203 resultados para 621, WAST-T


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In order to evaluate bioturbation in abyssal Arabian-Sea sediments of the Indus fan profiles of 210Pb (half-life: 22.3 yr) and 234Th (half-life: 24.1 d) were measured in cores collected during September and October 1995 and April 1997, respectively. The density and composition of epibenthic megafauna and lebensspuren were determined in vertical seafloor photographs during April 1997. Mean eddy-diffusive mixing coefficients according to the distribution of excess 210Pb ( 210Pb-DB) were 0.072±0.028, 0.068±0.055, 0.373±0.119, 0.037±0.009 and 0.079±0.119 cm**2 yr**-1 in the northern, western, central, eastern and southern abyssal Arabian sea, respectively. Mean eddy-diffusive mixing coefficients according to the distribution of excess 234Th (234Th-DB) were 0.53, 1.64 and 0.47 cm**2 yr**-1 in the northern, western and central abyssal Arabian Sea, respectively. Mobile epibenthic megafauna at the western, northern, central and southern study sites were dominated by ophiuroids, holothurians, ophiuroids and natant decapods (the respective densities were 100, 82, 29 and 6 individuals 1000 m**-2). The northern study site was characterized by a high abundance of spoke traces and fecal casts. The central site showed spoke traces and many tracks. The southern site displayed the highest abundance of spoke traces, whereas at the western site hardly any lebensspuren were observed. There is evidence for at least two functional endmember communities in the Arabian Sea. In the northwestern Arabian Sea (WAST) vertical particle displacement seems to be dominated by macrofauna and primarily eddy-diffusive. In the southern Arabian Sea (SAST) non-local and 'incidental' mixing due to spoke-trace producers might become more important and superimpose reduced eddy-diffusive mixing. With respect to biological data CAST is an intermediate location. Given the biological data, average 210Pb-DB is higher and decimeter-scale variability of 210Pb-DB smaller at CAST than expected. These findings indicate that in a mixture of both endmember communities the organisms may interact in way that increases values of biodiffusivity, as reflected by 210Pb-DB, and reduces decimeter-scale 210Pb-DB heterogeneity in comparison to the simple sum of the isolated effects of the endmembers. For time scales <100 years there was no evidence for a relationship between food supply (POC flux) and bioturbation intensity, as reflected by 210Pb-DB and 234Th-DB. Bioturbation intensity should be controlled primarily by the composition of the benthic fauna, its specific adaptation to the environmental setting, and the abundance of each species of the benthic community. Food supply can have only an indirect influence on bioturbation intensity. In certain parts of the ocean the a priori overall positive relationship between POC flux and biodiffusivity might include restricted intervals displaying no or even negative relations.


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The isotope-ratios of sulfur-components in several sedimentologically different cores of recent marine sediments from Kiel Bay (Baltic Sea) were investigated. In addition, quantitative determinations were made on total sulfur, sulfate, sulfide, chloride, organic carbon, iron and watercontent in the sediment or in the pore-water solution. The investigations gave the following results: 1. The sulfur in the sediment (about 0.3 -2 % of the dry sample) was for the most part introduced into the sediment after sedimentation. This confirms the results of Kaplan et al. (1963, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(63)90074-7). The yield of Sulfur from organic material is very small (in our samples about 5-10% of the total sulfur in the sediment). 2. The sulfur bound in the sediment is taken from the sulfate of the interstitial water. During normal sedimentation, the exchange of sulfate by diffusion significant for changes in the sulfur-content goes down to a sediment depth of 4-6 cm. In this way the sulfate consumed by reduction and formation of sulfide or pyrite is mostly replaced. The uppermost layer of the sediment is an partly open system for the sulfur. The diagenesis of the sulfur is allochemical. 3. The isotope-values of the sediment-sulfur are largely influenced by the sulfur coming into the sediment by diffusion and being bound by bacteriological reduction. Due to the prevailing reduction of 32S and reverse-diffusion of sulfate into the open sea-water, an 32S enrichment takes place in the uppermost layer of the sediment. delta34S-values in the sediment range between -15 and -35 ? while seawater-sulfate has +20 ?. No relationship could be established between sedimentological or chemical changes and isotope-ratios. In the cores, successive sandy and clayly layers showed no change in the delta-values. The sedimentation rate, however, seems to influence isotope-ratios. In one core with low sedimentationrates the delta34S-values varied between -29 and -33 ?, while cores with higher sedimentationrates showed values between -17 and -24 ?. 4. As sediment depth increases, the pore-water sulfate shows decreasing concentrations (in a depth of 30-40 cm we found between 20 and 70 % of the seawater-values), and increasing delta 34S-values (in one case reaching more than +60 ?). The concentration of sulfide in the pore-water increases with sediment-depth (reaching 80 mg S/l in one case). The (delta34S-values of the pore-water-sulfide in all cores show increases paralleling the sulfate sulfur, with a nearly constant delta-distance of 50-60 ? in all cores. This seems to confirm the genetic relationship between the two components.


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