8 resultados para Transcendentalism (New England)

em DigitalCommons - The University of Maine Research


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The Carrabassett Valley Sanitary District in Carrabassett Valley, Maine has utilized both a forest spray irrigation system and a Snowfluent™ system for the treatment of their wastewater effluent. This study was designed to evaluate potential changes in soil properties after approximately 20 years of treatment in the forested spray irrigation site and three years of treatment in the field Snowfluent™ site. In addition, grass yield and composition were evaluated on the field study sites. After treatment with effluent or Snowfluent™, soils showed an increase in soil exchangeable Ca, Mg, Na, and K, base saturation, and pH. While most constituents were higher in treated soils, available P was lower in treated soils compared to the controls. This difference was attributed to higher rates of P mineralization from soil organic matter due to an irrigation effect of the treatment, depleting available P pools despite the P addition with the treatment. Most of the differences due to treatment were greatest at the surface and diminished with depth. Depth patterns in soil properties mostly reflected the decreasing influence of organic matter and its decomposition products with depth as evidenced by significantly higher total C in the surface compared to lower horizons. There were decreasing concentrations of total N, and exchangeable or extractable Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Zn, and P with depth. In addition, there was decreasing BS with depth, driven primarily by declining exchangeable Ca and Mg. Imgation with Snowfluent™ altered the chemical composition of the grass on the site. All element concentrations were significantly higher in the grass foliage except for Ca. The differences were attributed to the additional nutrients and moisture derived from the Snowfluent™. The use of forest spray imgation and Snowfluent™ as a wastewater treatment strategy appears to work well. The soil and vegetation were able to retain most of the applied nutrients, and do not appear to be moving toward saturation. Vegetation management may be a key tool for managing nutrient accumulation on the grass sites as the system ages.


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We present a series of three-dimensional numerical models investigating the effects of metamorphic strengthening and weakening on the geodynamic evolution of convergent orogens that are constrained by observations from an exposed mid-crustal section in the New England Appalachians. The natural mid-crustal section records evidence for spatially and temporally variable mid-crustal strength as a function of metamorphic grade during prograde polymetamorphism. Our models address changes in strain rate partitioning and topographic uplift as a function of strengthening/weakening in the middle crust, as well as the resultant changes in deformation kinematics and potential exhumation patterns of high-grade metamorphic rock. Results suggest that strengthening leads to strain rate partitioning around the zone and suppressed topographic uplift rates whereas weakening leads to strain rate partitioning into the zone and enhanced topographic uplift rates. Deformation kinematics recorded in the orogen are also affected by strengthening/weakening, with complete reversals in shear sense occurring as a function of strengthening/weakening without changes in plate boundary kinematics.


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Ships’ protests have been used for centuries as legal documents to record and detail damages and indemnify Captains from fault. We use them in this article, along with data extracted through forensic synoptic analysis (McNally, 1994, 2004) to identify a tropical or subtropical system in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1785. They are shown to be viable sources of meteorological information. By comparing a damaging storm in New England in 1996, which included an offshore tropical system, with one reconstructed in 1785, we demonstrate that the tropical system identified in a ship’s protest played a significant role in the 1785 storm. With both forensic reconstruction and anecdotal evidence, we are able to assess that these storms are remarkably identical. The recurrence rate calculated in previous studies of the 1996 storm is 400–500 years. We suggest that reconstruction of additional years in the 1700s would provide the basis for a reanalysis of recurrence rates, with implications for future insurance and reinsurance rates. The application of the methodology to this new data source can also be used for extension of the hurricane database in the North Atlantic basin, and elsewhere, much further back into history than is currently available.


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Throughout the New England and Corner Rise seamounts of the western North Atlantic Ocean, several ophiuroid species are conspicuously epizoic on octocorals. One species, Ophiocreas oedipus, was found only on the chrysogorgiid octocoral Metallogorgia melanotrichos. Colonies of M. melanotrichos were collected from 11 seamounts during expeditions in 2003, 2004, and 2005 at depths between 1300 and 2200 m. O. oedipus is obligately associated with M. melanotrichos, leading a solitary existence on all octocorals observed. Evidence suggests that a young brittle star settles directly on a young octocoral and the 2 species then grow, mature, and senesce together. The brittle star benefits directly by being above the bottom for suspension feeding and is passively protected by the octocoral, but the latter, as far as we have been able to determine, Seems neither to benefit nor be disadvantaged by the relationship.


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Exploration of the New England and Corner Rise Seamounts produced four new species of chrysogorgild octocorals with the spiral iridogorgiid growth form. Three species are described as new in the genus iridogorgia and one is described in the new genus Rhodaniridogoigia. Both genera have representatives in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Iridogorgia magnispiralis sp. nov., is one of the largest octocorals encountered in the deep sea and seems to be widespread in the Atlantic.


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Two new species belonging to the precious coral genus Corallium were collected during a series of exploratory cruises to the New England and Corner Rise Seamounts in 2003-2005. One red species, Corallium bathyrubrum sp. nov., and one white species, C. bayeri sp. nov., are described. Corallium bathyrubrum is the first red Corallium to be reported from the western Atlantic. An additional species, C. niobe Bayer, 1964 originally described from the Straits of Florida, was also collected and its description augmented.


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Insufficient and unrepresentative participation in voluntary public hearings and policy discussions has been problematic since Aristotle's time. In fisheries, research has shown that involvement is dominated by financially resourceful and extreme-opinion stakeholders and tends to advantage groups that have a lower cost of attendance. Stakeholders may exhibit only one or all of these traits but can be still similarly advantaged. The opposites of these traits tend to characterize the disadvantaged, such as the middle-ground opinions, the less wealthy or organized, and the more remote stakeholders. Remoteness or distance is the most straightforward and objective of these characteristics to measure. We analyzed the New England Fishery Management Council's sign-in sheets for 2003-2006, estimating participants' travel distance and associations with the groundfish, scallop, and herring industries. We also evaluated the representativeness of participation by comparing attendance to landings and permit distributions. The distance analysis showed a significant correlation between attendance levels and costs via travel distance. These results suggest a potential bias toward those stakeholders residing closer to meeting locations, possibly disadvantaging parties who are further and must incur higher costs. However, few significant differences were found between the actual fishing industry and attendee distributions, suggesting that the geographical distribution of the meeting attendees is statistically similar to that of the larger fishery. The interpretation of these results must take into consideration the limited time span of the analysis, as policy changes may have altered the industry make-up and location prior to our study. Furthermore, the limited geographical input of stakeholders may lend bias to the Council's perception of ecological and social conditions throughout the spatial range of the fishery. These factors should be further considered in the policy-formation process in order to incorporate a broader range of stakeholder input.


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Some aspects of the reproductive biology of the polychaete Gorgoniapolynoe caeciliae have been described for the first time. Gorgoniapolynoe caeciliae is a deep-sea commensal species associated with Candidella imbricala, all octocoral that populates the New England Seamount chain. Gorgoniapolynoe caeciliae is a dioccious species with an equal sex ratio and fertile segments throughout most of the adult body. The gonads of both sexes are associated with genital blood vessels emerging from the posterior surface of most intersegmental septa. In the female, oogenesis is intraovarian with oocytes being retained within the ovary until vitellogenesis is completed. The largest female examined contained over 3000 eggs with a maximum diameter of 80-90 mu m. In the male, the testes are repeated in numerous segments and consist of small clusters of spermatogonia, spermatocytes and early spermatids associated with the walls of the genital blood vessels. Early spermatids are shed into the coelom where they complete differentiation into mature ect-aquasperm with a spherical head (4 mu m), a small cap-like acrosome, and a short mid-piece with four mitochondria. Indirect evidence suggests that this species is an annual breeder that releases its gametes into seawater and produces a planktotrophic larva following fertilization. The reproductive biology of G. caeciliae is consistent with that of most other polynoids including many shallow water species suggesting that phylogenetic history strongly shapes its biology.