140 resultados para coastal area


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This paper deals with the syntaxonomy and ecology of debris, scree and alluvium vegetation of the Ammassalik district, Southeast Greenland, on more or less moist soil. The Oxyria digyna- and Chamaenerion latifoliumvegetation types are classified as Saxifrago-Oxyrietum digynae (Böcher 1933 ap. Nordh. 1943) Gjaerevoll 1950 respectively Chamaenerietum latifolii Böcher 1933 in the class Thlaspietea rotundifolii Br.-BI. ap. Br.-BI. et al. 1947. The chionophytic Saxifrago-Oxyrietum digynae and the Chamaenerietum latifolii occurring on river-banks are classified in the alliance Saxifrago stellaris-Oxyrion digynae Gjaerevoll 1950. This alliance belongs to the order Androsacetalia alpinae Br.-BI. ap. Br.-BI. & Jenny 1926, Thlaspietea rotundifolii Br.-BI. ap. Br.-BI. et al. 1947. The following syntaxa are described as new: Saxifrago-Oxyrietum digynae stellarietosum humifusae and typicum with two variants and one variant of the subassociation inops De Molenaar 1976, and the Chamaenerietum latifolii typicum with two variants and salicetosum herbaceae with three variants.


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Hypabyssal rocks of the Omgon Range, Western Kamchatka that intrude Upper Albian-Lower Campanian deposits of the Eurasian continental margin belong to three coeval (62.5-63.0 Ma) associations: (1) ilmenite gabbro-dolerites, (2) titanomagnetite gabbro-dolerites and quartz microdiorites, and (3) porphyritic biotite granites and granite-aplites. Early Paleocene age of ilmenite gabbro-dolerites and biotite granites was confirmed by zircon and apatite fission-track dating. Ilmenite and titanomagnetite gabbro-dolerites were produced by multilevel fractional crystallization of basaltic melts with, respectively, moderate and high Fe-Ti contents and contamination of these melts with rhyolitic melts of different compositions. Moderate- and high-Fe-Ti basaltic melts were derived from mantle spinel peridotite variably depleted and metasomatized by slab-derived fluid prior to melting. The melts were generated at variable depths and different degrees of melting. Biotite granites and granite aplites were produced by combined fractional crystallization of a crustal rhyolitic melt and its contamination with terrigenous rocks of the Omgon Group. The rhyolitic melts were likely derived from metabasaltic rocks of suprasubduction nature. Early Paleocene hypabyssal rocks of the Omgon Range were demonstrated to have been formed in an extensional environment, which dominated in the margin of the Eurasian continent from Late Cretaceous throughout Early Paleocene. Extension in the Western Kamchatka segment preceded the origin of the Western Koryakian-Kamchatka (Kinkil') continental-margin volcanic belt in Eocene time. This research was conducted based on original geological, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic (Rb-Sr) data obtained by the authors.


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The BLM-OCS (Bureau of Land Management-Outer Continental Shelf) program was designed to establish chemical, biological, and geological baseline on the South Texas Continental Shelf. The focus for the geological program was to establish the nature and amount of the suspended sediment in the water column, of the Holocene sediments on the shelf, and to identify and locate regions of geology conditions which may be hazardous to OCS operations. To accomplish these goals three cruises were planned. The report constitutes results of the first cruise. The results of these cruises associated with the subsequent laboratory analysis, enabled to establish a detailed baseline in order to provide significant geologic and biologic data for environmental assessment. Dredges recovered are available at University of Texas (see: BLM/OCS South Texas Outer Continental Shelf (STOCS) Project Sediment Data http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/docucomp/page?xml=NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC/MGG/Geology/iso/xml/G02888.xml&view=getDataView&header=none).


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The BLM-OCS (Bureau of Land Management-Outer Continental Shelf) program was designed to establish chemical, biological, and geological baseline on the South Texas Continental Shelf. The focus for the geological program was to establish the nature and amount of the suspended sediment in the water column, of the Holocene sediments on the shelf, and to identify and locate regions of geology conditions which may be hazardous to OCS operations. To accomplish these goals three cruises were planned. The report constitutes results of the second cruise. The results of these cruises associated with the subsequent laboratory analysis, enabled to establish a detailed baseline in order to provide significant geologic and biologic data for environmental assessment. Dredges recovered are available at University of Texas (see: BLM/OCS South Texas Outer Continental Shelf (STOCS) Project Sediment Data http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/docucomp/page?xml=NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC/MGG/Geology/iso/xml/G02888.xml&view=getDataView&header=none).