131 resultados para 197-1203A


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Calcareous nannofossils were studied in sedimentary successions recovered from two holes on the Detroit Seamount in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Preservation of calcareous nannoflora assemblages varies from poor to good throughout the sediments recovered from both Holes 1203A and 1204A. Biostratigraphic investigation allowed the identification of 19 nannofossil zones in Hole 1203A and 7 in Hole 1204A. The sedimentary cover in Hole 1203A ranges from lower Eocene (Zone NP12) to upper Miocene (Zone NN9). The sedimentary interval investigated directly overlying the basalt recovered at Hole 1204A is late Campanian in age (Zones CC22-CC23), and the top of the section is middle Eocene (Zone NP15) in age. Major unconformities were observed in Hole 1204A between upper Campanian (Zones CC22-CC23) and lower Thanetian (Zone NP7) sediments and between upper Thanetian (Zone NP8) and upper Ypresian (Zone NP12) sediments.


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Calcareous nannofossils occur in numerous layers within a thick volcaniclastic succession encountered on the Detroit Seamount. Nannofossils present in a given bed confirm a marine depositional environment for the bed, add to our understanding of depositional events occurring between times of lava flow, and contribute to the interpretation of the overall physical volcanological history of the seamount.


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On the basis of studies of Holocene samples,submarine basaltic glass (SBG) is thought to be an ideal paleointensity recorder because it contains unaltered single domain magnetic inclusions that yield Thellier paleointensity data of exceptional quality. To be useful as a recorder of the long-term geomagnetic field, older SBG must retain these optimal properties. Here, we examine this issue through rock magnetic and transmission electron microscope (TEM) analyses of Cretaceous SBG recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1203 (northwestern Pacific Ocean). These SBG samples have very low natural remanent magnetization intensities (NRM <50 nAm**2/g) and TEM analyses indicate a correspondingly low concentration of crystalline inclusions. Thellier experiments on samples with the strongest NRM intensity (>5*10**-11 Am**2) show a rapid acquisition of thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) with respect to NRM demagnetization. Taken at face value,this behavior implies magnetization in a very weak (617 WT) ambient field. But monitoring of magnetic hysteresis properties during the Thellier experiments (on subsamples of the SBG samples used for paleointensity determinations) indicates systematic variations in values over the same temperature range where the rapid TRM acquisition is observed. A similar change in properties during heating is observed on monitor SBG specimens using low-temperature data: with progressive heatings the Verwey transition becomes more distinct. We suggest that these experimental data record the partial melting and neocrystallization of magnetic grains in SBG during the thermal treatments required by the Thellier method,resulting in paleointensity values biased to low values. We further propose that this process is pronounced in Cretaceous and Jurassic SBG (relative to Holocene SBG) because devitrification on geologic time scales (i.e., tens of millions of years) lowers the transition temperature at which the neocrystallization can commence. Magnetic hysteresis monitoring may provide a straightforward means of detecting the formation of new magnetic inclusions in SBG during Thellier experiments.


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