204 resultados para ammonium nitrogen


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The objective of this study was to examine the presence and diversity of Archaea within mineral and ornithogenic soils from 12 locations across the Ross Sea region. Archaea were not abundant but DNA sufficient for producing 16S rRNA gene clone libraries was extracted from 18 of 51 soil samples, from four locations. A total of 1452 clones were analysed by restriction fragment length polymorphism and assigned to 43 operational taxonomic units from which representatives were sequenced. Archaea were primarily restricted to coastal mineral soils which showed a predominance of Crenarchaeota belonging to group 1.1b (>99% of clones). These clones were assigned to six clusters (A through F), based on shared identity to sequences in the GenBank database. Ordination indicated that soil chemistry and water content determined archaeal community structure. This is the first comprehensive study of the archaeal community in Antarctic soils and as such provides a reference point for further investigation of microbial function in this environment.


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The sandfraction of the sediment was analysed in five cores, taken from 65 m water depth in the central and eastern part of the Persian Gulf. The holocene marls are underlayn by aragonite muds, which are probably 10-11,000 years old. 1. The cores could be subdivided into coarse grained and fine grained layers. Sorting is demonstrated by the following criteria: With increasing median values of the sandfraction - the fine grained fraction decreases within each core; - the median of each biogenic component, benthonic as well as planktonic, increases; - the median of the relict sediment, which in core 1179 was carried upward into the marl by bioturbation, increases; - the percentages of pelecypods, gastropods, decapods and serpulid worms in the sandfraction increase, the percentages of foraminifera and ostracods decrease; - the ratios of pelecypods to foraminifera and of decapods to ostracods increase; - the ratios of benthonic molluscs to planktonic molluscs (pteropods) and of benthonic foraminifera to planktonic foraminifera increase (except in core 1056 and 1179); - the ratio of planktonic molluscs (pteropods) to planktonic foraminifera increases; - the globigerinas without orbulinas increase, the orbulinas decrease in core 1056. Different settling velocities of these biogenic particles help in better understanding the results : the settling velocities, hence the equivalent hydrodynamic diameters, of orbulinas are smaller than those of other globigerinas, those of planktonic foraminifera are smaller than those of planktonic molluscs, those of planktonic molluscs are smaller than those of benthonic molluscs, those of pelecypods are smaller than those of gastropods. Bioturbation could not entirely distroy this "grain-size-stratification". Sorting has been stronger in the coarse layers than in the finer ones. As a cause variations in the supply of terrigenous material at constant strength of tidal currents is suggested. When much terrigenous material is supplied (large contents of fine grained fraction) the sedimentation rates are high: the respective sediment surface is soon covered and removed from the influence of tidal currents. When, however, the supply of terrigenous material is small, more sandy material is taken away in all locations within the influence of terrigenous supply. Thus the biogenic particles in the sediment do not only reflect the organic production, but also the influence of currents. 2. There is no parameter present in all cores that is independently variable from grain size and can be used for stratigraphic correlation. The two cores from the Strait of Hormus were correlated by their sequences of coarse and fine grained layers. 3. The sedimentation rates of terrigenous material, of total planktonic and benthonic organisms and of molluscs, foraminifera, echinoids and ophiuroids are shown in table 1 (total sediment 6.3-75.5 cm/1000 yr, biogenic carbonate 1.9-3.6 cm/1000 yr). The sedimentation rates of benthonic organisms are nearly the same in the cores of the Strait of Hormus, whereas near the Central Swell they are smaller. In the upper parts of the two cores of the Strait of Hormus sedimentation rates are higher than in the deeper parts, where higher median values point to stronger reworking. 4. The sequence of coarse and fine grained intervals in the two cores of the Hormus Strait, attributed to variations in climate, as well as the increase of terrigenous supply from the deeper to the upper parts of the cores, agrees with the descriptions in the literature of the post Pleistocene climate as becoming more humid. The rise of sea level is sedimentologically not measurable in the marly sediments - except perhaps for the higher content of echinoids in the lower part of core 1056. These may be attributed to the influence of a migrating wave-base. 5. The late Pleistocene aragonite mud is very fine grained (> 50%< 2 p) and poor in fossils (0.5-1.8%) biogenic particles of total sediment. The sand fraction consists almost entirely of white clumps, c. 0.1 mm in diameter (1177), composed of aragonite needles and of detrital minerals with the same size (1201). The argonite mud was probably not formed in situ, because the water depth at time of formation was at most 35 m at least 12 m. The sorting of the sediment (predominance of the fine grained sand), the absence of larger biogenic components and of pellets, c. 0.2-0.5 mm in diameter, which are typical for Recent and Pleistocene locations of aragonite formation, as well as the sedimentological conditions near the sampling points, indicate rather a transport of aragonite mud from an area of formation in very shallow waters. Sorting as well as lenticular fabric in core 1201 point to sedimentation within the influence of currents. During alternating sedimentation - and reworking processes the aragonitic matrix was separated from the silt - and sand-sized minerals. The lenses grade into touches because of bioturbation. 6. In core 1056 D2 from Hormus Bay the percentages of organic carbon, total nitrogen and total carbonate were determined. With increasing amounts of smaller grain sizes the content of organic matter increases, whereas the amount of carbonate decreases. The amounts of organic carbon and of nitrogen decrease with increasing depth, probably due to early-diagenetic decomposition processes. Most of the total nitrogen is of organic origin, only about 10% may well be inorganically fixed as ammonium-nitrogen. In the upper part of the core the C/N-ratio increases with increasing depth. This may be connected with a stronger decomposition of nitrogen-containing organic compounds. The general decrease of the C/N-ratios in the lower part of the core may be explained by the relative increase of inorganically fixed ammonium-nitrogen with decreasing content of organic matter.


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To study inorganic nitrogen uptake rates by microplankton in the Black Sea the first 15N-experiments were carried out in August-September 1990 and in November 1991. In surface waters nitrate uptake rates varied from 5.7 to 28.5 nM/l/h in summer and from 1.9 to 7.8 nM/l/h in autumn. In both seasons maximal and minimal rates were observed in frontal zones of shelf/slope areas and in open waters, respectively. In summer average nitrate uptake rate per unit of particulate organic nitrogen was 0.0037 1/h for all stations. In autumn it varied from 0.0007 1/h in the central part of the sea to 0.0033 1/h in the slope near the southeastern Crimean coast. In autumn ammonium uptake rate varied from 7.1 to 22.2 nM/l/h and from 0.0025 to 0.00094 1/h. Ammonium uptake correlated linearly with nitrate uptake, with new production being 22-36% of total summary nitrate and ammonium uptake. There was a linear correlation between nitrogen uptake and chlorophyll a concentrations in the Black Sea. In the water column in autumn both nitrate and ammonium uptake decreased as chlorophyll a concentration diminishes with depth.


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Ammonium (NH4+) concentration profiles in piston-core sediments of the Carolina Rise and Blake Ridge generally have linear concentration profiles within the sulfate reduction zone (Borowski, 1998). Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 533, located on the Blake Ridge, also displayed a linear ammonium concentration profile through the sulfate reduction zone and the profile linearity continues into the upper methanogenic zone to a depth of ~200 meters below seafloor (mbsf), where the first methane gas hydrates probably occur (Jenden and Gieskes, 1983, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.76.114.1983; Kvenvolden and Barnard, 1983, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.76.106.1983). Sediments from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164 deep holes (Sites 994, 995, and 997) also exhibit linear ammonium profiles above the top of the gas hydrate zone (~200 mbsf) (Paull, Matsumoto, Wallace, et al., 1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.164.1996). We hypothesized that a possible cause of linear ammonium profiles was diffusion of ammonium from a concentrated ammonium source at depth. We further reasoned that if this ammonium were produced by microbial fermentation reactions at depth, that a comparison of the nitrogen isotopic composition of sedimentary organic nitrogen and the nitrogen with pore-water ammonium would test this hypothesis. Convergence with depth of d15N values of the nitrogen source (sedimentary organic matter) and the nitrogen product (dissolved NH4+) would strongly suggest that ammonium was produced within a particular depth zone by microbial fermentation reactions. Here, we report d15N values of pore-water ammonium from selected interstitial water (IW) samples from Site 997, sampled during ODP Leg 164.