233 resultados para surface oxygen complexes


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During the international "Overflow-Expedition'' 1973 on R.V. "Meteor" oxygen concentrations in surface layers were measured in order to determine the oxygen gradients within the first two meters and to add some informations to the mechanisms of oxygen exchange at the air-sea interface. These investigations may be interesting also with regard to longterm- observations of the oxygen distribution in the Atlantic, especially the problem of the A.O.U. (apparent oxygen utilization) determination. To measure oxygen gradients a special sampler was built which is able to take water samples each 20 cm of the first 2 meters. These data were supplemented by further samples down to 150 m, taken by conventional water samplers, from which samples were also taken to measure N2/O2-relations. By comparing these relations with theoretical relations in air-saturated water the influence of biological production and consumption on the oxygen contents in water could be estimated. A simple glass apparatus was built to extract gas from the water samples, and hereafter the N2/O2-relations were determined by mass spectrometry. Most distributions of the oxygen anomaly show a negative oxygen balance which varies largely, probably due to strong mixing processes in the Iceland-Faroe ridge area. The distribution of surface oxygen saturation values are of two different types. The values of the stations 260, 262 and 270 stem from mixed water and show homogeneous supersaturations, as can be found instantly when whitecaps appear. The values of 9 other stations are from water, sampled during calm periods which has been mixed and supersaturated before. They show a decreasing oxygen saturation towards the sea surface and often undersaturation in the upper decimeters up to 98 % and even 91 %. So at the air-sea interface even less initial oxygen saturation than 100 % can be found after supersaturation during heavy weather periods.


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The occurrence of mesoscale eddies that develop suboxic environments at shallow depth (about 40-100 m) has recently been reported for the eastern tropical North Atlantic (ETNA). Their hydrographic structure suggests that the water mass inside the eddy is well isolated from ambient waters supporting the development of severe near-surface oxygen deficits. So far, hydrographic and biogeochemical characterization of these eddies was limited to a few autonomous surveys, with the use of moorings, under water gliders and profiling floats. In this study we present results from the first dedicated biogeochemical survey of one of these eddies conducted in March 2014 near the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO). During the survey the eddy core showed oxygen concentrations as low as 5 µmol kg-1 with a pH of around 7.6 at approximately 100 m depth. Correspondingly, the aragonite saturation level dropped to 1 at the same depth, thereby creating unfavorable conditions for calcifying organisms. To our knowledge, such enhanced acidity within near-surface waters has never been reported before for the open Atlantic Ocean. Vertical distributions of particulate organic matter and dissolved organic matter (POM and DOM), generally showed elevated concentrations in the surface mixed layer (0-70 m), with DOM also accumulating beneath the oxygen minimum. With the use of reference data from the upwelling region where these eddies are formed, the oxygen utilization rate was calculated by determining oxygen consumption through the remineralization of organic matter. Inside the core, we found these rates were almost 1 order of magnitude higher (apparent oxygen utilization rate (aOUR); 0.26 µmol kg-1 day-1) than typical values for the open North Atlantic. Computed downward fluxes for particulate organic carbon (POC), were around 0.19 to 0.23 g C m-2 day-1 at 100 m depth, clearly exceeding fluxes typical for an oligotrophic open-ocean setting. The observations support the view that the oxygen-depleted eddies can be viewed as isolated, westwards propagating upwelling systems of their own, thereby represent re-occurring alien biogeochemical environments in the ETNA.


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A high-resolution piston core, ENAM93-21, from a water depth of 1020 m near the Faeroe-Shetland Channel is investigated for variations in magnetic susceptibility, surface oxygen isotopes, grain size distribution, content of ice-rafted detritus (IRD), and distribution of planktonic and benthic foraminifera. The core, covering the last 58,000 years, is correlated with the Greenland ice cores and compared with paleorecords from the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. All fifteen Dansgaard-Oeschger climatic cycles recognized from the investigated time period in the Greenland ice cores have been identified in the ENAM93-21 core. Each cycle is subdivided into three intervals on the basis of characteristic benthic and planktonic faunas. Interstadial intervals contain a relatively warm planktonic fauna and a benthic fauna similar to the modern fauna in the Norwegian Sea. This indicates thermohaline convection as at present, with a significant contribution of deep water to the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). Transitional cooling intervals are characterized by more cold water planktonic foraminfera and ice-related benthic species. The benthic fauna signifies restricted bottom water conditions and a reduced contribution to the NADW. The peak abundance of N. pachyderma (s.) and the coldest surface water conditions are found in the stadial intervals. The benthic fauna is dominated by species with an association to Atlantic Intermediate Water, suggesting an increased Atlantic influence in the Norwegian Sea, and there was probably no contribution to the NADW through the Faeroe-Shetland Channel. The three different modes of circulation can be correlated to paleoceanographic events in the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean.


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A total of 69 surface sediment samples from several fore-arc basins located west and southwest of the Indonesian Archipelago was analyzed with respect to the faunal composition of planktonic foraminifera, the stable oxygen and carbon isotopic signal of a surface-dwelling (Globigerinoides ruber) and a thermocline-dwelling (Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) species, and the opal and CaCO3 contents in bulk sediment. Our results show that the distribution pattern of opal in surface sediments corresponds well to the upwelling-induced chlorophyll concentration in the upper water column and thus, represents a reliable proxy for marine productivity in the coastal upwelling area off S and SW Indonesia. Present-day oceanography and marine productivity are also reflected in the tropical to subtropical and upwelling assemblages of planktonic foraminifera in the surface sediments, which in part differ from previous studies in this region probably due to different coring methods and dissolution effects. The average stable oxygen isotopic values (d18O) of G. ruber in surface sediments vary between 2.9 per mill and 3.2 per mill from basin to basin and correspond to the oceanographic settings during the SE monsoon (July-October) off west Sumatra, whereas off southern Indonesia, they reflect the NW monsoon (December-March) or annual average conditions. The d18O values of N. dutertrei show a stronger interbasinal variation between 1.6 per mill and 2.2 per mill and correspond to the upper thermocline hydrology in July-October. In addition, the difference between the shell carbon isotopic values (d13C) of G. ruber and N. dutertrei (Delta d13C) appears to be an appropriate productivity recorder only in the non-upwelling areas off west Sumatra. Consequently, joint interpretation of the isotopic values of these species is distinctive for different fore-arc basins W and SW of Indonesia and should be considered in paleoceanographic studies.


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The relationship between planktonic and benthic foraminiferal stable-isotope values and oceanographic conditions and factors controlling isotopic variations are discussed on the basis of oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses of 192 modern surface and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) samples from the South China Sea (SCS). The harmonic variation of benthic delta18O in surface sediments with water depth and temperature implies that the temperature is the main factor influencing benthic delta18O variations. Planktonic delta18O fluctuates with sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS). The N-S temperature gradient results in planktonic delta18O decreasing from the northeast to the south. Cool, saline waters driven by the winter monsoon are interpreted to have been responsible for the high delta18O values in the northeast SCS. The East Asian monsoons not only bring nutrients into the South China Sea and maintain high nutrient concentration levels at the southwestern and northeastern ends, which cause depleted delta13C both in planktonic (surface) and benthic (bottom) samples but also reduce planktonic/benthic delta18O differences. The distribution of delta18O and delta13C in the surface and LGM samples are strikingly similar, indicating that the impact of SST and SSS has been maintained, and nutrient inputs, mainly from the northeastern and southwestern ends, have been controlled by monsoons since the LGM. Comparisons of the modern and LGM delta18O indicate a difference of about 3.6 °C in bottom-water temperature and a large surface-to-bottom temperature gradient during the LGM as compared to today.


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The relationship between the distribution of benthic foraminifera and sediment type and depositional environment in the Arabian Sea is discussed. The benthic foraminiferal fauna were sampled in nineteen Recent surface sediment samples, and geochemical variables of the sediment of the same samples were measured. The water depths for the box core samples varies from 440 to 4040 m. A total of 103 species and six species-complexes were identified. The geochemical properties were found to correspond well to the sediment type and depositional environment and six different sediment/depositional environment types could be distinguished. Analysis of the benthic foraminiferal fauna reveals specific faunal assemblages that are closely related to these sediment/depositional environment types.


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Shell chemistry of planktic foraminifera and the alkenone unsaturation index in 69 surface sediment samples in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean off West and South Indonesia were studied. Results were compared to modern hydrographic data in order to assess how modern environmental conditions are preserved in sedimentary record, and to determine the best possible proxies to reconstruct seasonality, thermal gradient and upper water column characteristics in this part of the world ocean. Our results imply that alkenone-derived temperatures record annual mean temperatures in the study area. However, this finding might be an artifact due to the temperature limitation of this proxy above 28°C. Combined study of shell stable oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca ratio of planktic foraminifera suggests that Globigerinoides ruber sensu stricto (s.s.), G. ruber sensu lato (s.l.), and G. sacculifer calcify within the mixed-layer between 20 m and 50 m, whereas Globigerina bulloides records mixed-layer conditions at ~50 m depth during boreal summer. Mean calcifications of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, and Globorotalia tumida occur at the top of the thermocline during boreal summer, at ~75 m, 75-100 m, and 100 m, respectively. Shell Mg/Ca ratios of all species show a significant correlation with temperature at their apparent calcification depths and validate the application of previously published temperature calibrations, except for G. tumida that requires a regional Mg/Ca-temperature calibration (Mg/Ca = 0.41 exp (0.068*T)). We show that the difference in Mg/Ca-temperatures of the mixed-layer species and the thermocline species, particularly between G. ruber s.s. (or s.l.) and P. obliquiloculata, can be applied to track changes in the upper water column stratification. Our results provide critical tools for reconstructing past changes in the hydrography of the study area and their relation to monsoon, El Niño-Southern Oscillation, and the Indian Ocean Dipole Mode.


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