199 resultados para Hemochromatosis (HC)


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Numerous sapropels and sapropelic strata from Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene hemipelagic sediments of the Tyrrhenian Sea show that intermittent anoxia, possibly related to strongly increased biological productivity, was not restricted to the eastern Mediterranean basins and may be a basin-wide result of Late Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic variability. Even though the sapropel assemblage of the Tyrrhenian Sea clearly originates from multiple processes such as deposition under anoxic conditions or during spikes in surface water productivity and lateral transport of organic-rich suspensates, many "pelagic sapropels" have been recognized. Stratigraphic ages calculated for the organic-rich strata recovered during ODP Leg 107 indicate that the frequency of sapropel formation increased from the lowermost Pleistocene to the base of the Jaramillo magnetic event, coinciding with a period when stable isotope records of planktonic foraminifera indicate the onset of climatic cooling in the Mediterranean. A second, very pronounced peak in sapropel formation occurred in the Middle to Late Pleistocene (0.73-0.26 Ma). Formainifers studied in three high-resolution sample sets suggest that changes in surface-water temperature may have been responsible for establishing anoxic conditions, while salinity differences were not noted in the faunal assemblage. However, comparison of sapropel occurrence at Site 653 with the oxygen isotopic record of planktonic foraminifers established by Thunell et al. (1990, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.107.155.1990) indicates that sapropel occurrences coincide with negative d18O excursions in planktonic foraminifers in thirteen of eighteen sapropels recognized in Hole 653A. A variant of the meltwater hypothesis accepted for sapropel formation in the Late Pleistocene eastern Mediterranean may thus be the cause of several "anoxic events" in the Tyrrhenian as well. Model calculations indicate that the amount of oxygen advection from Western Mediterranean Deep Water exerts the dominant control on the oxygen content in deep water of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Inhibition of deep-water formation in the northern Adriatic and the Balearic Basin by increased meltwater discharge and changing storm patterns during climatic amelioration may thus be responsible for sapropel formation in the Tyrrhenian Sea.


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Proto-kerogens were isolated, by extraction and HF/HC1 treatment, from core samples of Holocene sediments of the Cariaco Trench, with interpolated ages of 900, 2850 and 6000 years, and examined via a combination of microscopic, spectroscopic and pyrolytic methods. It appears that these proto-kerogens were chiefly formed from phytoplanktonic components via the degradation-recondensation pathway. The natural sulfurisation pathway only afforded a minor contribution, in spite of the conditions prevailing in the water column and sediments that correspond to those generally considered as especially favourable for the formation of sulfurised organic matter. Proto-kerogen formation via sulfurisation, i.e. the endpoint of the continuum leading to insoluble high molecular weight structures cross-linked by sulfur and resistant to acid hydrolysis, is therefore a rather slow process under these conditions. However, the contribution of sulfurised moieties to the total proto-kerogen substantially increased with depth due to continuous sulfurisation in the time/depth interval, whereas formation through degradation-recondensation is almost complete for the 900 years old sample onwards. Proto-kerogen formation via carbohydrate sulfurisation is faster than lipid sulfurisation and only sulfurised carbohydrates were detected in the shallowest sample. In contrast, sulfurised lipids occur in the other two proto-kerogens. Moreover, their contribution relative to sulfurised carbohydrates increases with depth, probably due to the higher resistance of lipids to mineralisation compared to carbohydrates.


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A combined study of magnetic parameters of basalt and andesite samples has been carried out in the framework of geological investigations of the Franz Josef Land. This study has included determination of coercivity, saturation magnetization, Curie points, natural remanent magnetization (NRM), and magnetic susceptibility as well as examination of ferromagnetic minerals with a microscope. Data on chemical composition of the rocks have been obtained for all the samples, and radiological ages have been determined for the majority of the rocks. Thermomagnetic curves of the samples have been subdivided into four types depending on composition of ferromagnetic NRM carriers. Data showing multiple changes in the predominant composition of the igneous rocks have been obtained. Each stage of magmatism is characterized by a specific type of the ferromagnetic component in the rocks and, therefore, magnetomineralogical investigations can be used for differentiation and correlation of the igneous rocks.


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The basalts in Holes 519A, 522B, and 524 were studied for intensity of natural remanent magnetization, magnetic hysteresis, magnetic susceptibility, stability of isothermal remanence, and thermomagnetic behavior. Some of these properties are sensitive to both the composition and the microstructure of the magnetic minerals, others to composition only. Thus it is possible to separate the two effects and to trace the variation of effective magnetic grain size and degree of alteration within a lithologic unit or over a yet larger distance or time interval. The flow in Hole 519A is highly maghemitized at the top, the degree of maghemitization decreasing with depth in the flow. Effective grain size increases with increasing depth. Electron microprobe analysis of the titanomaghemite grains in these samples provides no support for the leaching out of iron during alteration. The pillows and flows in Hole 522B are distributed among a number of cooling units, and no systematic downhole variations are apparent. The inferred magneto-petrology is consistent with the cooling and alteration history that might be expected within the units. The upper and lower sills in Hole 524 are more uniform and have a larger concentration of well-developed magnetic mineral grains than the pillows and flows in Holes 519A and 522B. Maghemitization appears to have developed from the boundaries of the sills that are in contact with the sediments between the sills.


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The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and microbiological processes. Microbiological studies deal with different groups of bacteria. Regularities of quantitative distribution and the role of microorganisms in geochemical processes are under consideration. Geochemical studies highlight redox processes of the early stages of sediment diagenesis, alterations of interstitial waters, regularities of variations in chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules.