19 resultados para Biological studies


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In July 1995 geological and biological studies in the axial zone of the northern part of the Mohn's Ridge (72°20'N) were carried out during Cruise 36 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. Slopes of the neovolcanic zone, as well as a caldera on its crest were investigated with use of deep-sea manned submersibles Mir, geological and biological samples were also collected. Use of the Rosette sounding complex provided recognition of several major hydrothermal plumes. Bottom sediments of the marginal depression are enriched in metals characteristic for hydrothermal metalliferous sediments. Thus, a new unknown hydrothermal field was found.


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A multidisciplinary oceanographic survey of the White Sea was carried out in the Gorlo Straight, Basin, and Kandalaksha Bay regions including estuaries of Niva, Kolvitza and Knyazhaya rivers. Hydrophysical study in the northern part of the Basin revealed long-lived step-like structures and inversions in vertical profiles of temperature and salinity, which formed due to tidal mixing of saline and cold Barents Sea waters and warmer White Sea waters in the Gorlo Straight. Biological studies revealed the main features of spatial distribution, as well as qualitative and quantitative composition of phyto- and zooplankton in all studied areas; tolerance of main zooplankton species to fresh water influence in estuaries was shown. Study of suspended matter in estuaries clearly demonstrated physicochemical transformations of material supplied by the rivers. Data on vertical particle flux in the deep part of the Kandalaksha Bay showed difference between the upper and near-bottom layers, which could result from sinking of spring phytoplankton bloom products and supply of terrigenic suspended matter from the nepheloid layer formed by tidal currents.


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Marine sediments harbor an enormous quantity of microorganisms, including a multitude of novel species. The habitable zone of the marine sediment column begins at the sediment-water interface and probably extends to depths of several thousands of meters. Studies of the microbial diversity in this ecosystem have mostly relied on molecular biological techniques. We used a complementary method - analysis of intact polar membrane lipids - to characterize the in-situ microbial community in sediments covering a wide range of environmental conditions from Peru Margin, Equatorial Pacific, Hydrate Ridge, and Juan de Fuca Ridge. Bacterial and eukaryotic phospholipids were only detected in surface sediments from the Peru Margin. In contrast, deeply buried sediments, independent of their geographic location, were dominated by archaeal diether and tetraether lipids with various polar head groups and core lipids. We compared ring distributions of archaeal tetraether lipids derived from polar glycosidic precursors with those that are present as core lipids. The distributions of these related compound pools were distinct, suggestive of different archaeal sources, i.e., the polar compounds derive from sedimentary communities and the core lipids are fossil remnants from planktonic communities with possible admixtures of decayed sedimentary archaea. This in-situ production of distinct archaeal lipid populations potentially affects applications of the TEX86 paleotemperature proxy as demonstrated by offsets in reconstructed temperatures between both pools. We evaluated how varying cell and lipid stabilities will influence the sedimentary pool by using a box-model. The results are consistent with (i) a requirement of continuous inputs of freshly synthesized lipids in subsurface sediments for explaining the observed distribution of intact polar lipids, and (ii) decreasing lipid inputs with increasing burial depth.


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The operator effect is a well-known methodological bias already quantified in some taphonomic studies. However, the replicability effect, i.e., the use of taphonomic attributes as a replicable scientific method, has not been taken into account to the present. Here, we quantified for the first time this replicability bias using different multivariate statistical techniques, testing if the operator effect is related to the replicability effect. We analyzed the results reported by 15 operators working on the same dataset. Each operator analyzed 30 biological remains (bivalve shells) from five different sites, considering the attributes fragmentation, edge rounding, corrasion, bioerosion and secondary color. The operator effect followed the same pattern reported in previous studies, characterized by a worse correspondence for those attributes having more than two levels of damage categories. However, the effect did not appear to have relation with the replicability effect, because nearly all operators found differences among sites. Despite the binary attribute bioerosion exhibited 83% of correspondence among operators it was the taphonomic attributes that showed the highest dispersion among operators (28%). Therefore, we conclude that binary attributes (despite showing a reduction of the operator effect) diminish replicability, resulting in different interpretations of concordant data. We found that a variance value of nearly 8% among operators, was enough to generate a different taphonomic interpretation, in a Q-mode cluster analysis. The results reported here showed that the statistical method employed influences the level of replicability and comparability of a study and that the availability of results may be a valid alternative to reduce bias.


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A joint mesocosm experiment took place in February/March 2013 in the bay of Villefranche in France as part of the european MedSeA project. Nine mesocosms (52 m**3) were deployed over a 2 weeks period and 6 different levels of pCO2 and 3 control mesocosms (about 450 µatm), were used, in order to cover the range of pCO2 anticipated for the end of the present century. During this experiment, the potential effects of these perturbations on chemistry, planktonic community composition and dynamics including: eucaryotic and prokaryotic species composition, primary production, nutrient and carbon utilization, calcification, diazotrophic nitrogen fixation, organic matter exudation and composition, micro-layer composition and biogas production were studied by a group of about 25 scientists from 8 institutes and 6 countries. This is one of the first mesocosm experiments conducted in oligotrophic waters. A blog dedicated to this experiment can be viewed at: http://medseavillefranche2013.obs-vlfr.fr.


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A joint mesocosm experiment took place in June/July 2012 in Corsica (bay of Calvi, Stareso station;http://www.stareso.com/) as part of the european MedSeA project. Nine mesocosms (52 m**3) were deployed over a 20 days period and 6 different levels of pCO2 and 3 control mesocosms (about 450 µatm), were used, in order to cover the range of pCO2 anticipated for the end of the present century. During this experiment, the potential effects of these perturbations on chemistry, planktonic community composition and dynamics including: eucaryotic and prokaryotic species composition, primary production, nutrient and carbon utilization, calcification, diazotrophic nitrogen fixation, organic matter exudation and composition, micro-layer composition and biogas production were studied by a group of about 25 scientists from 8 institutes and 6 countries. This is one of the first mesocosm experiments conducted in oligotrophic waters. A blog dedicated to this experiment can be viewed at: http://medseastareso2012.wordpress.com/.


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Only about half of all the CO_2 that has been produced by the burning of fossil fuels now remains in the atmosphere. The CO_2 "missing" from the atmosphere is the subject of an important debate. It was thought that the great majority of the missing CO_2 has invaded the ocean, for this system naturally acts as a giant chemical regulator of the atmosphere. Although it is clear that ocean processes have a major role in the regulation of the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere through air-sea exchange processes, recent studies of the oceanic carbon cycle and air-sea interaction indicate that oceanic carbon is in a quasi-steady state via the system of biological and physical processes in the ocean interior. It is difficult to determine whether the ocean has the capacity to take up the increasing air-born CO_2 released by human activities over the past five or six decades. To understand this enigma, we need a better understanding of the natural variability of the oceanic carbon cycle.


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Coral reefs are characterized by enormous carbonate production of the organisms. It is known that rapid calcification is linked to photosynthesis under control of the carbonate equilibrium in seawater. We have established a model simulating the coexisting states of photosynthesis and calcification in order to examine the effects of photosynthesis and calcification on the carbonate system in seawater. Supposing that the rates of photosynthesis and calcification are proportional to concentrations of their inorganic carbon source, the model calculations indicate that three kinds of unique interactions of the organic and inorganic carbon productions are expected. These are photosynthetic enhancement of calcification, calcification which benefits photosynthesis and carbonate dissolution induced by respiration. The first effect appears when the photosynthetic rate is more than approximately 1.2 larger than that of calcification. This effect is caused by the increase of CO3 content and carbonate saturation degree in seawater. If photosynthesis use molecular carbon dioxide, the second effect occurs when the calcification rate is more than approximately 1.6 times larger than that of photosynthesis. Time series model experiments indicate that photosynthesis and calcification potentially enhance each other and that organic and inorganic carbon is produced more efficiently in the coexisting system than in the isolated reactions. These coexisting effects on production enhancement of photosynthesis and calcification are expected to appear not only in the internal pool of organisms but also in a reef environment which is isolated from the outer ocean during low tide. According to the measurements on the fringing type Shiraho Reef in the Ryukyu Islands, the diurnal change of water properties (pH, total alkalinity, total carbon dioxide and carbonate saturation degree) were conspicuous. This environment offers an appropriate condition for the appearance of these coexisting effects. The photosynthetic enhancement of calcification and the respiratory inducement of decalcification were observed during day-time and night-time slack-water periods, respectively. These coexisting effects, especially the photosynthetic enhancement of calcification, appear to play important roles for fluorishing coral reef communities.


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Several experiments have shown a decrease of growth and calcification of organisms at decreased pH levels. There is a growing interest to focus on early life stages that are believed to be more sensitive to environmental disturbances such as hypercapnia. Here, we present experimental data, acquired in a commercial hatchery, demonstrating that the growth of planktonic mussel (Mytilus edulis) larvae is significantly affected by a decrease of pH to a level expected for the end of the century. Even though there was no significant effect of a 0.25-0.34 pH unit decrease on hatching and mortality rates during the first 2 days of development nor during the following 13-day period prior to settlement, final shells were respectively 4.5±1.3 and 6.0±2.3% smaller at pHNBS~7.8 (pCO2~1100-1200 µatm) than at a control pHNBS of ~8.1 (pCO2~460-640 µatm). Moreover, a decrease of 12.0±5.4% of shell thickness was observed after 15d of development. More severe impacts were found with a decrease of ~0.5 pHNBS unit during the first 2 days of development which could be attributed to a decrease of calcification due to a slight undersaturation of seawater with respect to aragonite. Indeed, important effects on both hatching and D-veliger shell growth were found. Hatching rates were 24±4% lower while D-veliger shells were 12.7±0.9% smaller at pHNBS~7.6 (pCO2~1900 µatm) than at a control pHNBS of ~8.1 (pCO2~540 µatm). Although these results show that blue mussel larvae are still able to develop a shell in seawater undersaturated with respect to aragonite, the observed decreases of hatching rates and shell growth could lead to a significant decrease of the settlement success. As the environmental conditions considered in this study do not necessarily reflect the natural conditions experienced by this species at the time of spawning, future studies will need to consider the whole larval cycle (from fertilization to settlement) under environmentally relevant conditions in order to investigate the potential ecological and economical losses of a decrease of this species fitness in the field.


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Ocean acidification, due to anthropogenic CO2 absorption by the ocean, may have profound impacts on marine biota. Calcareous organisms are expected to be particularly sensitive due to the decreasing availability of carbonate ions driven by decreasing pH levels. Recently, some studies focused on the early life stages of mollusks that are supposedly more sensitive to environmental disturbances than adult stages. Although these studies have shown decreased growth rates and increased proportions of abnormal development under low pH conditions, they did not allow attribution to pH induced changes in physiology or changes due to a decrease in aragonite saturation state. This study aims to assess the impact of several carbonate-system perturbations on the growth of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae during the first 3 days of development (until shelled D-veliger larvae). Seawater with five different chemistries was obtained by separately manipulating pH, total alkalinity and aragonite saturation state (calcium addition). Results showed that the developmental success and growth rates were not directly affected by changes in pH or aragonite saturation state but were highly correlated with the availability of carbonate ions. In contrast to previous studies, both developmental success into viable D-shaped larvae and growth rates were not significantly altered as long as carbonate ion concentrations were above aragonite saturation levels, but they strongly decreased below saturation levels. These results suggest that the mechanisms used by these organisms to regulate calcification rates are not efficient enough to compensate for the low availability of carbonate ions under corrosive conditions.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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Ocean acidification and global warming are occurring concomitantly, yet few studies have investigated how organisms will respond to increases in both temperature and CO2. Intertidal microcosms were used to examine growth, shell mineralogy and survival of two intertidal barnacle post-larvae, Semibalanus balanoides and Elminius modestus, at two temperatures (14 and 19°C) and two CO2 concentrations (380 and 1,000 ppm), fed with a mixed diatom-flagellate diet at 15,000 cells ml-1 with flow rate of 10 ml-1 min-1. Control growth rates, using operculum diameter, were 14 ± 8 µm day-1 and 6 ± 2 µm day-1 for S. balanoides and E. modestus, respectively. Subtle, but significant decreases in E. modestus growth rate were observed in high CO2 but there were no impacts on shell calcium content and survival by either elevated temperature or CO2. S. balanoides exhibited no clear alterations in growth rate but did show a large reduction in shell calcium content and survival under elevated temperature and CO2. These results suggest that a decrease by 0.4 pH(NBS) units alone would not be sufficient to directly impact the survival of barnacles during the first month post-settlement. However, in conjunction with a 4-5°C increase in temperature, it appears that significant changes to the biology of these organisms will ensue.


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Previous studies have shown that increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations affect calcification in some planktonic and macroalgal calcifiers due to the changed carbonate chemistry of seawater. However, little is known regarding how calcifying algae respond to solar UV radiation (UVR, UVA+UVB, 280-400 nm). UVR may act synergistically, antagonistically or independently with ocean acidification (high CO2/low pH of seawater) to affect their calcification processes. We cultured the articulated coralline alga Corallina sessilis Yendo at 380 ppmv (low) and 1000 ppmv (high) CO2 levels while exposing the alga to solar radiation treatments with or without UVR. The presence of UVR inhibited the growth, photosynthetic O2evolution and calcification rates by13%, 6% and 3% in the low and by 47%, 20% and 8% in the high CO2 concentrations, respectively, reflecting a synergistic effect of CO2 enrichment with UVR. UVR induced significant decline of pH in the CO2-enriched cultures. The contents of key photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll a and phycobiliproteins decreased, while UV-absorptivity increased under the highpCO2/low pH condition. Nevertheless, UV-induced inhibition of photosynthesis increased when the ratio of particulate inorganic carbon/particulate organic carbon decreased under the influence of CO2-acidified seawater, suggesting that the calcified layer played a UV-protective role. Both UVA and UVB negatively impacted photosynthesis and calcification, but the inhibition caused by UVB was about 2.5-2.6 times that caused by UVA. The results imply that coralline algae suffer from more damage caused by UVB as they calcify less and less with progressing ocean acidification.


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Ocean acidification, as a consequence of increasing marine pCO2, may have severe effects on the physiology of marine organisms. However, experimental studies remain scarce, in particular concerning fish. While adults will most likely remain relatively unaffected by changes in seawater pH, early life-history stages are potentially more sensitive - particularly the critical stage of fertilization, in which sperm motility plays a central role. In this study, the effects of ocean acidification (decrease of pHT to 7.55) on sperm motility of Baltic cod, Gadus morhua, were assessed. We found no significant effect of decreased pH on sperm speed, rate of change of direction or percent motility for the population of cod analyzed. We predict that future ocean acidification will probably not pose a problem for sperm behavior, and hence fertilization success, of Baltic cod.