496 resultados para EUROPIUM CHALCOGENIDES


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The paper presents materials on composition and texture of weakly serpentinized ultrabasic rocks from the western and eastern walls of the Markov Deep (5°30.6'-5°32.4'N) in the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Predominant harzburgites with protogranular and porphyroclastic textures contain two major generations of minerals: the first generation composes the bulk of rocks and consists of Ol_89.8-90.4 + En_90.2-90.8 + Di_91.8 + Chr (Cr#32.3-36.6, Mg#67.2-70.0), while the second generation composes very thin branching veinlets and consists of PlAn_32-47 + Ol_74.3-77.1 + Opx_55.7-71.9 + Cpx_67.5 + Amph_53.7-74.2 + Ilm. Syndeformational olivine neoblasts in recrystallization zones are highly magnesian. Concentrations and covariations of major elements in harzburgites indicate that these rocks are depleted in mantle residues (high Mg# of minerals and whole-rock samples and low in CaO, Al2O3, and TiO2) that are significantly enriched in trace HFSE and REE (Zr, Hf, Y, LREE, and all REE). Mineralogy and geochemistry of harzburgites were formed by interaction of mantle residues with hydrous, strongly fractionated melts that impregnated them. Mineral composition of veinlets in harzburgites and mineralogical-geochemical characteristics of related plagiogranites and gabbronorites suggest that these plagiogranites were produced by melt residuals after crystallization of gabbronorites. Modern characteristics of harzburgites were shaped by the following processes: (i) partial melting of mantle material simultaneously with its subsolidus deformations, (ii) brittle-plastic deformations associated with cataclastic flow and recrystallization, and (iii) melt percolation along zones of maximal stress relief and interaction of this melt with magnesian mantle residue.


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To establish a natural background and its temporal and spatial variability for the area around Casey Station in the Windmill Islands, East Antarctica, the authors studied major and trace element concentrations and the distribution of organic matter in marine and lacustrine sediments. A wide range of natural variability in trace metal concentrations was identified between sites and within a time scale of 9 ka (e.g., Ni 5-37 mg/kg, Cu 20-190 mg/kg, Zn 50-300 mg/kg, Pb 4.5- 34 mg/kg). TOC concentrations are as high as 3 wt.% at the marine sites and 20 wt.% at the lacustrine sites, and indicate highly productive ecosystems. These data provide a background upon which the extent of human impact can be established, and existing data indicate negligible levels of disturbance. Geochemical and lithological data for a lacustrine sediment core from Beall Lake confirm earlier interpretation of recent climatic changes based on diatom distribution, and the onset of deglaciation in the northern part of the Windmill Islands between 8.6 and 8.0 ka BP. The results demonstrate that geochemical and lithological data can not only be used to define natural background values, but also to assess long-term climatic changes of a specific environment. Other sites, however, preserve a completely different sedimentary record. Therefore, inferred climatic record, and differences between sites, can be ascribed to differences in elevation, distance from the shore, water depth, and local catchment features. The extreme level of spatial variability seems to be a feature of Antarctic coastal areas, and demonstrates that results obtained from a specific site cannot be easily generalized to a larger area.


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During Leg 120 basalts were recovered at four drill holes on the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau. This paper reports the trace element and Sr, Nd, Hf, and Pb isotopic characteristics of these basalts and compares these basalts with Indian Ocean basalts and Kerguelen and Heard island volcanics. Kerguelen-Heard Plateau basalts are extremely heterogeneous in character. Intersite variations are larger than intrasite variations. Part of the chemical variations of the plateau volcanics overlap with those characteristics of Kerguelen Island volcanics, which indicates tapping of the same mantle source during the two different periods of activity. The estimates of the degree of melting for the plateau basalts (smaller degree of melting than for mid-ocean ridge basalts) and the heterogeneous character of the plateau exclude an origin that requires large degrees of melting or more rigorous convection than at ocean ridges. However, all characteristics indicate an oceanic origin for the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau.


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Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a suitable tool for multi-element analysis at low concentration levels. Rare earth element (REE) determinations in standard reference materials and small volumes of molten ice core samples from Antarctica have been performed with an ICP-time of flight-MS (ICP-TOF-MS) system. Recovery rates for REE in e.g. SPS-SW1 amounted to not, vert, similar ~103%, and the relative standard deviations were 3.4% for replicate analysis at REE concentrations in the lower ng/l range. Analyses of REE concentrations in Antarctic ice core samples showed that the ICP-TOF-MS technique meets the demands of restricted sample mass. The data obtained are in good agreement with ICP-Quadrupole-MS (ICP-Q-MS) and ICP-Sector Field-MS (ICP-SF-MS) results. The ICP-TOF-MS system determines accurately and precisely REE concentrations exceeding 5 ng/l while between 0.5 and 5 ng/l accuracy and precision are element dependent.


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Detailed data obtained on chemistry of sedimentary rocks from the Mountainous Crimea and the Northwestern Caucasus that were dated at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary and formed during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 make it possible to calculate dissolved oxygen concentration in bottom waters of the sedimentation basin. Enrichment factors of trace elements in black shales are revised and an explanation is suggested for genesis of the rocks with regard for unusual climatic changes.


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In August-September 1991 during the SPASIBA expedition (Scientific Program on the Arctic and Siberian Aquatorium) aboard R/V Yakov Smirnitzky in the Laptev Sea ten samples of aerosols were collected by nylon nets. A combined approach including various analytical techniques, such as single-particle analysis, instrumental neutron activation analysis, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, was used to study composition of the samples. Mass concentration of coarse-grained (>0.001 mm) insoluble fraction of aerosols ranged from 80 to 460 ng/m**3. In all the samples remains of land vegetation were found to be the dominant component. Organic carbon content of the aerosols ranged from 23 to 49%. Inorganic part of the samples was represented mainly by alumosilicates and quartz. Anthropogenic ''fly ash'' particles were observed in all the samples. Temporal variations of element concentrations resulted from differences in air masses entering the studied area.


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DSDP Leg 82 drilled nine sites to the southwest of the Azores Islands on the west flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) in an attempt to determine the temporal and spatial evolution of the Azores "hot-spot" activity. The chemistry of the basalts recovered during Leg 82 is extremely varied: in Holes 558 and 561, both enriched (E-type: CeN/YbN = 1.5 to 2.7; Zr/Nb = 4.5 to 9.6) and depleted (or normal-N-type: CeN/YbN = 0.6 to 0.8; Zr/Nb > 20) mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) occur as intercalated lava flows. To the north of the Hayes Fracture Zone, there is little apparent systematic relationship between basalt chemistry and geographic position. However, to the south of the Hayes Fracture Zone, the chemical character of the basalts (N-type MORB) is more uniform. The coexistence of both E-type and N-type MORB in one hole may be explicable in terms of either complex melting/ fractionation processes during basalt genesis or chemically heterogeneous mantle sources. Significant variation in the ratios of strongly incompatible trace elements (e.g., La/Ta; Th/Ta) in the basalts of Holes 558 and 561 are not easily explicable by processes such as dynamic partial melting or open system crystal fractionation. Rather, the trace element data require that the basalts are ultimately derived from at least two chemically distinct mantle sources. The results from Leg 82 are equivocal in terms of the evolution of the Azores "hot spot," but would appear not to be compatible with a simple model of E-type MORB magmatism associated with upwelling mantle "blobs." Models that invoke a locally chemically heterogeneous mantle are best able to account for the small-scale variation in basalt chemistry.


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Very significant enhancements of the element iridium have been observed in association with the Cretaceous/ Tertiary boundary in marine sediments laid down 65 m.y. ago and subsequently uplifted above the ocean's surface. If our hypothesis for the origin of the iridium and the cause of the Cretaceous/Tertiary life extinctions (the asteroid-impact theory) (Alvarez et al., 1980) is correct, the Ir anomaly should be associated with the Cretaceous/ Tertiary boundary region wherever it is intact. The present work was undertaken to search for the Ir anomaly in a deep-sea-drilling core, in order to check this aspect of the asteroid-impact theory.


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X-ray diffraction analyses have been carried out on 128 samples of Miocene to Quaternary sediments from ODP Sites 794, 795 and 797. Some clay fractions of samples from Site 797 have also been studied for rare earth elements and by Nd isotopic analyses. These three sites display similar lithological and clay assemblages (with dominant chlorite, illite and smectite) showing that the sedimentation was homogeneous throughout the whole Japan Sea Basin. Three mineralogical zones are recognized. The first zone (Lower Miocene sandy clay of Sites 794 and 797) is mainly composed of chlorite resulting from hydrothermal transformation of arc-derived smectite, due to sill injections during the initial oceanic spreading stage. The second zone (Lower Miocene to Lower Pliocene siliceous claystone and diatomaceous silty clay) is dominated by arc-derived smectite; the abundance of this mineral decreases upwards while illite and chlorite increase. This trend reflects a change of detrital source, from an eastern arc-derived source (epsilon -Nd**t>-3.3); variable LREE enrichment) to a western continental crust source (epsilon-Nd**t<-9.4; shale-like REE patterns); climatic modifications in the current dynamics are proposed as a cause for this change. The third zone (Upper Pliocene to Recent silty clay with minor diatom oozes) is characterized at Site 797 by increasing amounts of illite and chlorite. This reflects a more and more important western supply which is assumed to be related to tectonic rejuvenations of the Asian margin or climatic modifications affecting the alteration conditions or the current dynamics. At Sites 794 and 795, the more or less sharp supply of chlorite seems to be driven by the incipient subduction zone on the eastern margin of the Japan Sea.


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New geochemical data from the Cocos Plate constrain the composition of the input into the Central American subduction zone and demonstrate the extent of influence of the Galápagos Hotspot on the Cocos Plate. Samples include sediments and basalts from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1256 outboard of Nicaragua, gabbroic sills from ODP Sites 1039 and 1040, tholeiitic glasses from the Fisher Ridge off northwest Costa Rica, and basalts from the Galápagos Hotspot Track outboard of Central Costa Rica. Site 1256 basalts range from normal to enriched MORB in incompatible elements and have Pb and Nd isotopic compositions within the East Pacific Rise MORB field. The sediments have similar 206Pb/204Pb and only slightly more radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios than the basalts. Altered samples from the subducting Galápagos Hotspot Track have similar Nd and Pb isotopic compositions to fresh Galápagos samples but have significantly higher Sr isotopic composition, indicating that the subduction input will have a distinct geochemical signature from Galápagos-type mantle material that may be present in the wedge beneath Costa Rica. Gabbroic sills from Sites 1039 and 1040 in East Pacific Rise (EPR) crust show evidence for influence of the Galápagos Hotspot ?100 km beyond the morphological hotspot track.


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Elemental concentrations were determined on 21 samples from Hole 1215A to evaluate the influence of hydrothermal sources on bulk sediment composition. Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were also determined on 10 of these samples. Concentration profiles and REE patterns are consistent with a strong hydrothermal influence on sediment composition at the base of Hole 1215A.