105 resultados para upper lower solutions


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We reconstruct the latest Paleocene and early Eocene (~57-50 Ma) environmental trends in the Arctic Ocean and focus on the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) (~55 Ma), using strata recovered from the Lomonosov Ridge by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302. The Lomonosov Ridge was still partially subaerial during the latest Paleocene and earliest Eocene and gradually subsided during the early Eocene. Organic dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages point to brackish and productive surface waters throughout the latest Paleocene and early Eocene. Dinocyst assemblages are cosmopolitan during this time interval, suggesting warm conditions, which is corroborated by TEX86'-reconstructed temperatures of 15°-18°C. Inorganic geochemistry generally reflects reducing conditions within the sediment and euxinic conditions during the upper lower Eocene. Spectral analysis reveals that the cyclicity, recorded in X-ray fluorescence scanning Fe data from close to Eocene thermal maximum 2 (~53 Ma, presence confirmed by dinocyst stratigraphy), is related to precession. Within the lower part of the PETM, proxy records indicate enhanced weathering, runoff, anoxia, and productivity along with sea level rise. On the basis of total organic carbon content and variations in sediment accumulation rates, excess organic carbon burial in the Arctic Ocean appears to have contributed significantly to the sequestration of injected carbon during the PETM.


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The 136 m of calcareous oozes recovered in Hole 810C span the interval from upper Maastrichtian to middle Pleistocene. Three major hiatuses interrupt the sequence, with the topmost part of the Maastrichtian through the entire lower Paleocene, most of the lower Eocene, and the entire middle Eocene through most of the middle Miocene missing. Severe reworking and displacement affected the lower part of the succession from the Maastrichtian through the middle Miocene. Reworking and displacement gradually decreased in the upper portion. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy enabled us to calibrate precisely the nearly complete magnetic reversal sequence of the Pliocene to the late Pleistocene. Two minor hiatuses detected by calcareous nannofossils across the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary and in the upper lower Pleistocene, respectively, resulted in shortening of the Olduvai and Jaramillo Events within the Matuyama Chron of the magnetic reversal sequence.


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Calcareous nannofossils were studied by light microscopy in Neogene sedimentary rocks recovered at four sites of the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 127 in the Japan Sea. Nannofossils occur sporadically at all sites, and allow recognition of seven zones and two subzones; four zones in the Holocene to the uppermost Pliocene, and three zones and two subzones in the middle to lower Miocene. Forty-eight nannofossil species are recognized in 95 of the 808 irregularly-spaced samples taken from all the sites. The nannofossil assemblages in the Miocene are more diverse than those in the Holocene to Pliocene sedimentary interval. The greater diversity and the presence of warm-water taxa, such as Sphenolithus and discoasters in the upper lower Miocene to lower middle Miocene, suggest a relatively warm and stable surface-water condition, attributed to an increased supply of warm water from the subtropical western Pacific Ocean. Site 797 in the southern part of the Yamato Basin contains the most complete and the oldest nannofossil record so far reported from the Japan Sea. The lowermost nannofossil zone at this site, the Helicosphaera ampliaperta Zone (15.7-18.4 Ma) gives a minimum age for the Yamato Basin. This age range predates rotation of southwest Japan, an event previously believed to be caused by the opening of the Japan Sea.


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Holes 1209A and 1211A on Southern High, Shatsky Rise contain expanded, nearly continuous records of carbonate-rich sediment deposited in deep water of the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the Paleocene and Eocene. In this study, we document intervals of carbonate dissolution in these records by examining temporal changes in four parameters: carbonate content, coarse size fraction (>38 µm), benthic foraminiferal abundance, and planktonic foraminiferal fragmentation ratio. Carbonate content is not a sensitive indicator of carbonate dissolution in the studied sections, although rare intervals of low carbonate may reflect times of relatively high dissolution. The proportion of coarse size fraction does not accurately record carbonate dissolution either because the relative abundance of nannofossils largely determines the grain-size distribution. Benthic abundance and fragmentation covary (r**2 = 0.77) and are probably the best indicators for carbonate dissolution. For both holes, records of these parameters indicate two episodes of prominent dissolution. The first of these occurs in the upper Paleocene (~59-58 Ma) and the second in the middle to upper Eocene (~45-33.7 Ma). Other intervals of enhanced carbonate dissolution are located in the upper Paleocene (~56 Ma) and in the upper lower Eocene (~51 Ma). Enhanced preservation of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages marks the start of both the Paleocene and Eocene epochs.


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Radiolarians are sporadic in sediments collected in the Sulu Sea during ODP Leg 124. Due to the generally poor preservation and low abundance of radiolarians in Sulu Sea sediments, no biostratigraphic datums are well defined, although three radiolarian zones are identified. Most samples containing radiolarians are pelagic or hemipelagic clays with varying proportions of volcanic ash. Detailed analysis of Sulu Sea radiolarians was limited to Miocene successions. Pliocene and Quaternary occurrences of radiolarians were noted but have not been zoned. The late middle Miocene of Sites 769 and 771 is represented by an assemblage of radiolarians (Diartus petterssoni Zone) that is entirely replaced by massive pyrite. This type of preservation develops only under anoxic conditions. The development of widespread anoxia in Sulu Sea waters in the late middle Miocene was probably the result of hydrologic isolation of basin waters, and may be associated with eustatic sea level fall over the silled basin. Upper lower Miocene pelagic and hemipelagic sediments that overlie pyroclastics and basalt flows in the Sulu Sea sites contain moderately to very poorly preserved radiolarians of the Calocycletta costata Zone. A thin unit of marine claystone was recovered from between the thick pyroclastics and basement rocks at Site 768. Radiolarians present in these claystones are rare and very poorly preserved. This radiolarian assemblage probably represents the C. costata Zone, although very poor preservation and low abundance make this interpretation equivocal. The radiolarian zones identified constrain the age of basin formation to late early Miocene or earlier.


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Kaolinite, goethite, minor hematite, and gibbsite were found in fluvial upper Lower Cretaceous basal sediment from the Southern Kerguelen Plateau, Sites 748 and 750, 55°S latitude. This mineral assemblage, derived from the weathering of basalt, indicates near-tropical weathering conditions with high orographic rainfall, at least 100 cm per year. The climate deteriorated by the Turonian or Coniacian, as indicated by the decline in kaolinite content of this sediment. The Upper Cretaceous sediment at Site 748 consists of 200 m of millimeter-laminated, sparsely fossiliferous, wood-bearing glauconitic siltstone and clay stone with siderite concretions deposited on a shelf below wave base. Some graded and cross beds indicate that storms swept over the shelf and reworked the sediment. Overlying this unit is 300 m of intermittently partly silicified, bryozoan-inoceramid-echinoderm-rich glauconitic packstones, grainstones, and wackestones. The dominant clay mineral in both units is identical to the mineral composition of the glauconite pellets: randomly interstratified smectite-mica. The clay fraction has a higher percent of expandable layers than the mineral of the glauconite pellets, and the clay of the underlying subunit has a higher percentage of expandable layers than the clay of the carbonate subunit. Potassium levels mirror these mineral variations, with higher K levels in minerals that have a lower percentage of expandable layers. The decrease in expandability of the mineral in the upper subunit is attributed to diagenesis, the result of higher porosity.


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At Deep Sea Drilling Site 384 (J-Anomaly Ridge, Grand Banks Continental Rise, NW Atlantic Ocean) Paleocene nannofossil chalks and oozes (~70 m thick) are unconformably/disconformably underlain (~168 m; upper Maastrichtian) and overlain (~98.7 m; upper lower Eocene) by sediments of comparable lithologies. The chalks are more indurated in stratigraphically higher levels of the Paleocene reflecting increasing amounts of biosiliceous (radiolarians and diatoms) components. This site serves as an excellent location for an integrated calcareous and siliceous microfossil zonal stratigraphy and stable isotope stratigraphy. We report the results of a magnetostratigraphic study which, when incorporated with published magnetostratigraphic results, reveals an essentially complete magnetostratigraphic record spanning the interval from Magnetochron C31n (late Maastrichtian) to C25n (partim) (late Paleocene, Thanetian). Integrated magnetobiochronology and stable isotope stratigraphy support the interpretation of, and constrain the estimated duration of, a short hiatus (~0.9 my) within the younger part of Chron C29r (including the K/P boundary) and an ~6 my hiatus separating upper Paleocene (Magnetozone C25n) and upper lower Eocene (Magnetozone C22r) sediments. Some 30 planktonic foraminiferal datum levels [including the criteria used to denote the Paleocene planktonic foraminiferal (sub)tropical zonal scheme of Berggren and Miller, Micropaleontology 34 (4) (1988) 362-380 and Berggren et al., SEPM Spec. Publ. 54 (1995) 129-212, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 107 (11) (1995) 1272-1287], and nearly two dozen calcareous nannoplankton datum levels have been recognized and calibrated to the magnetochronology. Planktonic foraminiferal Subzones P4a and P4b of (upper Paleocene) Zone P4 are emended/redefined based on the discovery of a longer stratigraphic extension of Acarinina subsphaerica (into at last Magnetozone C25n). Stable isotope stratigraphies from benthic foraminifera and fine fraction (<38 µm) carbonate have been calibrated to the biochronology and magnetostratigraphy. A minimum in benthic foraminifer delta13C was reached near the Danian/Selandian boundary (within Chron C26r, planktonic foraminiferal Zone P3a and calcareous nannoplankton Zone NP4) and is followed by the rise to maximum delta13C values in the late Thanetian (near the base of C25n, in Zone P4c and NP9a, respectively) that can be used for global correlation in the Paleocene.


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Oligocene to Pleistocene bathyal benthic foraminifers at Broken Ridge (Site 754) and Ninetyeast Ridge (Site 756), eastern Indian Ocean, were investigated for then- stratigraphic distribution and their response to paleoceanographic changes. Q-mode factor analysis was applied to relative abundance data of the most abundant benthic foraminifers. At Site 754, seven varimax assemblages were recognized from the upper Oligocene to the Pleistocene: the Gyroidina orbicularis-Rectuvigerina striata Assemblage in the uppermost Oligocene; the Lenticulina spp. Assemblage in the upper Oligocene to lower Miocene, and in lower Miocene to lowermost middle Miocene; the Burseolina cf. pacifica-Cibicidoides mundulus Assemblage in the lower Miocene; the Planulina wuellerstorfi Assemblage in the upper middle Miocene; the Globocassidulina spp. Assemblage in the upper Miocene; the Gavelinopsis lobatulus-Uvigerina proboscidea Assemblage in the Pliocene; and the Ehrenbergina spp. Assemblage in the Pleistocene. The major faunal changes are complex, but exist between the Lenticulina spp. Assemblage and the P. wuellerstorfi Assemblage at ~13.8 Ma, and between the Ehrenbergina spp. Assemblage and the G. lobatulus Assemblage at ~5 Ma. The development of the P. wuellerstorfi and Globocassidulina spp. Assemblages after 13.8 Ma is correlated with the decrease in temperature of the intermediate waters of the ocean, in turn related to Antarctic glacial expansion. The faunal changes at ~5 Ma are related to the development of low oxygen intermediate water, formed in the presence of a strong thermocline. At Site 756, six varimax assemblages are distributed as follows: the Cibicidoides cf. mundulus-Oridorsalis umbonatus Assemblage in the lower Oligocene; the Epistominella umbonifera-Cibicidoides mundulus Assemblage from the upper Oligocene to the lower Miocene; the Cibicidoides mundulus-Burseolinapacifica Assemblage from lower Miocene to the lower middle Miocene; the Globocassidulina spp. Assemblage from the upper lower Miocene to the Pliocene; the Uvigerina proboscidea Assemblage in the upper Miocene and the Pliocene; and the Globocassidulina sp. D Assemblage in the Pliocene. The main faunal change at this site is between the E. umbonifera Assemblage and the Globocassidulina spp. Assemblage, at ~17.1 Ma. The timing of this faunal change is coeval with faunal changes in the North Atlantic and the Pacific. The change is related to a change in bottom water characteristics caused by an increased influence of carbonate corrosive water from the Antarctic source region, and a change in surface productivity. A low oxygen event at Site 756, which started at about 7.3 Ma, occurred about 2.3 m.y. before that at Site 754. The different response to global paleoceanographic changes is not yet explained, but may be due to the difference of marine topography and the degree of upwelling


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As a continuation of the Japan Trench transect commenced by DSDP Leg 56, 10 holes were drilled and 273 cores were recovered while occupying Sites 438, 439, 440, and 441 during Leg 57. At Sites 438 and 439, near the top of the trench inner wall, a principal biostratigraphic objective was to establish a Neogene reference section overlying a pronounced acoustic basement thought to represent continental crust extending outward to this slope environment. At Sites 440 and 441, prime objectives were to distinguish, if present, admixtures of accreted oceanic and non-accreted slope materials, and to recognize repeated or missing sections resulting from the accretionary process. This report summarizes the nannofossil biostratigraphy of the upper lower Miocene to Pleistocene sequences of Leg 57 cores. Insufficient occurrences in the lowermost Miocene, presumed upper Oligocene, and upper Cretaceous sequences at Sites 438 and 439 precluded age determinations for these intervals based on nannoliths. All but a few samples from Site 441 were barren, and in general Leg 57 nannofossil assemblages were too modified by dissolution and diagenesis to permit meaningful paleoclimatologic or paleobiogeographic conclusions to be drawn.


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The Aptian-lower Albian succession of the Vocontian Basin (SE France) consists of marine hemipelagic sediments including several black shale horizons. The latter are partly of regional and partly of global distribution. This sedimentary succession records the nannoplankton evolution of the Aptian-early Albian interval and thus provides an excellent opportunity to calibrate the calcareous nannofossil record with Tethyan ammonite and planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy. The calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy presented in this paper supports previous zonations, but it also provides a much higher resolution and thus improves the correlation of different black shale horizons on a supraregional scale. Up to 23 major (supraregionally significant) and minor (regionally significant) first and last occurrences of calcareous nannofossil taxa are recognized. Nannoconid abundances decrease rapidly in the upper Lower Aptian (nannoconid crisis I, NCI) and in the middle Upper Aptian (nannoconid crisis II, NCII). Both decreases correlate with carbonate-platform drowning events. The upper Lower Aptian interval above the NCI is characterized by high abundances of large specimens of Assipetra infracretacea and Rucinolithus terebrodentarius probably of supraregional significance. The uppermost Aptian-Lower Albian is characterized by high abundances of the calcareous nannoplankton taxon Repagulum parvidentatum, reflecting boreal influence on the Tethyan Realm. This suggests a temporary decrease in surface-water temperatures in the Vocontian Basin.