114 resultados para CLASTIC DYKES


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Sediment deformation features in CRP-2/2A were described during normal logging procedures and from core-scan images. In this paper the origin of soft-sediment folding, contorted bedding, microfaulting, clastic dykes, shear zones and intraformational breccias is discussed. The features have a stratigraphic distribution related to major unconformities and sequence boundaries. Hypotheses for the origins of sediment deformation include hydrofracturing, subglacial shearing, slumping, and gas hydrate formation. Shear zones, microfaults, clastic dykes and contorted bedding within rapidly deposited sediments, suggest that slumping in an ice-distal environment occurred in the early Oligocene. A till wedge beneath a diamictite at 364 mbsf the mid-Oligocene section represents the oldest evidence of grounded ice in CRP-2/2A. Shear zones with a subglacial origin in the early late Oligocene and early Miocene sections of the core are evidence of further grounding events. The interpretation of sediment deformation in CRP-2/2A is compared to other Antarctic stratigraphic records and global eustatic change between the late Eocenel/early Oligocene and the middle Miocene.


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Soft-sediment deformation structures have been analyzed at six sites of the Kathmandu valley. Microgranulometric study (this Supplement and Fig. 3B of Mugnier et al., Tectonophysics, 2011) reveals that silty levels (60 to 80% silt) favor the development of soft-sediment deformation structures, while sandy levels (60 to 80% sand) are passively deformed. Nonetheless well sorted sand levels (more than 80% sand) generate over-fluid pressure during compaction if located beneath a silty cap, leading to fluidization and dike development. 3-D geometry of seismites indicates a very strong horizontal shearing during their development. Using a physical approach based on soil liquefaction during horizontal acceleration, we show that the fluidization zone progressively grows down-section during the shaking, but does not exactly begin at the surface. The comparison of bed-thickness and strength/depth evolution indicates three cases: i) no soft-sediment deformation occurs for thin (few centimeters) silty beds; ii) the thickness of soft-sediment deformation above sandy beds is controlled by the lithological contrast; iii) the thickness of soft-sediment deformation depends on the shaking intensity for very thick silty beds. These 3 cases are evidenced in the Kathmandu basin. We use the 30 cm-thick soft-sediment deformation level formed during the 1833 earthquake as a reference: the 1833 earthquake rupture zone extended very close to Kathmandu, inducing there MMI IX-X damages. A 90 cm-thick sediment deformation has therefore to be induced by an event greater than MMI X. From a compilation of paleo and historic seismology studies, it is found that the great (M ~ 8.1) historical earthquakes are not characteristic of the greatest earthquakes of Himalaya; hence earthquakes greater than M ~ 8.6 occurred. Kathmandu is located above one of the asperities that laterally limits the extent of mega-earthquake ruptures and two successive catastrophic events already affected Kathmandu, in 1255 located to the west of this asperity and in ~ 1100 to the east.


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Compressional-wave velocity, wet-bulk density, and porosity were measured on sediments and rocks recovered from Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 515B and 516F. Wet-bulk densities were measured by both gravimetric and GRAPE methods. Velocities were measured on trimmed samples with the Hamilton frame velocimeter. The shipboard measurement techniques are discussed in the explanatory notes chapter (Coulbourn, this volume) and are described in detail by Boyce (1976a). Only the shipboard measurements are reported here.


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The bimodal, alkaline volcanic suite of the Kap Washington Group (KWG) at the northern coast of Greenland was investigated during the BGR CASE 2 expedition in 1994. Geochemical and Nd and Sr isotopic data are presented for basalts to rhyolites of the KWG and of related basaltic dykes cutting Lower Paleozoic sediments. In the evd(t) vs. (87Sr/86Sr)t diagram, the KWG basalts and rhyolites follow a common mixing trend with increasing crustal contamination from basic to acid volcanites. Assimilation of pre-existing crustal rocks during formation of the rhyolitic melt is documented by Nd model ages of 0.9-1.2 Ga and by different fractionation trends for the basalts and the rhyolites in the Y vs. Zr diagram. Petrographical and geochemical features indicate intra-plate volcanism which was active most probably during a continental rifting phase. A new Rb/Sr whole rock age on rhyolites of 64 ±3 Ma, corresponding to the result of LARSEN (1982), confirms that the volcanic activity lasted until the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. 40Ar139Ar dating on amphibol separates from a comendite yielded strongly disturbed age spectra with a minimum age of 37.7 ±0.3 Ma. This age is interpreted to date a hydrothermal overprint of the volcanic rocks related to compressive tectonics which led to the overthrust of basement rocks over the Kap Washington Group.


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During the Geological Expedition to the Shackleton Range, Antarctica (GEISHA) in 1987/88, samples were taken from twenty-one basaltic dykes for palaeomagnetic investigations. The directions of characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) of the dykes were determined by thermal and alternating-field demagnetization of 268 cores drilled from the specimens collected. Moreover, on account of the hydrothermal and sometimes low-grade metamorphism of the dyke rock and the resulting partial modification of the primary magnetization, not only were comprehensive magnetic studies carried out, but also ore-microscopic examination. Only thus was it possible to achieve a reasonable assessment and interpretation of the remanent magnetization. Jurassic and Silurian-Devonian ages were confirmed for the dykes of the northern and northwestern Shackleton Range by comparison of the paleopole positions calculated on the basis of the ChRM of the dykes with the known pole positions for the eastern Antarctic, as well as with polar-wandering curves for Gondwana. Radiometric ages were also determined far some of the dykes. Middle and Late Proterozoic ages are postulated far the dykes in the Read Mountains. Conclusions on the geotectonic relations of the Shackleton Range can also be drawn from the palaeomagnetic data. It has been postulated that the main strike direction, which differs distinctly from that of the Ross orogen, is due to rotation or displacement of the Shackleton Range crustal block; however, this was not corroborated. The pole positions for the Shackleton Range agree with those of rocks of the same age from other areas of East Antarctica and its positions in the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic polar-wandering path for Gondwana are evidence against the idea of rotation and rather suggest that the position of the Shakleton Range crustal block is autochthonous.


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Drilling of the distal Newfoundland margin at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1277 recovered part of the transition between exhumed sub-continental mantle lithosphere and normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt (N-MORB) volcanism perhaps related to the initiation of seafloor spreading, which may have occurred near the Aptian/Albian boundary, coincident with the final separation of subcontinental mantle lithosphere. Subcontinental mantle lithosphere was recovered near the crest of a basement high, the Mauzy Ridge. This ridge lies near magnetic Anomaly M1 and is inferred to be of Barremian age. The recovered section is dominated by serpentinized spinel harzburgite, with subordinate dunite and minor gabbroic intrusives, and it includes inferred high-temperature ductile shear zones. The serpentinite is capped by foliated gabbro cataclasite that is interpreted as the product of a major seafloor extensional detachment. The serpentinized harzburgite beneath is highly depleted subcontinental mantle lithosphere that was exhumed to create new seafloor within the ocean-continent transition zone. After inferred removal of overlying brittle crust, the detachment was eroded, producing multiple mass flows that were dominated by clasts of serpentinite and gabbro in a lithoclastic and calcareous matrix. Basaltic lavas were erupted spasmodically, mainly as sheet flows, with subordinate lava breccia, hyaloclastite, and possible pillow lava. The sedimentary-volcanic succession and the exhumed mantle lithosphere experienced later high-angle extensional fracturing and probably faulting. Extensional fissures opened incrementally and were filled with silt-sized carbonate, basalt-derived clastic sediment, and hyaloclastite, forming neptunian dykes and geopetal structures. Chemical analysis of representative basalts for major elements and trace elements were made using a high-precision, high-accuracy X-ray fluorescence method (utilizing increased count times) and by whole-rock inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry that yielded additional evidence for rare earth elements. The analyses indicate N-MORB to slightly enriched compositions. The MORB was produced by relatively high degree melting of a fertile mantle source that differed strongly from the cored serpentinized peridotites. The basalts exhibit a distinct negative Nb anomaly on MORB-normalized plots that can be explained by prior extraction of melt from upper mantle that had previously been affected by subduction, possibly during closure of the Iapetus or Rheic oceans. In the proposed interpretation, mantle lithosphere was exhumed to the seafloor and experienced mass wasting to form serpentinite-rich mass flows. The interbedded MORB records the beginning of a transition to "normal" seafloor spreading. This interpretation takes into account drilling results from the Iberia-Galicia margin and the Jurassic Alps-Apennines.