614 resultados para benthic macroinvertebrates


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Benthic foraminiferal assemblages are a widespread tool to understand changes in organic matter flux and bottom-water oxygenation and their relation to paleoceanographic changes in the Upper Cretaceous oceans. In this study, assemblage data (diversity, total number, and number per species and gram) from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 390 (Blake Nose, western North Atlantic) were processed for the lower Maastrichtian (Globotruncana falsostuarti - Gansserina gansseri Planktic Foraminiferal Zone). These data document significant changes in nutrient flux to the sea floor as well as bottom-water oxygenation during this time interval. Parallel to the observed changes in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages the number of inoceramid shells decreases, reflecting also a significant increase in bottom-water oxygenation. We speculate, that these data could reflect the onset of a shift from warmer low-latitude to cooler high-latitude deep-water sources. This speculation will predate the major reorganization of the oceanic circulation resulting in a circulation mode similar to today at the Early/Late Maastrichtian boundary by ~1 Ma and therefore improves our understanding of Late Cretaceous paleoceanography.


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Benthic foraminifer and delta13C data from Site 849, on the west flank of the East Pacific Rise (0°11 'N, 110°31'W; 3851 m), give relatively continuous records of deep Pacific Ocean stable isotope variations between 0 and 5 Ma. The mean sample spacing is 4 k.y. Most analyses are from Cibicides wuellerstorfi, but isotopic offsets relative to Uvigerina peregrina appear roughly constant. Because of its location west of the East Pacific Rise, Site 849 yields a suitable record of mean Pacific Ocean delta13C, which approximates a global oceanic signal. The ~100-k.y.-period climate cycle, which is prevalent in delta18O does not dominate the long-term delta13C record. For delta13C, variations in the ~400- and 41-k.y. periods are more important. Phase lags of delta13C relative to ice volume in the 41- and 23-k.y. bands are consistent with delta13C as a measure of organic biomass. A model-calculated exponential response time of 1-2 k.y. is appropriate for carbon stored in soils and shallow sediments responding to glacial-interglacial climate change. Oceanic delta13C leads ice volume slightly in the 100-k.y. band, and this suggests another process such as changes in continental weathering to modulate mean river delta13C at long periods. The delta13C record from Site 849 diverges from that of Site 677 in the Panama Basin mostly because of decay of 13C-depleted organic carbon in the relatively isolated Panama Basin. North Atlantic to Pacific delta13C differences calculated using published data from Sites 607 and 849 reveal variations in Pliocene deep water within the range of those of the late Quaternary. Maximum delta13C contrast between these sites, which presumably reflects maximum influx of high-delta13C northern source water into the deep North Atlantic Ocean, occurred between 1.3 and 2.1 Ma, well after the initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Export of high-delta13C North Atlantic Deep Water from the Atlantic to the circumpolar Antarctic, as recorded by published delta13C data from Subantarctic Site 704, appears unrelated to the North Atlantic-Pacific delta13C contrast. To account for this observation, we suggest that deep-water formation in the North Atlantic reflects northern source characteristics, whereas export of this water into the circumpolar Antarctic reflects Southern Hemisphere wind forcing. Neither process appears directly linked to ice-volume variations.


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A multiproxy study of palaeoceanographic and climatic changes in northernmost Baffin Bay shows that major environmental changes have occurred since the deglaciation of the area at about 12 500 cal. yr BP. The interpretation is based on sedimentology, benthic and planktonic foraminifera and their isotopic composition, as well as diatom assemblages in the sedimentary records at two core sites, one located in the deeper central part of northernmost Baffin Bay and one in a separate trough closer to the Greenland coast. A revised chronology for the two records is established on the basis of 15 previously published AMS 14C age determinations. A basal diamicton is overlain by laminated, fossil-free sediments. Our data from the early part of the fossiliferous record (12 300 - 11 300 cal. yr BP), which is also initially laminated, indicate extensive seasonal sea-ice cover and brine release. There is indication of a cooling event between 11 300 and 10 900 cal. yr BP, and maximum Atlantic Water influence occurred between 10 900 and 8200 cal. yr BP (no sediment recovery between 8200 and 7300 cal. yr BP). A gradual, but fluctuating, increase in sea-ice cover is seen after 7300 cal. yr BP. Sea-ice diatoms were particularly abundant in the central part of northernmost Baffin Bay, presumably due to the inflow of Polar waters from the Arctic Ocean, and less sea ice occurred at the near-coastal site, which was under continuous influence of the West Greenland Current. Our data from the deep, central part show a fluctuating degree of upwelling after c. 7300 cal. yr BP, culminating between 4000 and 3050 cal. yr BP. There was a gradual increase in the influence of cold bottom waters from the Arctic Ocean after about 3050 cal. yr BP, when agglutinated foraminifera became abundant. A superimposed short-term change in the sea-surface proxies is correlated with the Little Ice Age cooling.


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The sediment cores 225514 and 225510 were recovered from 420 and 285 m water depth, respectively. They were investigated for their benthic foraminiferal delta13C during the last 500 years. Both cores were recovered from the southern flank of the Skagerrak. The delta13C values of Uvigerina mediterranea and other shallow infaunal species in both cores indicate that organic matter rain rates to the seafloor varied around a mean value until approximately AD 1950 after which they increased. This increase might result from changes in the North Atlantic Current System and a co-occurring persistently high North Atlantic Oscillation index state in the 1980s to 1990s, rather than from anthropogenic eutrophication. Using delta13C mean values of multiple species, we reconstruct delta13C gradients of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) within pore waters for the time periods AD 1500 to 1950 and AD 1950 to 2000. The calculated delta13CDIC ranges, interpreted as indicating total organic matter remineralization due to respiration, are generally bigger in Core 225514 than in Core 225510. Since mean delta13C values of U. mediterranea suggest that organic matter rain rates were similar at both locations, differences in total organic matter remineralization are attributed to differing oxygen availability. However, oxygen concentrations in the overlying bottom water masses are not likely to have differed significantly. Thus, we suggest that organic matter remineralization was controlled by oxygen availability within the sediments, reflecting strong differences in sedimentation rates at the two investigated core sites. Based on the assumptions that tests of benthic foraminiferal species inhabiting the same microhabitat depth should show equal delta13C values unless they are affected by vital effects and that Globobulimina turgida records pore water delta13CDIC, we estimate microhabitat-corrected vital effects for several species with respect to G. turgida: >0.7 per mil for Cassidulina laevigata, >1.3 per mil for Hyalinea balthica, and >0.7 per mil for Melonis barleeanus. Melonis zaandami seems to closely record pore water delta13CDIC.


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Benthic foraminifers of the Coniacian-Santonian through the Paleocene were recovered from a continuous pelagic carbonate section from Hole 516F on the Rio Grande Rise. Sixty-five genera and 153 species have been identified, most of which have been reported from other localities. Bathyal depths are reflected in the benthic assemblages dominated by gavelinellids (Gavelinella beccariiformis, G. velascoensis), Nuttallides truempyi, and various gyroidinids and buliminids. Rapid subsidence during the Coniacian-Santonian from nearshore to upper to middle bathyal depths was followed by much reduced subsidence, with the Campanian-Paleocene interval accumulating at middle bathyal to lower bathyal depths. A census study based on detailed sampling reveals major changes in benthic faunal composition at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary transition. It was a time of rapid turnover, with the extinctions of numerous species and the introduction of many new species. Overall, species diversity decreases about 20%, and approximately one-third of latest Maestrichtian species do not survive to the end of the Cretaceous. This shift indicates a significant environmental change in the deep sea, the precise nature of which is not apparent from the foraminifers or their enclosing sediments.