4 resultados para surface oxygen complexes

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Oxygen isotopic and soluble ionic measurements made on snow-pit (2 in depth) and firn-core (12.4 m depth samples recovered from the accumulation zone 5100 m) of Inilchek glacier 43degrees N, 79degrees E) provide information on recent (1992-98) climatic and environmental conditions in the central Tien Shan region of central Asia. The combined 14.4 m snow-pit/firn-core profile lies within the firn zone, arid contains only one observed melt feature (10 m temperature = - 12 degreesC), Although some post-depositional attenuation of the sub-seasonal delta(18)O record is possible, annual cycles are apparent throughout the isotope profile. We therefore use the preserved delta(18)O record to establish a depth/age scale for the core. Mean delta(18)O values for the entire core and for summer periods are consistent with delta(18)O/temperature observations, and suggest the delta(18)O record provides a means to reconstruct past changes in summer surface temperature at the site. Major-ion (Na(+), K(+), Mg(2+), Ca(2+), NH(4)(+), Cl(-), NO(3)(-), SO(4)(2-)) data from the core demonstrate the dominant influence of dust deposition on the soluble chemistry at the site, arid indicate significant interannual variability in atmospheric-dust loading during the 1900s. Anthropogenic impacts oil NH(4)(+) concentrations are observed at the site, and suggest a summer increase in atmospheric NH(4)(+) that may be related to regional agricultural (nitrogen-rich fertilizer use activities.


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Ground penetrating radar (GPR) was used to determine peat basin geometry and the spatial distribution of free-phase biogenic gasses in two separate units of a northern peatland (Central and Southern Unit of Caribou Bog, Maine). The Central Unit is characterized by a deep basin structure (15 m maximum depth) and a raised (eccentric) bog topographic profile (up to 2 m topographic variation). Here numerous regions of electromagnetic (EM) wave scattering are considered diagnostic of the presence of extensive free-phase biogenic gas. In contrast, the Southern Unit is shallower (8 m maximum depth) and has a slightly convex upwards bog profile (less than 1 m topographic variation), and areas of EM wave scattering are notably absent. The biogenic gas zones interpreted from GPR in the Central Unit are associated with: (1) wooded heath vegetation at the surface, (2) open pools at the surface, (3) high water table elevations near the center of the basin, and (4) a region of overpressure (at approximately 5 m depth) immediately below the zone of free-phase gas accumulation. The latter suggests (1) a transient pressure head associated with low hydraulic conductivity resulting from the biogenic gasses themselves or confining layers in the peat that restrict both gas release and groundwater flow and/or (2) overpressure in the peat column as a result of the gas buildup itself. In contrast, the Southern Unit, where zones of EM scattering are absent, is characterized by: (1) predominantly shrub vegetation, (2) a lack of open pools, (3) only minor variations (less than 1 m) in water table elevation throughout the entire unit; and (4) generally upward groundwater flow throughout the basin. The results illustrate the nonuniformity of free-phase biogenic gas distribution at the peat basin scale and provide insights into the processes and controls associated with CH4 and CO2 accumulation in peatlands.


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The oxygen isotopic composition and Mg/Ca ratios in the skeletons of long-lived coralline algae record ambient seawater temperature over time. Similarly, the carbon isotopic composition in the skeletons record delta(13)C values of ambient seawater dissolved inorganic carbon. Here, we measured delta(13)C in the coralline alga Clathromorphum nereostratum to test the feasibility of reconstructing the intrusion of anthropogenic CO(2) into the northern North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. The delta(13)C was measured in the high Mgcalcite skeleton of three C. nereostratum specimens from two islands 500 km apart in the Aleutian archipelago. In the records spanning 1887 to 2003, the average decadal rate of decline in delta(13)C values increased from 0.03% yr(-1) in the 1960s to 0.095% yr(-1) in the 1990s, which was higher than expected due to solely the delta(13)C-Suess effect. Deeper water in this region exhibits higher concentrations of CO(2) and low delta(13)C values. Transport of deeper water into surface water (i.e., upwelling) increases when the Aleutian Low is intensified. We hypothesized that the acceleration of the delta(13)C decline may result from increased upwelling from the 1960s to 1990s, which in turn was driven by increased intensity of the Aleutian Low. Detrended delta(13)C records also varied on 4-7 year and bidecadal timescales supporting an atmospheric teleconnection of tropical climate patterns to the northern North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea manifested as changes in upwelling.


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We examined high-resolution cross-shelf distributions of particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved O(2) during the upwelling season off the Oregon coast. Oxygen concentrations were supersaturated in surface waters, and hypoxic in near-bottom waters, with greatly expanded hypoxic conditions late in the season. Simplified time-dependent mass balances on cross-shelf integrated concentrations of these two parameters, found the following: ( 1) The average net rate of photosynthesis generated 2.1 mmol O(2) m(-3) d(-1) and ( 2) essentially none of the corresponding net carbon fixation of 1.4 mmol m(-3) d(-1) could be accounted for in the observed standing stocks of POC. After examining other possible sinks for carbon, we conclude that most of the net production is being exported to the adjacent deep ocean. A simplified POC budget suggests that about a quarter of the export is via alongshore advection, and the remainder is due to some other process. We propose a simplistic conceptual model of across-shelf transport in which POC sinks to the bottom boundary layer where it comes into contact with mineral ballast material but is kept in suspension by high turbulence. When upwelling conditions ease, the BBL waters move seaward, carrying the suspended, ballasted POC with it where it sinks rapidly into the deep ocean at the shelf break. This suggests a mechanism whereby the duration and frequency of upwelling events and relaxations can determine the extent to which new carbon produced by photosynthesis in the coastal ocean is exported to depth rather than being respired on the shelf.