255 resultados para lead isotope


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The 50 km-long West Valley segment of the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge is a young, extension-dominated spreading centre, with volcanic activity concentrated in its southern half. A suite of basalts dredged from the West Valley floor, the adjacent Heck Seamount chain, and a small near-axis cone here named Southwest Seamount, includes a spectrum of geochemical compositions ranging from highly depleted normal (N-) MORB to enriched (E-) MORB. Heck Seamount lavas have chondrite-normalized La/Sm en -0.3, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70235 - 0.70242, and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.22 - 18.44, requiring a source which is highly depleted in trace elements both at the time of melt generation and over geologic time. The E-MORB from Southwest Seamount have La/Sm en -1.8, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70245 - 0.70260, and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.73 - 19.15, indicating a more enriched source. Basalts from the West Valley floor have chemical compositions intermediate between these two end-members. As a group, West Valley basalts from a two-component mixing array in element-element and element-isotope plots which is best explained by magma mixing. Evidence for crustal-level magma mixing in some basalts includes mineral-melt chemical and isotopic disequilibrium, but mixing of melts at depth (within the mantle) may also occur. The mantle beneath the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge is modelled as a plum-pudding, with "plums" of enriched, amphibole-bearing peridotite floating in a depleted matrix (DM). Low degrees of melting preferentially melt the "plums", initially removing only the amphibole component and producing alkaline to transitional E-MORB. Higher degrees of melting tap both the "plums" and the depleted matrix to yield N-MORB. The subtly different isotopic compositions of the E-MORBs compared to the N-MORBs require that any enriched component in the upper mantle was derived from a depleted source. If the enriched component crystallized from fluids with a DM source, the "plums" could evolve to their more evolved isotopic composition after a period of 1.5-2.0 Ga. Alternatively, the enriched component could have formed recently from fluids with a lessdepleted source than DM, such as subducted oceanic crust. A third possibility is that enriched material might be dispersed as "plums" throughout the upper mantle, transported from depth by mantle plumes.


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Magmatic rocks of the Shatsky Rise form two groups replacing one another in time. The earlier ferrotholeiites enriched in potassium compose large massifs. Trachybasalts form seamounts and neotectonic ridges. Composition of volcanites indicates that two sources of magmatism took part in their formation: a depleted source characteristic of basalts of mid-ocean ridges and a ''plume'' source participating in formation of oceanic plateaus.


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Elemental and Pb isotope measurements were performed on leachates and residues from surface sediments and two <50 cm cores (MC04 and MC16) collected along a NE-SW transect through Fram Strait. Geochemical and isotopic properties of residues from surface sediments define three distinct spatial domains within the Strait: 1) the easternmost edge of the Strait; 2) the eastern part of the Strait off the Svalbard margins; and 3) the western part of the Strait, influenced by supplies from Svalbard, the Nordic seas with possible contributions from northwestern Siberian margins, and sea ice and water outflow from the Arctic, respectively. Core MC16, in the third domain beneath the outflowing Arctic waters, spans the Last Glacial Maximum present interval. Sediments from this core were leached to obtain detrital (residues) and exchangeable (leachates) fractions. Detrital supplies to core MC16 are believed to originate mainly from melting of the overlying sea ice and thus can be used to document changes in Arctic sedimentary sources. Detrital 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/206Pb ratios illustrate two mixing trends, Trends A and B, corresponding to the pre- and post-Younger Dryas (YD) intervals, respectively. These trends represent binary mixtures with a common end-member (Canadian margins) and either a Siberian (Trend A) or Greenland (Trend B) margin end-member. The YD is marked by an isotopic excursion toward the Canadian end-member, suggesting a very active Beaufort Gyre possibly triggered by massive drainage of the Laurentide ice sheet. Pb isotope compositions of leachates, thought to represent the signature of the overlying water masses, define a unique linear trend coincident with Trend A. This suggests that water masses acquired their signature through exchange with particulate fluxes along the Canadian and Siberian continental margins.


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The carbonate-free metalliferous fraction of thirty-nine sediment samples from four DSDP Leg 92 sites has been analyzed for 12 elements, and a subset of 16 samples analyzed for Pb isotopic composition. The main geochemical features of this component are as follows: i) very high concentrations of Fe and Mn, typically 25-39% and 5-14%, respectively; ii) Al and Ca contents generally less than 2% and 5%, respectively; iii) high Cu (1000-2000 ppm), and Zn and Ni (500-1000 ppm) values; and iv) Co and Pb concentrations of 100-250 ppm. In terms of element partitioning within the metalliferous fraction, amorphous to poorly crystallized oxide-oxyhydroxides removed by the second leach carry virtually all of the Mn, and about 90% of the Ca, Sr and Ni. The well-crystallized goethite-rich material removed by the third leach carries the majority of Fe, Cu, and Pb. These relations hold for sediments as young as ~1-2 Ma, indicating early partitioning of hydrothermal Fe and Mn into separate phases. Calculated mass accumulation rates (MAR) for Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn and Ni in the bulk sediment show the same overall trends at three of the sites, with greatest MAR values near the basement, and a general decrease in MAR values towards the tops of the holes (for sediments deposited above the lysocline). These relations strongly support the concept of a declining hydrothermal contribution of these elements away from a ridge axis. Nevertheless, MAR values for these metals up to ~200 km from the ridge axis are orders of magnitude higher than on abyssal seafloor plains where there is no hydrothermal influence. Mn/Fe ratios throughout the sediment column at two sites indicate that the composition of the hydrothermal precipitates changed during transport through seawater, becoming significantly depleted in Mn beyond ~200-300 km from the axis, but maintaining roughly the same proportion of Fe. Most of the Pb isotope data for the Leg 92 metalliferous sediments form approximately linear arrays in the conventional isotopic plots, extending from the middle of the field for mid-ocean ridge basalts toward the field for Mn nodules. The array of data lying between these two end-members is most readily interpreted in terms of simple linear mixing of Pb derived from basaltic and seawater end-member sources. The least radiogenic sediments reflect the average Pb isotope composition of discharging hydrothermal solutions and ocean-ridge basalt at the EPR over the ~4-8 Ma B.P. interval. Pb in sediments deposited up to 250 km from the axis can be almost entirely of basaltic-hydrothermal origin. Lateral transport of some basaltic Pb by ocean currents appears to extend to distances of at least 1000 km west of the East Pacific Rise.