22 resultados para Multi-species systems


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Past river run-off is an important measure for the continental hydrological cycle and the as-sessment of freshwater input into the ocean. However, paleosalinity reconstructions applying different proxies in parallel often show offsets between the respective methods. Here, we compare the established foraminiferal Ba/Ca and d18OWATER salinity proxies for their capability to record the highly seasonal Orinoco freshwater plume in the eastern Caribbean. For this purpose we obtained a data set comprising Ba/Ca and d18OWATER determined on multiple spe-cies of planktonic foraminifera from core tops distributed around the Orinoco river mouth. Our findings indicate that interpretations based on either proxy could lead to different conclu-sions. In particular, Ba/Ca and d18OWATER diverge in their spatial distribution due to different governing factors. Apparently, the Orinoco freshwater plume is best tracked by Ba/Ca ratios of G. ruber (pink and sensu lato morphotypes), while d18OWATER based on the same species is more related to the local precipitation-evaporation balance overprinting the riverine freshwater contribution. Other shallow dwelling species (G. sacculifer, O. universa) show a muted response to the freshwater discharge, most likely due to their ecological and habitat prefer-ences. Extremely high Ba/Ca ratios recorded by G. ruber are attributed to Ba2+-desorption from suspended matter derived from the Orinoco. Samples taken most proximal to the freshwater source do not show pronounced Ba/Ca or d18OWATER anomalies. Here, the suspension loaded freshwater lid developing during maximum discharge suppresses foraminiferal populations. Both proxies are therefore biased towards dry season conditions at these sites, when surface salinity is only minimally reduced.


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Rising seawater temperature and CO2 concentrations (ocean acidification) represent two of the most influential factors impacting marine ecosystems in the face of global climate change. In ecological climate change research full-factorial experiments across seasons in multi-species, cross-trophic level set-ups are essential as they allow making realistic estimations about direct and indirect effects and the relative importance of both major environmental stressors on ecosystems. In benthic mesocosm experiments we tested the responses of coastal Baltic Sea Fucus vesiculosus communities to elevated seawater temperature and CO2 concentrations across four seasons of one year. While increasing [CO2] levels only had minor effects, warming had strong and persistent effects on grazers which affected the Fucus community differently depending on season. In late summer a temperature-driven collapse of grazers caused a cascading effect from the consumers to the foundation species resulting in overgrowth of Fucus thalli by epiphytes. In fall/ winter, outside the growing season of epiphytes, intensified grazing under warming resulted in a significant reduction of Fucus biomass. Thus, we confirm the prediction that future increasing water temperatures influence marine food-web processes by altering top-down control, but we also show that specific consequences for food-web structure depend on season. Since Fucus vesiculosus is the dominant habitat-forming brown algal system in the Baltic Sea, its potential decline under global warming implicates the loss of key functions and services such as provision of nutrient storage, substrate, food, shelter and nursery grounds for a diverse community of marine invertebrates and fish in Baltic Sea coastal waters.


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The stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of different benthic foraminiferal species of the latest Campanian and earliest Maastrichtian from Ocean Drilling Project Hole 690C (Weddell Sea, southern South Atlantic, ~1800 m paleowater depth) have been investigated. The total range of measured isotope values of all samples exceeds ~4 per mil for delta 13C and 1.1 per mil for delta 18O. Carbon isotope values of proposed deep infaunal species are generally similar or only slightly lower when compared to proposed epifaunal to shallow infaunal species. Interspecific differences vary between samples probably reflecting temporal changes in organic carbon fluxes to the sea floor. Constantly lower delta 13C values for Pullenia marssoni and Pullenia reussi suggest the deepest habitat for these species. The strong depletion of delta 13C values by up to 3 per mil within lenticulinids may be attributed to a deep infaunal microhabitat, strong vital effects, or different feeding strategy when compared to other species or modern lenticulinids. The mean delta 18O values reveal a strong separation of epifaunal to shallow infaunal and deep infaunal species. Epifaunal to shallow infaunal species are characterized by low delta 18O values, deep infaunal species by higher values. This result possibly reflects lower metabolic rates and longer life cycles of deep infaunal species or the operating of a pore water [CO3]2- effect on the benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes. Pyramidina szajnochae shows an enrichment of oxygen isotopes with test size comprising a total of 0.6 per mil between 250 and 1250 µm shell size. Although delta 13C lacks a corresponding trend these data likely represent the presence of changes in metabolic rates during ontogenesis. These results demonstrate the general applicability of multi-species stable isotope measurements of pristine Cretaceous benthic foraminifera to reconstruct past microhabitats and to evaluate biological and environmental effects on the stable isotope composition.


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A Cenozoic multi-species record of benthic foraminiferal calcite Sr/Ca has been produced and is corrected for interspecific offsets (typically less than 0.3 mmol/mol) and for the linear relationship between decreasing benthic foraminiferal Sr/Ca and increasing water depth. The water depth correction, determined from Holocene, Late Glacial Maximum and Eocene paleowater-depth transects, is ~0.1 mmol/mol/km. The corrected Cenozoic benthic foraminiferal Sr/Ca record ranges from 1.2 to 2.0 mmol/mol, and has been interpreted in terms of long-term changes in seawater Sr/Ca, enabling issues related to higher-resolution variability in Sr/Ca to be ignored. We estimate that seawater Sr/Ca was ~1.5 times modern values in the late Cretaceous, but declined rapidly into the Paleogene. Following a minimum in the Eocene, seawater Sr/Ca increased gradually through to the present day with a minimum superimposed on this trend centered in the late Miocene. By assuming scenarios for changing seawater calcium concentration, and using published carbonate accumulation rate data combined with suitable values for Sr partition coefficients into carbonates, the seawater Sr/Ca record is used to estimate global average river Sr fluxes. These fluxes are used in conjunction with the seawater strontium isotope curve and estimates of hydrothermal activity/tectonic outgassing to calculate changes in global average river 87Sr/86Sr through the Cenozoic. The absolute magnitude of Sr fluxes and isotopic compositions calculated in this way are subject to relatively large uncertainties. Nevertheless, our results suggest that river Sr flux increased from 35 Ma to the present day (roughly two-fold) accompanied by an overall increase in 87Sr/86Sr (by ~0 to 0.001). Between 75 and 35 Ma, river 87Sr/86Sr also increased (by ~0.001 to 0.002) but was accompanied by a decrease (two- to three-fold) in river Sr flux.


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We document the waxing and waning of a "proto-warm pool" in the western equatorial Pacific (WEP) based on a study of multi-species planktic foraminiferal isotope ratios and census data spanning the 13.2-5.8 Ma interval at ODP Site 806. We hypothesize that the presence or absence of a proto-warm pool in the WEP, caused by the progressive tectonic constriction of the Indonesian Seaway and modulated by sea level fluctuations, created El Niño/La Niña-like alternations of hydrographic conditions across the equatorial Pacific during the late Miocene. This hypothesis is supported by the general antithetical relationship observed between carbonate productivity and preservation in the western and eastern equatorial Pacific, which we propose is caused by these alternating ocean-climate states. Warming of thermocline and surface waters, as well as a major change in planktic foraminferal assemblages record a two-step phase of proto-warm pool development ~11.6-10 Ma, which coincides with Miocene isotope events Mi5 and Mi6, and sea-level low stands. We suggest that these changes in the biota and structure of the upper water column in the WEP mark the initiation of a more modern equatorial current system, including the development of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC), as La Niña-like conditions became established across the tropical Pacific. This situation sustained carbonate and silica productivity in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) at a time when carbonate preservation sharply declined in the Caribbean. Proto-warm pool weakening after ~10 Ma may have contributed to the nadir of a similar "carbonate crash" in the EEP. Cooling of the thermocline and increased abundances of thermocline taxa herald the decay of the proto-warm pool and higher productivity in the WEP, particularly ~ 9.0-8.8 Ma coincident with a major perturbation in tropical nannofossil assemblages. We suggest that this interval of increased productivity records El Niño-like conditions across the tropical Pacific and the initial phase of the widespread "biogenic bloom". Resurgence of a later proto-warm pool in the WEP ~6.5-6.1 Ma may have spurred renewed La Niña-like conditions, which contributed to a strong late phase of the "biogenic bloom" in the EEP.


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Warming and acidification of the oceans as a consequence of increasing CO2-concentrations occur at large scales. Numerous studies have shown the impact of single stressors on individual species. However, studies on the combined effect of multiple stressors on a multi-species assemblage, which is ecologically much more realistic and relevant, are still scarce. Therefore, we orthogonally crossed the two factors warming and acidification in mesocosm experiments and studied their single and combined impact on the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus associated with its natural community (epiphytes and mesograzers) in the Baltic Sea in all seasons (from April 2013 to April 2014). We superimposed our treatment factors onto the natural fluctuations of all environmental variables present in the Benthocosms in so-called delta-treatments. Thereby we compared the physiological responses of F. vesiculosus (growth and metabolites) to the single and combined effects of natural Kiel Fjord temperatures and pCO2 conditions with a 5 °C temperature increase and/or pCO2 increase treatment (1100 ppm in the headspace above the mesocosms). Responses were also related to the factor photoperiod which changes over the course of the year. Our results demonstrate complex seasonal pattern. Elevated pCO2 positively affected growth of F. vesiculosus alone and/or interactively with warming. The response direction (additive, synergistic or antagonistic), however, depended on season and daylength. The effects were most obvious when plants were actively growing during spring and early summer. Our study revealed for the first time that it is crucial to always consider the impact of variable environmental conditions throughout all seasons. In summary, our study indicates that in future F. vesiculosus will be more affected by detrimental summer heat-waves than by ocean acidification although the latter consequently enhances growth throughout the year. The mainly negative influence of rising temperatures on the physiology of this keystone macroalga may alter and/or hamper its ecological functions in the shallow coastal ecosystem of the Baltic Sea.


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Determining the past record of temperature and salinity of ocean surface waters is essential for understanding past changes in climate, such as those which occur across glacial-interglacial transitions. As a useful proxy, the oxygen isotope composition (delta18O) of calcite from planktonic foraminifera has been shown to reflect both surface temperature and seawater delta18O, itself an indicator of global ice volume and salinity (Shackleton, 1974; Rostek et al., 1993, doi:10.1038/364319a0). In addition, magnesium/calcium (Mg/Ca) ratios in foraminiferal calcite show a temperature dependence (Nürnberg, 1995, doi:10.2113/gsjfr.25.4.350; Nürnberg et al., 1996, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(95)00446-7; Lea et al., 1999, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00197-0) due to the partitioning of Mg during calcification. Here we demonstrate, in a field-based calibration experiment, that the variation of Mg/Ca ratios with temperature is similar for eight species of planktonic foraminifera (when accounting for Mg dissolution effects). Using a multi-species record from the Last Glacial Maximum in the North Atlantic Ocean we found that past temperatures reconstructed from Mg/Ca ratios followed the two other palaeotemperature proxies: faunal abundance (CLIMAP, 1981; Mix et al., 1999, doi:10.1029/1999PA900012) and alkenone saturation (Müller et al., 1998, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(98)00097-0 ). Moreover, combining Mg/Ca and delta18O data from the same faunal assemblage, we show that reconstructed surface water delta18O from all foraminiferal species record the same glacial-interglacial change-representing changing hydrography and global ice volume. This reinforces the potential of this combined technique in probing past ocean-climate interactions.


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A morphometric analysis was performed for the late Middle Miocene bivalve species lineage of Polititapes tricuspis (Eichwald, 1829) (Veneridae: Tapetini). Specimens from various localities grouped into two stratigraphically successive biozones, i.e. the upper Ervilia Zone and the Sarmatimactra Zone, were investigated using a multi-method approach. A Generalized Procrustes Analysis was computed for fifteen landmarks, covering characteristics of the hinge, muscle scars, and pallial line. The shell outline was separately quantified by applying the Fast Fourier Transform, which redraws the outline by fitting in a combination of trigonometric curves. Shell size was calculated as centroid size from the landmark configuration. Shell thickness, as not covered by either analysis, was additionally measured at the centroid. The analyses showed significant phenotypic differentiation between specimens from the two biozones. The bivalves become distinctly larger and thicker over geological time and develop circular shells with stronger cardinal teeth and a deeper pallial sinus. Data on the paleoenvironmental changes in the late Middle Miocene Central Paratethys Sea suggest the phenotypic shifts to be functional adaptations. The typical habitats for Polititapes changed to extensive, very shallow shores exposed to high wave action and tidal activity. Caused by the growing need for higher mechanical stability, the bivalves produced larger and thicker shells with stronger cardinal teeth. The latter are additionally shifted towards the hinge center to compensate for the lacking lateral teeth and improve stability. The deepening pallial sinus is related to a deeper burrowing habit, which is considered to impede being washed out in the new high-energy settings.