207 resultados para Gas chromatography


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On DSDP Leg 84, gas hydrates were found at three sites (565, 568, and 570) and were inferred, on the basis of inorganic and organic geochemical evidence, to be present at two sites (566 and 569); no evidence for gas hydrates was observed at Site 567. Recovered gas hydrates appeared as solid pieces of white, icelike material occupying fractures in mudstone or as coarse-grained sediment in which the pore space exhibited rapid outgassing. Also a 1.05-m-long core of massive gas hydrate was obtained at Site 570. Downhole logging indicated that this hydrate was actually 3 to 4 m thick. Measurements of the amount of methane released during the decomposition of these recovered samples clearly showed that gas hydrates had been found. The distribution of evolved hydrocarbon gases indicated that Structure I gas hydrates were present because of the apparent inclusion of methane and ethane and exclusion of propane and higher molecular weight gases. The water composing the gas hydrates was fresh, having chlorinities ranging from 0.5 to 3.2 per mil. At Sites 565, 568, and 570, where gas hydrates were observed, the chlorinity of pore water squeezed from the sediment decreased with sediment depth. The chlorinity profiles may indicate that gas hydrates can often occur finely dispersed in sediments but that these gas hydrates are not recovered because they do not survive the drilling and recovery process. Methane in the gas hydrates found on Leg 84 was mainly derived in situ by biogenic processes, whereas the accompanying small amounts of ethane likely resulted from low-temperature diagenetic processes. Finding gas hydrates on Leg 84 expands observations made earlier on Leg 66 and particularly Leg 67. The results of all of these legs show that gas hydrates are common in landward slope sediments of the Middle American Trench from Mexico to Costa Rica.


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Gas hydrate samples were recovered from four sites (Sites 994, 995, 996, and 997) along the crest of the Blake Ridge during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164. At Site 996, an area of active gas venting, pockmarks, and chemosynthetic communities, vein-like gas hydrate was recovered from less than 1 meter below seafloor (mbsf) and intermittently through the maximum cored depth of 63 mbsf. In contrast, massive gas hydrate, probably fault filling and/or stratigraphically controlled, was recovered from depths of 260 mbsf at Site 994, and from 331 mbsf at Site 997. Downhole-logging data, along with geochemical and core temperature profiles, indicate that gas hydrate at Sites 994, 995, and 997 occurs from about 180 to 450 mbsf and is dispersed in sediment as 5- to 30-m-thick zones of up to about 15% bulk volume gas hydrate. Selected gas hydrate samples were placed in a sealed chamber and allowed to dissociate. Evolved gas to water volumetric ratios measured on seven samples from Site 996 ranged from 20 to 143 mL gas/mL water to 154 mL gas/mL water in one sample from Site 994, and to 139 mL gas/mL water in one sample from Site 997, which can be compared to the theoretical maximum gas to water ratio of 216. These ratios are minimum gas/water ratios for gas hydrate because of partial dissociation during core recovery and potential contamination with pore waters. Nonetheless, the maximum measured volumetric ratio indicates that at least 71% of the cages in this gas hydrate were filled with gas molecules. When corrections for pore-water contamination are made, these volumetric ratios range from 29 to 204, suggesting that cages in some natural gas hydrate are nearly filled. Methane comprises the bulk of the evolved gas from all sites (98.4%-99.9% methane and 0%-1.5% CO2). Site 996 hydrate contained little CO2 (0%-0.56%). Ethane concentrations differed significantly from Site 996, where they ranged from 720 to 1010 parts per million by volume (ppmv), to Sites 994 and 997, which contained much less ethane (up to 86 ppmv). Up to 19 ppmv propane and other higher homologues were noted; however, these gases are likely contaminants derived from sediment in some hydrate samples. CO2 concentrations are less in gas hydrate than in the surrounding sediment, likely an artifact of core depressurization, which released CO2 derived from dissolved organic carbon (DIC) into sediment. The isotopic composition of methane from gas hydrate ranges from d13C of -62.5 per mil to -70.7 per mil and dD of -175 per mil to -200 per mil and is identical to the isotopic composition of methane from surrounding sediment. Methane of this isotopic composition is mainly microbial in origin and likely produced by bacterial reduction of bicarbonate. The hydrocarbon gases here are likely the products of early microbial diagenesis. The isotopic composition of CO2 from gas hydrate ranges from d13C of -5.7 per mil to -6.9 per mil, about 15 per mil lighter than CO2 derived from nearby sediment.


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Acetate and hydrogen concentrations in pore fluids were measured in samples taken at seven sites from southern Hydrate Ridge (SHR) offshore Oregon, USA. Acetate concentrations ranged from 3.17 to 2515 µM. The maximum acetate concentrations occurred at Site 1251, which was drilled on a slope basin to the east of SHR at depths just above the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR) that marks the boundary of gas hydrate stability. Acetate maxima and localized high acetate concentrations occurred at the BSR at all sites and frequently corresponded with areas of gas hydrate accumulation, suggesting an empirical relationship. Acetate concentrations were typically at a minimum near the seafloor and above the sulfate/methane interface, where sulfate-reducing bacteria may consume acetate. Hydrogen concentrations in pressure core samples ranged from 16.45 to 1036 parts per million by volume (ppmv). In some cases, hydrogen and acetate concentrations were elevated concurrently, suggesting a positive correlation. However, sampling of hydrogen was limited in comparison to acetate, so any relationships between the two analytes, if present, were difficult to discern.