472 resultados para GEOCHEMICAL SURVEYS


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Secular variations in geochemistry and Nd isotopic data have been documented in sediment samples at ODP Site 1148 in the South China Sea. Major and trace elements show significant changes at ca. 29.5 Ma and 26-23 Ma, whereas epsilon-Nd values show a single change at ca. 26-23 Ma. Increases in Al/Ti, Al/K, Rb/Sr, and La/Lu ratios and a decrease in the Th/La ratio of the sediments beginning at 29.5 Ma are consistent with more intense chemical weathering in the source region. The abrupt change in Nd isotopes and geochemistry at ca. 26-23 Ma coincides with a major discontinuity in the sedimentology and physical properties of the sediments, implying a drastic change in sedimentary provenance and environment at the drill site. Comparison of the Nd isotopes of sediments from major rivers flowing into the South China Sea suggests that pre-27 Ma sediments were dominantly derived from a southwestern provenance (Indochina-Sunda Shelf and possibly northwestern Borneo), whereas post-23 Ma sediments were derived from a northern provenance (South China). This change in provenance from southwest to north was largely caused by ridge jumping during seafloor spreading of the South China Sea, associated with a southwestward expansion of the ocean basin crust and a global rise in sea level. Thus, the geochemical and Nd isotopic changes in the sediments at ODP Site 1148 are interpreted as a response to a major plate reorganization in SE Asia at ca. 25 Ma.


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The Baltic coast of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is located in the transition Zone between the region of Fennoscandian Uplift and the Central European Depression. In relation to the eustatic sea-level rise, the northeast coast shows a slower inundation, while for the southwestern area a faster transgression is indicated, which can be attributed to crustal movements. To determine the spatial and temporal differences since the onset of the Littorina Transgression, three relative sea-level curves have been established along a transect parallel to the gradient of upliftlsubsidence. The Wismar Bay area is one endpoint of the transect demonstrating today 10 Abb., 2 Tab. a relative sea-level rise of 1.4 mm/a. To determine the relative sea-level curve for the Wismar Bay, two sites were investigated on Rustwerder Spit (Poel) and Redentin. They provided reliable depth-age data, while the stratigraphy was additionally supported by lithological/geochemical, pollen, diatom and macrofossil data. Additional evidence was provided by archaeological submarine surveys and excavations. Comparing the new relative sea-level curve with a curve from the Vorpommern coast, it can be shown that for the period from 4000 cal BC until present, the differences between the two curves are caused by a constant neotectonic movement, while for the older periods an increasing isostatic component must be taken into account.


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The sediments recovered on ODP Leg 104 have been reported to be characterized by hiatuses. The hiatuses were defined by biostratigraphy and were believed to be caused by erosion related to temporary changes of bottom current composition and velocity. They have been associated with major paleoenvironmental changes, reorganization of global deep water production, and increased bottom water flows. Because of the importance of hiatuses for ongoing research, we decided to closely investigate the sedimentation history for the most significant Pliocene and Miocene biostratigraphic hiatuses by sedimentologic and geochemical means. The sedimentologic studies include clay mineral distributions, grain size data, and organic carbon concentrations. The geochemical studies include determination of 87/86Sr ratios, 10Be and Ir concentrations. The results of the sedimentologic studies suggest either that paleoenvironmental changes associated with hiatuses are not represented in the preserved sediments, or that the hiatuses are an artifact of interpretation of the biostratigraphic data. Strontium isotopes indicate continuous sedimentation for the interval investigated at Site 642, an interpretation confirmed by the steady decline in 10Be. 87/86Sr ratios in the interval from above and below proposed hiatuses H 2.2/2.3 and H2.1/2.2 at Site 643 display stronger changes with depth than expected by steady sedimentation. Ir data for this same interval indicate reduced sedimentation rates. Combining both, sedimentologic and geochemical evidence, the proposed hiatuses could not be confirmed and may represent preservation artifacts.


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Isotopic-geochemical study revealed presence of mantle He (3He/4He up to 223x10**-8) in gases from mud volcanoes of Eastern Georgia. This fact confirms that the Middle Kura basin fill encloses an intrusive body previously distinguished from geophysical data. Wide variations of carbon isotopic composition d13C in CH4 and CO2 and chemical composition of gas and water at temporally constant 3He/4He ratio indicate their relation with crustal processes. Unusual direct correlations of 3He/4He ratio with concentrations of He and CH4 and 40Ar/36Ar ratio can be explained by generation of gas in the Cenozoic sequence of the Middle Kura basin.