283 resultados para Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.
Bentonites (i.e., smectite-dominated, altered volcanic ash layers) were discovered in Berriasian to Valanginian hemipelagic (shelfal) to eupelagic (deep-sea) sediments of the Wombat Plateau (Site 761), Argo Abyssal Plain (Sites 261, 765), southern Exmouth Plateau (Site 763), and Gascoyne Abyssal Plain (Site 766). A volcaniclastic origin with trachyandesitic to rhyolitic ash as parent material is proved by the abundance of well-ordered montmorillonite, fresh to altered silicic glass shards, volcanogenic minerals (euhedral sanidine, apatite, slender zircon), and rock fragments, and by a vitroclastic ultra-fabric (smectitized glass shards). For the Argo Abyssal Plain, we can distinguish four types of bentonitic claystones of characteristic waxy appearance: (1) pure smectite bentonites, white to light gray, sharp basal contacts, and a homogeneous cryptocrystalline smectite matrix, (2) thin, greenish-gray bentonitic claystones having sharp upper and lower contacts, (3) gray-green bentonitic claystones mottled with background sedimentation and a distinct amount of terrigenous and pelagic detrital material, and (4) brick-red smectitic claystones having diffuse sedimentary contacts and a doubtful volcanic origin. For the other drill sites, we can distinguish between (1) pure bentonitic claystones similar in appearance and chemical composition to Type 1 of the Argo Abyssal Plain (except for gradual basal contacts) and (2) impure bentonitic claystones containing textures of volcanogenic smectite and pyroclastic grains with terrigenous and pelagic components resulting from resedimentation or bioturbation. The ash layers were progressively altered (smectitized) during diagenesis. Silicic glass was first hydrated, then slightly altered (etched with incipient smectite authigenesis), then moderately smectitized (with shard shape still intact), and finally, completely homogenized to a pure smectite matrix without obvious relict structures. Volcanic activity was associated with continental breakup and rapid subsidence during the "juvenile ocean phase." Potential source areas for a Neocomian post-breakup volcanism include Wombat Plateau, Joey and Roo rises, Scott Plateau, and Wallaby Plateau/Cape Range Fracture Zone. Westward-directed trade winds transported silicic ash from these volcanic source areas to the Exmouth Plateau and, via turbidity currents, into the adjacent abyssal plains. The Wombat and Argo abyssal plain bentonites are interpreted, at least in parts, as proximal or distal ash turbidites, respectively.
Eocene through Quaternary planktonic foraminifers were identified in cores recovered during Leg 126. Turbidites and volcanic ash beds are intercalated with hemipelagic sediments. Preservation of foraminifers is variable, ranging from excellent to poor and appears to have been affected by fluctuations in the carbonate compensation depth (CCD), depth of burial, changes in bottom water temperature, current velocity, sediment accumulation rates and seafloor topography. Preservation of foraminifers in Quaternary sediments is generally good, however, species abundance varies by a factor of I05-106 and reflects dilution by volcanogenic as well as terrigenous constituents and cannot be used for paleoceanographic reconstructions. In pre-Quaternary deposits planktonic foraminiferal tests frequently exhibit dissolution effects; biostratigraphic zonation and placement of zonal boundaries is difficult owing to hiatuses, dissolution facies, extraneously deposited sediments, and discontinuous coring. The Eocene foraminiferal faunas include specimens of the Globorotalia cerroazulensis plexus, markers of Zone P16 as well as Globigerina senni and Globigerinatheka spp., which became extinct before the end of the Eocene. Six hiatuses and/or dissolution periods, probably reflecting global cooling events and/or changes in oceanic circulation patterns were recorded at Site 792. Recrystallized, poorly preserved, possibly reworked Eocene species (Globigerina senni and Globigerapsis sp.) were recorded in sediments at Site 793.
Understanding the role of fluids in active accretionary prisms requires quantitative knowledge of parameters such as permeability. We report here the results of permeability tests on four samples from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 190 at the Nankai Trough accretionary prism-two from Site 1173 and two from Site 1174. Volcanic ash is present in one of the samples; otherwise, the material is hemipelagic mud. A constant-rate-of-flow technique was used at various effective pressures and rates of flow. The permeability of the four samples ranges between 10**-15 and 10**-18 m**2, with the ash-bearing sample showing the highest values.
Despite the different scientific objectives of Legs 185 and 191, the sedimentary sections recovered from Sites 1149 and 1179 are the two most complete sections recovered from the northwestern Pacific Basin by either the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) (i.e., Legs 6, 20, 32, and 86) or ODP (i.e., Legs 185 and 191). During Leg 185, a complete sedimentary section (410 m) and an additional 133 m of highly altered volcanic basement were recovered. The Miocene to Pleistocene section (i.e., upper ~150 m) recovered from Site 1149 includes lithostratigraphic Unit I (0-118.2 meters below sea floor [mbsf]) and Subunit IIA (118.2-149.5 mbsf) of Plank, Ludden, Escutia, et al. (2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.185.2000) and consists of ash- and biogenic silica- bearing clay, radiolarian-bearing clay, silt-bearing clay, ash-bearing siliceous ooze, and diatomaceous clay, with numerous discrete volcanic ash layers (Plank, Ludden, Escutia, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.185.2000). During Leg 191, a near-continuous 375-m-thick sedimentary section was recovered in addition to 100 m of basaltic basement. The upper 221.5 m of the sedimentary section at Site 1179 (i.e., within lithostratigraphic Unit I of Kanazawa, Sager, Escutia et al. [2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.191.2001]) consists of upper Miocene to Pleistocene clay- and radiolarian-bearing diatom ooze containing numerous discrete ash layers. The presence of discrete ash layers within the Miocene to Pleistocene sedimentary section at both Site 1149 and 1179 provides a unique opportunity to conduct 40Ar/39Ar ash chronology to refine the excellent magnetostratigraphic records (based on the scale of Berggren et al., 1995) obtained shipboard from both sites (Plank, Ludden, Escutia, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.185.2000; Kanazawa, Sager, Escutia, et al., 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.191.2001).In this data report we present the analytical results from the 40Ar/39Ar incrementally heated analyses and provide a new combined late Miocene to Pleistocene 40Ar/39Ar and magnetostratigraphic chronology for the northwestern Pacific.
In the Leg 87A holes, 45 ash layers were sampled in Recent to upper Pliocene strata. The main volcanogenic deposits came from single eruptions or subcontemporaneous eruptions of cognate volcanoes. Some of them are mixed ashes produced from multiple eruptions and accumulated in reworked sediments. The petrographic and geochemical patterns indicate rhyolitic and dacitic compositions; andesitic glasses are scarce. We infer a magmatic affinity with calc-alkaline sources and a possible origin from the volcanic arc of southwestern Japan. A few samples may originate from the alkaline volcanism of southwestern Japan or the area south of Korea and the Sea of Japan.
Qualitative petrographic study of selected clastic horizons within the Eocene section of Hole 516F has revealed the presence of abundant fine-grained lithic fragments, probably volcanic, along with coarser fragments of quartz and feldspar apparently derived from a nearby plutonic terrain. In detail, poor sorting, presence of graded bedding, and an abundance of clay suggest these are turbidite horizons locally derived from a mixed volcanic/plutonic terrain, possibly with some direct contribution from contemporary volcanic ash falls. A progressive increase in plutonic versus volcanic components with time is, however, more consistent with an erosional origin for most of this material. Unusual euhedral dark biotite is abundant in several of the lower clastic horizons; it is most easily interpreted as microphenocrysts weathered in situ out of alkalic volcanic ash. Biotite separated from Sample 516F-76-4,107-115 cm, has been dated by the K-Ar method at about 46 Ma. Alkaline volcanoes active on the Rio Grande Rise in the middle Eocene would be the most probable source of this ash and would be consistent with other evidence for potassic, alkaline volcanism along the Rio Grande Rise and at the Tristan da Cunha hot spot.
At convergent margins, fluids rise through the forearc in response to consolidation of the upper plate and dewatering of the subducting plate, and produce various cold-seep-related features on the seafloor (mud diapirs, mud mounds). At the Central American forearc, authigenic carbonates precipitated from rising fluids within such structures during active venting while typical mixed-mud sediments were ejected onto the surrounding seafloor where they became intercalated with normal pelagic background sediments, indicating that mud mounds evolved unsteadily through alternating active and inactive phases. Intercalated regional ash layers from Plinian eruptions at the Central American volcanic arc provide time marks that constrain the ages of mud ejection activity. U/Th dating of drill core samples of authigenic carbonate caps of mud mounds yields ages agreeing well with those constrained by ash layers and showing that carbonate caps grow inward rather than outward during active venting. Both dating approaches show that offshore Nicaragua and Costa Rica (1) active and inactive phases can occur simultaneously at neighboring mounds, (2) mounds along the forearc have individual histories of activity, but there are distinct time intervals when nearly all mounds have been active or inactive, (3) lifetimes of mounds reach several hundred thousand years, and (4) highly active periods last 10-50 k.y. with intervening periods of >10 k.y. of relative quiescence.
The Toba lake event, the Australasian microtektite event, and the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary were analyzed on the basis of foraminifers, carbonate content, trace elements, and spherules (microtektites). The Toba ash event, recovered in Hole 758C, may have had minor influences on the foraminiferal populations. The Australasian tektite event has probably some influence on foraminiferal ecology, because the larger specimens become scarce just above the microtektite layer. Microtektites recovered from Hole 758B closely resemble spherules recovered from several Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary localities in North America. The Cretaceous/Paleogene spherules, however, are usually larger and are completely altered to goyazite in the terrestrial environment and to smectite in a marine environment. The Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary of Hole 752B does not show obvious anomalous trace-element concentrations, and iridium concentrations are below our detection limits. The trace-element pattern is dominated by the alternation of chalk with volcanic ash layers above the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary.