 Ma. Variations in the isotopic composition of leachable Os from slowly accumulating metalliferous sediments show large fluctuations over short time spans. In contrast, analyses of rapidly accumulating metalliferous carbonates do not exhibit the large oscillations observed in the pelagic clay leach data. These results together with sediment leaching experiments indicate that dissolution of non-hydrogenous Os can occur during the hydrogen peroxide leach and demonstrate that Os data from pelagic clay leachates do not always reflect the Os isotopic composition of seawater. New data for the late Cenozoic further substantiate the rapid increase in the 187Os/186Os of seawater during the past 15 Ma. We interpret the correlation between the marine Sr and Os isotope records during this time period as evidence that weathering within the drainage basin of the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system is responsible for driving seawater Sr and Os toward more radiogenic isotopic compositions. The positive correlation between 87Sr/86Sr and U concentration, the covariation of U and Re concentrations, and the high dissolved Re, U and Sr concentrations found in the Ganges-Brahmaputra river waters supports this interpretation. Accelerating uplift of many orogens worldwide over the past 15 Ma, especially during the last 5 Ma, could have contributed to the rapid increase in 187Os/186Os from 6 to 8.5 over the past 15 Ma. Prior to 15 Ma the marine Sr and Os record are not tightly coupled. The heterogeneous distribution of different lithologies within eroding terrains may play an important role in decoupling the supplies of radiogenic Os and Sr to the oceans and account for the periods of decoupling of the marine Sr and Os isotope records.


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Based on the data of synchronous observations of hydrophysical and biogeochemical parameters in the near-mouth and shallow-water areas of the northern Caspian in 2000-2001, the scale of spatiotemporal variability in the following characteristics of the water-bottom system was estimated (1) flow velocity and direction within vortex structures formed by the combined effect of wind, discharge current, and the presence of higher aquatic plants; (2) dependence of the spatial distribution of the content and composition of suspended particulate matter on the hydrodynamic regime of waters and development of phytoplankton; (3) variations in the grain-size, petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical compositions of the upper layer of bottom sediments at several sites in the northern Caspian related to the particular local combination of dominant natural processes; and (4) limits of variability in the group composition of humus compounds in bottom sediments. The acquired data are helpful in estimating the geochemical consequences of a sea level rise and during the planning of preventive environmental protection measures in view of future oil and gas recovery in this region.


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Microfacies analyses and X-ray fluorescence scanning (µ-XRF) at sub-mm resolution were conducted on the varved Mid- to Late Holocene interval of two sediment profiles from pre-alpine Lake Ammersee (southern Germany). The coring sites are located in a proximal (AS10prox) and distal (AS10dist) position towards the main tributary River Ammer, in 1.8 km distance from each other. To shed light on sediment distribution within the lake, particular emphasis was (1) the detection of intercalated detrital layers and their micro-sedimentological features, and (2) intra-basin correlation of these event deposits. Detrital layers were dated by microscopic varve counting, verified by accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating of terrestrial plant macrofossils. Since ~5500 varve years (vyr) BP, in total 1573 detrital layers were detected in either one or both of the investigated sediment profiles. Based on their microfacies, geochemistry, and proximal-distal deposition pattern, detrital layers were interpreted as River Ammer flood deposits. Earlier studies on flood layer seasonality have proven that flood layer deposition occurs predominantly during spring and summer, the flood season at Lake Ammersee. Most prominent features of the record are the onset of regular flood layer deposition at ~5500 vyr BP in AS10prox and ~ 2800 vyr BP in AS10dist as well as three major increases in mean flood layer thickness at ~5500, 2800, and 400 vyr BP. Integrating information from both sediment profiles allowed to interpret these changes in terms of shifts towards higher mean flood intensity. Proposed triggering mechanisms are gradual reduction in Northern Hemisphere orbital summer forcing and superimposed centennial-scale solar activity minima. Likely responses to this forcing are enhanced equator-to-pole temperature gradients and changes in synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation. The consequences for the Ammersee region are more intense cyclones leading to extremer rainfall and flood events in spring and summer.


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Surface sediments from the eastern South Atlantic were investigated for their lipid biomarker contents and bulk organic geochemical characteristics to identify sources, transport pathways and preservation processes of organic components. The sediments cover a wide range of depositional settings with large differences in mass accumulation rates. The highest marine organic carbon (OC) contributions are detected along the coast, especially underlying the Benguela upwelling system. Terrigenous OC contributions are highest in the Congo deep-sea fan. Lipid biomarker fluxes are significantly correlated to the extent of oxygen exposure in the sediment. Normalization to total organic carbon (TOC) contents enabled the characterization of regional lipid biomarker production and transport mechanisms. Principal component analyses revealed five distinct groups of characteristic molecular and bulk organic geochemical parameters. Combined with information on lipid sources, the main controlling mechanisms of the spatial lipid distributions in the surface sediments are defined, indicating marine productivity related to river-induced mixing and oceanic upwelling, wind-driven deep upwelling, river-supply of terrigenous organic material, shallow coastal upwelling and eolian supply of plant-waxes.


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Reconstructing terrestrial water budgets is of prime importance for understanding past climate and environment. To shed more light on how plant-wax derived n-alkanes may be used for this purpose we investigated the distribution and stable isotopic compositions of hydrogen (dD) and carbon (d13C) of plant-wax derived n-C29 and -C31 alkanes in terrestrial, coastal and offshore surface sediments in relation to hydrology along a NW-SE transect east of the Italian Apennines from the Po River to the Eastern Gulf of Taranto. The plant wax average chain length increases southward and may relate to increasing temperature and/or aridity. The plant wax dD of the terrestrial and coastal samples also increases southward and mainly reflects changes in the dD of precipitation. The d13C of plant waxes is primarily interpreted in terms of C3 vegetation changes rather than varying contributions by C4 plants. The plant wax d13C-dD composition of the Po River and Apennine rivers differs considerably from that in southern Italy, and suggests a mainly southern source for plant waxes in marine sediments of the Gulf of Taranto. This calibration provides a basis for the reconstruction of past changes in the Italian water balance and n-alkane source areas.


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In 1995-1997 three oceanographic cruises to the White Sea were undertaken in the framework of the INTAS project 94-391, and a multi-disciplinary geochemical study of the major North Dvina estuary has been carried out. Distribution of temperature, salinity and concentration of suspended matter in water columm, as well as contents of Al, Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Zn, and organic carbon contents in suspended matter and sediments of the North Dvina estuary were determined. Most of the metals and organic matter studied appear to be of terrestrial origin, since the main source of investigated elements in the estuary is river run-off. It was found that metals incorporated in minerals are absolutely prevailing forms in estuarine sediments, they comprise up to 60-99% of total metal contents. Two zones of metal accumulation in the sediments were found in the North Dvina estuary. These zones are considered as local geochemical barriers within a major river-sea barrier. Distribution of most elements studied in the sediments of the North Dvina estuary is controlled by grain size variability in the sediments. Analysis of data on heavy metal contents in the sediments and bivalves of the North Dvina estuary did not reveal any anthropogenic heavy metal pollution in the region.


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Results of microbiological, biogeochemical and isotope geochemical studies in the Kara Sea are described. Samples for these studies were obtained during Cruise 54 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in September 2007. The studied area covered the northern, central, and southwestern parts of the Kara Sea and the Obskaya Guba (Ob River estuary). Quantitative characteristics of total bacterial population and activity of microbial processes in the water column and bottom sediments were obtained. Total abundance of bacterioplankton (BP) varied from 250000 cells/ml in the northern Kara Sea to 3000000 cells/ml in the Obskaya Guba. BP abundance depended on concentration of suspensded matter. Net BP production was minimal in the central Kara Sea (up to 0.15-0.2 µg C/l/day) and maximal (0.5-0.75 µg C/l/day) in the Obskaya Guba. Organic material at the majority of stations at the Ob transect predominantly contained light carbon isotopes (-28.0 to -30.18 per mil) of terrigenous origin. Methane concentration in the surface water layer varied from 0.18 to 2.0 µl CH4/l, and methane oxidation rate varied from 0.1 to 100 nl CH4/l/day. Methane concentration in the upper sediment layer varied from 30 to 300 µl CH4/dm**3; rate of methane formation was varied from 44 to 500 nl CH4/dm**3/day and rate of methane oxidation - from 30 to 2000 nl CH4/dm**3/day. Rate of sulfate reduction varied from 4 to 184 µg S/dm**3/day.