677 resultados para Hermes, Trismegistus.


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Cold-water corals (CWC) are frequently reported from deep sites with locally accelerated currents that enhance seabed food particle supply. Moreover, zooplankton likely account for ecologically important prey items, but their contribution to CWC diet remains unquantified. We investigated the benthic food web structure of the recently discovered Santa Maria di Leuca (SML) CWC province (300 to 1100 m depth) located in the oligotrophic northern Ionian Sea. We analyzed stable isotopes (delta13C and delta15N) of the main consumers (including ubiquitous CWC species) exhibiting different feeding strategies, zooplankton, suspended particulate organic matter (POM) and sedimented organic matter (SOM). Zooplankton and POM were collected 3 m above the coral colonies in order to assess their relative contributions to CWC diet. The delta15N of the scleractinians Desmophyllum dianthus, Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa and the gorgonian Paramuricea cf. macrospinawere consistent with a diet mainly composed of zooplankton. The antipatharian Leiopathes glaberrima was more 15N- depletedthan other cnidarians, suggesting a lower contribution of zooplankton to its diet. Our delta13C data clearly indicate that the benthic food web of SML is exclusively fuelled by carbon of phytoplanktonic origin. Nevertheless, consumers feeding at the water sediment interface were more 13C-enriched than consumers feeding above the bottom (i.e. living corals and their epifauna). This pattern suggests that carbon is assimilated via 2 trophic pathways: relatively fresh phytoplanktonic production for 13C-depleted consumers and more decayed organic matter for 13C-enriched consumers. When the delta13C values of consumers were corrected for the influence of lipids (which are significantly 13C-depleted relative to other tissue components), our conclusions remained unchanged, except in the case of L. glaberrima which could assimilate a mixture of zooplankton and resuspended decayed organic matter.


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The Dvurechenskii mud volcano (DMV), located in permanently anoxic waters at 2060 m depth (Sorokin Trough, Black Sea), was visited during the M72/2 cruise with the RV Meteor to investigate the methane and sulfide release from mud volcanoes into the Black Sea hydrosphere. We studied benthic fluxes of methane and sulfide, and the factors controlling transport, consumption and production of both compounds within the sediment. The pie shaped mud volcano showed temperature anomalies as well as solute and gas fluxes indicating high fluid flow at a small elevation north of the geographical center. The anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) coupled to sulfate reduction (SR) was excluded from this zone due to fluid-flow induced sulfate limitation and a fresh mud flow and consequently methane escaped into the water column with a rate of 0.46 mol/m**2/d. In the outer center of the mud volcano fluid flow and total methane flux were decreased, correlating with an increase in sulfate penetration into the sediment, and with higher SR and AOM rates. Here between 50-70% of the methane flux (0.07-0.1 mol/m**2/d) was consumed within the upper 10 cm of the sediment. Also at the edge of the mud volcano fluid flow and rates of methane and sulfate turnover were substantial. The overall amount of dissolved methane released from the mud volcano into the water column was significant with a discharge of 1.4x10**7 mol/yr. The DMV maintains also high areal rates of methane-fueled sulfide production of on average 0.05 mol/m**2/d. However, we concluded that sulfide and methane emission into the hydrosphere from deep water mud volcanoes does not significantly contribute to the sulfide and methane inventory of the Black Sea.


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The Whittard canyon is a branching submarine canyon on the Celtic continental margin, which may act as a conduit for sediment and organic matter (OM) transport from the European continental slope to the abyssal sea floor. In situ stable-isotope labelling experiments (JC36-042-Spre01; JC36-100-Spre01) were conducted in the eastern and western branches of the Whittard canyon testing short term (3 - 7 day) responses of sediment communities to deposition of nitrogen-rich marine and nitrogen-poor terrigenous phytodetritus. Isotopic labels were traced into faunal biomass and bulk sediments, and the bacterial polar lipid fatty acids (PLFAs). These data files provide the data on macrofaunal and bacterial uptake of the isotopically-labelled organic carbon and nitrogen, and macrofaunal community composition at the two stations within the Whittard canyon


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Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV, SW Barents Sea slope, 1280 m) is one of the numerous cold methane-venting seeps existing along the continental margins. Analyses of video-guided core samples revealed extreme differences in the diversity and density of the metazoan meiobenthic communities associated with the different sub-habitats (centre, microbial mats, Pogonophora field, outer rim) of this mud volcano. Diversity was lowest in the sulphidic, microbial mat sediments that supported the highest standing stock, with unusually high densities (11000 ind./10 cm**2) of 1 nematode species related to Geomonhystera disjuncta. Stable carbon isotope analyses revealed that this nematode species was thriving on chemosynthetically derived food sources in these sediments. Ovoviviparous reproduction has been identified as an important adaptation of parents securing the survival and development of their brood in this toxic environment. The proliferation of this single species in exclusive association with free-living, sulphide-oxidising bacteria (Beggiatoa) indicates that its dominance is strongly related to trophic specialisation, evidently uncommon among the meiofauna. This chemoautotrophic association was replaced by copepods in the bare, sulphide-free sediments of the volcano's centre, dominated by aerobic methane oxidation as the chemosynthetic process. Copepods and nauplii reached maximum densities and dominance in the volcano's centre (500 ind./10 cm**2). Their strongly depleted carbon isotope signatures indicated a trophic link with methane-derived carbon. This proliferation of only selected meiobenthic species supported by chemosynthetically derived carbon suggests that, in addition to the sediment geochemistry, the associated reduced meiobenthic diversity may equally be related to the trophic resource specificity in HMMV sub-habitats.