183 resultados para Cascadia subduction zone (CSZ), adaptive mesh refinement, GeoClaw


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Chemical (Sr, Mg) and isotopic (d18O, 87Sr/86Sr) compositions of calcium carbonate veins (CCV) in the oceanic basement were determined to reconstruct changes in Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca of seawater in the Cenozoic. We examined CCV from ten basement drill sites in the Atlantic and Pacific, ranging in age between 165 and 2.3 Ma. Six of these sites are from cold ridge flanks in basement <46 Ma, which provide direct information about seawater composition. CCV of these young sites were dated, using the Sr isotopic evolution of seawater. For the other sites, temperature-corrections were applied to correct for seawater-basement exchange processes. The combined data show that a period of constant/low Sr/Ca (4.46 - 6.22 mmol/mol) and Mg/Ca (1.12 - 2.03 mol/mol) between 165 and 30 Ma was followed by a steady increase in Mg/Ca ratios by a factor of three to modern ocean composition. Mg/Ca - Sr/Ca relations suggest that variations in hydrothermal fluxes and riverine input are likely causes driving the seawater compositional changes. However, additional forcing may be involved in explaining the timing and magnitude of changes. A plausible scenario is intensified carbonate production due to increased alkalinity input to the oceans from silicate weathering, which in turn is a result of subduction-zone recycling of CO2 from pelagic carbonate formed after the Cretaceous slow-down in ocean crust production rate.


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In order to determine the shear parameters of the forearc sedimentary strata drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 186, West Pacific Seismic Network, Japan Trench, eight whole-round samples were selected from different depths in the drilled sections of Sites 1150 and 1151. Whereas Site 1150 lays above the seismically active part of the subduction zone, Site 1151 is situated in an aseismic zone. The aim of the triaxial tests was, apart from determination of the static stress strain behavior of the sediments, to test the hypothesis that the static stress strain parameter could differ for each sites. In order to simulate undrained deformation conditions according to the high clay mineral content of the strata, consolidated undrained shear tests were performed in a triaxial testing setup. Measurements of water content, grain density, organic content, and microtextural investigations under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) accompanied the compression experiments. After the saturation and consolidation stages were completed, failure occurred in the compression stage of the experiments at peak strengths of 280-7278 kPa. The stiffness moduli calculated for each sample from differential stress vs. strain curves show a linear relationship with depth and range between 181 and 5827 kPa. Under the SEM, the artificial fault planes of the tested specimen only show partial alignment of clay minerals because of the high content of microfossils.


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Re and Os concentrations and Os isotopic ratios were determined for composite samples prepared from volcanoclastics (VCL) and basaltic flows (FLO) from Jurassic oceanic crust (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 185, Site 801 in the western Pacific), with the aim of determining the effect of seafloor weathering on the Re-Os budget. A supercomposite sample, prepared from a proportionate mixture of the various composite powders, served to represent the average composition of the altered oceanic crust [Kelley, K.A., Plank, T., Ludden, J. and Staudigel, H., (2003). Composition of altered oceanic crust at ODP Sites 801 and 1149, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 4(6) 8910, doi:10.1029/2002GC000435.]. Re contents vary from 0.2 to 1.3 ng/g, and from 2.2 to 3.1 ng/g in the VCL and FLO composites respectively. Os contents vary from 0.005 to 0.047 ng/g in the VCL, and from 0.008 to 0.027 ng/g in the FLO composites. The FLO composites have much higher Re/Os ratios and thus have more radiogenic Os compositions (187Os/188Os = 1.38 to 8.48) than the VCL composites (187Os/188Os = 0.32 to 4.40). The VCL composite from the upper section of the crust shows evidence for substantial Re loss and Os uptake, consistent with oxidative weathering processes. However, Re uptake during weathering processes under more reducing conditions, evident in the FLO samples from throughout the section and to a lesser extent in the lower VCL samples, more than compensates for this Re loss in the upper VCL. Os concentrations were essentially unchanged by these reductive processes. Model age calculations suggest that Re uptake continued for tens of millions of years after crust formation. Abundant secondary pyrite is found throughout the altered Hole 801C crust in zones of restricted seawater flow, and this may have accommodated an important part of the input Re. The Re content of the supercomposite (~2.2 ng/g) is about 1 ng/g higher than would be expected on the basis of its Yb content. If the results from Hole 801C are typical, they suggest that the Re concentration of at least the upper part of the oceanic crust may be nearly doubled during seafloor alteration. Such large extents of Re uptake would have a significant effect on the oceanic Re budget. Furthermore, assuming that they survive passage through the subduction zone, these elevated Re contents would greatly decrease the proportion of subducted oceanic crust required in the source region to explain the radiogenic Os compositions of many ocean island basalts.