171 resultados para Institute of Pacific Relations.
Materials of polygon exploration during Cruise 41 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev showed that diagenetic and sedimentary-diagenetic nodules close in morphology, texture, and composition vary greatly in size and productivity. Local variations in productivity of this nodule type in pelagic areas of the Pacific Ocean are closely connected with thickness of underlying clayey-radiolarian oozes.
Bitumoid contents in metalliferous sediments from axial parts of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) have been studied. Maximal concentrations of bitumoid matter and aromatic hydrocarbons have been found in the axial zones of the EPR as a result of hydrothermal processes and accumulation of endogenous matter in the sediments. Distribution of bitumoids and hydrocarbons coincides with deposition of ore minerals that indicates similarity of their sources.
The quantitative study of distribution and taxonomic composition of recent living and dead (without plasma) benthic foraminifers revealed three foraminiferal assemblages in bottom sediments of the Pacific Ocean at depths of 3350 to 4981 m. The assemblage dominated by epibenthic Lagenammina difflugiformis, Reophax dentaliniformis, and Saccorhiza ramose occupies slopes of underwater hills. The assemblage with a high share of infaunal Cribrostomoides subglobosum, C. nitidum, and Ammobaculites agglutinans is registered on an abyssal plateau. The assemblage with a significant proportion of large Astrorhiza and Reophax species, which are characterized by active way of life, populates gentle slopes and narrow depressions with potentially strong bottom currents.
Total contents of carbohydrates were determined in samples of natural sediments of various genetic types. Analyses were made on board. Deep-sea pelagic sediments (red clays of various types including zeolite clays, and also radiolarian and carbonate oozes) were the main types of sediments studied. Contents of carbohydrates in pelagic oozes of the Central Pacific ranged from 214 to 1605 ppm, averaging 602 ppm of air-dried sediment. Organic matter of the group studied is a diagenetically stable complex, with polysaccharides apparently predominating.
A compilation of chemical analyses of Pacific Ocean nodules using an x-ray fluorescence technique. The equipment used was a General Electric XRD-5 with a tungsten tube. Lithium fluoride was used as the diffraction element in assaying for all elements above calcium in the atomic table and EDDT was used in conjunction with a helium path for all elements with an atomic number less than calcium. Flow counters were used in conjunction with a pulse height analyzer to eliminate x-ray lines of different but integral orders in gathering count data. The stability of the equipment was found to be excellent by the author. The equipment was calibrated by the use of standard ores made from pure oxide forms of the elements in the nodules and carefully mixed in proportion to the amounts of these elements generally found in the manganese nodules. Chemically analyzed standards of the nodules themselves were also used. As a final check, a known amount of the element in question was added to selected samples of the nodules and careful counts were taken on these samples before and after the addition of the extra amount of the element. The method involved the determination and subsequent use of absorption and activation factors for the lines of the various elements. All the absorption and activation factors were carefully determined using the standard ores. The chemically analyzed samples of the nodules by these methods yielded an accuracy to at least three significant figures.
Data from the Appendix to the PhD Thesis of the author.
The cores and dredges described are taken during the MUKLUK expedition of the R/V Spencer Baird in July-August 1957 by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. A total of 31 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps Institute of Oceanography for sampling and study.
For determining importance, composition, and history of aerosol material accumulation in formation of pelagic clays a study with use of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, and chemical methods has been carried out.
Detailed mineralogical characterization of micronodules is given. The main regularities of variations in composition of micronodules from Central Pacific sedimentary rocks of different ages are revealed. New data on structure and structural features of manganese minerals are reported.
(Table 7) Chemical composition of sediments from the Clarion-Clipperton Province, Equatorial Pacific