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We examined near-surface, late Holocene deep-sea sediments at nine sites on a north-south transect from the Congo Fan (4°S) to the Cape Basin (30°S) along the Southwest African continental margin. Contents, distribution patterns and molecular stable carbon isotope signatures of long-chain n-alkanes (C27-C33) and n-alkanols (C22-C32) are indicators of land plant vegetation of different biosynthetic types, which can be correlated with concentrations and distributions of pollen taxa in the same sediments. Calculated clusters of wind trajectories and satellite Aerosol Index imagery afford information on the source areas for the lipids and pollen on land and their transport pathways to the ocean sites. This multidisciplinary approach on an almost continental scale provides clear evidence of latitudinal differences in lipid and pollen composition paralleling the major phytogeographic zonations on the adjacent continent. Dust and smoke aerosols are mainly derived from the western and central South African hinterland dominated by deserts, semi-deserts and savannah regions rich in C4 and CAM plants. The northern sites (Congo Fan area and northern Angola Basin), which get most of their terrestrial material from the Congo Basin and the Angolan highlands, may also receive some material from the Chad region. Very little aerosol from the African continent is transported to the most southerly sites in the Cape Basin. As can be expected from the present position of the phytogeographic zones, the carbon isotopic signatures of the n-alkanes and n-alkanols both become isotopically more enriched in 13C from north to south. The results of the study suggest that this combination of pollen data and compound-specific isotope geochemical proxies can be effectively applied in the reconstruction of past continental phytogeographic developments.
Investigation of the Middle Miocene-Pleistocene succession in cores at ODP Site 817A (Leg 133), drilled on the slope south of the Queensland Plateau, identified the various material fluxes contributing to sedimentation and has determined thereby the paleogeographic events which occurred close to the studied area and influenced these fluxes. To determine proportions of platform origin and of plankton origin of carbonate mud, two reference sediments were collected: (1) back-reef carbonate mud from the Young Reef area (Great Barrier Reef); and (2) Late Miocene chalk from the Loyalty Basin, off New Caledonia. Through their biofacies and mineralogical and geochemical characters, these reference sediments were used to distinguish the proportions of platform and basin components in carbonate muds of 25 core samples from Hole 817A. Two "origin indexes" (i1 and i2) relate the proportion in platform and basin materials. The relative sedimentation rate is inferred from the high-frequency cycles determined by redox intervals in the cores. Bulk carbonate deposited in each core has been calculated in two ways with close results: (1) from calcimetric data available in the Leg 133 preliminary reports (Davies et al., 1991); and (2) from average magnetic susceptibility of cores, a value negatively correlated to the average carbonate content. Vertical changes in sedimentation rates, in carbonate content, in origin indexes and in "linear fluxes" document the evolution of sediment origins from platform carbonates, planktonic carbonates and insoluble material through time. These data are augmented with the variations in organic-matter content through the 817A succession. The observed changes and their interpretation are not modified by compaction, and are compatible with major paleogeographic events including drowning of the Queensland Plateau (Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene) and the renewal of shallow carbonate production, (1) during the Late Pliocene, and (2) from the Early Pleistocene. The birth and growth of the Great Barrier Reef is also recorded from 0.5 Ma by a strengthening of detrital carbonate deposition and possibly by a lack of clay minerals in the 4 upper cores, a response to trapping of terrigenous material behind this barrier. In addition, a maximum of biological silica production is displayed in the Middle Miocene. These changes constrain the time of events and the sequence-stratigraphy framework some components of which are transgression surface, maximum flooding surface and low-stand turbidites. Sedimentation rates and material fluxes show cycles lasting 1.75 Myr. Whatever their origin (climatic and/or eustatic) these cycles affected the planktonic production primarily. The changes also show that major carbonate variations in the deposits are due to a dilution effect by insoluble material (clay, biogenic silica and volcanic glasses) and that plankton productivity, controlling the major fraction of carbonate sedimentation, depends principally on terrigenous supplies, but also on deep-water upwelling. Accuracy of the method is reduced by redeposition, reworking, and probable occurrence of hiatuses.
Carbon dioxide deep geological storage, especially in deep saline aquifers, is one of the preferred technological options to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases emissions. Thus, in the last decade, studies characterising the behaviour of potential CO2 deep geological storage sites along with thorough safety assessments have been considered essential in order to minimise the risks associated with these sites. The study of natural analogues represents the best source of reliable information about the expected hydrogeochemical processes involved in the CO2 storage in such deep saline aquifers. In this work, a comprehensive study of the hydrogeochemical features and processes taking place at the natural analogue of the Alicún de las Torres thermal system (Betic Cordillera) has been conducted. Thus, the main water/CO2/rock interaction processes occurring at the thermal system have been identified, quantified and modelled, and a principle conclusion is that the hydrogeochemical evolution of the thermal system is controlled by a global dedolomitization process triggered by gypsum dissolution. This geochemical process generates a different geochemical environment to that which would result from the exclusive dissolution of carbonates from the deep aquifer, which is generally considered as the direct result of CO2 injection in a deep carbonate aquifer. Therefore, discounting of the dedolomitization process in any CO2 deep geological storage may lead to erroneous conclusions. This process will also influence the porosity evolution of the CO2 storage formation, which is a very relevant parameter when evaluating a reservoir for CO2 storage. The geothermometric calculation performed in this work leads to estimate that the thermal water reservoir is located between 650 and 800 m depth, which is very close to the minimum required to inject CO2 in a deep geological storage. It is clear that the proper characterisation of the features and hydrogeochemical processes taking place at a natural system analogous to a man-made deep geological storage will provide useful conceptual, semi-quantitative and even quantitative information about the processes and consequences that may occur at the artificial storage system.
The combination of two research projects offered us the opportunity to perform a comprehensive study of the seasonal evolution of the hydrological structure and the circulation of the North Aegean Sea, at the northern extremes of the eastern Mediterranean. The combination of brackish water inflow from the Dardanelles and the sea-bottom relief dictate the significant differences between the North and South Aegean water columns. The relatively warm and highly saline South Aegean waters enter the North Aegean through the dominant cyclonic circulation of the basin. In the North Aegean, three layers of distinct water masses of very different properties are observed: The 20-50 m thick surface layer is occupied mainly by Black Sea Water, modified on its way through the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara and the Dardanelles. Below the surface layer there is warm and highly saline water originating in the South Aegean and the Levantine, extending down to 350-400 m depth. Below this layer, the deeper-than-400 m basins of the North Aegean contain locally formed, very dense water with different i/S characteristics at each subbasin. The circulation is characterised by a series of permanent, semi-permanent and transient mesoscale features, overlaid on the general slow cyclonic circulation of the Aegean. The mesoscale activity, while not necessarily important in enhancing isopycnal mixing in the region, in combination with the very high stratification of the upper layers, however, increases the residence time of the water of the upper layers in the general area of the North Aegean. As a result, water having out-flowed from the Black Sea in the winter, forms a separate distinct layer in the region in spring (lying between "younger" BSW and the Levantine origin water), and is still traceable in the water column in late summer.
The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to reconstruct pathways of terrigenous input to the oceans and provides a record of vegetation change on adjacent continents. The wind transport routes of aeolian pollen is comprehensively illustrated by clusters of trajectories. Isobaric, 4-day backward trajectories are calculated using the modelled wind-field of ECHAM3, and are clustered on a seasonal basis to estimate the main pathways of aeolian particles to sites of marine cores in the south-eastern Atlantic. Trajectories and clusters based on the modelled wind-field of the Last Glacial Maximum hardly differ from those of the present-day. Trajectory clusters show three regional, and two seasonal patterns, determining the pathways of aeolian pollen transport into the south-eastern Atlantic ocean. Mainly, transport out of the continent occurs during austral fall and winter, when easterly and south-easterly winds prevail. South of 25°S, winds blow mostly from the west and southwest, and aeolian terrestrial input is very low. Generally, a good latitudinal correspondence exists between the distribution patterns of pollen in marine surface sediments and the occurrence of the source plants on the adjacent continent. The northern Angola Basin receives pollen and spores from the Congolian and Zambezian forests mainly through river discharge. The Zambezian vegetation zone is the main source area for wind-blown pollen in sediments of the Angola Basin, while the semi-desert and desert areas are the main sources for pollen in sediments of the Walvis Basin and on the Walvis Ridge. A transect of six marine pollen records along the south-western African coast indicates considerable changes in the vegetation of southern Africa between glacial and interglacial periods. Important changes in the vegetation are the decline of forests in equatorial Africa and the north of southern Africa and a northward shift of winter rain vegetation along the western escarpment.
Termites are the most important soil ecosystem engineers of semi-arid and arid habitats. They enhance decomposition processes as well as the subsequent mineralisation of nutrients by bacteria and fungi. Through their construction of galleries, nests and mounds, they promote soil turnover and influence the distribution of nutrients and also alter texture and hydrological properties of soils, thereby affecting the heterogeneity of their ecosystem. The main aim of the present thesis was to define the impact of termites on ecosys-tem functioning in a semi-arid ecosystem. In a baseline study, I assessed the diversity of termite taxa in relation to the amount of precipitation, the vegetation patterns and the land use systems at several sites in Namibia. Subsequently, I focussed on a species that is highly abundant in many African savannas, the fungus growing and mound building species Macro-termes michaelseni (Sjöstedt, 1914). I asked how this species influences the spatial hetero-geneity of soil and vegetation patterns. From repeated samplings at 13 sites in Namibia, I obtained 17 termite taxa of 15 genera. While the type of land use seems to have a minor effect on the termite fauna, the mean annual precipitation explained 96% and the Simpson index of vascular plant diversity 81% of the variation in taxa diversity. The number of termite taxa increased with both of these explanation variables. In contrast to former studies on Macrotermes mounds in several regions of Africa that I reviewed, soil analyses from M. michaelseni mounds in the central Namibian savanna revealed that they contain much higher nitrogen contents when compared to their parent material. Further analyses revealed that nitrate forms a major component of the nitrogen content in termite mounds. As nitrate solves easily in water, evaporation processes are most probably responsible for the transport of solved nitrates to the mound surface and their accumulation there. The analysed mounds in central Namibia contained higher sand propor-tions compared to the mounds of the former studies. Through the higher percentage of coarse and middle sized pores, water moves more easily in sandy soils compared to more clayey soils. In consequence, evaporation-driven nitrate accumulation can occur in the studied mounds at high rates. ff...
Bottom sediments of the Markov Deep contain rather large (>0.1 mm) grains of native minerals and intermetallides of noble and nonferrous metals that can be concentrated in placers. Intermetallides of Pt and Fe are likely to be derivates of the gold-hematite-barite assemblage that forms at late (low-depth) stages of hydrothermal massive sulfide formation. Mineral association of native forms of lead, tin, and copper with Zn-bearing copper may be related to hydrothermal transformation of ultrabasic and basic rocks accompanied by massive sulfide copper mineralization. The association of these minerals of native elements in bottom sediments can also serve as a prospecting guide for sulfide mineralization both at the Sierra Leone site, in particular, and on the seafloor, in general.
The paper presents materials on composition and texture of weakly serpentinized ultrabasic rocks from the western and eastern walls of the Markov Deep (5°30.6'-5°32.4'N) in the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Predominant harzburgites with protogranular and porphyroclastic textures contain two major generations of minerals: the first generation composes the bulk of rocks and consists of Ol_89.8-90.4 + En_90.2-90.8 + Di_91.8 + Chr (Cr#32.3-36.6, Mg#67.2-70.0), while the second generation composes very thin branching veinlets and consists of PlAn_32-47 + Ol_74.3-77.1 + Opx_55.7-71.9 + Cpx_67.5 + Amph_53.7-74.2 + Ilm. Syndeformational olivine neoblasts in recrystallization zones are highly magnesian. Concentrations and covariations of major elements in harzburgites indicate that these rocks are depleted in mantle residues (high Mg# of minerals and whole-rock samples and low in CaO, Al2O3, and TiO2) that are significantly enriched in trace HFSE and REE (Zr, Hf, Y, LREE, and all REE). Mineralogy and geochemistry of harzburgites were formed by interaction of mantle residues with hydrous, strongly fractionated melts that impregnated them. Mineral composition of veinlets in harzburgites and mineralogical-geochemical characteristics of related plagiogranites and gabbronorites suggest that these plagiogranites were produced by melt residuals after crystallization of gabbronorites. Modern characteristics of harzburgites were shaped by the following processes: (i) partial melting of mantle material simultaneously with its subsolidus deformations, (ii) brittle-plastic deformations associated with cataclastic flow and recrystallization, and (iii) melt percolation along zones of maximal stress relief and interaction of this melt with magnesian mantle residue.
Silicic Fe-Ti-oxide magmatic series was the first recognized in the Sierra Leone axial segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 6°N. The series consists of intrusive rocks (harzburgites, lherzolites, bronzitites, norites, gabbronorites, hornblende Fe-Ti-oxide gabbronorites and gabbronorite-diorites, quartz diorites, and trondhjemites) and their subvolcanic (ilmenite-hornblende dolerites) and, possibly, volcanic analogues (ilmenite-bearing basalts). Deficit of most incompatible elements in the rocks of the series suggests that parental melts derived from a source that had already been melted. Correspondingly, these melts could not be MORB derivatives. Origin of the series is thought to be related to melting of the hydrated oceanic lithosphere during emplacement of an asthenospheric plume (protuberance on the surface of large asthenospheric lens beneath MAR). Genesis of different melts was supposedly controlled by ascent of a chamber of hot mantle magmas thought this lithosphere in compliance with the zone melting mechanism. Melt acquired fluid components from heated rocks at peripheries of the plume and became enriched in Fe, Ti, Pb, Cu, Zn, and other components mobile in fluids.