983 resultados para bottom dam sediments


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Sulfur speciation in bottom sediments from the area of the Peru upwelling has been studied. Data on sulfur contents in different compounds (sulfide, elemental, sulfate, pyritic and organic), water content, Eh, and organic carbon content in the bottom sediments have been obtained. The bottom sediments from the area are characterized by high content of organic carbon and low contents of total and reactive iron; this is typical for bottom sediments from ocean upwelling areas. Intense process of sulfate reduction occurs in the bottom sediments of the area, and accumulation of reduced sulfur compounds derivated from bacterial hydrogen sulfide does not exceed previously known values for other regions of the ocean.


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Gamma-spectrometric analysis was used for six sediment cores from the area occupied by metalliferous sediments in the Southeast Pacific. In five of these cores vertical distribution curves of 230Th enabled positions of equilibrium points to be determined and sediments to be dated. The ionium curve was normalized for one core. Vertical distribution of 230Th in metalliferous sediments resembles its distribution in normal ocean-floor sediments beyond the area of influence of active ridges. Sedimentation rates lay within the range 0.7-12.3 mm/ky.


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A study of lead distribution in recent, ancient Black Sea and Neweuxinian bottom sediment shows similar vertical distributions of the element in the oxygen and hydrogen sulfide zones of the sea; i.e. hydrogen sulfide contamination does not affect lead contents in bottom sediments of the sea. Lead distribution in sediment mass of the Black Sea reflects dependence of accumulation of the element on the hydrodynamic regime of the sea and forms of its migration. It is noted that absence of lead accumulation in Black Sea nodules results from specific nodule formation and from geochemical activity of the element. A large role of diagenetic sulfide formation in lead geochemistry is shown. Degree of lead accumulation in iron sulfides depends on conditions of sedimentation and on physical and chemical parameters in the sea.


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Grain-size, mineral and chemical compositions of suspended particulate matter (SPM) from waters of the Severnaya (North) Dvina River mouth area during the spring flood in May 2004 is studied. Data published on composition of riverine SPM in the White Sea basin are very poor. The spring flood period when more than half of annual runoff is supplied from the river to the sea in during short time is understood more poorly. The paper considers comparison results of the grain size compositions of SPM and bottom sediments. Data of laser and hydraulic techniques of grain size analysis are compared. Short-period variations of SPM concentration and composition representing two diurnal peaks of the tide level are studied. It is found that SPM is mainly transferred during the spring flood as mineral aggregates up to 40 µm diameter. Sandy-silty fraction of riverine SPM settles in delta branches and channels, and bulk of clay-size material is supplied to the sea. Mineral and chemical compositions of SPM from the North Dvina River are determined by supply of material from the drainage basin. This material is subjected to intense mechanic separation during transfer to the sea. Key regularities of formation of mineral composition of SPM during the flood time are revealed. Effect of SPM grain size composition on distribution of minerals and chemical elements in study in the dynamic system of the river mouth area are characterized.


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This work is the first detailed description of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene and Recent Ostracoda of the Laptev Sea. A total of 45 species in 22 genera and 13 families have been identified. All these species are described monographically. Three different ecological assemblages of ostracodes corresponding to different combinations of environmental parameters have been established; they are restricted to three regions of the sea: western-central, eastern, and southern. The recent ostracode assemblages of the Laptev Sea have been compared with those from other Arctic areas and are most similar to those of the Beaufort and Kara seas. Data on recent Ostracoda are used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions on the eastern shelf and western continental slope of the Laptev Sea. For this purpose, ostracodes from five sections obtained from these parts of the sea have been examined. The oldest sediments, which are of Late Pleistocene age (15.8 cal. ka BP), have been recovered in a core from the western continental slope. These yielded five ostracode assemblages, which correspond to different paleoenvironments and replaced each other in the course of the rapid postglacial sea-level rise, thus showing variations in the Atlantic water inflow from the west and freshwater discharge from the subaerially exposed shelf. On the outer shelf of the eastern part of the sea, the rapid sea-level rise in the Early Holocene (lowermost dating 11.3 cal. ka BP) led to a rapid transition from assemblages of brackish-water nearshore environments to those of modernlike normal marine environments; modern environments were established about 8.2 cal. ka ago. Since core sections from the inner shelf correspond to the time when the level of the sea had already reached its modern values, changes in taxonomic composition of ostracode assemblages primarily mirror variations in river runoff.


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Composition and abundance of modern benthic foraminifers in the littoral zone of the Kunashir Island (South Kuriles) were studied. This littoral zone was examined on the sides of the Sea of Okhotsk, the Pacific Ocean, and the Izmena Bay. In the littoral zone of the Izmena Bay benthic foraminifers were not found. The highest biodiversity and maximal density of foraminifers were observed at a bench among rocks and blocks, in depressions of various size and depth (baths), at places where algae and water plants were attached, on silty sands, and on sands with admixture of broken shells, silt, and clastic matter composing the coast. The lowest density and biodiversity were found in mouths of creeks and rivers, on rock plates free from sediments and attached algae and water plants, as well as in places not protected from wind and wave activity. It was established that on both sides of the Sea of Okhotsk and of the Pacific Ocean foraminiferal complexes vary both in biodiversity and in density of their distribution in the littoral zone.


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After death of benthic and planktic foraminifera their tests intensive dissolve in sediments of the upper sublittoral zone (depth 30-60 m) in the highest productivity area of surface water in the northern Peruvian region. Dissolution of fine pelitic ooze is more intensive than of sandy sediments. Rate of dissolution is lower in the lower sublittoral zone (60-200 m) than in the upper part of the zone. Within the upper bathyal zone (300-500 m) dissolution decreases and results to accumulation of carbonate test in this zone. Benthic tests are more abundant than planktic ones. Very poor species composition and a peculiar set of species are characteristic of foraminiferal assemblages found in the sublittoral and upper bathyal zones along the Peruvian coast.


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Chemical composition of the upper layer of sediments (0-1 cm) in the Kolvits and Knazhaya inlets, and also in the deep-water part of the Kandalaksha Bay is considered. It is shown that silts are richer in Fe, TOC, and heavy metals, than sands. The highest concentration of these elements is found in sediments under mixing zones of riverine and sea waters. Correlations of P, Zn, Cd, and Cu with iron are high, and correlations of Pb and Cu with organic carbon are also high. Very high concentration of Pb in the Kandalaksha Bay indicate technogenic pollution of sediments. Lignin makes significant contribution to formation of organic matter in the sediments. Composition of lignin in bottom sediments of the Kandalaksha Bay is defined by composition of lignin in soils and aerosols. Vanillin and syringyl structures prevail in molecular composition of lignin in bottom sediments. Their sources are coniferous vegetations, soils, and mosses. Ratios of certain types of phenol compounds indicate pollution of the upper layer of sediments by technogenic lignin. Lead and copper correlate well with this technogenic lignin.


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Rock material sampled from the Mir manned deep-sea submersibles and by dradges, grabs, and sediment cores over a vast area of the North Atlantic was analyzed to show that this material is of continental origin, unlike original rocks of the ocean floor. It is proved to be related to iceberg rafting during Quaternary glaciations. Independent data on distribution and composition of sandy and silty grains in sediment cores also support this relation to the recent glaciation. New criteria for identification of iceberg rock matter in pelagic sediments are presented on the base of analysis of all available data.


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Distriburtion and formation of clay minerals in different types of bottom sediments from the West Pacific are under consideration.


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Two lithological-stratigraphic intervals have been distinguished in the Morocco basin by a study of lithologic composition of bottom sediments as well as of planktic and bottom foraminifera present in them. Conditions, under which they developed, are discussed.


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Geological features of some areas of the Tropical Atlantic (stratigraphy, tectonic structure, lithology, distribution of ore components in bottom sediments, petrography of bedrocks, etc.) are under consideration in the book. Regularities of concentration of trace elements in iron-manganese nodules, features of these nodules in bottom sediments, distribution of phosphorite nodules and other phosphorites have been studied. Much attention is paid to rocks of the ocean crust. A wide range of mineralization represented by magnetite, chromite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, pentlandite, and other minerals has been found.


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It is found that hydrocarbons are constantly accumulated on the main geochemical barriers: water-atmosphere, river-sea, water-suspended matter, and water-bottom sediment interfaces. Degree of hydrocarbon accumulation reaches 13.5-17.6 in the surface microlayer and exceeds 1000 in bottom sediments. Hydrocarbon composition changes in this process. Local pollutant loads result in accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by bottom sediments and benzo(a)pyrene concentration sometimes exceeds MPC. Content of hydrocarbon migratory forms is calculated.