18 resultados para Uniformity.


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The circum-Antarctic Southern Ocean is an important region for global marine food webs and carbon cycling because of sea-ice formation and its unique plankton ecosystem. However, the mechanisms underlying the installation of this distinct ecosystem and the geological timing of its development remain unknown. Here, we show, on the basis of fossil marine dinoflagellate cyst records, that a major restructuring of the Southern Ocean plankton ecosystem occurred abruptly and concomitant with the first major Antarctic glaciation in the earliest Oligocene (~33.6 million years ago). This turnover marks a regime shift in zooplankton-phytoplankton interactions and community structure, which indicates the appearance of eutrophic and seasonally productive environments on the Antarctic margin. We conclude that earliest Oligocene cooling, ice-sheet expansion, and subsequent sea-ice formation were important drivers of biotic evolution in the Southern Ocean.


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An experiment was carried out on the soft bottom in the sublitoral zone of the Furugelm Island (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) to study formation of benthic communities. Boxes with defauned sediments were placed on depths of 4, 6 and 13 m and exposed during 60 days in the summer period. Half of them were covered with a net with mesh size 2 cm to prevent effect of large predators. It was found that spatial pattern of invertebrates' sinking in the bay conforms to distribution of benthic communities. Larvae of benthic invertebrates sinks in general in places inhabited by their adult species. The main factors responsible for recolonzation are: sediment type and local hydrodynamic conditions. Heart-shaped sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum is numerically dominated in the bay on depth 3-4.5 m, but its larvae sinks in the deeper area. Community structure is supported by mature specimen migration to places inhabited by species. Predators affect largely on the species.


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The aerosol climatology at the coastal Antarctic Neumayer Station (NM) was investigated based on continuous, 25-yr long observations of biogenic sulphur components (methanesulfonate and non-sea salt sulphate), sea salt and nitrate. Although significant long-term trends could only be detected for nitrate (-3.6 ± 2.5% per year between 1983 and 1993 and +4.0 ± 3.2% per year from 1993-2007), non-harmonic periodicities between 2 and 5 yr were typical for all species. Dedicated time series analyses revealed that relations to sea ice extent and various circulation indices are weak at best or not significant. In particular, no consistent link between sea ice extent and sea salt loadings was evident suggesting only a rather local relevance of the NM sea salt record. Nevertheless, a higher Southern Annular Mode index tended to entail a lower biogenic sulphur signal. In examining the spatial uniformity of the NM findings we contrasted them to respective 17 yr records from the coastal Dumont d'Urville Station. We found similar long-term trends for nitrate, indicating an Antarctic-wide but not identifiable atmospheric signal, although any significant impact of solar activity or pollution could be ruled out. No inter-site variability on the multiannual scale was evident for the other ionic compounds.


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Strontium- and oxygen-isotopic measurements of samples recovered from the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) hydrothermal mound during Leg 158 of the Ocean Drilling Program provide important constraints on the nature of fluid-rock interactions during basalt alteration and mineralization within an active hydrothermal deposit. Fresh Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB), with a 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7026, from the basement beneath the TAG mound was altered at both low and high temperatures by seawater and altered at high temperature by near end-member black smoker fluids. Pillow breccias occurring beneath the margins of the mound are locally recrystallized to chlorite by interaction with large volumes of conductively heated seawater (>200°C). The development of a silicified, sulfide-mineralized stockwork within the basaltic basement follows a simple paragenetic sequence of chloritization followed by mineralization and the development of a quartz+pyrite+paragonite stockwork cut by quartz-pyrite veins. Initial alteration involved the development of chloritic alteration halos around basalt clasts by reaction with a Mg-bearing mixture of upwelling, high-temperature (>300°C), black smoker-type fluid with a minor (<10%) proportion of seawater. Continued high-temperature (>300°C) interaction between the wallrock and these Mg-bearing fluids results in the complete recrystallization of the wallrock to chlorite+quartz+pyrite. The quartz+pyrite+paragonite assemblage replaces the chloritized basalts, and developed by reaction at 250-360°C with end-member hydrothermal fluids having 87Sr/86Sr ~0.7038, similar to present-day vent fluids. The uniformity of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of hydrothermal assemblages throughout the mound and stockwork requires that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of end-member hydrothermal fluids has remained relatively constant for a time period longer than that required to change the interior thermal structure and plumbing network of the mound and underlying stockwork. Precipitation of anhydrite in breccias and as late-stage veins throughout most of the mound and stockwork, down to at least 125 mbsf, records extensive entrainment of seawater into the hydrothermal deposit. 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate that most of the anhydrite formed from ~2:1 mixture of seawater and black smoker fluids (65%±15% seawater). Oxygen-isotopic compositions imply that anhydrite precipitated at temperatures between 147°C and 270°C and require that seawater was conductively heated to between 100°C and 180°C before mixing and precipitation occurred. Anhydrite from the TAG mound has a Sr-Ca partition coefficient Kd ~0.60±0.28 (2 sigma). This value is in agreement with the range of experimentally determined partition coefficients (Kd ~0.27-0.73) and is similar to those calculated for anhydrite from active black smoker chimneys from 21°N on the East Pacific Rise. The d18O (for SO4) of TAG anhydrite brackets the value of seawater sulfate oxygen (~9.5?). Dissolution of anhydrite back into the oceans during episodes of hydrothermal quiescence provides a mechanism of buffering seawater sulfate oxygen to an isotopically light composition, in addition to the precipitation and dissolution of anhydrite within the oceanic basement during hydrothermal recharge at the mid-ocean ridges.


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DSDP Hole 504B is the deepest section drilled into oceanic basement, penetrating through a 571.5-m lava pile and a 209-m transition zone of lavas and dikes into 295 m of a sheeted dike complex. To define the basement composition 194 samples of least altered basalts, representing all lithologic units, were analyzed for their major and 26 trace elements. As is evident from the alteration-sensitive indicators H2O+, CO2, S, K, Mn, Zn, Cu, and the iron oxidation ratio, all rocks recovered are chemically altered to some extent. Downhole variation in these parameters enables us to distinguish five depth-related alteration zones that closely correlate with changes in alteration mineralogy. Alteration in the uppermost basement portion is characterized by pronounced K-uptake, sulfur loss, and iron oxidation and clearly demonstrates low-temperature seawater interaction. A very spectacular type of alteration is confined to the depth range from 910 to 1059 m below seafloor (BSF). Rocks from this basement portion exhibit the lowest iron oxidation, the highest H2O+ contents, and a considerable enrichment in Mn, S, Zn, and Cu. At the top of this zone a stockwork-like sulfide mineralization occurs. The chemical data suggest that this basement portion was at one time within a hydrothermal upflow zone. The steep gradient in alteration chemistry above this zone and the ore precipitation are interpreted as the result of mixing of the upflowing hydrothermal fluids with lower-temperature solutions circulating in the lava pile. Despite the chemical alteration the primary composition and variation of the rocks can be reliably established. All data demonstrate that the pillow lavas and the dikes are remarkably uniform and display almost the same range of variation. A general characteristic of the rocks that classify as olivine tholeiites is their high MgO contents (up to 10.5 wt.%) and their low K abundances (-200 ppm). According to their mg-values, which range from 0.60 to 0.74, most basalts appear to have undergone some high-level crystal fractionation. Despite the overall similarity in composition, there are two major basalt groups that have significantly different abundances and ratios of incompatible elements at similar mg-values. The majority of the basalts from the pillow lava and dike sections are chemically closely related, and most probably represent differentiation products of a common parental magma. They are low in Na2O, TiO2, and P2O5, and very low in the more hygromagmaphile elements. Interdigitated with this basalt group is a very rarely occurring basalt that is higher in Na2O, TiO2, P2O5, much less depleted in hygromagmaphile elements, and similar to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). The latter is restricted to Lithologic Units 5 and 36 of the pillow lava section and Lithologic Unit 83 of the dike section. The two basalt groups cannot be related by differentiation processes but have to be regarded as products of two different parental magmas. The compositional uniformity of the majority of the basalts suggests that the magma chamber beneath the Costa Rica Rift reached nearly steady-state conditions. However, the presence of lavas and dikes that crystallized from a different parental magma requires the existence of a separate conduit-magma chamber system for these melts. Occasionally mixing between the two magma types appears to have occurred. The chemical characteristics of the two magma types imply some heterogeneity in the mantle source underlying the Costa Rica Rift. The predominant magma type represents an extremely depleted source, whereas the rare magma type presumably originated from regions of less depleted mantle material (relict or affected by metasomatism).


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We report 261 strontium isotopic analyses of well-preserved planktonic foraminifers from three Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites (519, 588, and 607). These samples cover the period from 24 Ma to present with an average of approximately one sample per 100 ka. The combination of high sample density and uniformity of analytical procedures has produced a well-defined record of changes in the 87Sr/86Sr of seawater during the Neogene. The record can be viewed as a series of essentially linear segments with slopes ranging from as high as 0.00006/m.y. to as low as 0/m.y. The times associated with major inflections in the curve do not appear to correspond to simple geologic phenomena such as eustatic cycles, but are probably controlled by a combination of tectonic and climatic factors that influenced the abundance and isotopic composition of terrestrial strontium input to the oceans. The strontium isotopic data are consistent with a progressive increase in the chemical weathering rates of the continents during the Neogene, probably related to repeated glaciations, increased exposure of continents by lowered sea level, and increased continental relief resulting from high rates of tectonic uplift.


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During Leg 127, the formation microscanner (FMS) logging tool was used as part of an Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) logging program for only the second time in the history of the program. Resistivity images, also known as FMS logs, were obtained at Sites 794 and 797 that covered nearly the complete Yamato Basin sedimentary sequence to a depth below 500 mbsf. The FMS images from these two sites at the northeastern and southwestern corners of the Yamato Basin thus were amenable to comparison. A strong visual correlation was noticed between the FMS logs taken in Holes 794B and 797C in an upper Miocene interval (350-384 mbsf), although the two sites are approximately 360 km apart. In this interval, the FMS logs showed a series of more resistive thin beds (10-200 cm) alternating with relatively lower resistivity layers: a pattern that was manifested by alternating dark (low resistivity) and light (high resistivity) banding in the FMS images. We attribute this layering to interbedding of chert and porcellanite layers, a common lithologic sequence throughout Japan (Tada and Iijima, 1983, doi:10.1306/212F82E7-2B24-11D7-8648000102C1865D). Spatial frequency analysis of this interval of dominant dark-light banding showed spatial cycles of period of 1.1 to 1.3 and 0.6 m. This pronounced layering and the correlation between the two sites terminate at 384 mbsf, coincident with the opal-CT to quartz transition at Site 794. We think the correlation in the FMS logs might well extend earlier in the middle Miocene, but the opal-CT to quartz transition obscures this layering below 384 mbsf. Although 34 m is only a small part of the core recovered at these two sites, it is significant because it represents an area of extremely poor core recovery and an interval for which a near-depositional hiatus was postulated for Site 797, but not for Site 794.


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Bulk carbonate content, planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages, stable isotope compositions of bulk carbonate and Nuttallides truempyi (benthic foraminifera), and non-carbonate mineralogy were examined across ~30 m of carbonate-rich Paleogene sediment at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 259, on Perth Abyssal Plain off Western Australia. Carbonate content, mostly reflecting nannofossil abundance, ranges from 3 to 80% and generally exceeds 50% between 35 and 57 mbsf. A clay-rich horizon with a carbonate content of about 37% occurs between 55.17 and 55.37 mbsf. The carbonate-rich interval spans planktic foraminiferal zones P4c to P6b (~57-52 Ma), with the clay-rich horizon near the base of our Zone P5 (upper)-P6b. Throughout the studied interval, benthic species dominate foraminiferal assemblages, with scarce planktic foraminifera usually of poor preservation and limited species diversity. A prominent Benthic Foraminiferal Extinction Event (BFEE) occurs across the clay-rich horizon, with an influx of large Acarinina immediately above. The delta13C records of bulk carbonate and N. truempyi exhibit trends similar to those observed in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene (~57-52 Ma) sediment from other locations. Two successive decreases in bulk carbonate and N. truempyi delta13C of 0.5 and 1.0? characterize the interval at and immediately above the BFEE. Despite major changes in carbonate content, foraminiferal assemblages and carbon isotopes, the mineralogy of the non-carbonate fraction consistently comprises expanding clay, heulandite (zeolite), quartz, feldspar (sodic or calcic), minor mica, and pyrolusite (MnO2). The uniformity of this mineral assemblage suggests that Site 259 received similar non-carbonate sediment before, during and after pelagic carbonate deposition. The carbonate plug at Site 259 probably represents a drop in the CCD from ~57 to 52-51 Ma, as also recognized at other locations.


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The development of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry has revolutionized the analysis of tephras by providing (1) an efficient and precise method for determining abundances of a wide variety of trace elements at low concentrations in individual glass shards and (2) assessment of geochemical heterogeneities within individual ash horizons. This development is important for petrogenetic studies of intraoceanic arc systems, where tephras provide the most complete temporal record of magmatism. Results from the Izu-Bonin and Mariana arc systems indicate that despite close geographical proximity and similar tectonic evolution, they contrast strongly in terms of geochemical evolution since 35 Ma. Whereas the Mariana tephras have exceptional compositional diversity, ranging from low-K (Oligocene), to high-K (Miocene), and subsequently medium-K compositions (Pliocene-Quaternary), the Izu-Bonin arc has been dominated by low-K compositions throughout. The Mariana increases in K are paralleled by increases in abundances of incompatible trace elements and by increased values of diagnostic ratios (e.g., Nb/yb and Th/yb) regarded as monitors of potential mantle-source fertility. The relative uniformity of Nb/yb and Nb/Zr ratios in Izu-Bonin tephras indicates that cyclic processes of backarc basin development and mantle depletion do not necessarily induce large-scale temporal geochemical variations in the associated arc. Temporal variability within the Mariana arc, and its divergence from the Izu-Bonin arc ca. 13 Ma, can be traced to a major injection of subducted sediment in the Mariana system at this time.


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The amount and the accumulation rate of quartz were measured in 33 samples from Hole 576A. The amount and source of mineral aerosol being deposited in the northwest Pacific during the Cenozoic are evaluated using these data. When Hole 576A is compared to a Cenozoic record in the central North Pacific, a strong uniformity in the composition of the mineral aerosol across the North Pacific is seen. The data suggest that Hole 576A entered the influence of the westerlies about 15 m.y. ago and that since that time the rates of sediment deposition have increased. Only the dramatic change in quartz accumulation 2.5 m.y. ago can be clearly related to a climatic event, but a gradual increase in quartz accumulation through the Miocene and early Pliocene is probably a result of increasing Northern Hemisphere aridity and intensified atmospheric activity associated with global cooling during the interval.


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Newly sampled basaltic andesites and andesites from the tholeiitic Ferrar Supergroup of northern Victoria Land and George V Land, Antarctica, are attributed to the known low-Ti and high-Ti series. Aside from known sparsely distributed high-Ti extrusives, a high-Ti sill was found in the Alamein Range outside the Rennick Graben. Low-Ti lavas, sills and dikes display wide petrographical, mineral and geochemical variations, reflecting extensive in-situ differentiation. High-Ti rocks from Litell Rocks are homogeneous with respect to mineralogy and geochemistry, minor deviations are shown by the sampled sill. Chilled margins of low-Ti sills, dikes and lava flows exhibit nearly constant bulk-rock chemistry (mg# ~60) within the studied area. Compared to chilled margins from Tasmanian sills, the striking uniformity of the pre-emplacement chemistry of Ferrar magmas over large distances supports the magma transport model of Elliot et al. (1999, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00023-0). In the area investigated, compositional variations within the low-Ti series, caused by in-situ differentiation, increase towards the Wilson-Bowers Terrane boundary, possibly displaying the asymmetrical distribution of outcrops over this area. Absence of Ferrar occurrences east of the Bowers Terrane remains a matter of palaeo-geodynamic discussion. Besides, the secondary mineralogy of extrusives from Litell Rocks and Monument Nunataks exhibits noticeable differences, which indicates an elevated thermal gradient in the vicinity of Litell Rocks compared to Monument Nunataks during the Cretaceous.


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Basalts from Hole 504B, Leg 83, exhibit remarkable uniformity in major and trace element composition throughout the 1075.5 m of basement drilled. The majority of the basalts, Group D', have unusual compositions relative to normal (Type I) mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). These basalts have relatively high mg values (0.60-0.70) and CaO abundances (11.7-13.7%; Ca/Al = 0.78-0.89), but exhibit a marked depletion in compatible trace elements (Cr and Ni); moderately incompatible trace elements (Zr, Y, Ti, etc.); and highly incompatible trace elements (Nb, LREE, etc.). Petrographic and compositional data indicate that most of these basalts are evolved, having fractionated significant amounts of plagioclase, olivine, and clinopyroxene. Melting experiments on similar basalt compositions from the upper portion of Hole 504B (Leg 70; Autio and Rhodes, 1983) indicate that the basalts are co-saturated with olivine and plagioclase and often clinopyroxene on the 1-atm. liquidus. Two rarely occurring groups, M' and T, are compositionally distinct from Group D' basalts. Group T is strongly depleted in all magmaphile elements except the highly incompatible ones (Nb, La, etc.), while Group M' has moderate concentrations of both moderately and highly incompatible trace elements and is similar to Type I MORB. Groups M' and T cannot be related to Group D' nor to each other by crystal fractionation, crystal accumulation, or magma mixing. The large differences in magmaphile element ratios (Zr/Nb, La/Yb) among these three chemical groups may be accounted for by complex melting models and/or local heterogeneity of the mantle beneath the Costa Rica Ridge. Xenocrysts and xenoliths of plagioclase and clinopyroxene similar in texture and mineral composition to crystals in coarse-grained basalts from the lower portion of the hole are common in Hole 504B basalts. These suggest that addition of solid components either from conduit or magma chamber walls has occurred and may be a common source of disequilibrium crystals in these basalts. However, mixing of plagioclase-laden depleted melts (similar to the Costa Rica Ridge Zone basalts) with normal MORB magmas could provide an alternate source for some refractory plagioclase crystals found out of equilibrium in many phyric MORB. The uniformity of major element compositions in Hole 504B basalts affords an ideal situation for investigating the effects of alteration on some major and trace elements in oceanic basalts. Alteration observed in whole-rock samples records primarily two events - a high-temperature and a low-temperature phase. High-temperature phases include: chlorite, talc, albite, actinolite, sphene, quartz, and pyrite. The low-temperature phases include smectite (saponite), epistilbite or laumontite, and minor calcite. Laumontite may actually straddle the gap between the low- and high-temperature mineral assemblages. Alteration is restricted primarily to partial replacement of primary phases. Metamorphic grade, in general, increases from the top to the bottom of Hole 504B (Legs 69, 70, and 83) as seen in the change from a smectiteto- chlorite-dominated secondary mineral assemblage. However, a systematic progression for the interval recovered during Leg 83 is not apparent. Rather, the extent of alteration appears to be a function of the initial texture and fracture density. Variations in whole-rock major and trace element concentrations cannot be attributed convincingly to any differences in alteration observed. Compositional characteristics of the secondary minerals indicated that extensive remobilization of elements has not occurred; local redistribution is suggested in most cases. Thus, the major and trace element signature of these basalts remains effectively the same as the original composition prior to alteration.


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The monograph summarizes results of studies of hydrothermal fields on the ocean floor, hydrothermal plumes and metalliferous sediments. Hydrothermal ore manifestations formed in different geodynamic settings, with different character of volcanism in different facial conditions of deposition are described. Causes of non-uniformity of hydrothermal system functioning in different parts of the ocean and therefore variability of hydrothermal deposits are under consideration. On the base of found relationships of these irregularities with geodynamics, volcanism and sedimentation a new classification of hydrothermal processes and genetic models of hydrothermal ore formation in the ocean have been created. Regularities of hydrothermal sedimentary material dispersion in bottom waters are discussed.


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Sites 677 and 678 were drilled on ODP Leg 111 to test hypotheses about the nature and pattern of hydrothermal circulation on a mid-ocean ridge flank. Together with earlier results from DSDP Site 501/504 and several heatflow and piston coring surveys covering a 100-km**2 area surrounding the three drill sites, they confirm that hydrothermal circulation persists in this 5.9-m.y.-old crust, both in basement and through the overlying sediments (Langseth et al., 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.111.102.1988). Profiles of sediment pore-water composition with depth at the three drill sites show both vertical and horizontal gradients. The shapes of the profiles and their variation from one site to another result from a combination of vertical and horizontal diffusion, convection, and reaction in the sediments and basement. Chemical species that are highly reactive in the siliceous-calcareous biogenic sediments include bicarbonate (alkalinity), ammonium, sulfate, manganese, calcium, strontium, lithium, silica, and possibly potassium. Reactions include bacterial sulfate reduction, mobilization of Mn2+, precipitation of CaCO3, and recrystallization of calcareous and siliceous oozes to chalk, limestone, and chert. Species with profiles more affected by reaction in basaltic basement than in the sediments include Mg, Ca, Na, K, and oxygen isotopes. Reaction in basement at 60?C and at higher temperatures has produced a highly altered basement formation water that is uniform in composition over distances of several kilometers. As inferred from the composition of the basal sediment pore water at the three sites, this uniformity extends from up flow zone to downflow zone in basement and the sediments. It exists in spite of large variations in heat flow and depth to basement, apparently as a result of homogenization by hydrothermal circulation in basement. Profiles for chlorinity, Na, Mg, and other species in the sediment pore waters confirm that Site 678, drilled on a localized heatflow high identified by Langseth et al. (1988), is a site of long-lived upwelling of warm water from basement through the sediments at velocities of 1 to 2 mm/yr. The upflow through the anomalously thin sediments is apparently localized above an uplifted fault block in basement. This site and other similar sites in the survey area give rise to lateral diffusion and possibly flow through the sediments, which produces lateral gradients in sediment pore-water composition at sites such as 501/504. The complementary pore-water profiles at the low-heatflow Site 677 2 km to the south indicate that downflow is occurring through the sediments there, at comparable rates of 1 to 2 mm/yr.