442 resultados para Open water swimming
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set provides continuous measurements made with a FRRF instrument, operating in a flow-through mode during the 2009-2012 part of the expedition. It operates by exciting chlorophyll fluorescence using a series of short flashes of controlled energy and time intervals (Kolber et al, 1998). The fluorescence transients produced by this excitation signal were analysed in real-time to provide estimates of abundance of photosynthetic pigments, the photosynthetic yields (Fv/Fm), the functional absorption cross section (a proxy for efficiency of photosynthetic energy acquisition), the kinetics of photosynthetic electron transport between Photosystem II and Photosystem I, and the size of the PQ pool. These parameters were measured at excitation wavelength of 445 nm, 470nm, 505 nm, and 535 nm, allowing to assess the presence and the photosynthetic performance of different phytoplankton taxa based on the spectral composition of their light harvesting pigments. The FRRF-derived photosynthetic characteristics were used to calculate the initial slope, the half saturation, and the maximum level of Photosynthesis vs Irradiance relationship. FRRF data were acquired continuously, at 1-minute time intervals.
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set provides continuous measurements made with an Aquatic Laser Fluorescence Analyzer (ALFA) (Chekalyuk et al., 2014), connected in-line to the TARA flow through system during 2013. The ALFA instrument provides dual-wavelength excitation (405 and 514 nm) of laser-stimulated emission (LSE) for spectral and temporal analysis. It offers in vivo fluorescence assessments of phytoplankton pigments, biomass, photosynthetic yield (Fv/Fm), phycobiliprotein (PBP)-containing phytoplankton groups, and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) (Chekalyuk and Hafez, 2008; 2013A). Spectral deconvolution (SDC) is used to assess the overlapped spectral bands of aquatic fluorescence constituents and water Raman scattering (R). The Fv/Fm measurements are spectrally corrected for non-chlorophyll fluorescence background produced by CDOM and other constituents (Chekalyuk and Hafez, 2008). The sensor was cleaned weakly following the manufacturer recommended protocol.
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set provides continuous measurements of partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), using a ProOceanus CO2-Pro instrument mounted on the flowthrough system. This automatic sensor is fitted with an equilibrator made of gas permeable silicone membrane and an internal detection loop with a non-dispersive infrared detector of PPSystems SBA-4 CO2 analyzer. A zero-CO2 baseline is provided for the subsequent measurements circulating the internal gas through a CO2 absorption chamber containing soda lime or Ascarite. The frequency of this automatic zero point calibration was set to be 24 hours. All data recorded during zeroing processes were discarded with the 15-minute data after each calibration. The output of CO2-Pro is the mole fraction of CO2 in the measured water and the pCO2 is obtained using the measured total pressure of the internal wet gas. The fugacity of CO2 (fCO2) in the surface seawater, whose difference with the atmospheric CO2 fugacity is proportional to the air-sea CO2 fluxes, is obtained by correcting the pCO2 for non-ideal CO2 gas concentration according to Weiss (1974). The fCO2 computed using CO2-Pro measurements was corrected to the sea surface condition by considering the temperature effect on fCO2 (Takahashi et al., 1993). The surface seawater observations that were initially estimated with a 15 seconds frequency were averaged every 5-min cycle. The performance of CO2-Pro was adjusted by comparing the sensor outputs against the thermodynamic carbonate calculation of pCO2 using the carbonic system constants of Millero et al. (2006) from the determinations of total inorganic carbon (CT ) and total alkalinity (AT ) in discrete samples collected at sea surface. AT was determined using an automated open cell potentiometric titration (Haraldsson et al. 1997). CT was determined with an automated coulometric titration (Johnson et al. 1985; 1987), using the MIDSOMMA system (Mintrop, 2005). fCO2 data are flagged according to the WOCE guidelines following Pierrot et al. (2009) identifying recommended values and questionable measurements giving additional information about the reasons of the questionability.
Response of phytoplankton to increasing CO2 in seawater in terms of physiology and ecology is key to predicting changes in marine ecosystems. However, responses of natural plankton communities especially in the open ocean to higher CO2 levels have not been fully examined. We conducted CO2 manipulation experiments in the Bering Sea and the central subarctic Pacific, known as high nutrient and low chlorophyll regions, in summer 2007 to investigate the response of organic matter production in iron-deficient plankton communities to CO2 increases. During the 14-day incubations of surface waters with natural plankton assemblages in microcosms under multiple pCO2 levels, the dynamics of particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PN), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and phosphorus (DOP) were examined with the plankton community compositions. In the Bering site, net production of POC, PN, and DOP relative to net chlorophyll-a production decreased with increasing pCO2. While net produced POC:PN did not show any CO2-related variations, net produced DOC:DOP increased with increasing pCO2. On the other hand, no apparent trends for these parameters were observed in the Pacific site. The contrasting results observed were probably due to the different plankton community compositions between the two sites, with plankton biomass dominated by large-sized diatoms in the Bering Sea versus ultra-eukaryotes in the Pacific Ocean. We conclude that the quantity and quality of the production of particulate and dissolved organic matter may be altered under future elevated CO2 environments in some iron-deficient ecosystems, while the impacts may be negligible in some systems.
We present iron (Fe) concentration and Fe isotope data for a sediment core transect across the Peru upwelling area, which hosts one of the ocean's most pronounced oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). The lateral progression of total Fe to aluminum ratios (FeT/Al) across the continental margin indicates that sediments within the OMZ are depleted in Fe whereas sediments below the OMZ are enriched in Fe relative to the lithogenic background. Rates of Fe loss within the OMZ, as inferred from FeT/Al ratios and sedimentation rates, are in agreement with benthic flux data that were calculated from pore water concentration gradients. The mass of Fe lost from sediments within the OMZ is within the same order of magnitude as the mass of Fe accumulating below the OMZ. Taken together, our data are in agreement with a shuttle scenario where Fe is reductively remobilized from sediments within the OMZ, laterally transported within the anoxic water column and re-precipitated within the more oxic water below the OMZ. Sediments within the OMZ have increased 56Fe/54Fe isotope ratios relative to the lithogenic background, which is consistent with the general notion of benthic release of dissolved Fe with a relatively low 56Fe/54Fe isotope ratio. The Fe isotope ratios increase across the margin and the highest values coincide with the greatest Fe enrichment in sediments below the OMZ. The apparent mismatch in isotope composition between the Fe that is released within the OMZ and Fe that is re-precipitated below the OMZ implies that only a fraction of the sediment-derived Fe is retained near-shore whereas another fraction is transported further offshore. We suggest that a similar open-marine shuttle is likely to operate along many ocean margins. The observed sedimentary fingerprint of the open-marine Fe shuttle differs from a related transport mechanism in isolated euxinic basins (e.g., the Black Sea) where the laterally supplied, reactive Fe is quantitatively captured within the basin sediments. We suggest that our findings are useful to identify OMZ-type Fe cycling in the geological record.