451 resultados para Reservoir sedimentation.


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Gamma-spectrometric analysis was used for six sediment cores from the area occupied by metalliferous sediments in the Southeast Pacific. In five of these cores vertical distribution curves of 230Th enabled positions of equilibrium points to be determined and sediments to be dated. The ionium curve was normalized for one core. Vertical distribution of 230Th in metalliferous sediments resembles its distribution in normal ocean-floor sediments beyond the area of influence of active ridges. Sedimentation rates lay within the range 0.7-12.3 mm/ky.


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The continental margin off northeast Australia, comprising the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) platform and Queensland Trough, is the largest tropical mixed siliciclastic/carbonate depositional system in existence. We describe a suite of 35 piston cores and two Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites from a 130*240 km rectangular area of the Queensland Trough, the slope and basin setting east of the central GBR platform. Oxygen isotope records, physical property (magnetic susceptibility and greyscale) logs, analyses of bulk carbonate content and radiocarbon ages at these locations are used to construct a high resolution stratigraphy. This information is used to quantify mass accumulation rates (MARs) for siliciclastic and carbonate sediments accumulating in the Queensland Trough over the last 31,000 years. For the slope, highest MARs of siliciclastic sediment occur during transgression (1.0 Million Tonnes per year; MT/yr), and lowest MARs of siliciclastic (<0.1 MT/yr) and carbonate (0.2 MT/yr) sediment occur during sea level lowstand. Carbonate MARs are similar to siliciclastic MARs for transgression and highstand (1.1-1.4 MT/yr). In contrast, for the basin, MARs of siliciclastic (0-0.1 MT/yr) and carbonate sediment (0.2-0.4 MT/yr) are continuously low, and within a factor of two, for lowstand, transgression, and highstand. Generic models for carbonate margins predict that maximum and minimum carbonate MARs on the slope will occur during highstand and lowstand, respectively. Conversely, most models for siliciclastic margins suggest maximum and minimum siliciclastic MARs will occur during lowstand and transgression, respectively. Although carbonate MARs in the Queensland Trough are similar to those predicted for carbonate depositional systems, siliciclastic MARs are the opposite. Given uniform siliciclastic MARs in the basin through time, we conclude that terrigenous material is stored on the shelf during sea level lowstand, and released to the slope during transgression as wave driven currents transport shelf sediment offshore.


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The Mar del Plata Canyon is located at the continental margin off northern Argentina in a key intermediate and deep-water oceanographic setting. In this region, strong contour currents shape the continental margin by eroding, transporting and depositing sediments. These currents generate various depositional and erosive features which together are described as a Contourite Depositional System (CDS). The Mar del Plata Canyon intersects the CDS, and does not have any obvious connection to the shelf or to an onshore sediment source. Here we present the sedimentary processes that act in the canyon and show that continuous Holocene sedimentation is related to intermediate-water current activity. The Holocene deposits in the canyon are strongly bioturbated and consist mainly of the terrigenous "sortable silt" fraction (10-63 µm) without primary structures, similarly to drift deposits. We propose that the Mar del Plata Canyon interacts with an intermediate-depth nepheloid layer generated by the northward-flowing Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW). This interaction results in rapid and continuous deposition of coarse silt sediments inside the canyon with an average sedimentation rate of 160 cm/kyr during the Holocene. We conclude that the presence of the Mar del Plata Canyon decreases the transport capacity of AAIW, in particular of its deepest portion that is associated with the nepheloid layer, which in turn generates a change in the contourite deposition pattern around the canyon. Since sedimentation processes in the Mar del Plata Canyon indicate a response to changes of AAIW contour-current strength related to Late Glacial/Holocene variability, the sediments deposited within the canyon are a great climate archive for paleoceanographic reconstructions. Moreover, an additional involvement of (hemi) pelagic sediments indicates episodic productivity events in response to changes in upper ocean circulation possibly associated with Holocene changes in intensity of El Niño/Southern Oscillation.


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The Helgoland mud area in the German Bight is one of the very few sediment depocenters in the North Sea. Despite the shallowness of the setting (<30 m water depth), its topmost sediments provide a continuous and high-resolution record allowing the reconstruction of regional paleoenvironmental conditions for the time since ~400 a.d. The record reveals a marked shift in sedimentation around 1250 a.d., when average sedimentation rates drop from >13 to ~1.6 mm/year. Among a number of major environmental changes in this region during the Middle Ages, the disintegration of the island of Helgoland appears to be the most likely factor which caused the very high sedimentation rates prior to 1250 a.d. According to historical maps, Helgoland used to be substantially bigger at around 800 a.d. than today. After the shift in sedimentation, a continuous and highly resolved paleoenvironmental record reflects natural events, such as regional storm-flood activity, as well as human impacts at work at local to global scales, on sedimentation in the Helgoland mud area.