968 resultados para Age, oxygen isotope
Oxygen and carbon isotope ratio measurements are presented for Globigerinoides ruber and for benthic species (mainly Uvigerina spp.) in the Pleistocene and uppermost Pliocene section of ODP Hole 677A in the Panama Basin. This provides the best available continuous Pleistocene stable isotope records from any location, fully justifying the recoring of DSDP Site 504. Oxygen isotope stage 22 (age about 0.85 Ma) was of similar magnitude to the most extensive glacials of the Brunhes and constitutes a logical base for the middle Pleistocene. Oxygen isotope stages as defined by Ruddiman et al. (1986, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(86)90024-5) and by Raymo et al. (1989, doi:10.1029/PA004i004p00413) back to stage 104 are recognized. Although the internationally agreed base of the Quaternary at or near stage 62 (about 1.6 Ma) is not marked by a major isotopic event, it does approximate the base of a regime characterized by highly regular 41,000-yr climate cycles. The records at Site 677 are ideal for time-series analyses and will permit a new attempt to develop a chronology for the early Pleistocene based on tuning to the orbital frequencies. The carbon isotope records also appear to contain considerable variance at orbital frequencies throughout the sequence analyzed.
Detailed pollen analyses and oxygen isotope records of three foraminiferal species, Globigerina bulloides, Uvigerina peregrina and Cibicides pachyderma, from the Semaforo and Vrica composite sections (Crotone, southern Italy) have been compared to the global climatic changes depicted by late Pliocene-early Pleistocene foraminiferal d18O records of Site 607 in the North Atlantic, and Hole 653A in the Tyrrhenian basin, West Mediterranean. Major overturns in the mid-altitude vegetation are shown near isotopic stages 82, 60, 58 and 50, at about 2.03 Ma, 1.6 Ma and 1.37 Ma according to the Raymo et al. (1989, doi:10.1029/PA004i004p00413) and Ruddiman et al. (1989, doi:10.1029/PA004i004p00353) timescales. At the same dates, glacial 18O maxima either became higher or display step increases in the western Mediterranean or in the open ocean as well. This suggests that size increases of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets were the driving factor for regional or local marine and continental environmental changes within the Mediterranean basin. Near isotopic stages 62-60, close to the conventional Plio-Pleistocene boundary, the climatic conditions severed enough within the Mediterranean basin to modify the continental environment, as depicted by a sudden increase of Artemisia percentages, while the first significant southward migration of the North Polar Front may have been recorded by an influx of left coiling Neogloboquadrina pachyderma in the central Mediterranean. It also appears that 'Boreal Guests' entered the Mediterranean during phases of 18O enrichment of foraminiferal calcite. There does not seem to be any discrepancy between the climatic concept of the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary and its chronostratigraphic definition.
Eight box cores from the tropical Atlantic were studied in detail with regard to foraminiferal oxygen isotopes, radiocarbon, and Globorotalia menardii abundance. A standard Atlantic oxygen-isotope signal was reconstructed for the last 20,000 yr. It is quite similar to the west-equatorial Pacific signal published previously. Deglaciation is seen to occur in two steps which are separated by a pause. Onset of deglaciation is after 15,000 yr B.P. The pause is centered between 11,000 and 12,000 yr B.P., but may be correlative with the Younger Dryas (10,500 yr B.P.) if allowance is made for a scale shift due to mixing processes on the sea floor. Step 2 is centered near 10,000 yr B.P. and is followed by a brief excursion toward light oxygen values. This excursion (the M event) may correlate with the Gulf of Mexico meltwater spike.
We report new data on oxygen isotopes in marine sulfate (delta18O[SO4]), measured in marine barite (BaSO4), over the Cenozoic. The delta18O[SO4] varies by 6x over the Cenozoic, with major peaks 3, 15, 30 and 55 Ma. The delta18O[SO4] does not co-vary with the delta18O[SO4], emphasizing that different processes control the oxygen and sulfur isotopic composition of sulfate. This indicates that temporal changes in the delta18O[SO4] over the Cenozoic must reflect changes in the isotopic fractionation associated with the sulfide reoxidation pathway. This suggests that variations in the aerial extent of different types of organic-rich sediments may have a significant impact on the biogeochemical sulfur cycle and emphasizes that the sulfur cycle is less sensitive to net organic carbon burial than to changes in the conditions of that organic carbon burial. The delta18O[SO4] also does not co-vary with the d18O measured in benthic foraminifera, emphasizing that oxygen isotopes in water and sulfate remain out of equilibrium over the lifetime of sulfate in the ocean. A simple box model was used to explore dynamics of the marine sulfur cycle with respect to both oxygen and sulfur isotopes over the Cenozoic. We interpret variability in the delta18O[SO4] to reflect changes in the aerial distribution of conditions within organic-rich sediments, from periods with more localized, organic-rich sediments, to periods with more diffuse organic carbon burial. While these changes may not impact the net organic carbon burial, they will greatly affect the way that sulfur is processed within organic-rich sediments, impacting the sulfide reoxidation pathway and thus the delta18O[SO4]. Our qualitative interpretation of the record suggests that sulfate concentrations were probably lower earlier in the Cenozoic.
Die Paläozeanographie versucht die Klimageschichte des Quartärs zu rekonstruieren und die Zusammenhänge zwischen Klimaänderungen und ozeanischer Zirkulation besser zu verstehen. Ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel stellen die planktischen Foraminiferen dar. Die Analyse planktischer Foraminiferengemeinschaften hat gezeigt, daß die Verbreitung dieser Protozoa durch die Umweltbedingungen in den Oberflächenwasserströmen bestimmt wird (BoLTOVSKOY, 1969; CIFELLI& BENIER, 1976; OTIENS, 1991). Durch ihre Ablagerung und Erhaltung am Meeresboden speichern sie diese Informationen und bilden einen Indikator für Wassermassen und Oberflächenwassertemperaturschichtung. Zeitliche und räumliche Veränderungen der Faunenvergesellschaftungen und der Verhältnisse stabiler Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotope einzelner Foraminiferenarten haben damit einen maßgeblichen Beitrag zur Kenntnis der spätquartären Temperatur- und Zirkulationsänderungen der Oberflächenströme geliefert (SHACKLETON & OPDYKE, 1973; BE et al., 1976; RUDDIMAN & McooYRE, 1976; VINCENT & BERGER, 1981; CLIMAP, 1981; RA VELO et al., 1990). Mit Hilfe der planktischen Foraminiferen soll diese Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion der spätquartären Ozeanographie des Südatlantiks liefern. Die Oberflächenströme des Südatlantiks sind das Bindeglied im Wärmeaustausch zwischen niederen und hohen Breiten. Durch den Südäquatorialstrom (SEC) werden warme Wassermassen, die sich aufgrund der hohen Sonneneinstrahlung im tropischen Atlantik gebildet haben, in den Nordatlantik transportiert. Die Wärme wird im Nordatlantik unter Bildung des Nordatlantischen-Tiefenwassers (NADW) an die Atmosphäre abgegeben. Durch dieses Ereignis wird maßgeblich das nordeuropäische Klima beeinflußt (BROECKER & DENTON, 1989). Die Intensität des SEC wird durch den saisonal variierenden SE-, NE-Passat gesteuert, der hauptsächlich durch die Präzession der geneigten Erdachse bzw. durch die Insolation auf der Nordhalbkugel kontrolliert wird (Mc OOYRE et aI., 1989; MOLFINO & Mc INTYRE, 1990). Der SEC fließt entlang des Äquators von Ost nach West und kalte, nährstotfreiche, tiefere Wassermassen (Südatlantisches-Zentralwasser (SACW)) steigen vor allem im Osten auf und erzeugen das hochproduktive äquatoriale Auftriebsgebiet. Im Osten ist der Temperaturgradient in der Wassersäule steiler, und die Thermoklinentiefe nimmt von Ost nach West zu. Die Lage der Thermokline ist damit ein wesentlicher Faktor, der den Wärmehaushalt im Atlantik mitbestimmt. So wird z. B. im äquatorialen Auftriebsgebiet und im Auftriebsgebiet des küstennahen Benguela-Stroms, wo die Thermoklinentiefe durch aufsteigende kalte Wassermassen gering ist, eine Wärmezunahme von 100 W/qm im Wärmehaushalt erreicht (PETERSON & STRAMMA, 1991). Zur spätquartären Rekonstruktion des Wärmeflusses und der Oberflächenzirkulation im Südostatlantik ist es daher wichtig, auch die zeitlichen und räumlichen Veränderungen tieferer Wasserschichten (bis 300 m) zu erfassen.