91 resultados para Law of the sea


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Increased atmospheric CO2 concentration is leading to changes in the carbonate chemistry and the temperature of the ocean. The impact of these processes on marine organisms will depend on their ability to cope with those changes, particularly the maintenance of calcium carbonate structures. Both a laboratory experiment (long-term exposure to decreased pH and increased temperature) and collections of individuals from natural environments characterized by low pH levels (individuals from intertidal pools and around a CO2 seep) were here coupled to comprehensively study the impact of near-future conditions of pH and temperature on the mechanical properties of the skeleton of the euechinoid sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. To assess skeletal mechanical properties, we characterized the fracture force, Young's modulus, second moment of area, material nanohardness, and specific Young's modulus of sea urchin test plates. None of these parameters were significantly affected by low pH and/or increased temperature in the laboratory experiment and by low pH only in the individuals chronically exposed to lowered pH from the CO2 seeps. In tidal pools, the fracture force was higher and the Young's modulus lower in ambital plates of individuals from the rock pool characterized by the largest pH variations but also a dominance of calcifying algae, which might explain some of the variation. Thus, decreases of pH to levels expected for 2100 did not directly alter the mechanical properties of the test of P. lividus. Since the maintenance of test integrity is a question of survival for sea urchins and since weakened tests would increase the sea urchins' risk of predation, our findings indicate that the decreasing seawater pH and increasing seawater temperature expected for the end of the century should not represent an immediate threat to sea urchins vulnerability


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Manganese contents in reduced sediments and accumulation rates were investigated. Their values in sediments of most of cores are background (0.03-0.07 %).Anomalous concentrations (up to 2.5 %) and accumulation rates (up to 60 mg/cm**2/ka) occur near the known region of hydrothermal barite mineralization in the Derugin Basin. High accumulation rates of Mn (>10 mg/cm**2/ka) also occur in Holocene sediments to south-east from the Derugin Basin. It can be assumed that high Mn contents and accumulation rates occur there due to transportation of Mn-rich water from the Derugin Basin in the near-bottom layer under the lower border of the Sea of Okhotsk Intermediate Water. Intensive Mn accumulation is also typical for the South Okhotsk Basin near the Bussol Strait. Mn accumulation rates of glacial sediments of the second oxygen isotope stage are less significant, which is presumed to be caused by paleoceanological reasons.


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Presented is a spatial distribution of Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen, Nitrate, Ammonia Nitrogen, Organic Nitrogen, Phosphate, Organic Phosphate, and Silicate data from the Sea of Okhotsk during the 1990 - 1997 period for the months of June - August.


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New K-Ar datings of Meso-Cenozoic volcanites from the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk were obtained. They enabled to reason age of different volcanic complexes. Basalts from volcanic edifices of the Sea of Japan Basin were determined as Middle Miocene - Pliocene (13.1-4.5 Ma) in age, which correlates well with geological evolution of the Sea of Japan. New datings for basalts from the continental slope of the South Primorye (11.1 Ma) confirm their age being similar to volcanites from Neogene basalt plateaus of the South Primorye; they are very similar not only in age but also in mineral and chemical compositions. Datings for rocks from the andesite series of the Northern Yamato Rise (24.7, 21.5 Ma) show that they are coeval with volcanites of the trachyandesite complex; this allows to combine them into one Oligocene - Early Miocene complex. In the Sea of Okhotsk datings of volcanite samples from three complexes were obtained: Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene. Cretaceous magmatic rocks make part of basements of large rises in the Sea of Okhotsk, and Paleogene and Pliocene - Pleistocene complexes illustrate stages of Cenozoic tectono-magmatic activation of the region.


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During an expedition aboard R/V Pavel Gordienko (September, 2002) investigations in the Sea of Japan areas, where radioactive wastes were disposed by the former Soviet Union, were carried out in order to assess present level of radioactive contamination of marine environment. Concentration of I37Cs, radioecologically one of the most important radionuclides, in near-bottom sea water and bottom sediments were measured to be low, 2.8-17.2 Bq/m**3 and 3.2-27.2 Bq/kg dry weight, respectively, that did not differ significantly from levels elsewhere in the northwest Pacific Ocean arising from global fallout. Results of measurements were compared with results of the Joint Japanese- Korean -Russian expedition to the Sea of Japan in 1994.


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Land-based aquaculture facilities often utilize additional bicarbonate sources such as commercial sea salts that are designed to boost alkalinity in order to buffer seawater against reductions in pH. Despite these preventative measures, many facilities are likely to face occasional reductions in pH and corresponding reductions in carbonate saturation states due to the accumulation of metabolic waste products. We investigated the impact of reduced carbonate saturation states (Omega Ca, Omega Ar) on embryonic developmental rates, larval developmental rates, and echinoplutei skeletal morphometrics in the common edible sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus under high alkalinity conditions. Commercial artificial seawater was bubbled with a mixture of air and CO2 gas to reduce the carbonate saturation state. Rates of embryonic and larval development were significantly delayed in both the low and extreme low carbonate saturation state groups relative to the control at a given time. Although symmetry of overall skeletal body lengths was not affected, allometric relationships were significantly different between treatment groups. Larvae reared under ambient conditions had significantly greater postoral arm and overall body lengths relative to body lengths than larvae grown under extreme low carbonate saturation state conditions, indicating that extreme changes in the carbonate system affected not only developmental rates but also larval skeletal shape. Reduced rates of embryonic development and delayed and altered larval skeletal growth are likely to negatively impact larval culturing of L. variegatus in land-based, intensive culture situations where calcite and aragonite saturation states are lowered by the accumulation of metabolic waste products.


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Particular features of tectonic structure and anomalous distribution of geothermal, geomagnetic, and gravity fields in the region of the Sea of Okhotsk are considered. On the basis of heat flow data, ages of large-scale structures in the Sea of Okhotsk are estimated at 65 Ma for the Central Okhotsk Rise and 36 Ma for the South Okhotsk Basin. Age of the South Okhotsk Basin is confirmed by data on kinematics and corresponds to 50 km thickness of the lithosphere. This is in accordance with thickness value obtained by magnetotelluric soundings. Comparative analysis of model geothermal background and measured heat flow values on the Akademii Nauk Rise is performed. Analysis points to abnormally high (~20%) measured heat flow agrees with high negative gradient of gravity anomalies. Estimates of deep heat flow and basement age of riftogenic basins in the Sea of Okhotsk were carried out in the following areas: Deryugin Basin (18 Ma, Early Miocene), TINRO Basin (12 Ma, Middle Miocene), and West Kamchatka Basin (23 Ma, Late Oligocene). Temperatures at boundaries of the main lithological complexes of the sedimentary cover are calculated and zones of oil and gas generation are defined. On the basis of geothermal, magnetic, structural, and other geological-geophysical data a kinematic model of the region of the Sea of Okhotsk for period of 36 Ma was calculated and constructed.


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Due to their low metabolism and apparent poor ion regulation ability, sea urchins could be particularly sensitive to ocean acidification resulting from increased dissolution of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Therefore, we evaluated the acid-base regulation ability of the coral reef sea urchin Echinometra mathaei and the impact of decreased pH on its growth and respiration activity. The study was conducted in two identical artificial reef mesocosms during seven weeks. Experimental tanks were maintained respectively at mean pHT 7.7 and 8.05 (with field-like night and day variations). The major physico-chemical parameters were identical, only pCO2 and pHT differed. Results indicate that E. mathaei can regulate the pH of its coelomic fluid in the considered range of pH, allowing a sustainable growth and ensuring an unaffected respiratory metabolism, at least at short term.


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Ocean acidification (OA) is not an isolated threat, but acts in concert with other impacts on ecosystems and species. Coastal marine invertebrates will have to face the synergistic interactions of OA with other global and local stressors. One local factor, common in coastal environments, is trace element contamination. CO2 vent sites are extensively studied in the context of OA and are often considered analogous to the oceans in the next few decades. The CO2 vent found at Levante Bay (Vulcano, NE Sicily, Italy) also releases high concentrations of trace elements to its surrounding seawater, and is therefore a unique site to examine the effects of long-term exposure of nearby organisms to high pCO2 and trace element enrichment in situ. The sea anemone Anemonia viridis is prevalent next to the Vulcano vent and does not show signs of trace element poisoning/stress. The aim of our study was to compare A. viridis trace element profiles and compartmentalization between high pCO2 and control environments. Rather than examining whole anemone tissue, we analyzed two different body compartments-the pedal disc and the tentacles, and also examined the distribution of trace elements in the tentacles between the animal and the symbiotic algae. We found dramatic changes in trace element tissue concentrations between the high pCO2/high trace element and control sites, with strong accumulation of iron, lead, copper and cobalt, but decreased concentrations of cadmium, zinc and arsenic proximate to the vent. The pedal disc contained substantially more trace elements than the anemone's tentacles, suggesting the pedal disc may serve as a detoxification/storage site for excess trace elements. Within the tentacles, the various trace elements displayed different partitioning patterns between animal tissue and algal symbionts. At both sites iron was found primarily in the algae, whereas cadmium, zinc and arsenic were primarily found in the animal tissue. Our data suggests that A. viridis regulates its internal trace element concentrations by compartmentalization and excretion and that these features contribute to its resilience and potential success at the trace element-rich high pCO2 vent.


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During the cruises No 17 and 22 of the German research vessel "Meteor", 45 water samples were taken at 4 stations in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea. Mass spectrometrical analyses showed that systematic, but time variable changes of the oxygen isotope ratios occur. Deep water samples (T> 500 m) have a ± constant isotopic composition of d18O = +1.79? (SMOW) and a Chlorinity of 21.399?. These data are discussed with respect to paleotemperature determinations.


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Concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC, respectively), phosphorus (DP and PP, respectively) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) were determined at Station VITYAZ6656 in the Sea of Japan in 12 sea water samples collected in June 1972 with a 200-liter sampling bottle. Mean weighted concentrations from the surface to 2000 m were: DOC - 1.58 mg/l, POC - 17.9 µg/l, DP - 13.9 µg/l, PP - 0.185 µg/l, PON - 2.7 µg/l, the ratios were DOC:DP=100:9 and POC:PON:PP=100:14:1. Relation between POC (µg/l)and the light attenuation index "e" (1/m) for the visible part of the spectrum is described by the equation POC = ca. 170e. The maximum of POC in the upper layer correlated with the maxima of phyto- and bacterioplankton and protozoa.