72 resultados para William P. Whelihan III


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Dunite and gabbroic materials recovered from Hole 1271B, Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 209, were examined for mineral chemistry to understand melt flow and melt-mantle reactions in the shallowest upper mantle of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the 15°20' Fracture Zone. Hole 1271B was drilled to 103.8 meters below seafloor on the inner corner high along the south wall of the 15°20' Fracture Zone. The total length of core collected was 15.9 m (recovery = ~15%). The dominant rock type in Hole 1271B is dunite, followed by brown amphibole gabbro, olivine gabbro, and troctolite, along with minor amounts of harzburgite and olivine gabbronorite. A large proportion of the dunite is associated with gabbroic rocks in Hole 1271B, similar to those observed in the Mohorovicic (Moho) transition zone of the Oman ophiolite, indicating significant magmatic activity in this region near the 15°20' Fracture Zone. Olivine Fo content varies from 89.2 to 91.2 in impregnated dunite and from 85.6 to 88.6 in troctolite, olivine gabbro, and olivine gabbronorite. Spinel Cr# (= 100 x Cr/[Cr + Al] molar ratio) ranges from 38.9 to 62.7 in dunite and from 46.3 to 57.6 in troctolites, olivine gabbro, and olivine gabbronorite. Compositional trends for spinel from dunite through troctolite toward olivine gabbro/gabbronorite are characterized by increases in TiO2, Cr#, and Fe3+#, very similar to those reported from Hess Deep Site 895. Olivine gabbro, olivine gabbronorite, and troctolite in Hole 1271B are considered to have formed as hybrid rocks between dunite and an evolved melt in the walls of a melt channel in the shallowest upper mantle that is tens of meters wide. The melt trapped in the wall rock crystallized plagioclase and clinopyroxene. On the other hand, dunite in the center of the melt channel became more refractory by melt-mantle reactions, increasing spinel Cr# to 62.5.


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The Neogene biostratigraphy presented here is based on the study of 230 samples through 737 m of pelagic sediment in Hole 806B. Sediment accumulation is interrupted only once in the uppermost lower Miocene (Zone N6), apparently coincident with a widespread deep-sea hiatus. Preservation of planktonic foraminifers through the section ranges from good to moderately poor. One hundred and ten species of planktonic foraminifers were identified; taxonomic notes on most species are included. All of the standard low-latitude Neogene foraminiferal zones are delineated, with the exceptions of Zones N8 and N9 because of a high first occurrence of Orbulina, and Zones N18 and N19 because of a high first occurrence of Sphaeroidinella dehiscens. Good agreement exists between the published account of the variation in planktonic foraminiferal species richness and the rates of diversification and turnover, and measurements of these evolutionary indexes in the record of Hole 806B. The global pattern of change in tropical/transitional species richness is paralleled in Hole 806B, with departures caused by either ecological conditions peculiar to the western equatorial Pacific or by inexactness in the estimation of million-year intervals in Hole 806B. Temporal changes in the relative abundance of taxa in the sediment assemblages, considered in light of their depth habitats, reveal a detailed picture of historical change in the structure of the upper water column over the Ontong Java Plateau. The dominance of surface dwellers (Paragloborotalia kugleri, P. mayeri, Dentoglobigerina altispira, Globigerinita glutinata, and Globigerinoides spp.) throughout the lower and middle Miocene is replaced by a more equitable distribution of surface (D. altispira and Globigerinoides spp.), intermediate (Globorotalia menardii plexus), and deep (Streptochilus spp.) dwellers in the late Miocene, following the closing of the Indo-Pacific Seaway and the initiation of large-scale glaciation in the Antarctic. The shoaling of the thermocline along the equator engendered by these climatic and tectonic events persisted through the Pliocene, when initial increases in the abundance of a new set of shallow, intermediate, and deep dwelling species of planktonic foraminifers coincide with the closing of the Panamanian Seaway.


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Biostratigraphic and isotopic studies of planktic foraminifera suggest that early to middle Pliocene closure of the Central American Seaway caused vicariant speciation among previously cosmopolitan menardellid foraminifera. New morphospecies were restricted to the tropical Atlantic. Isotopic data suggest that newly evolved Atlantic menardellids were adapted to more oligotrophic conditions, living higher in the water column than ancestral forms and perhaps harboring photosymbionts. In the late Pliocene, all but one menardellid morphospecies became extinct. These extinctions coincided with a progressive increase in the amplitude of periodic climatic change and the end of isolated tropical Atlantic surface circulation as Northern Hemisphere glaciation intensified.


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Cores from four Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites were examined for planktonic foraminifers. One sample per core (from core-catchers in Holes 806B and 807B and from Section 4 in Holes 847B and 852B) was examined through the interval representing the last 5.8 m.y. Sites 806 (0°19.1'N; 159°21.7'E) and 847 (0o12.1'N; 95°19.2'W) are beneath the equatorial divergence zone. Sites 807 (3°36.4'N; 156°37.5'E) and 852 (5°19.6'N; 110°4.6'W) are located north of the equator in the convergence zone created by the interaction of the westward-flowing South Equatorial Current (SEC) and the eastward-flowing North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC). Specimens were identified to species and then grouped according to depth habitat and trophic level. Species richness and diversity were also calculated. Tropical neogloboquadrinids have been more abundant in the eastern than in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean throughout the last 5.8 m.y. During the mid-Pliocene (3.8-3.2 Ma), their abundance increased at all sites, while during the Pleistocene (after ~ 1.6 Ma), they expanded in the east and declined in the west. This suggests an increase in surface-water productivity across the Pacific Ocean during the closing of the Central American seaway and an exacerbation of the productivity asymmetry between the eastern and western equatorial regions during the Pleistocene. This faunal evidence agrees with eolian grain-size data (Hovan, 1995) and diatom flux data (Iwai, this volume), which suggest increases in tradewind strength in the eastern equatorial Pacific that centered around 3.5 and 0.5 Ma. The present longitudinal zonation of thermocline dwelling species, a response to the piling of warm surface water in the western equatorial region of the Pacific, seems to have developed after 2.4 Ma, not directly after the closing of the Panama seaway (3.2 Ma). Apparently, after 2.4 Ma, the piling warm water in the west overwhelmed the upwelling of nutrients into the photic zone in that region, creating the Oceanographic asymmetry that exists in the modern tropical Pacific and is reflected in the microfossil record. In the upper Miocene and lower Pliocene sediments, the ratio of thermocline-dwelling species to mixed-layer dwellers is 60%:40%. During the mid-Pliocene, the western sites became 40% thermocline and 60% mixed-layer dwellers. Subsequent to -2.4 Ma, the asymmetry increased to 20%: 80% in the west and the reverse in the east. This documents the gradual thickening of the warm-water layer piled up in the western tropical Pacific over the last 5.8 m.y. and reveals two "steps" in the biotic trend that can be associated with specific events in the physical environment.


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Ten ODP sites drilled in a depth transect (2164-4775 m water depth) during Leg 172 recovered high-deposition rate (>20 cm/kyr) sedimentary sections from sediment drifts in the western North Atlantic. For each site an age model covering the past 0.8-0.9 Ma has been developed. The time scales have a resolution of 10-20 kyr and are derived by tuning variations of estimated carbonate content to the orbital parameters precession and obliquity. Based on the similarity in the signature of proxy records and the spectral character of the time series, the sites are divided into two groups: precession cycles are better developed in carbonate records from a group of shallow sites (2164-2975 m water depth, Sites 1055-1058) while the deeper sites (2995-4775 m water depth, Sites 1060-1063) are characterized by higher spectral density in the obliquity band. The resulting time scales show excellent coherence with other dated carbonate and isotope records from low latitudes. Besides the typical Milankovitch cyclicity significant variance of the resulting carbonate time series is concentrated at millennial-scale changes with periods of about 12, 6, 4, 2.5, and 1.5 kyr. Comparisons of carbonate records from the Blake Bahama Outer Ridge and the Bermuda Rise reveal a remarkable similarity in the time and frequency domain indicating a basin-wide uniform sedimentation pattern during the last 0.9 Ma.


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Gabbroic cumulates drilled south of the Kane Transform Fault on the slow-spread Mid-Atlantic Ridge preserve up to three discrete magnetization components. Here we use absolute age constraints derived from the paleomagnetic data to develop a model for the magmatic construction of this section of the lower oceanic crust. By comparing the paleomagnetic data with mineral compositions, and based on thermal models of local reheating, we infer that magmas that began crystallizing in the upper mantle intruded into the lower oceanic crust and formed meter-scale sills. Some of these magmas were crystal-laden and the subsequent expulsion of interstitial liquid from them produced '"cumulus" sills. These small-scale magmatic injections took place over at least 210 000 years and at distances of ~3 km from the ridge axis and may have formed much of the lower crust. This model explains many of the complexities described in this area and can be used to help understand the general formation of oceanic crust at slow-spread ridges.