191 resultados para Pond


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Am Mittelatlantischen Rücken befinden sich zahlreiche intermontane Sedimentbecken. Ein solches 8 x 14 km großes und bereits im Rahmen der internationalen Bohrprogramme ODP und DSDP mehrmals beprobtes und untersuchtes Sedimentbecken ist "North Pond". In Februar und März 2009 wurde erstmals ein umfassender Parasound-Survey in "North Pond" durchgeführt. Parasound-Daten werden zur Untersuchung oberflächennaher Sedimentstrukturen genutzt. Dabei können kleinskalige Rutschungen, Störungen und Sedimentabfolgen abgebildet werden, die mit niederfrequenterer Seismik nicht erkannt werden können.


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At Ocean Drilling Program Site 1256 (6°44.2'N, 91°56.1'W), during Leg 206, a thick massive unit was cored in two neighboring penetrations of the uppermost basement, Holes 1256C and 1256D. This thick massive lava flow, commonly referred to as the "Lava Pond," is identified as Unit 18 (>30 m thick) in Hole 1256C and Unit 1 (>74.2 m thick) in Hole 1256D (Wilson et al., 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.206.2003). In the coarse-grained basalt that comprises this lithological unit, low-temperature "background" alteration events are present. This report provides microprobe analyses of both primary and secondary minerals present in this massive lava pond. The analyses of typically magmatic minerals (titanomagnetite, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene) are given for comparison with secondary minerals.


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Melt pond covered sea ice is a ubiquitous feature of the summertime Arctic Ocean when meltwater collects in lower-lying areas of ice surfaces. Horizontal transects were conducted during June 2008 above and below landfast sea ice with melt ponds to characterize surface and bottom topography together with variations in transmitted spectral irradiance. We captured a rapid progression from a highly flooded sea ice surface with lateral drainage toward flaws and seal breathing holes to the formation of distinct melt ponds with steep edges. As the mass of the ice cover decreased due to meltwater drainage and rose upward with respect to the seawater level, the high-scattering properties of ice above the water level (i.e., white ice) were continuously regenerated, while pond waters remained transparent compared to underlying ice. The relatively stable albedos observed throughout the study, even as ice thickness decreased, were directly related to these surface processes. Transmission through the ice cover of incident irradiance in the 400-700 nm wave band ranged from 38% to 67% and from 5% to 16% beneath ponded and white ice, respectively. Our results show that this transmission varied not only as a function of surface type (melt ponds or white ice) areal coverage but also in relation to ice thickness and proximity to other surface types through the influence of horizontal spreading of light. Thus, in contrast to albedo, this implies that regional transmittance estimates need to consider melt pond size and shape distributions and variations in optical properties and thickness of the ice cover.


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Die Porosität ist einer der wichtigsten gesteinsphysikalischen Parameter von Sedimenten. Daher werden in dieser Arbeit die Abhängigkeiten zwischen dem zentralen gesteinsphysikalischen Parameter Porosität und den Parametern Wärmeleitfähigkeit und spezifischer elektrischer Widerstand an Sedimenten von North Pond, eines Sedimentbeckens an der westlichen Flanke des Mittelatlantischen Rückens bei ca. 23°N, qualitativ und empirisch untersucht. Die Messung des spezifischen Widerstands wurde mittels eines miniaturisierten Wenner-Arrays mit einem Zentimeter Elektrodenabstand noch an Bord der FS Maria S. Merian auf der Reise MSM11/1 vom 10. Februar bis 13. März 2009 an Sedimentkernhälften durchgeführt, ebenso wie die Messung der Wärmeleitfähigkeit mit einer Nadelsonde. Die Messung der Gamma-Dichte an einem Multi Sensor Core Logger erfolgte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit und wurde wie die Messung der Porosität an Proben im Marum in Bremen durchgeführt. Die zugrundeliegende und zu untersuchende Beziehung zwischen spezifischem Widerstand und Porosität ist Archie's Law, die untersuchte Beziehung zwischen Wärmeleitfähigkeit und Porosität ist das Modell des geometrischen Mittels der Sedimentkomponenten. Die physikalische Beziehung zwischen der Porosität und den beiden Parametern spezifischer Widerstand und Wärmeleitfähigkeit konnte an den Sedimenten von North Pond bestätigt werden.


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1. Shallow arctic lakes and ponds have simple and short food webs, but large uncertainties remain about benthic-pelagic links in these systems. We tested whether organic matter of benthic origin supports zooplankton biomass in a pond in NE Greenland, using stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in the pond itself and in a 13C-enrichment enclosure experiment. In the latter, we manipulated the carbon isotope signature of benthic algae to enhance its isotopic discrimination from other potential food sources for zooplankton. 2. The cladoceran Daphnia middendorffiana responded to the 13C-enrichment of benthic mats with progressively increasing d13C values, suggesting benthic feeding. Stable isotope analysis also pointed towards a negligible contribution of terrestrial carbon to the diet of D. middendorffiana. This agreed with the apparent dominance of autochthonous dissolved organic matter in the pond revealed by analysis of coloured dissolved organic matter. 3. Daily net production by phytoplankton in the pond (18 mg C/m**2/day) could satisfy only up to half of the calculated minimum energy requirements of D. middendorffiana (35 mg C/m**2/day), whereas benthic primary production alone (145 mg C/m**2/day) was more than sufficient. 4. Our findings highlight benthic primary production as a major dietary source for D. middendorffiana in this system and suggest that benthic organic matter may play a key role in sustaining pelagic secondary production in such nutrient-limited high arctic ponds.