162 resultados para Concretions


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New data on phosphorites collected by dredging and trawling at depths from 2700 to 520 m in the open Atlantic Ocean (i.e. outside of the shelf and the continental slope) are reported. Aphanitic, granular, brecciated, and conglomerate-like types are distinguished among the phosphorites. A comparison of the studied phosphorites with ones from the Atlantic shelf of Africa and from seamounts of other oceans is made.


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New data on phosphorites collected by dredging and trawling at depths from 2700 to 520 m in the open Atlantic Ocean (i.e. outside of the shelf and the continental slope) are reported. Aphanitic, granular, brecciated, and conglomerate-like types are distinguished among the phosphorites. A comparison of the studied phosphorites with ones from the Atlantic shelf of Africa and from seamounts of other oceans is made.


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Rare earth element concentrations in ferromanganese concretions sampled from Slupsk Furrow in the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone are similar to those of concretions from the Gulf of Bothnia. The lack of positive Ce anomalies in the concretions from Slupsk Furrow indicates that they are formed under less oxidizing conditions than spheroidal concretions from the Gulf of Bothnia. Mossbauer studies indicate that poorly crystalline lepidocrosite is the principal iron oxyhydroxide mineral present in these concretions.


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New data on phosphorites collected by dredging and trawling at depths from 2700 to 520 m in the open Atlantic Ocean (i.e. outside of the shelf and the continental slope) are reported. Aphanitic, granular, brecciated, and conglomerate-like types are distinguished among the phosphorites. A comparison of the studied phosphorites with ones from the Atlantic shelf of Africa and from seamounts of other oceans is made.


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The studied material was taken from Central Indian Ocean central, during the "TRANSINDIK" campaign of the R/V Valdivia. The campaign was conducted from 14 December 1973 until 23 January 1974, between Beira (Mozambique) and Singapore via Port Louis (Mauritius). The samples were taken on 14 stations aligned on a profile trending West, following approximately the 15th parallel (south). This profile cuts through the Mascarene plateau Basin. The preliminary study presented in this report was carried out as part of a study into the genesis and diagenesis the ocean deposits of the central and southern areas of the Indian Ocean (Laboratoire de GÈologie du MusÈum d'Histoire Naturelle - R.C.P. 212) and under the CNEXO No. 74/1017 contract. The data collected supplements the results of the OSIRIS campaign (R/V Marion Dufresne - TAAF) concerning relations existing between morphostructure and sedimentation and, more particularly, the nature and age of metalliferous deposits associated with Mn concretions.


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Ferromanganese crusts were sampled from the surface of a stone collected at a depth of 20 m in the northern part of Lake Biwa, Japan. These samples were analysed for 37 elements by neutron activation, X-ray fluorescence, and ICP-AE. The crusts were found to be enriched with Ba, P, B, As, and sometimes with Co, Ni, Cu and Sb. The elements were classified into 4 groups based on the varieties of host minerals (Fe-oxides, Mn-oxides or allochthonous materials) in which they were incorporated : elements mainly associated with 1) Mn-oxides : Ba, Ni, Cs, Sr and Co ; 2) Fe-oxides : P, B and As; 3) allochthonous materials : Na, K, Rb, Al, Ti, Sc, Hf and Th ; and 4) Mn-oxides plus allochthonous materials : rare earth elements and major heavy metals. The elemental compositions in the Lake Biwa concretions, including the crusts and Mn-deposits studied previously by these authors, were compared with those in other freshwater and oceanic concretions. As a result, the concentrations of rare earth elements and major heavy metals were found to be much lower, whereas those of B, P and As were higher in the Lake Biwa than in the oceanic concretions. These differences could be well explained in terms of the effects of sea salt, growth rates of the concretions, and pH of the formation environment.


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Soil degradation threatens agricultural production and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the coming decades, soil degradation, in particular soil erosion, will become worse through the expansion of agriculture into savannah and forest and changes in climate. This study aims to improve the understanding of how land use and climate change affect the hydrological cycle and soil erosion rates at the catchment scale. We used the semi-distributed, time-continuous erosion model SWAT (Soil Water Assessment Tool) to quantify runoff processes and sheet and rill erosion in the Upper Ouémé River catchment (14500 km**2, Central Benin) for the period 1998-2005. We could then evaluate a range of land use and climate change scenarios with the SWAT model for the period 2001-2050 using spatial data from the land use model CLUE-S and the regional climate model REMO. Field investigations were performed to parameterise a soil map, to measure suspended sediment concentrations for model calibration and validation and to characterise erosion forms, degraded agricultural fields and soil conservation practices. Modelling results reveal current "hotspots" of soil erosion in the north-western, eastern and north-eastern parts of the Upper Ouémé catchment. As a consequence of rapid expansion of agricultural areas triggered by high population growth (partially caused by migration) and resulting increases in surface runoff and topsoil erosion, the mean sediment yield in the Upper Ouémé River outlet is expected to increase by 42 to 95% by 2025, depending on the land use scenario. In contrast, changes in climate variables led to decreases in sediment yield of 5 to 14% in 2001-2025 and 17 to 24% in 2026-2050. Combined scenarios showed the dominance of land use change leading to changes in mean sediment yield of -2 to +31% in 2001-2025. Scenario results vary considerably within the catchment. Current "hotspots" of soil erosion will aggravate, and a new "hotspot" will appear in the southern part of the catchment. Although only small parts of the Upper Ouémé catchment belong to the most degraded zones in the country, sustainable soil and plant management practices should be promoted in the entire catchment. The results of this study can support planning of soil conservation activities in Benin.


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The radioactivity of bottom sediments has been but little investigated. Data published by Joly, Pettersson, Piggot and Iimori refer to determinations of radium, contained mainly in oceanic deep-water sediments in red clays, radiolarian, globigerina oozes, blue muds and manganese concretions. The determinations have shown the manganese concretions to be richest as regards content of radium (up to 10-8 per cent); red clays and radiolarian ooze also possess a rather high content of radium. Other types of sediments are less rich in radium.


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Ferromanganese concretions from ten stations in the Barents Sea have been analysed for 24 elements. The deposits occur as discoidal and flat concretions and as coatings, in the latter case on lithified or detrital material or as extensive pavements on the Svalbard shelf. The concretions are compositionally similar to Baltic concretions but differ considerably from deep-ocean nodules, particularly in Cu, Ni and Co contents. Statistical analyses reveal distinct correlations between Mn, Na, Ba, Ni and Cu; the Mn-rich coatings showed enrichment of Mo, Zn and possibly Co in a Mn-phase. The iron phase holds high concretions of P and As. Two iron-rich concretions with high contents of P, Ca, Sr, Y, Yb and La were found east and northeast of Spitsbergen Banken, probably indicating upwelling of nutrient-rich, cold polar water along the Svalbard shelf.


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Ferromanganese micronodules have been found on Georges Bank, off the U.S. northeast coast, distributed throughout the surficial sediments within an area about 125 km long and at least 12 km wide. These coarse, sand-sized concretions have precipitated from metal-rich interstitial waters and contain many of the textural and structural features common to other neritic nodules. Most of the nodules have accreted around detrital grains, and X-ray powder diffraction analyses indicate the presence of geothite and vernadite ( delta -MnO sub(2)) in the ferromanganese layers. Chemical analyses of the micronodules, when compared with similar data on deep-sea manganese nodules, reveal lower Mn/Fe ratios, significantly higher concentrations of V and As, comparable values of Mo, and an order of magnitude less of Co, Ni, Ce and most other, metals.