134 resultados para MDA-MB-231
Chromatographic fractionation of the cytotoxic n-hexane extract of Hopea odorata Roxb. leaves led to the isolation of eight lupane triterpenes, which constitutes the first report of lupane-type triterpenes from this plant source. Furthermore, 3,30-dioxolup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid (6) was isolated for the first time from a natural source. Their structures were determined on the basis of spectroscopic methods, including 2D NMR analysis, and by comparison of their spectral data with literature values. Complete NMR assignments of the 1H and 13C NMR data were achieved for all compounds. Finally, the cytotoxic activities of the isolated compounds against four human cell lines (PC3, MDA-MB-231, HT-29 and HCT116) was also reported.
Geostrophic surface velocities can be derived from the gradients of the mean dynamic topography-the difference between the mean sea surface and the geoid. Therefore, independently observed mean dynamic topography data are valuable input parameters and constraints for ocean circulation models. For a successful fit to observational dynamic topography data, not only the mean dynamic topography on the particular ocean model grid is required, but also information about its inverse covariance matrix. The calculation of the mean dynamic topography from satellite-based gravity field models and altimetric sea surface height measurements, however, is not straightforward. For this purpose, we previously developed an integrated approach to combining these two different observation groups in a consistent way without using the common filter approaches (Becker et al. in J Geodyn 59(60):99-110, 2012, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2011.07.0069; Becker in Konsistente Kombination von Schwerefeld, Altimetrie und hydrographischen Daten zur Modellierung der dynamischen Ozeantopographie, 2012, http://nbn-resolving.de/nbn:de:hbz:5n-29199). Within this combination method, the full spectral range of the observations is considered. Further, it allows the direct determination of the normal equations (i.e., the inverse of the error covariance matrix) of the mean dynamic topography on arbitrary grids, which is one of the requirements for ocean data assimilation. In this paper, we report progress through selection and improved processing of altimetric data sets. We focus on the preprocessing steps of along-track altimetry data from Jason-1 and Envisat to obtain a mean sea surface profile. During this procedure, a rigorous variance propagation is accomplished, so that, for the first time, the full covariance matrix of the mean sea surface is available. The combination of the mean profile and a combined GRACE/GOCE gravity field model yields a mean dynamic topography model for the North Atlantic Ocean that is characterized by a defined set of assumptions. We show that including the geodetically derived mean dynamic topography with the full error structure in a 3D stationary inverse ocean model improves modeled oceanographic features over previous estimates.
Unterlage für diese Karte bilden in der Hauptsache Aufnahmen, die mit der Zweifach-Reihenbildkammer am 28. Juli 1931 in der Zeit von 6 Uhr 30 Min. MGZ. bis 9 Uhr 45 Min. aufgenommen worden sind. Außerdem sechs Aufnahmen mit der Handmeßkammer. Zur Ergänzung konnten 14 Aufnahmen der Panoramakammer herangezogen werden. Die Karte umfaßt einen nördlichen Teil vom Sund der Roten Armee bis zum Beginn des Matussewitsch-Sees mit einem Teil der Nordostküste und einen südlichen Teil mit Schokalski-Sund und dessen östlicher Begrenzung durch die Südinsel. Zwischen beiden Teilen der Karte klafft eine Lücke, hervorgerufen durch eine für die photographische Aufnahme undurchdringliche Nebeldecke.