140 resultados para cyanoacetylene ro-vibrational spectroscopy spectral analysis


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The main objective of this investigation was to study distribution of main chemical constituents and several minor elements in sediment sections drilled during DSDP Legs 56 and 57 in the Japan Trench, in order to infer geochemical features of different lithologic types of sediments, and to find out how the geochemistry is associated with major lithologic constituents, such as terrigenous detrital matter, clay, volcanic ash, and biogenic particles. The geochemical data may help to indicate the nature of the sediments and to interpret sedimentation processes. The analyzed samples seem to be representative of most lithologic units, sub-units, and sediment types drilled at all sites on both legs, except for some shallow-water deposits at Sites 438 and 439. We analyzed bulk-sediment composition by X-ray fluorescence (Kuzmina and Turanskaya) and routine wet-chemical methods (Mikhailov); amorphous SiO2, extracted in a boiling sodium carbonate solution (Analythical Laboratory, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology); Cr, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, and Al by atomic absorption (Gordeev); and Sn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, V, B, and Ag by quantitative spectrographic analyses in both bulk samples and granulometric fractions (Mikhailov). In addition, Fe, Ti, Mn, and CaCO3 have been determined in selected samples by routine wet-chemical methods (Analytical Laboratory, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology). Murdmaa was responsible for interpretation of the results.


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Site 532 on the Walvis Ridge was sampled at 4000- to 800-year intervals from 2.24 to 2.60 Ma, spanning the three large glacial advances of the late Pliocene. An age model was created by correlating the oxygen isotope record to Site 607 with linear interpolations between tie-lines. The resultant age model differs from that in the site reports by more than 800,000 years, due to misidentification of a magnetic boundary. Sedimentation rates varied by an order of magnitude at this site, with minimum accumulation during glacial events. Interglacial intervals were charactrized by high marine production and high summer precipitation on land, while glacials had very low production and arid continental climate. During the large glacial events (Stages 96-100) conditions of low production and continental aridity reached their greatest intensity, but there is no evidence of a permanent mode shift in either marine or terrestrial records. Calcite concentration has a strong variation at obliquity frequencies, with maxima during interglacials, but occasionally shows a large amplitude at precessional frequencies as well, so that high concentrations occur in a few glacial intervals. As a result, color variation is not a reliable guide to glacial-scale cycles at this site. Composition of the phytoplankton assemblage is diverse and highly variable, and we have not been able to distinguish a clear indicator of upwelling-related production. Spectral analysis reveals obliquity and precessional signals in the pollen data, while several diatom records contain combination tones, indicating that these data represent a complicated response to both local and high-latitude forcing.


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We generated a high resolution (~8 ky) benthic record from a West Pacific marginal basin to investigate the detailed structure and spectral characteristics of deep water isotope fluctuations during the middle Miocene. The benthic record from ODP Site 1146 allows unprecedented resolution of the structure of the middle Miocene delta13C excursion, as well as tighter control on the chronology of climatic events. Spectral analysis of the variance in the delta18O and delta13C records from ODP Site 1146 reveals spectral power concentrated in the eccentricity band (400-, ~100-ky) over the time interval between 13 and 17 Ma. The amplitude evolution in the 400-ky band is strikingly similar to that of the long eccentricity in Laskar's solution. There is an abrupt switch to the obliquity band in the delta18O record at -14.9 Ma, suggesting a shift in the ocean/climate response to orbital forcing (from low latitude eccentricity to high latitude obliquity forcing). The obliquity signal is pervasive in the delta18O record until -13.9 Ma, when a sharp increase in delta18O values indicates a major climatic transition. Comparison of delta18O and delta13C profiles from DSDP Site 588 (SW Pacific Ocean), ODP Site 761 (E Indian Ocean) and ODP Site 1146 (South China Sea) reveals significantly cooler deep water in the NE Indian Ocean throughout the middle Miocene and a restricted deep water exchange between the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.


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The Canary Basin lies in a region of strong interaction between the atmospheric and ocean circulation systems: Trade winds drive seasonal coastal upwelling and dust storm outbreaks from the neighbouring Sahara desert are the major source of terrigenous sediment. To investigate the forcing mechanisms for dust input and wind strength in the North Canary Basin, the temporal pattern of variability of sedimentological and geochemical proxy records has been analysed in two sediment cores between latitudes 30°30'N and 31°40'N. Spectral analysis of the dust proxy records indicates that insolation changes related to eccentricity and precession are the main periods of temporal variation in the record. Si/Al and grain-size of the terrigenous fraction show an increase in glacial-interglacial transitions while Al concentration and Fe/Al ratio are both in phase with minima in the precessional index. Hence, the results obtained show that the wind strength was intensified at Terminations. At times of maxima of Northern Hemisphere seasonal insolation, when the African monsoon was enhanced, the North Canary Basin also received higher dust input. This result suggests that the moisture brought by the monsoon may have increased the availability of dust in the source region.


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The Indian winter monsoon (IWM) is a key component of the seasonally changing monsoon system that affects the densely populated regions of South Asia. Cold winds originating in high northern latitudes provide a link of continental-scale Northern Hemisphere climate to the tropics. Western Disturbances (WD) associated with the IWM play a critical role for the climate and hydrology in northern India and the western Himalaya region. It is vital to understand the mechanisms and teleconnections that influence IWM variability to better predict changes in future climate. Here we present a study of regionally calibrated winter (January) temperatures and according IWM intensities, based on a planktic foraminiferal record with biennial (2.55 years) resolution. Over the last ~250 years, IWM intensities gradually weakened, based on the long-term trend of reconstructed January temperatures. Furthermore, the results indicate that IWM is connected on interannual- to decadal time scales to climate variability of the tropical and extratropical Pacific, via El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). However, our findings suggest that this relationship appeared to begin to decouple since the beginning of the 20th century. Cross-spectral analysis revealed that several distinct decadal-scale phases of colder climate and accordingly more intense winter monsoon centered at the years ~1800, ~1890 and ~1930 can be linked to changes of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).