196 resultados para multi-scale analysis


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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The metabolic rate of organisms may either be viewed as a basic property from which other vital rates and many ecological patterns emerge and that follows a universal allometric mass scaling law; or it may be considered a property of the organism that emerges as a result of the organism's adaptation to the environment, with consequently less universal mass scaling properties. Data on body mass, maximum ingestion and clearance rates, respiration rates and maximum growth rates of animals living in the ocean epipelagic were compiled from the literature, mainly from original papers but also from previous compilations by other authors. Data were read from tables or digitized from graphs. Only measurements made on individuals of know size, or groups of individuals of similar and known size were included. We show that clearance and respiration rates have life-form-dependent allometries that have similar scaling but different elevations, such that the mass-specific rates converge on a rather narrow size-independent range. In contrast, ingestion and growth rates follow a near-universal taxa-independent ~3/4 mass scaling power law. We argue that the declining mass-specific clearance rates with size within taxa is related to the inherent decrease in feeding efficiency of any particular feeding mode. The transitions between feeding mode and simultaneous transitions in clearance and respiration rates may then represent adaptations to the food environment and be the result of the optimization of tradeoffs that allow sufficient feeding and growth rates to balance mortality.


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Zooplankton samples were taken in five depth strata using a Multinet type Midi, with 50 µm nets. The samples were taken during the second leg only, three times at station 1, two times at station 2 and once at station 3. Zooplankton were identified to species / genus and life-stage, and at least 300 individuals were counted per sample. 10 individuals of each stage / species were measured and the numbers of eggs counted.


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Gut chlorophyll of Microsetella norvegica and Oncaea spp. was measured daily at the PAP site from 8th to 14th of June, 2013. Copepods were collected using a WP2 -type net with a mesh size of 50 µm. Immediately after, 40-70 adults and late copepodites of each species (with 2-3 replicate samples) were washed in filtered sea water, placed on CF/F filters and extracted in acetone. Chlorophyll-a on filters was analysed using standard methods.


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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The prosome length of copepods from each station was measured on board with a dissecting microscope equipped with an ocular micrometer. Individuals were placed in pre-weighed tin caps and dried for 48 h at 60°C on board. Dry samples were transferred to the AWI and weighed again. Copepod dry mass was then calculated as the difference between the empty weight and the weight of the tin cap containing one individual. The content of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) then was analysed with a CN-analyser (EuroEA Element Analyser, Hekatech) with acetanilide as standard.


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For the determination of water-soluble protein content of C. finmarchicus of the different stations the Qubit® Protein Assay Kit (Invitrogen) was used. Analysis was performed with extracts of 10 copepods. Working solution was prepared with Qubit® protein reagent and Qubit® protein buffer (1:200). 190 µL working solution was pipetted into each well of a micro plate and 10 µL of sample or Qubit® protein standard (0, 200 and 400 ng/µL) was added. Solutions were mixed and incubated for 15 min at room temperature. Measurements were conducted with a micro plate reader (TriStar LB 941, Berthold Technologies) at 485 nm excitation and 590 nm emission, using the software MikroWin2000 (Berthold Technologies).


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The present study aimed to contribute to the knowledge on the intraspecific variations of enzyme activities in populations of Calanus finmarchicus from different longitudes across the North Atlantic Ocean and their relation to changing environmental conditions. C. finmarchicus was sampled across the North Atlantic in basins with decreasing temperature regimes from east to west (Iceland Basin, Irminger Basin and Labrador Basin) in late March/early April 2013. Potential maximum enzyme activities of digestive (proteinases and lipases/esterases) and metabolic (citrate synthase) enzymes of copepods from all sampling stations were analysed and thermal profiles (5-50°C) of enzyme activities were determined. In order to investigate its acclimation potential, C. finmarchicus were acclimated to 4°C and 15°C for two weeks and thermal profiles of enzyme activities were compared afterwards.


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In recent years a global increase in jellyfish (i.e. Cnidarians and Ctenophores) abundance and a rise in the recurrence of jellyfish outbreak events have been largely debated, but a general consensus on this matter has not been achieved yet. Within this debate, it has been generally recognized that there is a lack of reliable data that could be analyzed and compared to clarify whether indeed jellyfish are increasing throughout the world ocean as a consequence of anthropogenic impact and hydroclimatic variability. During the G.O. Sars cruise jellyfish were collected at different depths in the 0-1000m layer using a standard 1 m**2 Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) (quantitative data), Harstad and macroplankton trawls (qualitative data). The comparison of records collected with different nets during the G.O. Sars transatlantic cruise shows that different sampling gears might provide very different information on jellyfish diversity. Indeed, the big trawls mostly collect relatively large scyphozoan and hydrozoan species such as Atolla, Pelagia, Praya, Vogtia, while small hydrozoans (e.g. Clytia, Gilia, Muggiaea) and early stages of ctenophora are only caught by the smaller nets.


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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Oxygen concentration and rate of change of oxygen were measured using the Unisense Oxygen Microsensor System. Water from different depth was taken from CTD attached niskin bottle. Measurements were conducted in 2 ml vials provided by Unisense and lasted for a minimum of two minutes after a stable rate was achieved. The sampling interval was 6 seconds. Transport containers, tubes and vials for measurements were covered with light proof black foil for dark-measurements.


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Zooplankton samples were collected daily at the PAP site, using a Multinet of the type Midi with 50 µm nets. 5 depth strata (1000-500, 500-300, 300-100, 100-50 and 50-0 m) were collected at each sampling. The samples were preserved in 2% borax bufferred formalin. Zooplankton were identified on a species / genus level including different life-stages and eggs; at least 400 individuals were counted for each sample. When present, 10 individuals of each species and life-stages (for copepods) were measured for their prosome or total length.