151 resultados para biogeography


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Foraminiferal analysis of Miocene to recent strata of the Northwest Shelf of Australia is used to chart West Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) influence. The assemblage is typified by "larger" foraminifera with ingressions of the Indo-Pacific "smaller" taxa Asterorotalia and Pseudorotalia at around 4 Ma and from 1.6 to 0.8 Ma. A review of recent and fossil biogeography of these taxa suggests their stratigraphic distribution can be used to document WPWP evolution. From 10 to 4.4 Ma a lack of biogeographic connectivity between the Pacific and Indian Ocean suggests Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) restriction. During this period, the collision of Australia and Asia trapped warmer waters in the Pacific, creating a central WPWP biogeographic province from the equator to 26°N. By 3 Ma Indo-Pacific species migrated to Japan with the initiation of the "modern" Kuroshio Current coinciding with the intensification of the North Pacific Gyre and Northern Hemisphere ice sheet expansion. Indo-Pacific taxa migrated to the northwest Australia from 4.4 to 4 Ma possibly because of limited ITF. The absence of Indo-Pacific taxa in northwest Australia indicates possible ITF restriction from 4 to 1.6 Ma. Full northwest Australian biogeographic connectivity with the WPWP from 1.6 to 0.8 Ma suggests an unrestricted stronger ITF (compared to today) and the initiation of the modern Leeuwin Current. The extinction of some Indo-Pacific species in northwest Australia after 0.8 Ma may be related to the effects of large glacial/interglacial oscillations and uplift of the Indonesian Archipelago causing Indonesian seaway restriction.


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The size of any organism is influenced by the surrounding ecological conditions. In this study, we investigate the effects of such factors on the size spectra of planktic foraminiferal assemblages from Holocene surface sediments. We analyzed assemblages from 69 Holocene samples, which cover the major physical and chemical gradients of the oceans. On a global scale, the range of sizes in assemblages triples from the poles to the tropics. This general temperature-related size increase is interrupted by smaller sizes at temperatures characteristic of the polar and subtropical fronts, at 2°C and 17°C, respectively, as well as in upwelling areas. On a regional scale, surface water stratification, seasonality and primary productivity are highly correlated with the size patterns. Such environmentally controlled size changes are not only characteristic for entire assemblage, but also for the dominant single species.


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Aim Palaeoecological reconstructions document past vegetation change with estimates of rapid rates of changing species distribution limits that are often not matched by model simulations of climate-driven vegetation dynamics. Genetic surveys of extant plant populations have yielded new insight into continental vegetation histories, challenging traditional interpretations that had been based on pollen data. Our aim is to examine an updated continental pollen data set from Europe in the light of the new ideas about vegetation dynamics emerging from genetic research and vegetation modelling studies. Location Europe Methods: We use pollen data from the European Pollen Database (EPD) to construct interpolated maps of pollen percentages documenting change in distribution and abundance of major plant genera and the grass family in Europe over the last 15,000 years. Results: Our analyses confirm high rates of postglacial spread with at least 1000 metres per year for Corylus, Ulmus and Alnus and average rates of 400 metres per year for Tilia, Quercus, Fagus and Carpinus. The late Holocene expansions of Picea and Fagus populations in many European regions cannot be explained by migrational lag. Both taxa shift their population centres towards the Atlantic coast suggesting that climate may have played a role in the timing of their expansions. The slowest rates of spread were reconstructed for Abies. Main conclusions: The calculated rates of postglacial plant spread are higher in Europe than those from North America, which may be due to more rapid shifts in climate mediated by the Gulf Stream and westerly winds. Late Holocene anthropogenic land use practices in Europe had major effects on individual taxa, which in combination with climate change contributed to shifts in areas of abundance and dominance. The high rates of spread calculated from the European pollen data are consistent with the common tree species rapidly tracking early Holocene climate change and contribute to the debate on the consequences of global warming for plant distributions.


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Diatoms from 228 Southern Ocean core-top sediment samples were examined to determine the geographic distributions of 32 major diatom species/taxa preserved in the sediments of three zonally-distinct regions; Sea Ice, Open Ocean and the Tropical/Subtropical. In the first of three papers, 14 species/taxa occurring in the region where sea ice covers the ocean surface on an annual basis are geographically documented. Comparisons are drawn between the diatom abundances on the sea floor, sea ice parameters (annual duration and concentration in February and September) and February sea-surface temperature. Such parameters are commonly used in reconstructing past oceanographic conditions in the Sea Ice and Open Ocean zones. Analysis of the geographic patterns and sea-surface parameter correlations reveals species-specific distributions regulated primarily by sea ice coverage and sea-surface temperature, which support the use of diatom remains for the estimation of these past sea-surface environmental parameters. Comparison with reliable accounts of the 14 species from the sediments or plankton also provides the first glimpses into species-specific ecology and habitat linkages.


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Observations of egg production rates (EPR) for female Calanus finmarchicus were compared from different regions of the North Atlantic. The regions were diverse in size and sampling frequency, ranging from a fixed time series station in the Lower St Lawrence Estuary, off Rimouski, where nearly 200 experiments were carried out between May and December from 1994 to 2006, to a large-scale survey in the Northern Norwegian Sea, where about 50 experiments were carried out between April and June from 2002 to 2004. For this analysis the stations were grouped mostly along geographic lines, with only limited attention being paid to oceanographic features. There is some overlap between regions, however, where stations were sometimes kept together when they were sampled on the same cruise. As well some stations other than off Rimouski were occupied more than once during different years and/or in different seasons.


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Diatom assemblages from 228 core-top samples were investigated to determine the modern geographic distributions of 10 major open ocean species or species groups in the Atlantic and Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean. Our study gives a more comprehensive view of the relationships between diatom distribution and environmental pressures than previous studies, as our modern database covers a much wider area, and additionally highlights the relationships with sea ice cover and concentration. The 10 species or species categories can mainly be lumped into three groupings. First, a cool open ocean grouping composed of Rhizosolenia pointed group, Thalassiosira gracilis group and Trichotoxon reinboldii with maximum relative abundances occurring within the maximum winter sea-ice edge. Second, a pelagic open ocean grouping composed of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, Thalassiosira lentiginosa, Thalassiosira oliverana and Thalassiothrix spp. group with maximum occurrences at the Antarctic Polar Front. Third, a warm open ocean grouping with maximum abundances observed within the Polar Front Zone and composed of the Rhizosolenia rounded group, the Thalassionema nitzschioides var. nitzschioides group and the Thalassionema nitzschioides var. lanceolata. Comparisons of the abovementioned 10 species or species groups with modern February sea-surface temperatures and sea-ice duration and concentration reveal species-specific sedimentary distributions regulated both by sea-surface temperatures and sea ice conditions that support the use of diatom remains to reconstruct past variations of these environmental parameters via qualitative and transfer function approaches.


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This paper gives a modern circumscription of Tropical/Subtropical diatoms regarding their relationship with sea-surface temperatures (SST) and sea ice cover. Diatoms from 228 core-top sediment samples collected from the Southern Ocean were studied to determine the geographic distribution of eight major diatom species/taxa preserved in surface sediments generally located north of the Subantarctic Front. The comparison of the relative contribution of diatom species with modern February SST and sea-ice cover reveals species-specific sedimentary distributions regulated both by water temperatures and sea ice conditions. Although selective preservation might have played some role, their presence in surface and downcore sediments from the Southern Ocean are reliable indicators of high SST and poleward transport of waters from the Tropical/Subtropical Atlantic. Our work supports the use of diatom remains to reconstruct past variations of these environmental parameters via qualitative and transfer function approaches.


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Mega-epibenthic diversity was analysed using a seabed photography at four stations off Bouvet Island and one station at the Spiess Seamount in the South Atlantic. Surprisingly, the intermediate-scale diversity within the area of investigation was not lower compared to that on the Patagonian shelf and only moderately lower than that on the Antarctic continental shelf. This result is incompatible with Mac Arthur and Wilson's Island Biogeography Theory describing species richness as a function of immigration of new species into an area and its extension. The relatively high species number and the very small extension of the Bouvet shelf compared to the much larger continental shelves of the other two areas can be explained by long-range dispersal of marine benthic animals in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and high habitat heterogeneity. The observed uncoupling of intermediate-scale from large-scale background species diversity on the Antarctic shelf raises the question whether in these benthic systems an upper capacity limit for diversity exists.


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Ocean acidification (OA) is predicted to play a major role in shaping species biogeography and marine biodiversity over the next century. We tested the effect of medium-term exposure to OA (pH 8.00, 7.30 and 6.70 for 30 d) on acid-base balance in the decapod crab Necora puber-a species that is known to possess good extracellular buffering ability during short-term exposure to hypercapnic conditions. To determine if crabs undergo physiological trade-offs in order to buffer their haemolymph, we characterised a number of fundamental physiological functions, i.e. metabolic rate, tolerance to heat, carapace and chelae [Ca2+] and [Mg2+], haemolymph [Ca2+] and [Mg2+], and immune response in terms of lipid peroxidation. Necora puber was able to buffer changes to extracellular pH over 30 d exposure to hypercapnic water, with no evidence of net shell dissolution, thus demonstrating that HCO3- is actively taken up from the surrounding water. In addition, tolerance to heat, carapace mineralization, and aspects of immune response were not affected by hypercapnic conditions. In contrast, whole-animal O2uptake significantly decreased with hypercapnia, while significant increases in haemolymph [Ca2+] and [Mg2+] and chelae [Mg2+] were observed with hypercapnia. Our results confirm that most physiological functions in N. puber are resistant to low pH/hypercapnia over a longer period than previously investigated, although such resistance comes at the expenses of metabolic rates, haemolymph chemistry and chelae mineralization.


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The carbonate chemistry of seawater is usually not considered to be an important factor influencing calcium-carbonate-precipitation by corals because surface seawater is supersaturated with respect to aragonite. Recent reports, however, suggest that it could play a major role in the evolution and biogeography of recent corals. We investigated the calcification rates of five colonies of the zooxanthellate coral Stylophora pistillata in synthetic seawater using the alkalinity anomaly technique. Changes in aragonite saturation from 98% to 585% were obtained by manipulating the calcium concentration. The results show a nonlinear increase in calcification rate as a function of aragonite saturation level. Calcification increases nearly 3-fold when aragonite saturation increases from 98% to 390%, i.e., close to the typical present saturation state of tropical seawater. There is no further increase of calcification at saturation values above this threshold. Preliminary data suggest that another coral species, Acropora sp., displays a similar behaviour. These experimental results suggest: (1) that the rate of calcification does not change significantly within the range of saturation levels corresponding to the last glacial-interglacial cycle, and (2) that it may decrease significantly in the future as a result of the decrease in the saturation level due to anthropogenic release of CO2 into the atmosphere. Experimental studies that control environmental conditions and seawater composition provide unique opportunities to unravel the response of corals to global environmental changes.


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Aim: Concepts about patterns and rates of post-glacial tree population migration are changing as a result of the increasing amount of palaeobotanical information being provided by macroscopic plant remains. Here we combine macrofossil, pollen and stomata records from five sites in north-eastern European Russia and summarize the results for the late-glacial-early Holocene transition. The late-glacial-early Holocene transition encompasses the first indications of trees (tree-type Betula, Picea abies, Abies sibirica and Larix sibirica) and subsequent forest development. Considerable time-lags between the first macrobotanical and/or stomata finds of spruce (Picea abies) and the establishment of a closed forest are reconsidered. Location: Pechora basin, north-eastern European Russia. Methods: We used plant macrofossil, stomata, pollen and radiocarbon analyses to reconstruct late-glacial and early Holocene tree establishment and forest development. The data were derived from lake sediment and peat archives. Results: Palaeobotanical data reveal an early Holocene presence (11,500-10,000 cal. yr bp) of arboreal taxa at all five sites. One site presently located in the northernmost taiga zone, shows the presence of spruce and reproducing tree birch during the late-glacial. Given the current view of post-glacial population dynamics and migration rates, it seems likely that the source area of these early tree populations in north-eastern European Russia was not located in southern Europe but that these populations had local origins. Results thus support the emerging view that the first post-glacial population expansions in non-glaciated regions at high latitudes do not reflect migration from the south but were a result of an increase in the size and density of small persisting outlying tree populations. Main conclusions: Results suggest that the area east of the margin of the Scandinavian ice sheet to the Ural Mountains had isolated patches of trees during the late-glacial and early Holocene and that these small populations acted as initial nuclei for population expansion and forest development in the early Holocene.