229 resultados para 0804 Data Format
Bathymetry based on data recorded during M72-1 between 07.02.2007 and 20.02.2007 in the Black Sea. The main focus of the cruise were gas vents and seeps in the north-western Black Sea below 700 m water depth which is the zone of gas hydrate stability. The main target area was the deep Dnepr Canyon west of the Crimea Peninsula where previous investigations had indicated the occurrence of gas seepage.
Bathymetry based on data recorded during M72-2 between 23.02.2007 and 13.03.2007 in the Black Sea. The main focus of the cruise was to study the fluxes and turnover of methane and sulphur in the Black Sea hydrocarbon seep systems and investigating the microbial diversity in two contrasting permanently anoxic settings associated with fluid flow and gas seepage: the methane seeps at the shelf break of the Palaeo-Dnepr area and the hydrocarbon seeps of the mud volcanoes in the 2000 m deep Sorokin trough east of Crimea.
Bathymetry based on data recorded during POS317-4 between 16.10.2004 and 04.11.2004. This cruise focused on methane seeps off Georgia and Turkey. Different geological settings were studied by using pressurized sampling techniques and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).
Bathymetry based on data recorded during MSM15-1 between 12.04.2010 and 08.05.2010 in the Black Sea. The aim of this cruise was to quantify the concentration and uptake of oxygen at the anoxic boundaries in the water column and at the sediment water interface of the Black Sea, in parallel with the measurement of nitrogen, carbon, sulfur and iron fluxes (HYPOX project).
Bathymetry based on data recorded during M72-1 between 07.02.2007 and 20.02.2007 in the Black Sea. The main focus of the cruise were gas vents and seeps in the north-western Black Sea below 700 m water depth which is the zone of gas hydrate stability. The main target area was the deep Dnepr Canyon west of the Crimea Peninsula where previous investigations had indicated the occurrence of gas seepage.
Bathymetry based on data recorded during MSM33 between 02.11.2013 -and 10.11.2013 in the Black Sea. The overarching goal of MSM33 was the investigation of the biology and biogeochemistry of the central Black Sea with a special consideration of the processes at pelagic redoxicline. The bathymetric focus laid upon the slope structure especially at the Archangelsky Ridge.
Bathymetry based on data recorded during MSM34-1 between 09.12.2013 and 27.12.2013 in the Black Sea. The main objective of this cruise was the localization and characterization of suitable gas hydrate deposits on the Danube deep-sea fan.
The software Multibeam Converter is a tool to convert files or folders of files (ascii/tab-separated data files with or without metaheader), downloaded from PANGAEA via the search engine or the data warehouse to the ODV import format, e.g. for visualization or further processing. MultibeamConverter is distributed as freeware for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux.