24 resultados para Dente Molar
The molar ratios of atmospheric gases change during dissolution in water due to differences in their relative solubilities. We exploited this characteristic to develop a tool to clarify the origin of ice formations in permafrost regions. Extracted from ice, molar gas ratios can distinguish buried glacier ice from intrasedimental ground ice formed by freezing groundwaters. An extraction line was built to isolate gases from ice by melting and trapping with liquid He, followed by analysis of N2, O2, Ar, 18O-O2 and 15N-N2, by continuous flow mass spectrometry. The method was tested using glacier ice, aufeis ice (river icing) and intrasedimental ground ice from sites in the Canadian Arctic. O2/Ar and N2/Ar ratios clearly distinguish between atmospheric gas in glacial ice and gases from intrasedimental ground ice, which are exsolved from freezing water. 615NN2 and 618OO2 in glacier ice, aufeis ice and intrasedimental ground ice do not show clear distinguishing trends as they are affected by various physical processes during formation such as gravitational settling, excess air addition, mixing with snow pack, and respiration.
Other than halite diagenesis and organic matter degradation, Cl- and Br- are considered to be conservative in marine pore fluids. Consequently, Br-/Cl- ratios should remain constant during most diagenetic reactions. Nonetheless, Br-/Cl- molar ratios decrease to 0.00127 (~18% less than seawater value) in pore fluids from Site 833 in the Aoba Basin of the New Hebrides convergent margin despite the lack of halite diagenesis and little organic matter. Sediment at this site is largely volcanic ash, which becomes hydrated with depth as it converts to clay and zeolite minerals. These hydration reactions remove sufficient water to increase the concentrations of most solutes including Cl- and Br-. The resulting concentration gradients drive diffusion, but calculations indicate that diffusion does not decrease the Br-/Cl- ratio. Some Cl- may be leached from the ash, but insufficient amounts are available to cause the observed decrease in Br-/Cl- ratio. The limited source of Cl- suggests that proportionately more Br- than Cl- is lost from the fluids to the diagenetic solids. Similar nonconservative behavior of Cl- and Br- may occur during fluid circulation at ridge crests and flanks, thereby influencing the halide distribution in the crust.
A complex study of influence of various environmental factors on rates of oxygen (M_O2 ), ammonium (M_NH4), and phosphate (M_PO4) metabolism in Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis has been carried out in situ in the Izmena Bay of the Kunashir Island. The following environmental factors have been included into the investigation: photosynthetically active radiation (PAR); ammonium (NH4); phosphate (PO4); and contents of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and chlorophyll a (Chl) in tissue. Population of agar-containing seaweed A. tobuchiensis forms a layer with thickness up to 0.5 m, which occupies about 23.3 km**2; biomass is equal to 125000 tons. Quantitative assessment of organic matter production and nutrient consumption during oxygen metabolism has been carried out for the whole population. It has been shown that daily oxygen metabolism depends on PAR intensity, concentrations of PO4 and NH4 in seawater, and contents of N and P in tissues (r**2=0.78, p<0.001). Average daily NH4 consumption is 0.21 µmol/g of dry weight/hour and depends on NH4 and O2 concentrations in seawater and on ? and Chl a contents in algal tissues (r**2=0.64, p<0.001). Average daily PO4 consumption is 0.01 µmol/g of dry weight/hour and depends on NH4 concentrations in seawater and on P contents in algal tissues (r**2=0.40, p<0.001).