203 resultados para Organic Inorganic Hybrid Coatings


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To study inorganic nitrogen uptake rates by microplankton in the Black Sea the first 15N-experiments were carried out in August-September 1990 and in November 1991. In surface waters nitrate uptake rates varied from 5.7 to 28.5 nM/l/h in summer and from 1.9 to 7.8 nM/l/h in autumn. In both seasons maximal and minimal rates were observed in frontal zones of shelf/slope areas and in open waters, respectively. In summer average nitrate uptake rate per unit of particulate organic nitrogen was 0.0037 1/h for all stations. In autumn it varied from 0.0007 1/h in the central part of the sea to 0.0033 1/h in the slope near the southeastern Crimean coast. In autumn ammonium uptake rate varied from 7.1 to 22.2 nM/l/h and from 0.0025 to 0.00094 1/h. Ammonium uptake correlated linearly with nitrate uptake, with new production being 22-36% of total summary nitrate and ammonium uptake. There was a linear correlation between nitrogen uptake and chlorophyll a concentrations in the Black Sea. In the water column in autumn both nitrate and ammonium uptake decreased as chlorophyll a concentration diminishes with depth.


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The first data on content of inorganic reduced sulfur compounds [H2S, S°, S2O3(2-), SO3(2-)] were obtained at two stations in the northeastern Levant Sea (Mediterranean Basin). With lower detection limit for the mentioned sulfur forms of 30 nM, sulfide forms were not found, while thiosulfate concentration varied from 178 to 890 nM (from 24 to 78 % of total reduced S), and S° varied from 156 to 1090 nM. Vertical distribution of these compounds showed irregular character; correlation between total reduced S maxima, fluorescence, and increase of nutrient element content near the lower pycnocline boundary was observed. The maximum total sulfur concentration in the surface layer was likely due an anthropogenic influence. The ''starting'' mechanism that controls appearance and distribution of sulfur compounds in oxygen-containing water is the process of bacterial sulfate reduction in micropatches of fresh organic detritus. Reduced sulfur forms participate further in a series of chemical and biochemical processes. Contribution of hydrolysis of organic sulfur-containing compounds is insignificant for the region in study.


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The mass-accumulation rate (MAR) of the non-authigenic, inorganic, crystalline component of deep-sea sediments from the Pacific aseismic rises apparently reflects influx of eolian sediment. The eolian sediment usually is dominated by volcanic material, except during glacial times. Sediments from Hess Rise provide a discontinuous record of eolian MARs. During Albian to Cenomanian time, the influx of volcanic material was fairly high (0.35-0.6 g/cm**2/10**3 yr), recording the latest stages of the Albian volcanism that formed Hess Rise. From the Campanian through the Paleocene, influx of eolian sediment was low, averaging 0.03 g/cm**2/10**3 yr. None of the four Hess Rise drill sites show evidence of the Late Cretaceous volcanic episode recorded at many sites now in the equatorial to subtropical Pacific. Pliocene to Pleistocene samples record a peak in volcanic influx about 4 to 5 m.y. ago, which has been well documented elsewhere. The several-fold increase in eolian accumulation rates elsewhere which are correlated with the onset of severe northernhemisphere glaciation 2.5 m.y. ago is not obvious in the Hess Rise data.


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The efficiency of the biological pump of carbon to the deep ocean depends largely on the biologically mediated export of carbon from the surface ocean and its remineralization with depth. Global satellite studies have primarily focused on chlorophyll concentration and net primary production (NPP) to understand the role of phytoplankton in these processes. Recent satellite retrievals of phytoplankton composition now allow for the size of phytoplankton cells to be considered. Here, we improve understanding of phytoplankton size structure impacts on particle export, remineralization and transfer. Particulate organic carbon (POC) flux observations from sediment traps and 234Th are compiled across the global ocean. Annual climatologies of NPP, percent microplankton, and POC flux at four time series locations and within biogeochemical provinces are constructed, and sinking velocities are calculated to align surface variables with POC flux at depth. Parameters that characterize POC flux vs. depth (export flux ratio, labile fraction, remineralization length scale) are then fit to the aligned dataset. Times of the year dominated by different size compositions are identified and fit separately in regions of the ocean where phytoplankton cell size showed enough dynamic range over the annual cycle. Considering all data together, our findings support the paradigm of high export flux but low transfer efficiency in more productive regions and vice versa for oligotrophic regions. However, when parsing by dominant size class, we find periods dominated by small cells to have both greater export flux and lower transfer efficiency than periods when large cells comprise a greater proportion of the phytoplankton community.


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Studies of the nature and amount of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in pore-water solutions have been confined mostly to recent sediments (Henrichs and Farrington, 1979; Krom and Sholkovitz, 1977; Nissenbaum et al., 1972). The analyses of organic constituents in interstitial waters have not been extended to sediment depths of more than 15 meters (Starikova, 1970). Large fluctuations in organic contents of near-bottom interstitial fluids suggest that organic compounds may provide insight into the chemical and biological processes occurring in the sedimentary column. Gradients in inorganic ion concentrations have been used as indicators of diagenesis of organic matter in deep sediments and interstitial waters. Shishkina (1978) attributed the occurrence of iodine and Cl/Br ratios that deviated from the value of seawater to the breakdown of organic matter and the liberation of bromide during mineralization. Sulfate depletion and maxima in ammonia concentrations were interpreted to be a consequence of sulfate reduction reactions in pore fluids, even at depths of more than 400 meters (Miller et al., 1979; Manheim and Schug, 1978).The purpose of this chapter is to study organic carbon compounds dissolved in interstitial waters of deep sediments at Sites 474 and 479.


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This data set contains measurements of inorganic phosphorus in samples of soil solution collected in 2003 from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below) that have been aggregated to seasonal values. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Glass suction plates with a diameter of 12 cm, 1 cm thickness and a pore size of 1-1.6 µm (UMS GmbH, Munich, Germany) were installed in April 2002 in depths of 10, 20, 30 and 60 cm to collect soil solution. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. The sampling bottles were continuously evacuated to a negative pressure between 50 and 350 mbar, such that the suction pressure was about 50 mbar above the actual soil water tension. Thus, only the soil leachate was collected. Cumulative soil solution was sampled biweekly and analyzed for dissolved inorganic P (PO4P). Here volume-weighted mean values are provided as aggregated seasonal values (spring = March to May, summer = June to August, fall = September to November, winter = December to February) for 2003 in spring, fall, and winter. To calculate these values, the sampled volume of soil solution is used as weight for P concentrations of the respective sampling date. Inorganic phosphorus concentrations in the soil solution were measured photometrically with a continuous flow analyzer (CFA SAN++, Skalar [Breda, The Netherlands]). Ammonium molybdate catalyzed by antimony tartrate reacts in an acidic medium with phosphate and forms a phospho-molybdic acid complex. Ascorbic acid reduces this complex to an intensely blue-colored complex. As the molybdic complex forms under strongly acidic conditions, we could not exclude the hydrolysis of labile organic P compounds in our samples. Furthermore, the molybdate reaction is not sensitive for condensed phosphates. The detection limits of both TDP and PO4P were 0.02 mg P l-1 (CFA, Skalar).


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This data set contains measurements of inorganic phosphorus in samples of soil solution collected in 2005 from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below) that have been aggregated to seasonal values. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Glass suction plates with a diameter of 12 cm, 1 cm thickness and a pore size of 1-1.6 µm (UMS GmbH, Munich, Germany) were installed in April 2002 in depths of 10, 20, 30 and 60 cm to collect soil solution. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. The sampling bottles were continuously evacuated to a negative pressure between 50 and 350 mbar, such that the suction pressure was about 50 mbar above the actual soil water tension. Thus, only the soil leachate was collected. Cumulative soil solution was sampled biweekly and analyzed for dissolved inorganic P (PO4P). Here volume-weighted mean values are provided as aggregated seasonal values (spring = March to May, summer = June to August, fall = September to November, winter = December to February) for 2005 in spring, and winter. To calculate these values, the sampled volume of soil solution is used as weight for P concentrations of the respective sampling date. Inorganic phosphorus concentrations in the soil solution were measured photometrically with a continuous flow analyzer (CFA Autoanalyzer [Bran&Luebbe, Norderstedt, Germany]). Ammonium molybdate catalyzed by antimony tartrate reacts in an acidic medium with phosphate and forms a phospho-molybdic acid complex. Ascorbic acid reduces this complex to an intensely blue-colored complex. As the molybdic complex forms under strongly acidic conditions, we could not exclude the hydrolysis of labile organic P compounds in our samples. Furthermore, the molybdate reaction is not sensitive for condensed phosphates. The detection limits of both TDP and PO4P were 0.04 mg P l-1 (Autoanalyzer, Bran&Luebbe).


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The stable carbon isotopic composition of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides sacculifer and G. ruber (white) and sedimentary organic matter from the northern Gulf of Aqaba have been investigated to estimate changes in delta13CDIC in surface waters during the last 1,000 years. The high sedimentation rates at the core sites (about 54 cm/Kyear) provide high temporal resolution (~10 years). Recent sediments at the top of the cores reflect conditions younger than 1950. The delta13C records of the planktonic foraminifera from three multicores display similar trends, showing a uniform and consistent pattern before the 1750s, and a gradual decrease of approximately 0.63? over the last two centuries. This decrease seems to track the decrease of delta13CDIC in surface waters, which is mainly caused by the increase of anthropogenic input of 13C-depleted CO2 into the atmosphere. Similarly, a trend towards lighter values of the carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter (delta13Corg) during the last 200 years supports the interpretation obtained from the planktonic foraminiferal delta13C. Furthermore, direct measurements of seawater show that delta13C of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the northern Gulf of Aqaba has decreased by about 0.44 per mil during the period 1979-2000. The average annual decrease is 0.021 per mil, which is similar to that observed globally. The delta13C values of planktonic foraminifera combined with organic matter delta13C from marine sediments are good indicators for reconstructing past changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations from the northern Gulf of Aqaba.


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Emiliania huxleyi (strain B 92/11) was exposed to different nutrient supply, CO2 and temperature conditions in phosphorus controlled chemostats to investigate effects on organic carbon exudation and partitioning between the pools of particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). 14C incubation measurements for primary production (PP) and extracellular release (ER) were performed. Chemical analysis included the amount and composition of high molecular weight (>1 kDa) dissolved combined carbohydrates (HMW-dCCHO), particulate combined carbohydrates (pCCHO) and the carbon content of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP-C). Applied CO2 and temperature conditions were 300, 550 and 900 µatm pCO2 at 14 °C, and additionally 900 µatm pCO2 at 18 °C simulating a greenhouse ocean scenario. Enhanced nutrient stress by reducing the dilution rate (D) from D = 0.3 /d to D = 0.1 /d (D = µ) induced the strongest response in E. huxleyi. At µ = 0.3 /d, PP was significantly higher at elevated CO2 and temperature and DO14C production correlated to PO14C production in all treatments, resulting in similar percentages of extracellular release (PER; (DO14C production/PP) × 100) averaging 3.74 ± 0.94%. At µ = 0.1 /d, PO14C production decreased significantly, while exudation of DO14C increased. Thus, indicating a stronger partitioning from the particulate to the dissolved pool. Maximum PER of 16.3 ± 2.3% were observed at µ = 0.1 /d at elevated CO2 and temperature. While cell densities remained constant within each treatment and throughout the experiment, concentrations of HMW-dCCHO, pCCHO and TEP were generally higher under enhanced nutrient stress. At µ= 0.3 /d, pCCHO concentration increased significantly with elevated CO2 and temperature. At µ = 0.1 /d, the contribution (mol % C) of HMW-dCCHO to DOC was lower at elevated CO2 and temperature while pCCHO and TEP concentrations were higher. This was most pronounced under greenhouse conditions. Our findings suggest a stronger transformation of primary produced DOC into POC by coagulation of exudates under nutrient limitation. Our results further imply that elevated CO2 and temperature will increase exudation by E. huxleyi and may affect organic carbon partitioning in the ocean due to an enhanced transfer of HMW-dCCHO to TEP by aggregation processes.


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Ocean acidification studies in the past decade have greatly improved our knowledge of how calcifying organisms respond to increased surface ocean CO2 levels. It has become evident that, for many organisms, nutrient availability is an important factor that influences their physiological responses and competitive interactions with other species. Therefore, we tested how simulated ocean acidification and eutrophication (nitrate and phosphate enrichment) interact to affect the physiology and ecology of a calcifying chlorophyte macroalga (Halimeda opuntia (L.) J.V. Lamouroux) and its common noncalcifying epiphyte (Dictyota sp.) in a 4-week fully crossed multifactorial experiment. Inorganic nutrient enrichment (+NP) had a strong influence on all responses measured with the exception of net calcification. Elevated CO2 alone significantly decreased electron transport rates of the photosynthetic apparatus and resulted in phosphorus limitation in both species, but had no effect on oxygen production or respiration. The combination of CO2 and +NP significantly increased electron transport rates in both species. While +NP alone stimulated H. opuntia growth rates, Dictyota growth was significantly stimulated by nutrient enrichment only at elevated CO2, which led to the highest biomass ratios of Dictyota to Halimeda. Our results suggest that inorganic nutrient enrichment alone stimulates several aspects of H. opuntia physiology, but nutrient enrichment at a CO2 concentration predicted for the end of the century benefits Dictyota sp. and hinders its calcifying basibiont H. opuntia.


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A distinct Pliocene eastern Mediterranean sapropel (i-282), recovered from three Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 160 Sites, has been investigated for its organic and inorganic composition. This sapropel is characterized by high organic carbon (Corg) and trace element contents, and the presence of isorenieratene derivatives. The latter suggests that the base of the photic zone was sulphidic during formation of the sapropel. Combined with evidence of bottom water anoxia (preservation of laminae, high redox-sensitive trace element contents, and the abundance and isotopic composition of pyrite) this leads to the tentative conclusion that almost the entire water column may have been anoxic. This anoxia resulted from high productivity and not from stagnation, because an approximation of the trace element budget during sapropel formation shows that water exchange with the western Mediterranean is needed. Entire water column anoxia has been suggested earlier for several black shales. With regard to the depositional environment and the Corg content, however, only the Cenomanian=Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) black shales appear to be comparable to this sapropel. The proposed trace element removal mechanism of scavenging and (co-)precipitation in an anoxic water column, is thought to be similar for both types of deposits. The ultimate trace element source for the sapropel, however, is seawater, whereas it is hydrothermal and fluvial input for CTBE black shales (because they have a larger temporal and spatial distribution). Nonetheless, the Corg-rich eastern Mediterranean Pliocene sapropel discussed here may be considered to be a younger analogue of CTBE black shales.