3 resultados para plate slenderness limit

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Three-dimensional numerical models are used to investigate the mechanical evolution of the southern Alaskan plate corner where the Yakutat and the Pacific plates converge on the North American plate. The evolving model plate boundary consists of Convergent, Lateral, and Subduction subboundaries with flow separation of incoming material into upward or downward trajectories forming dual, nonlinear advective thermal/mechanical anomalies that fix the position of major subaerial mountain belts. The model convergent subboundary evolves into two teleconnected orogens: Inlet and Outlet orogens form at locations that correspond with the St. Elias and the Central Alaska Range, respectively, linked to the East by the Lateral boundary. Basins form parallel to the orogens in response to the downward component of velocity associated with subduction. Strain along the Lateral subboundary varies as a function of orogen rheology and magnitude and distribution of erosion. Strain-dependent shear resistance of the plate boundary associated with the shallow subduction zone controls the position of the Inlet orogen. The linkages among these plate boundaries display maximum shear strain rates in the horizontal and vertical planes where the Lateral subboundary joins the Inlet and Outlet orogens. The location of the strain maxima shifts with time as the separation of the Inlet and Outlet orogens increases. The spatiotemporal predictions of the model are consistent with observed exhumation histories deduced from thermochronology, as well as stratigraphic studies of synorogenic deposits. In addition, the complex structural evolution of the St Elias region is broadly consistent with the predicted strain field evolution. Citation: Koons, P. O., B. P. Hooks, T. Pavlis, P. Upton, and A. D. Barker (2010), Three-dimensional mechanics of Yakutat convergence in the southern Alaskan plate corner, Tectonics, 29, TC4008, doi: 10.1029/2009TC002463.


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Diversions from streams are often screened to prevent the loss of or injury to fish. Hydraulic criteria meant to protect fish that encounter screens have been developed, but primarily for screens that are vertical to the water flow rather than horizontal. For this reason, we measured selected hydraulic variables and released wild rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss over two types of horizontal flat-plate fish screens in the field. Our goal was to assess the efficacy of these screens under a variety of conditions in the field and provide information that could be used to develop criteria for safe fish passage. We evaluated three different inverted-weir screens over a range of strewn (0.24-1.77 m(3)/s) and diversion flows (0.10-0.31 m(3)/s). Approach velocities (AVs) ranged from 3 to 8 cm/s and sweeping velocities (SVs) from 69 to 143 cm/s. We also evaluated a simple backwatered screen over stream flows of 0.23-0.79 m(3)/s and diversion flows of 0.08-0.32 m(3)/s. The mean SVs for this screen ranged from 15 to 66 cm/s and the mean AVs from 1 to 5 cm/s. The survival rates of fish held for 24 h after passage over these screens exceeded 98%. Overall, the number of fish-screen contacts was low and the injuries related to passage were infrequent and consisted primarily of minor fin injuries. Our results indicate that screens of this type have great potential as safe and effective fish screens for small diversions. Care must be taken, however, to avoid operating conditions that produce shallow or no water over the screen surface, situations of high AVs and low SVs at backwatered screens, and situations producing a localized high AV with spiraling flow.


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For over 3 centuries, diameter-limit harvesting has been a predominant logging method in the northeastern United States. Silvicultural theory asserts that such intensively selective harvesting can lead to genetic degradation. A decrease in softwood productivity has recently been reported in Maine - has a long history of dysgenic selection degraded the genetic resources of Maine softwoods, contributing to a decrease in growth and productivity? This study examines two aspects of potential implications of diameter-limit harvesting: effects on residual phenotypes of red spruce and impacts on genetic diversity of white pine. Radial growth of residual red spruce trees in stands experiencing 50 years of fixed diameter-limit harvesting was measured using annual increment rings and compared with residual red spruce trees in positive selection stands. Trees remaiaing after several rounds of diameter-limit harvesting exhibited sigdicantl y smaller radial sizes throughout their lives, and displayed significantly slower growth rates for the first 80 years of measured growth. These results strongly suggest that the largest and fastest-growing genotypes and their respective gene complexes determining good radial growth have been removed from the diameter-limit stand. Dysgenic selection can be observed in fixed diarneter-limit stands, resulting in a diminished genetic resource and decreased residual stand value. To examine more direct genetic implications of long-term diameter-limit harvesting, microsatellite DNA markers were implemented to study genetic diversity of eastern white pine in Maine. Three age groups of trees were studied: mature trees older than 200 years, juvenile trees 5-30 years old, and embryos. Trees were genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Overall genetic diversity levels of eastern white pine in Maine were extremely high, with an average observed heterozygosity of 0.762. Genetic differentiation was minimal among and between all three age groups, although an excess of heterozygotes was shown in the mature and juvenile groups that was not reflected in the embryo group, which actually had a slight heterozygote deficiency. Allele frequencies did not differ significantly between age groups, but did reveal more rare and low frequency alleles in the embryo groups than in the mature group. Overall, low frequency alleles comprise the largest portion of alleles in the sample population, with no common alleles evident overall. These results suggest that significant genetic degradation has either not occurred for white pine, or that the results of dysgenic selection have not yet emerged. It is clear, however, that selective harvesting could result in a loss of low frequency alleles, which are a primary reserve of evolutionary potential in a species. Implications of these studies affect industrial forestry, regional economics, and ecological concerns for the northeast. Long-term diameter-limit harvesting can lead to a degradation of residual phenotypes, and an overall decrease in stand quality. Potentially, a loss of low frequency, locally adapted alleles could result in a decrease of allelic richness and degradation of the regidnal genetic resource. Decreased genetic variation can lead to seriously limited evolutionary potential of species and ecosystems, particularly in rapidly changing environments. Based on these findings, I recommend a reassessment of any harvesting prescription that includes fixed diameter-limit removals, particularly for species that have low natural genetic diversity levels or a limited natural range, such as red spruce. Maintenance of a healthy genetic reserve can avoid effects of dysgenic harvesting.