40 resultados para EGTA


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Geological and geophysical data collected during Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 70 indicate that hydrothermal solutions are upwelling through the sediments of the mounds hydrothermal field (Sites 506, 507, and 509) and downwelling in the low heat-flow zone to the south (Site 508). Pore-water data are compatible with these conclusions. Pore waters at mounds sites are enriched in Ca and depleted in Mg relative to both seawater and Site 508 pore waters. These anomalies are believed to reflect prior reaction of the interstitial waters with basement rocks. The mounds solutions are also enriched in iron, which is probably hydrothermal and en route to forming nontronite. Concentrations of Si and NH3 in mounds pore water increase upcore as a result of the addition of dissolving biogenic debris to ascending hydrothermal solutions. Some low heat-flow pore-water samples (Site 508) are enriched in Ca and depleted in Mg. These anomalies likely reflect the presence of pockets of hydrothermal solutions in areas otherwise dominated by downwelling bottom water.


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Interstitial water analyses from sediments collected during Leg 25 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project have revealed that in the southwest Indian Ocean, great chemical activity exists in sediments in various depositional environments. Variable sedimentation rates allow us to set some interesting boundary conditions on chemical and transport processes in these interstitial waters, particularly with regard to the distribution of dissolved sulfate. In terrigenous rapidly deposited sediments, large depletions are observed in magnesium and potassium, whereas relatively small decreases in dissolved calcium occur. In slowly deposited detrital sediments, also, large decreases in potassium and magnesium coincide with very large calcium increases. In truly pelagic sediments, a one to one replacement of magnesium by calcium is observed in the interstitial waters, presumably due to reactions in the basal sediment layers. Biogenous deposits have great influence on dissolved silica (sponge spicules and radiolarians) and on dissolved strontium (carbonate recrystallization). Otherwise, dissolved silica reflects the clay mineralogy and shows variations which seem particularly dependent on the presence or absence of kaolinite. Variable dissolved manganese values reflect reducing conditions and/or availability of manganese in the solid phases for mobilization in reducing sediments.


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Interstitial waters and sediments from DSDP sites 288 and 289 contain information on the chemistry and diagenesis of carbonate in deep-sea sediments and on the role of volcanic matter alteration processes. Sr/Ca ratios are species dependent in unaltered foraminifera from site 289 and atom ratios (0.0012-0.0016) exceed those predicted by distribution coefficent data (~0.0004). During diagenesis Sr/Ca ratios of carbonates decrease and reach the theoretical distribution at a depth which is identical to the depth of Sr isotopic equilibration, where 87Sr/86Sr ratios of interstitial waters and carbonates converge. Mg/Ca ratios in the carbonates do not increase with depth as found in some other DSDP sites, possibly because of diagenetic re-equilibration with interstitial waters showing decreasing Mg(2+)/Ca(2+) ratios with depth due to Ca input and Mg removal by alteration of volcanic matter. Interstitial 18O/16O ratios increase with depth at site 289 to d18O = 0.67? (SMOW), reflecting carbonate recrystallization at elevated temperatures (>/= 20°C), the first recorded evidence of this effect in interstitial waters. Interstitial Sr2+ concentrations reach high levels, up to 1 mM, chiefly because of carbonate recrystallization. However, 87Sr/86Sr ratios decrease from 0.7092 to less than 0.7078, lower than for contemporaneous sea water, showing that there is a volcanic input of strontium at depth. This volcanic component is recorded in the Sr isotopic composition of recrystallized calcites. Isotopic compositions of the unrecrystallized calcites suggests that the rate of increase of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of sea water with time has been faster since 3 my ago than in the preceding 13 my.