158 resultados para Islands of the Adriatic


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In this study we reconstruct sea surface temperatures (SSTs) using two lipid-based biomarker proxies (alkenone unsaturation index UK'37 and TEX86 index based on glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers) in 36 surface sediment samples from the Indonesian continental margin off west Sumatra and south of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands. Comparison of measured temperatures (World Ocean Atlas 09) to reconstructed temperatures suggests that SST-UK'37 reflects the SE monsoon SST in the upwelling area south of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands, whereas Temp-TEXH86 estimates are up to 2°C lower than SST-UK'37. This offset is possibly related to either one or a combination of two factors: i) the depth habitats of the source organisms; ii) different seasonal production and/ or seasonality of export associated with phytoplankton blooming triggered by primary productivity. In the non-upwelling area off west Sumatra, the alkenone-based SSTs are cooler than measured temperatures during the entire year, likely due to the reduced sensitivity of the UK'37 proxy beyond 28°C. However, reconstructed temperatures based on TEXH86 are consistent with mean annual SST, implying that the Temp-TEXH86 reflects the mean annual SST in the non-upwelling area of the tropical Eastern Indian Ocean.


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In 1972, the five years program 'Basic investigations for exploration of deep sea mineral resources' was laid out by the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry. The Geological Survey of Japan and the National Research Institute of Pollution and Resources undertook the first survey project. The survey team consisted of four geologists and a surveyor of the Geological Survey of Japan, and a mechanical, engineer and four mining engineers of National Research Institute of Polution and Resources. The survey started on November 11 using the "Bosei Maru" survey vessel (1100 tons) chartered from Tokai University. The cruise departed from Shimizu harbor to the Ponape and Guam islands, and terminated at the harbor of departure on December 11. The surveyed area was mainly covered the Mariana basin and the Magellan seamounts, and fifteen bottom samples were collected during the cruise. Ferromanganese nodules were obtained at several stations at a depth over 5000m.


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The Southern Ocean ecosystem at the Antarctic Peninsula has steep natural environmental gradients, e.g. in terms of water masses and ice cover, and experiences regional above global average climate change. An ecological macroepibenthic survey was conducted in three ecoregions in the north-western Weddell Sea, on the continental shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula in the Bransfield Strait and on the shelf of the South Shetland Islands in the Drake Passage, defined by their environmental envelop. The aim was to improve the so far poor knowledge of the structure of this component of the Southern Ocean ecosystem and its ecological driving forces. It can also provide a baseline to assess the impact of ongoing climate change to the benthic diversity, functioning and ecosystem services. Different intermediate-scaled topographic features such as canyon systems including the corresponding topographically defined habitats 'bank', 'upper slope', 'slope' and 'canyon/deep' were sampled. In addition, the physical and biological environmental factors such as sea-ice cover, chlorophyll-a concentration, small-scale bottom topography and water masses were analysed. Catches by Agassiz trawl showed high among-station variability in biomass of 96 higher systematic groups including ecological key taxa. Large-scale patterns separating the three ecoregions from each other could be correlated with the two environmental factors, sea-ice and depth. Attribution to habitats only poorly explained benthic composition, and small-scale bottom topography did not explain such patterns at all. The large-scale factors, sea-ice and depth, might have caused large-scale differences in pelagic benthic coupling, whilst small-scale variability, also affecting larger scales, seemed to be predominantly driven by unknown physical drivers or biological interactions.


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We investigated 88 surface sediment samples taken with a multiple corer from the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean for their live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal content. Using Q-Mode Principal Component Analysis six live and six dead associations are differentiated. Live and dead association distributions correspond fairly well; differences are mainly caused by downslope transport and selective test destruction. In addition, four potential fossil associations are calculated from the dead data set after removal of non-fossilizable species. These potential fossil associations are expected to be useful for paleoceanographic reconstructions. Environments are described in detail for the live and potential fossil associations and for selected species. Along the upper Argentine continental slope strong bottom currents control the occurrence of live, dead and potential fossil Angulogerina angulosa associations. Here, particles of a high organic carbon flux rate remain suspended. Below this high energy environment live, dead and potential fossil Uvigerina peregrina dominated associations correlate with enhanced sediment organic carbon content and still high organic carbon flux rates. The live A. angulosa and U. peregrina associations correlate with high standing crops. Furthermore, live and dead Epistominella exigua-Nuttallides umbonifer associations were separated. Dominance of a Nuttallides umbonifer potential fossil association relates to coverage by Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW), above the Calcite Compensation Depth (CCD). Three associations of mainly agglutinated foraminifera occur in sediments bathed mainly by AABW or CDW. A Reophax difflugiformis association was found in mud-rich and diatomaceous sediments. Below the CCD, a Psammosphaera fusca association occurs in coarse sediments poor in organic carbon while a Cribrostomoides subglobosus-Ammobaculites agglutinans association covers a more variable environmental range with mud contents exceeding 30%. One single Eggerella bradyi-Martinottiella communis association poor in both species and individuals remains from the agglutinated associations below the CCD if only preservable species are considered for calculation.


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During the 14th expedition of the research vessel "Meteor" from the 2nd of July to the 7th of August 1968 continously recording instruments for measuring the CO2 partial pressure of seawater and atmospheric CO2 were developped by the Meteorological Institute, University of Frankfurt/M. During the Faroer expedition instrumental constants, such as relative and absolute accuracy, inertia and solvent power were tested. The performance of discontinous analyses of water samples was adopted to shipboard conditiones and correction factors depending on water volume, depth of sampling and water temperature were measured. After having computed average values of the continous records (atmosp. CO2 content, CO2 partial pressure, water temperature) geographical distribution, diurnal variation and dependence of diurnal averages were tested. At four different locations CO2 partial pressure was measured in various depths. During the voyage from the Faroer islands to Helgoland the measured concentrations of atmospheric CO2 content and CO2 partial pressure were tested with respect to a correlation of the geographical latitude.


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Changes in environmental conditions, such as those caused by elevated carbon dioxide (CO2), potentially alter the outcome of competitive interactions between species. This study aimed to understand how elevated CO2 could influence competitive interactions between hard and soft corals, by investigating growth and photosynthetic activity of Porites cylindrica (a hard coral) under elevated CO2 and in the presence of another hard coral and two soft coral competitors. Corals were collected from reefs around Orpheus and Pelorus Islands on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. They were then exposed to elevated pCO2 for 4 weeks with two CO2 treatments: intermediate (pCO2 648) and high (pCO2 1003) compared with a control (unmanipulated seawater) treatment (pCO2 358). Porites cylindrica growth did not vary among pCO2 treatments, regardless of the presence and type of competitors, nor was the growth of another hard coral species, Acropora cerealis, affected by pCO2 treatment. Photosynthetic rates of P. cylindrica were sensitive to variations in pCO2, and varied between the side of the fragment facing the competitors vs. the side facing away from the competitor. However, variation in photosynthetic rates depended on pCO2 treatment, competitor identity, and whether the photosynthetic yields were measured as maximum or effective photosynthetic yield. This study suggests that elevated CO2 may impair photosynthetic activity, but not growth, of a hard coral under competition and confirms the hypothesis that soft corals are generally resistant to elevated CO2. Overall, our results indicate that shifts in the species composition in coral communities as a result of elevated CO2 could be more strongly related to the individual tolerance of different species rather than a result of competitive interactions between species.


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In order to test the sensitivity of marine primary productivity in the midlatitude open ocean North Atlantic to changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), we investigated two spliced sediment cores from a site south of the Azores Islands at the northern rim of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. For this purpose we analyzed coccolithophore assemblages, diatom abundances, alkenones and conducted X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning. During times of reduced AMOC, especially during Heinrich event 1 (H1) and the Younger Dryas, we observe a strong increase in productivity as evidenced by high coccolith accumulation rates, high alkenone concentrations/accumulation rates, high Ba/Ti-ratios, high abundances of diatoms and low abundances ofF. profunda. The increased productivity is partly caused by a more southern position of the Azores Front (AzF), and hence by a less northward extension of the subtropical gyre, as deduced from high abundances of the temperate coccolithophore species G. muellerae and low abundances of subtropical species (Oolithotus spp., Umbellosphaera spp., Umbilicosphaeraspp.). However, to explain the full range of the observed productivity increase, other factors like increased westerly winds and advection of nutrient-rich surface waters have also to be considered. Because this pattern can also be observed in other sediment cores from the midlatitude North Atlantic, we propose that during times of reduced AMOC there has been a band of strongly increased productivity across the North Atlantic at the northern rim of the contracted subtropical gyre, which partly counteracts the decreased organic carbon pump in the high northern latitudes.


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A geophysical survey was conducted off Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands over a four-week period (July 12 to August 5, 1970) as part of HUDSON-70 expedition. The HUDSON-70 expedition was organized as part of the Canadian contribution to the International Decade of Oceanographic Exploration. The geophysical survey was conducted to study the subsurface structure across the continental margin off the British Columbia coast and in the deep ocean basins. The present report contains descriptions of the various measurements made during this cruise and the data collected.