175 resultados para cepa Berenice-78
In order to reveal the structure of the sparsely known deeper sublittoral hard bottom communities of glacial Kongsfjorden, the macroepibenthos from six depth zones (30-200 m) was analysed. A total of 180 still images derived from 6-h video recorded at the Kongsfjordneset remotely operated vehicle station were assessed quantitatively. Overall 27 mainly suspension-feeding species/taxa were observed. Of these, two-thirds have an arcto-boreal distribution, while the remainder are cosmopolitan. The overall mean epibenthos abundance was 33 ind./m**2 with maximum values at 150 m depth (97.9 ind./m**2). The majority of the taxa inhabited the entire depth range. Encrusting red algae, an unidentified sponge and the sea anemone Urticina eques, characterized the assemblage of the shallow zone. The sea anemones Hormathia spp. were important below 30 m, the Serpulid polychaete Protula tubularia was characteristic for the community below 50 m and the demosponge Haliclona sp. was a key taxon between 100 and 200 m depth. Cluster analysis and non-metrical multidimensional scaling based on abundance data showed differences between the assemblages along the bathymetric gradient, but only in the shallower depths in relation to the substratum surface incline. As surface and tidal current impacts attenuate with increasing depth, there is a gradual trend from robust key species towards more fragile ones (i.e. P. tubularia), in line with the 'Physical control hypothesis'.
Sediment cored within the Barbados subduction complex at Sites 541 and 542 are underconsolidated. Underconsolidation and changes in physical properties of the cored section can be related to excess pore water pressure that equals the lithostatic load at Site 542 and to major thrust faulting observed at Site 541. Apparently, the pore fluids within the subduction complex are absorbing the tectonic shock of underthrusting. Sediment sampled from the reference Site 543 on the adjacent Atlantic Plate are also underconsolidated. However, underconsolidation in Hole 543 is apparently due to the movement of excess nitrogen gas observed deeper in the hole. Excess gas was not observed at Sites 541 and 542.
Four chemically distinct basalts were cored in 44 m of basement penetration at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 543, in Upper Cretaceous crust just seaward of the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge and north of the Tiburon Rise. All four types are moderately fractionated abyssal tholeiites. The four types have different magnetic inclinations, all of reversed polarity, suggesting eruption at different times which recorded secular variation of the earth's magnetic field. Extensive replacement of Plagioclase by K-feldspar has occurred at the top of the basalts, giving analyses with K2O contents up to 5 %. The earliest stages of alteration were dominantly oxidative, resulting in fractures lined with celadonite and dioctahedral smectite, and pervasive replacement of olivine and most intersertal glass with iron hydroxides and green clay minerals. Latef, non-oxidative alteration resulted in formation of olive-green clays and pyrite veins in a portion of the rocks. Basalts affected by this alteration actually lost K2O (to abundances lower than in adjacent fresh basalt glasses), and gained MgO (to abundances higher than in the glasses). Finally, fractures and interpillow voids were lined with calcite, sealing in much fresh glass. Oxygen-isotope measurements on the calcite indicate that this occurred at 12 to 25C. Either altering fluids were warm or the basalts had become buried with a considerable thickness of sediments, such that temperatures increased until a conductive thermal gradient was established, when the veining occurred.
The calcite compensation depth (CCD) fluctuates as a result of changes in the water-mass system, thereby producing a distinct dissolution pattern. Differential dissolution changes the composition of the foraminiferal assemblages, reflecting the depositional environment in respect to the fluctuating CCD. The dissolution pattern for the comparatively shallow Site 541 on the Barbados Ridge indicates a depositional environment mostly above the CCD, but below the foraminiferal lysocline during the late Miocene to early Pleistocene. In contrast, sediments of the deeper-water Site 543 indicate a depositional environment above the CCD during the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene only. Furthermore, similarities in the dissolution pattern of corresponding time intervals of Site 541 (represented by superimposed faulted intervals termed Tectonic Units A and B) are recognizable. Sediments deposited clearly above the foraminiferal lysocline are rare