217 resultados para mass determination
Sortable silt mean grain sizes together with oxygen and carbon isotopic data produced on the benthic foraminiferal species Fontbotia wuellerstorfi are used to construct high-resolution records of near-bottom flow vigour and deep water ventilation at a core site MD02-2589 located at 2660 m water depth on the southern Agulhas Plateau. The results suggest that during glacial periods (marine oxygen isotope stages 2 and 6, MIS 2 and MIS 6, respectively), there was a persistent contribution of a well-ventilated water mass within the Atlantic to Indian oceanic gateway with a d13C signature similar to present-day Northern Component Water (NCW), e.g., North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). The records of chemical ventilation and near-bottom flow vigor reflect changes in the advection of northern source waters and meridional variability in the location of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and its associated fronts. We suggest that during Termination II (TII), changes in chemical ventilation are largely decoupled from near-bottom physical flow speeds. A mid-TII climate optimum is associated with a low-flow speed plateau concurrent with a period of increased ventilation shown in the benthic d13C of other Southern Ocean records but not in our benthic d13C of MD02-2589. The climate optimum is followed by a period of southern cooling around 128 ka coincident with a stronger influence of NCW to interglacial levels at around 124 ka. All proxy records show a near synchronous and rapid shift during the transition from MIS 5a-4 (73 ka). This large event is attributed to a rapid decrease in NADW influence and replacement over the Agulhas Plateau by southern source waters.
On the continental margin of the southeastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica, several channel-ridge systems can be traced on the eastern side of the Crary Fan. Swath mapping of the bathymetry reveals three southwest-northeast trending ridges up to 300 m high with channels on their southeastern side. The structures occur on a terrace of the continental slope in water depths of 2000 - 3300 m. We carried out sedimentological studies on cores from three sites. Two of the studied cores are from ridges, one is from the northwestern part of the terrace. The stratigraphy of the recovered sediments is based on accelerator mass spectrometer 14C determinations, stable oxygen and carbon isotopes analyses and paleomagnetic measurements. The sediments represent a period from the last glacial maximum (LGM) to recent time. They are composed predominantly of terrigenous components. We distinguish four different sedimentary facies and assign them to processes controlling sedimentation. Microlaminated muds and cross-stratified coarse-silty sediments originated from contour currents. Bioturbated sediments reflect the increasing influence of hemipelagic sedimentation. Structureless sediments with high contents of ice-rafted debris characterize slumps. The inferred contour currents shaping the continental slope during the LGM were canalized within the channels and supplied microlaminated mud to the western sedimentary ridges due to deflection to the left induced by the Coriolis force. The lamination of the sediments is attributed to seasonal variations of current velocities. The thermohaline bottom currents were directed to the northeast and hence opposite to the Weddell Gyre. Cross-stratified coarse-silty contourites on the ridges are intercalated with the muds and indicate spillover of faster thermohaline flows. Average sedimentation rates on the terrace of the continental slope were unusually high (250 cm/ka) during the LGM, indicating active growth phases of the Crary Fan during glacial intervals. A substantial environmental change at 19.5 - 20 ka is documented in the sediments by a gradual change from lamination to bioturbation. During the recent interglacial, bioturbated sediments were deposited in all parts of the terrace. Because of a reduction of the contour current velocities (4-7 cm/s), the water masses of the Weddell Gyre, supplying fine-grained sediments from northeast, gain a greater influence on sedimentation on the continental slope. Higher percentages of microfossils indicate enhanced biogenic productivity. Increased iceberg activity is documented by greater amounts of ice-rafted debris. The interglacial sedimentation rates decrease to a few cm/ka and indicate that the Crary Fan became relatively sediment-starved during interglacial intervals.