412 resultados para FECAL DEPOSITS HYRACEUM


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The monogragh contains results of mineralogicai and geochemical studies of Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits from the Pacific Ocean collected during Deep Sea Drilling Project. Special attention is paid on the aspects of geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central part of the Northwest Pacific, detailed characteristics of the main stages of sedimentary evolution are given: Early Cretaceons (protooceanic), Late Cretaceons (transitional) and Cenozoic (oceanic). Results of mineralogical and geochemical studies of hydrothermal deposits from the Galapagos Rift are given as well.


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The Snake Pit hydrothermal field is located on the top of a neovolcanic rise on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at sea depths between 3460 and 3510 m. It was surveyed during several oceanological expeditions including DSDP Legs. Additional scientific materials were obtained in 2002 and 2003 during expedition onboard R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh with two Mir deep-sea manned submersibles. Three eastern hydrothermal mounds (Moose, Beehive, and Fir Tree) are located on the upper part of the eastern slope of the rise over a common fractured pedestal composed of fragments of massive sulfides. The western group of hydrothermal deposits is encountered on the western slope of the axial graben. Within this mature hydrothermal field, which was formed over the past 4000 years, we studied morphology of the hydrothermal mounds, chemistry and mineralogy of hydrothermal deposits, chemistry of sulfide minerals, and isotope composition of sulfur in them.


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Comprehensive investigations revealed that modern deposits in the northern Caspian Sea involve terrigenous sands and aleurites with admixture of detritus and intact bivalve shells, including coquina. Generally, these deposits overlay dark grayish viscous clays. Similar geological situation occurs in the Volga River delta; however, local deposits are much poorer in biogenic constituents. Illite prevails among clay minerals. In coarse aleurite fraction (0.100-0.050 mm) heavy transparent minerals are represented mostly by epidotes, while light minerals - mostly by quartz and feldspars. Sedimentary material in the Volga River delta is far from completely differentiated into fractions due to abundant terrigenous inflows. Comparatively better grading of sediments from the northern Caspian Sea is due to additional factors such as bottom currents and storms. When passing from the Volga River delta to the northern Caspian Sea, sediments are enriched in rare earth elements (except Eu), Ca, Au, Ni, Se, Ag, As, and Sr, but depleted in Na, Rb, Cs, K, Ba, Fe, Cr, Co, Sc, Br, Zr, ??, U, and Th. Concentrations of Zn remain almost unchanged. Sedimentation rates and types of recent deposits in the northern Caspian Sea are governed mainly by abundant runoff of the Volga River.


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This study presents a new Miocene biostratigraphic synthesis for the high-latitude northeastern North Atlantic region. Via correlations to the bio-magnetostratigraphy and oxygen isotope records of Ocean Drilling Program and Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites, the ages of shallower North Sea deposits have been better constrained. The result has been an improved precision and documentation of the age designations of the existing North Sea foraminiferal zonal boundaries of King (1989) and Gradstein and Bäckström (1996). All calibrations have been updated to the Astronomically Tuned Neogene Time Scale (ATNTS) of Lourens et al. (2004). This improved Miocene biozonation has been achieved through: the updating of age calibrations for key microfossil bioevents, identification of new events, and integration of new biostratigraphic data from a foraminiferal analysis of commercial wells in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea. The new zonation has been successfully applied to two commercial wells and an onshore research borehole. At these high latitudes, where standard zonal markers are often absent, integration of microfossil groups significantly improves temporal resolution. The new zonation comprises 11 Nordic Miocene (NM) Zones with an average duration of 1 to 2 million years. This multi-group combination of a total of 92 bioevents (70 foraminifers and bolboformids; 16 dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs; 6 marine diatoms) facilitates zonal identification throughout the Nordic Atlantic region. With the highest proportion of events being of calcareous walled microfossils, this zonation is primarily suited to micropaleontologists. A correlation of this Miocene biostratigraphy with a re-calibrated oxygen isotope record for DSDP Site 608 suggests a strong correlation between Miocene planktonic microfossil turnover rates and the inferred paleoclimatic trends. Benthic foraminifera zonal boundaries appear to often coincide with Miocene global sequence boundaries. The biostratigraphic record is punctuated by four main stratigraphic hiati which show variation in their geographic and temporal extent. These are related to the following regional unconformities: basal Neogene, Lower/Middle Miocene ("mid-Miocene unconformity"), basal Upper Miocene and basal Messinian unconformities. Further coring of Neogene sections in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea may better constrain their extent and their effect on the biostratigraphic record.


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Many glacial deposits in the Quartermain Mountains, Antarctica present two apparent contradictions regarding the degradation of unconsolidated deposits. The glacial deposits are up to millions of years old, yet they have maintained their meter-scale morphology despite the fact that bedrock and regolith erosion rates in the Quartermain Mountains have been measured at 0.1-4.0 m/Ma. Additionally, ground ice persists in some Miocene-aged soils in the Quartermain Mountains even though modeled and measured sublimation rates of ice in Antarctic soils suggest that without any recharge mechanisms ground ice should sublimate in the upper few meters of soil on the order of 10**3 to 10**5 years. This paper presents results from using the concentration of cosmogenic nuclides beryllium-10 (10Be) and aluminum-26 (26Al) in bulk sediment samples from depth profiles of three glacial deposits in the Quartermain Mountains. The measured nuclide concentrations are lower than expected for the known ages of the deposits, erosion alone does not always explain these concentrations, and deflation of the tills by the sublimation of ice coupled with erosion of the overlying till can explain some of the nuclide concentration profiles. The degradation rates that best match the data range 0.7-12 m/Ma for sublimation of ice with initial debris concentrations ranging 12-45% and erosion of the overlying till at rates of 0.4-1.2 m/Ma. Overturning of the tills by cryoturbation, vertical mixing, or soil creep is not indicated by the cosmogenic nuclide profiles, and degradation appears to be limited to within a few centimeters of the surface. Erosion of these tills without vertical mixing may partially explain how some glacial deposits in the Quartermain Mountains maintain their morphology and contain ground ice close to the surface for millions of years.


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Siliceous deposits drilled on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 accumulated within a few degrees of the equator during the Jurassic through early Tertiary, as constrained by paleomagnetic data. During the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, radiolarian ooze, mixed with a minor amount of pelagic clay, was deposited near the equator, and overall accumulation rates were moderate to low. At a smaller scale, in more detail, periods of relatively higher accumulation rates alternated with periods of very low accumulation rates. Higher rates are represented by radiolarite and limestone; lower rates are represented by radiolarian claystone. Our limited data from Leg 129 suggests that accumulation of biogenic deposits was not symmetrical about the equator or consistent over time. In the Jurassic, sedimentation was siliceous; in the Cretaceous there was significant calcareous deposition; in the Tertiary claystone indicates significantly lower accumulation rates at least the northern part of the equatorial zone. Accumulation rates for Leg 129 deposits in the Cretaceous were higher in the southern part of the equatorial zone than in the northern part, and the southern side of this high productivity zone extended to approximately 15°S, while the northern side extended only to about 5°N. Accumulation rates are influenced by relative contributions from various sediment sources. Several elements and element ratios are useful for discriminating sedimentary sources for the equatorial depositional environments. Silica partitioning calculations indicate that silica is dominantly of biogenic origin, with a detrital component in the volcaniclastic turbidite units, and a small hydrothermal component in the basal sediments on spreading ridge basement of Jurassic age at Site 801. Iron in Leg 129 sediments is dominantly of detrital origin, highest in the volcaniclastic units, with a minor hydrothermal component in the basal sediments at Site 801. Manganese concentrations are highest in the units with the lowest accumulation rates. Fe/Mn ratios are >3 in all units, indicating negligible hydrothermal influence. Magnesium and aluminum concentrations are highest in the volcaniclastic units and in the basal sediments at Site 801. Phosphorous is very low in abundance and may be detrital, derived from fish parts. Boron is virtually absent, as is typical of deep-water deposits. Rare earth element concentrations are slightly higher in the volcaniclastic deposits, suggesting a detrital source, and lower in the rest of the lithologic units. Rare earth element abundances are also low relative to "average shale." Rare earth element patterns indicate all samples are light rare earth element enriched. Siliceous deposits in the volcaniclastic units have patterns which lack a cerium anomaly, suggesting some input of rare earth elements from a detrital source; most other units have a distinct negative Ce anomaly similar to seawater, suggesting a seawater source, through adsorption either onto biogenic tests or incorporation into authigenic minerals for Ce in these units. The Al/(Al + Fe + Mn) ratio indicates that there is some detrital component in all the units sampled. This ratio plotted against Fe/Ti shows that all samples plot near the detrital and basalt end-members, except for the basal samples from Site 801, which show a clear trend toward the hydrothermal end-member. The results of these plots and the association of high Fe with high Mg and Al indicate the detrital component is dominantly volcaniclastic, but the presence of potassium in some samples suggests some terrigenous material may also be present, most likely in the form of eolian clay. On Al-Fe-Mn ternary plots, samples from all three sites show a trend from biogenic ooze at the top of the section downhole to oceanic basalt. On Si-Fe-Mn ternary plots, the samples from all three sites fall on a trend between equatorial mid-ocean spreading ridges and north Pacific red clay. Copper-barium ratios show units that have low accumulation rates plot in the authigenic field, and radiolarite and limestone samples that have high accumulation rates fall in the biogenic field.


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The four holes (including a re-entry hole) drilled at Site 433 allow determination of the sedimentary sequence of Suiko Seamount in the Emperor chain. The holes are in a small graben basin situated within a lateral lagoon on the seamount. The sedimentary deposits range from the Paleocene to the upper Pliocene and are not uniform and continuous. A major hiatus exists at the top of the lower Eocene reef sediment, below the lower and upper Miocene pelagic sediments. The depositional history and succession of environments are shown by mineralogical and geochemical changes in the sediments.


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Groundwater is routinely analyzed for fecal indicators but direct comparisons of fecal indicators to the presence of bacterial and viral pathogens are rare. This study was conducted in rural Bangladesh where the human population density is high, sanitation is poor, and groundwater pumped from shallow tubewells is often contaminated with fecal bacteria. Five indicator microorganisms (E. coli, total coliform, F+RNA coliphage, Bacteroides and human-associated Bacteroides (HuBacteroides)) and various environmental parameters were compared to the direct detection of waterborne pathogens by quantitative PCR in groundwater pumped from 50 tubewells. Rotavirus was detected in groundwater filtrate from the largest proportion of tubewells (40%), followed by Shigella (10%), Vibrio (10%), and pathogenic E. coli (8%). Spearman rank correlations and sensitivity-specificity calculations indicate that some, but not all, combinations of indicators and environmental parameters can predict the presence of pathogens. Culture-dependent fecal indicator bacteria measured on a single date did not predict bacterial pathogens, but annually averaged monthly measurements of culturable E. coli did improve prediction for total bacterial pathogens. F+RNA coliphage were neither correlated nor sufficiently sensitive towards rotavirus, but were predictive of bacterial pathogens. A qPCR-based E. coli assay was the best indicator for the bacterial pathogens, rotavirus and all pathogens combined. Since groundwater cannot be excluded as a significant source of diarrheal disease in Bangladesh and neighboring countries with similar characteristics, the need to develop more effective methods for screening tubewells with respect to microbial contamination is necessary.


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The cores and dredges described at this site were taken on the SESAM cruise from 30 April until 10 June 1976 by the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle from the R/V Marion Dufresne. A total of 55 cores, dredges and camera stations were recovered and are available at MNHN for sampling and study.


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During the Equamarge II cruise (February 4 to March 21, 1988), on board the R. V. "Jean Charcot", 12.500 kms of continuous geophysical profiling have been recorded along three sectors of the Equatorial Atlantic. Two segments ofthe West African transform margin have been intensively surveyed off Guinea and off Ivory Coast and Ghana. The active Romanche fracture zone has been surveyed in details on a distance of about 100 kms. These data (multibeam bathymetry, continuous seismic profiling, magnetism and gravity) have been supplemented by 16 geological stations (dredging and coring). This report gives a synthetic review of the onboard analysis and allows to better understand the geological structures of the three surveyed areas.