24 resultados para TRISTAN DA CUNHA


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Basement intersected in DSDP holes 525A, 528 and 527 on the Walvis Ridge consists of submarine basalt flows and pillows with minor intercalated sediments. These holes are situated on the crest and mid and lower northwest flank of a NNW-SSE-trending ridge block which would have closely paralleled the paleo mid-ocean ridge (Rabinowitz and LaBrecque, 1979 doi:10.1029/JB084iB11p05973, Moore et al. (1983 doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1983)94<907:TWRTDS>2.0.CO;2). The basalts were erupted approximately 70 m.y. ago, an age equivalent to that of immediately adjacent oceanic crust in the Angola Basin and coraistent with formation at the paleo mid-ocean ridge (Moore et al., 1983). The basalt types vary from aphyric quartz tholeiites on the ridge crest to highly plagioclase phyric olivine tholeiites on the ridge flank. These show systematic differences in incompatible trace element and isotopic composition. Many element and isotope ratio pairs form systematic trends with the ridge crest basalts at one end and the highly phyric ridge flank basalts at the other. The low 143Nd/144Nd (0.51238), 206Pb/204Pb (17.54), 207Pb/204Pb (15.47), 208Pb/204Pb (38.14) and high 87Sr/86Sr (0.70512) ratios of the ridge crest basalts suggest derivation from an old Nd/Sm-, Rb/Sr- and Pb/U-enriched mantle source. This isotopic signature is similar to that of alkaline basalts on Tristan da Cunha but offset to significantly lower Nd and Pb isotopic ratios. The isotopic ratio trends may be extrapolated beyond the ridge flank basalts with higher 143Nd/144Nd (0.51270), 206Pb/204Pb (18.32), 207Pb/204Pb (15.52), 208Pb/204Pb (38.77) and lower 87Sr/86Sr (0.70417) ratios in the direction of increasingly Nd/Sm-, Rb/Sr- and Pb/U-depleted source compositions. These isotopic correlations are equally consistent with mixing of depleted and enriched end member melts or partial melting of an inhomogeneous, variably enriched mantle source. However, observed Zr-Ba-Nb-Y interelement relationships are inconsistent with any simple two-component model of magma mixing, as might result from the rise of a lower mantle plume through the upper mantle. Incompatible element and Pb isotopic systematics also preclude extensive involvement of depleted (N-type) MORB material or its mantle sources. In our preferred petrogenetic model the Walvis Ridge basalts were derived by partial melting of mantle similar to an enriched (E-type) MORB source which had become heterogeneous on a small scale due to the introduction of small-volume melts and metasomatic fluids.


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Lavas from several major bathymetric highs in the eastern Indian Ocean that are likely to have formed as Early to Middle Cretaceous manifestations of the Kerguelen hotspot are predominantly tholeiitic; so too are glass shards from Eocene to Paleocene volcanic ash layers on Broken Ridge, which are believed to have come from eruptions on the Ninetyeast Ridge. The early dominance of tholeiitic compositions contrasts with the more recent intraplate, alkalic volcanism of the Kerguelen Archipelago. Isotopic and incompatible-element ratios of the plateau lavas are distinct from those of Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts; their Nd, Sr, 207Pb/204Pb and 2078b/204Pb isotopic ratios overlap with but cover a much wider range than measured for more recent oceanic products of the Kerguelen hotspot (including the Ninetyeast Ridge) or, indeed, oceanic lavas from any other hotspot in the world. Samples from the Naturaliste Plateau and ODP Site 738 on the southern tip of the Kerguelen Plateau are particularly noteworthy, with e-Nd(T) = -13 to -7, (87Sr/86Sr)T=0.7090 to 0.7130 and high 207Pb/204Pb relative to 206Pb/204Pb. In addition, the low-e-Nd(T) Naturaliste Plateau samples are elevated in SiO2 (>54 wt%). In contrast to "DUPAL" oceanic islands such as the Kerguelen Archipelago, Pitcairn and Tristan da Cunha, the plateau lavas with extreme isotopic characteristics also have relative depletions in Nb and Ta (e.g., Th/Ta, La Nb > primitive mantle values); the lowest e-Nd(T) and highest Th/Ta and La Nb values occur at sites located closest to rifted continental margins. Accepting a Kerguelen plume origin for the plateau lavas, these characteristics probably reflect the shallow-level incorporation of continental lithosphere in either the head of the early Kerguelen plume or in plume-derived magmas, and suggest that the influence of such material diminished after the period of plateau construction. Contamination of asthenosphere with the type of material affecting Naturaliste Plateau and Site 738 magmatism appears unlikely to be the cause of low-206Pb/204Pb Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts. Finally, because isotopic data for the plateaus do not cluster or form converging arrays in isotope-ratio plots, they provide no evidence for either a quickly evolving, positive ?Nd, relatively high-206Pb/204Pb plume composition, or a plume source dominated by mantle with e-Nd of -3 to ~0.


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Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 74 drilled basement on the Walvis Ridge at Sites 525, 527, and 528. These sites are located on the crest and flanks of the segment of the Ridge about 68 to 70 m.y. old in the central province of the Ridge. Each site has a number of distinct subaqueous flows separated by sediment layers. Although variation in geochemistry among units and sites is related in part to alteration or crystal fractionation, some is caused by small-scale compositional variation in the mantle source of the basalts. Leg 74 basalts are similar to other basalts recovered from the Walvis Ridge and the Rio Grande Rise. They show distinct compositional differences to mid-ocean ridge basalts in general, to those recovered from the South Atlantic at this latitude, and to basalts presently erupting in Tristan da Cunha. The composition of the Walvis Ridge basalts does not suggest simple mixtures of present-day MORB and Tristan da Cunha melts. If the Walvis Ridge represents the trace of the Tristan da Cunha hot spot as the plates separated, then the composition of the mantle source has differed at different times in the past, which suggests mantle heterogeneity.


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Qualitative petrographic study of selected clastic horizons within the Eocene section of Hole 516F has revealed the presence of abundant fine-grained lithic fragments, probably volcanic, along with coarser fragments of quartz and feldspar apparently derived from a nearby plutonic terrain. In detail, poor sorting, presence of graded bedding, and an abundance of clay suggest these are turbidite horizons locally derived from a mixed volcanic/plutonic terrain, possibly with some direct contribution from contemporary volcanic ash falls. A progressive increase in plutonic versus volcanic components with time is, however, more consistent with an erosional origin for most of this material. Unusual euhedral dark biotite is abundant in several of the lower clastic horizons; it is most easily interpreted as microphenocrysts weathered in situ out of alkalic volcanic ash. Biotite separated from Sample 516F-76-4,107-115 cm, has been dated by the K-Ar method at about 46 Ma. Alkaline volcanoes active on the Rio Grande Rise in the middle Eocene would be the most probable source of this ash and would be consistent with other evidence for potassic, alkaline volcanism along the Rio Grande Rise and at the Tristan da Cunha hot spot.


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Basalts from Hole 516F, DSDP Leg 72 on the Rio Grande Rise are tholeiitic in character but differ from normal mid-ocean ridge basalts in the South Atlantic in higher concentrations of incompatible elements such as Ti, K, V, Sr, Ba, Zr, Nb, and light rare-earth elements and in lower concentrations of Mg, Cr, and Ni. They contrast with previously reported basalts from the Rio Grande Rise, which were highly alkalic in character. The Rio Grande Rise basalts from Hole 516F (age 84.5 Ma) are generally similar to basalts from the eastern end of the Walvis Ridge (80-100 Ma). It is suggested that they either originated, like the Walvis Ridge, from a mantle hot spot that is different from the present-day hot spot (Tristan da Cunha) and that has changed composition with time, or from a spreading center that was shallow and chemically influenced by the adjacent hot spot, similar to the present-day Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Azores and Tristan da Cunha.


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During Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 73 (South Atlantic), basaltic pillow lava, flows, and sills were encountered in Holes 519A, 520, 522B, and 524. Paleomagnetic data indicate that the basalts from Holes 519A (magnetic Anomaly 51) and 522B (Anomaly 16) have ages of about 12 m.y. and about 38 m.y., respectively. The major- and trace- (including rare-earth-) element characteristics of the Hole 519A basalts (a total of 27 m) demonstrate that these basalts are typical normal-type mid-ocean-ridge basalts (N-type MORB). In composition the basalts overlap olivine tholeiites from other normal Mid-Atlantic Ridge segments. Both the spectra of incompatible, or less-hygromagmatophile elements (such as Ti, V, Y, and Zr) and REE abundances indicate that these basalts are the result of a low-pressure fractionation of olivine, spinel, and Plagioclase prior to eruption. In Hole 520 only 1.7 m of basalt were recovered from a total drilling depth of 10.5 m. These pillow basalts crystallized from fairly evolved (N-type MORB) tholeiitic melts. In total, 19 m of basaltic pillow lavas and flows were penetrated in Hole 522B. Thirteen cooling units were distinguished on the basis of glassy margins and fine quench textures. In contrast to Holes 519A and 520, the basalts of the Hole 522B ridge section can be divided into two major groups of tholeiites: (1) Cooling Units 1 through 12 and (2) Cooling Unit 13. The basalts in this ridge section are also N-type MORBs but are generally more differentiated than those of Holes 519A and 520. The lowermost basalts (Cooling Unit 13) have the most primitive composition and make up a compositional group distinct from the more evolved basalts in the twelve units above it. Hole 524 was drilled on the south flank of the Walvis Ridge and thus provided samples from a more complex part of the South Atlantic seafloor. Three different basaltic rock suites, interlayered with volcanic detrital sediments, were encountered. The rock suites are, from top to bottom, an alkali basaltic pillow lava; a 16-m-thick alkaline diabase sill with an age of about 65 m.y. (according to K-Ar dating and planktonic foraminifers); and a second sill that is approximately 9 m thick, about 74 m.y. in age, and tholeiitic in composition, thus contrasting strongly with the overlying alkaline rocks. The alkali basalts of Hole 524 show chemical characteristics that are very similar to the basaltic lavas of the Tristan da Cunha group volcanoes, which are located approximately 400 km east of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge crest. Thus, the Walvis Ridge may plausibly be interpreted as a line of hot-spot alkaline volcanoes.


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Selected basalts from a suite of dredged and drilled samples (IPOD sites 525, 527, 528 and 530) from the Walvis Ridge have been analysed to determine their rare earth element (REE) contents in order to investigate the origin and evolution of this major structural feature in the South Atlantic Ocean. All of the samples show a high degree of light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, quite unlike the flat or depleted patterns normally observed for normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs). Basalts from Sites 527, 528 and 530 show REE patterns characterised by an arcuate shape and relatively low (Ce/Yb)N ratios (1.46-5.22), and the ratios show a positive linear relationship to Nb content. A different trend is exhibited by the dredged basalts and the basalts from Site 525, and their REE patterns have a fairly constant slope, and higher (Ce/Yb)N ratios (4.31-8.50). These differences are further reflected in the ratios of incompatible trace elements, which also indicate considerable variations within the groups. Mixing hyperbolae for these ratios suggest that simple magma mixing between a 'hot spot' type of magma, similar to present-day volcanics of Tristan da Cunha, and a depleted source, possibly similar to that for magmas being erupted at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, was an important process in the origin of parts of the Walvis Ridge, as exemplified by Sites 527, 528 and 530. Site 525 and dredged basalts cannot be explained by this mixing process, and their incompatible element ratios suggest either a mantle source of a different composition or some complexity to the mixing process. In addition, the occurrence of different types of basalt at the same location suggests there is vertical zonation within the volcanic pile, with the later erupted basalts becoming more alkaline arid more enriched in incompatible elements. The model proposed for the origin and evolution of the Walvis Ridge involves an initial stage of eruption in which the magma was essentially a mixture of enriched and depleted end-member sources, with the N-MORB component being small. The dredged basalts and Site 525, which represent either later-stage eruptives or those close to the hot spot plume, probably result from mixing of the enriched mantle source with variable amounts and variable low degrees of partial melting of the depleted mantle source. As the volcano leaves the hot spot, these late-stage eruptives continue for some time. The change from tholeiitic to alkalic volcanism is probably related either to evolution in the plumbing system and magma chamber of the individual volcano, or to changes in the depth of origin of the enriched mantle source melt, similar to processes in Hawaiian volcanoes.


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One of the essential problems of oceanic tectonics is estimation of the influence of plumes of the deep hot mantle on processes in the axial spreading zone. Areas of two giant (St. Helena and Tristan da Cunha) plumes in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) rift zone (South Atlantic) are characterized by the effusion of basalts that differ from typical depleted riftogenic tholeiites by anomalously high contents of lithophile components and specific isotopic compositions. Moreover, the rift valley floor with basalt effusion is significantly uplifted above the adjacent sectors of the rift. The formation of the St. Helena Seamount located 400 km east of the MAR axis is related to magmatism that is active to this day. St. Helena Island is a member of the structural ensemble of large volcanic seamounts (Bonaparte, Bagration, and Kutuzov). Like St. Helena Island, each seamount incorporates a series of smaller rises of different morphologies and dimensions. Thus, a system of subparallel series of NE-trending (~45°) rises extend from the seamount ensemble to the African continent. According to the plate tectonics concept, the seamount series represent hotspots related to a deep mantle plume that can be projected onto the present-day St. Helena Island area (St. Helena plume). At the same time, the inferred topographic map based on satellite altimetry data shows that the seamount series also extend along the opposite southwestern direction (~225°) toward the axial MAR and even intersect the latter structure. This fact cannot be explained by the hotspot hypothesis, which suggests stationary positions of plumes relative to the mobile oceanic plate. In the course of Cruise 10 of the R/V Akademik Ioffe (2002), detailed geological and geophysical investigations were carried out at the junction of one structural series with the MAR rift zone located near the Martin Vaz Fracture Zone (Martin Vaz test area, 19°-20° S). The present communication is devoted to the study of lithology, geochemistry, and isotopy of basalts dredged at the test area.


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Basement intersected in Holes 525A, 528, and 527 on the Walvis Ridge consists of submarine basalt flows and pillows with minor intercalated sediments. These holes are situated on the crest and mid- and lower NW flank of a NNW-SSE-trending ridge block which would have closely paralleled the paleo mid-ocean ridge. The basalts were erupted approximately 70 Ma, a date consistent with formation at the paleo mid-ocean ridge. The basalt types vary from aphyric quartz tholeiites on the Ridge crest to highly Plagioclase phyric olivine tholeiites on the flank. These show systematic differences in incompatible trace element and isotopic composition, and many element and isotope ratio pairs form systematic trends with the Ridge crest basalts at one end and the highly phyric Ridge flank basalts at the other. The low 143Nd/144Nd (0.51238) and high 87Sr/86Sr (0.70512) ratios of the Ridge crest basalts suggest derivation from an old Nd/Sm and Rb/Sr enriched mantle source. This isotopic signature is similar to that of alkaline basalts on Tristan da Cunha but offset by somewhat lower 143Nd/144Nd values. The isotopic ratio trends may be extrapolated beyond the Ridge flank basalts (which have 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51270 and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70417) in the direction of typical MORB compositions. These isotopic correlations are equally consistent with mixing of depleted and enriched end-member melts or partial melting of an inhomogeneous, variably enriched mantle source. However, observed Zr-Ba-Nb-Y interelement relationships are inconsistent with any simple two-component model of magma mixing or partial melting. They also preclude extensive involvement of depleted (N-type) MORB material or its mantle sources in the petrogenesis of Walvis Ridge basalts.


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During the period in question, large ice drifts transported incalculable numbers of icebergs, ice fields and ice floes from the Antarctica into the South Atlantic, confronting long-journeying sailing ships on the Cape Horn route with considerable danger. As is still the case today, the ice drifts generally tended in a northeasterly direction. Thus it can be assumed that the ice masses occuring near Cape Horn and in the South Atlantic originated in Graham Land and the South Shetland Islands, while those found in the Pacific will have come from Victoria Land. The masses drifting to Cape Horn, Isla de los Estados, the Falkland Islands and occasionally as far as the Tristan da Cunha Group are transported by the West Wind Drift and Falkland Current, diverted by the Brazil Current. The Bouvet and Agulhas Currents have little influence here. The great ice masses repeatedly reached points beyond the "outermost drift ice boundery" calculated in the course of the years, to continue on in the direction of the equator. The number of sailing ships which fell victim to the ice drifts while rounding Cape Horn can only be surmised; they simply disappeared without a trace in the expanses of the South Atlantic. Until the end of the 1900s the dangers presented by ice were less serious for westward-bound ships than for the "homeward-bounders" travelling from West to East. Following the turn of the century, however, the risk for "onwardbounders" increased significantly. Whether the ice drifts actually grew in might or whether the more frequent and more detailed reports led to this impression, could never be ascertained by the German Hydrographie Office. In the forty-one years between 1868 and 1908, ten light, ten medium and nine heavy ice years were counted, and only twelve years in which no reports of ice were submitted to the German Hydrographie Office. "One of the most terrible dangers threatening ships on their return from the Pacific Ocean," the pilot book for the Atlantic Ocean warns, "is the encounter with ice, to be expected south of the 50th parallel (approx.) in the Pacific and south of the 40th parallel (approx.) in the South Atlantic." Following the ice drift of 1854-55, thought to be the first ever recorded, the increasing numbers of sailing ships rounding Cape Horn were frequently confronted with drifts of varying sizes or with single icebergs. Then from 1892-94, a colossal ice drift crossed the path of the sailships in three stages. Several sailing ships collided with the icebergs and could be counted lucky if they survived with heavy damage to the bow and the fo regear. The reports on those which vanished for ever in the ice masses are hardly of investigative value. The English suffered particularly badly in the ice-plagued waters; their captains apparently sailed courses that led more freqently through drifts than did the sailing instructions of the German Hydrographic Office. Thus, among others, Capt. Jarvis' DUNTRUNE, also the STANMORE, ARTHURSTONE and LORD RANOCH as well as the French GALATHEE and CASHMERE all collided with icebergs. The crew of the AETHELBERTH panicked after a collision and took to their lifeboats. It was only after the ship detached itself from the iceberg it had rammed that the men returned to it and continued their journey. The TEMPLEMORE, on the other hand, had to be abandoned for good. Of the German sailing ships, the FLOTOW is to be mentioned here, and in the third phase of the drift the American SAN JOAQUIN lost a large proportion of its rigging. In the 20th century ice drifts continued to cross the courses of the Cape Horn ships. 1906 and 1908 were recorded as particularly heavy ice years. In 1908-09 both the FALKLANDBANK and the TOXTETH fell prey to ice, or so it was assumed during the subsequent Maritime Board proceedings. For the most part the German sailing ships were spared greater damages by sea. Their captains sent detailed ice reports to the German Hydrographic Office, which gratefully welcomed the information and partially incorporated it in the third and final edition of the "Pilot Book for the Atlantic Ocean." From the end of 1926 until the beginning of 1928, the last of the large sailing ships were once again confronted with "tremendous masses of icebergs and ice drifts." Reports of this period originated above all on the P-Liners PADUA, PAMIR, PASSAT, PEKING, PINNAS, PRIWALL and the ships of Gustav Erikson's fleet. The fate of the training sailship ADMIRAL KARPFANGER in connection with the ice in early 1938 was never clearly determined by the Maritime Board proceedings. Collision with an iceberg, however, is thought to be the most likely cause of accident. Today freight sailing ships no longer cross the oceans. The Cape Horn route is relatively insignificant for engine-powered ships and icebergs can be spotted in plenty of time by modern navigation technology ... The large ice drifts are no longer a menace, but only a marginal note in the final chapter of the history of transoceanic sailing.